176 lines
4.3 KiB
176 lines
4.3 KiB
header("Content-Type: application/xml");
require_once "config.php";
require_once "functions.php";
require_once "magpierss/rss_fetch.inc";
$link = pg_connect(DB_CONN);
pg_query("set client_encoding = 'utf-8'");
$op = $_GET["op"];
if ($op == "feeds") {
$result = pg_query("SELECT *,
(SELECT count(id) FROM ttrss_entries
WHERE feed_id = ttrss_feeds.id) AS total,
(SELECT count(id) FROM ttrss_entries
WHERE feed_id = ttrss_feeds.id AND unread = true) as unread
FROM ttrss_feeds ORDER BY title");
print "<table width=\"100%\" class=\"feeds\">";
$lnum = 0;
while ($line = pg_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$feed = $line["title"];
$feed_id = $line["id"];
$total = $line["total"];
$unread = $line["unread"];
$class = ($lnum % 2) ? "even" : "odd";
if ($unread > 0) $class .= "Unread";
print "<tr class=\"$class\" id=\"FEEDR-$feed_id\">";
$feed = "<a href=\"javascript:viewfeed($feed_id, 0);\">$feed</a>";
print "<td id=\"FEEDN-$feed_id\">$feed</td>";
print "<td id=\"FEEDU-$feed_id\">$unread</td>";
print "<td id=\"FEEDT-$feed_id\">$total</td>";
print "</tr>";
print "<tr><td class=\"footer\" colspan=\"3\">
<a href=\"javascript:update_feed_list()\">Update all feeds</a></td></tr>";
print "</table>";
if ($op == "view") {
$id = $_GET["id"];
$result = pg_query("UPDATE ttrss_entries SET unread = false WHERE id = '$id'");
$result = pg_query("SELECT title,link,content FROM ttrss_entries
WHERE id = '$id'");
if ($result) {
$line = pg_fetch_assoc($result);
print "<table class=\"feedOverview\">";
print "<tr><td><b>Title:</b></td><td>".$line["title"]."</td></tr>";
print "<tr><td><b>Link:</b></td><td><a href=\"".$line["link"]."\">".$line["link"]."</a></td></tr>";
print "</table>";
print $line["content"];
if ($op == "viewfeed") {
$feed = $_GET["feed"];
$skip = $_GET["skip"];
$ext = $_GET["ext"];
if ($ext == "undefined") $ext = "";
$result = pg_query("SELECT *,
EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM NOW()) - EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM last_updated) as update_timeout
FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = '$feed'");
if ($result) {
$line = pg_fetch_assoc($result);
if (!$ext && $line["update_timeout"] > MIN_UPDATE_TIME) {
update_rss_feed($link, $line["feed_url"], $feed);
} else {
if ($ext == "MarkAllRead") {
pg_query("UPDATE ttrss_entries SET unread = false
WHERE feed_id = '$feed'");
print "<table class=\"headlines\" width=\"100%\">";
print "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" class=\"title\">" . $line["title"] . "</td></tr>";
$result = pg_query("SELECT id,title,updated,unread,feed_id FROM
ttrss_entries WHERE
feed_id = '$feed' ORDER BY updated LIMIT ".HEADLINES_PER_PAGE." OFFSET $skip");
$lnum = 0;
while ($line = pg_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$class = ($lnum % 2) ? "even" : "odd";
if ($line["unread"] == "t")
$class .= "Unread";
$content_link = "<a href=\"javascript:view(".$line["id"].",".$line["feed_id"].");\">".$line["title"]."</a>";
print "<tr class='$class' id='RROW-".$line["id"]."'>";
print "<td class='headlineUpdated'>".$line["updated"]."</td>";
print "<td class='headlineTitle'>$content_link</td>";
print "</tr>";
print "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" class=\"headlineToolbar\">";
$next_skip = $skip + HEADLINES_PER_PAGE;
$prev_skip = $skip - HEADLINES_PER_PAGE;
print "<a class=\"button\"
href=\"javascript:viewfeed($feed, $prev_skip);\">Previous Page</a>";
print " ";
print "<a class=\"button\"
href=\"javascript:viewfeed($feed, $next_skip);\">Next Page</a>";
print " ";
print "<a class=\"button\"
href=\"javascript:viewfeed($feed, 0, 'MarkAllRead');\">Mark all as read</a>";
print "</td></tr>";
print "</table>";
$result = pg_query("SELECT id, (SELECT count(id) FROM ttrss_entries
WHERE feed_id = ttrss_feeds.id) AS total,
(SELECT count(id) FROM ttrss_entries
WHERE feed_id = ttrss_feeds.id AND unread = true) as unread
FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = '$feed'");
$total = pg_fetch_result($result, 0, "total");
$unread = pg_fetch_result($result, 0, "unread");
print "<div class=\"invisible\" id=\"FACTIVE\">$feed</div>";
print "<div class=\"invisible\" id=\"FTOTAL\">$total</div>";
print "<div class=\"invisible\" id=\"FUNREAD\">$unread</div>";