Anders Kaseorg 6887a0f573 lib: Upgrade Dojo and Dijit from 1.8.3 to 1.12.1
The itemNode and expandoNode elements have changed from img to
span (, so we now put our
tree icons inside them rather than replacing them.

Signed-off-by: Anders Kaseorg <>
2017-01-21 13:22:14 -05:00

379 lines
23 KiB

// General
@primary-color: #cfe5fa; // Base color for entire theme
@secondary-color: #efefef; // Base color for bar-backgrounds
@text-color: #000; // Text color for enabled widgets
@disabled-color: #d3d3d3; // Base for disabled backgrounds and borders
@error-color: #d46464;
@container-background-color:#fff; // Backgrounds for various content areas such as TitlePane, ContentPane and Inputs (if changed, adjust selected tab to match)
@minor-selected-color: spin(saturate(darken(@primary-color, 6), 19), 0); // Color for various arrows and buttons
@base-border-color: spin(desaturate(darken(@primary-color, 29), 44), -1); // Augmented and used directly by variables to create border colors for various widgets
@unfocused-clickable-color: spin(saturate(lighten(@primary-color, 5), 10), 0); // Background color for enabled buttons, text inputs
@border-color: spin(desaturate(darken(@primary-color, 15), 67), 8); // Border color for (enabled, unhovered) TextBox, Slider, Accordion, BorderContainer, TabContainer
@minor-border-color: @disabled-color; // Color of borders inside widgets: horizontal line in Calendar between weeks, around color swatches in ColorPalette, above Dialog action bar
@popup-border-color: @base-border-color; // Border for Dialog, Menu, Tooltip. Must also update tooltip.png (the arrow image file) to match
@disabled-border-color: @disabled-color; // Border color for disabled/readonly Button, TextBox etc. widgets
@disabled-background-color: @secondary-color; // Disabled button, textbox, etc.
@disabled-text-color: darken(@secondary-color, 43); // Text color for disabled/readonly widgets
@unselected-background-color: @secondary-color; // Background color for unselected/unopened tab button, accordion pane, TitlePane, Menu items
@unselected-text-color: darken(@secondary-color, 65); // Text color for unselected/unopened tab button, accordion pane, TitlePane, Menu items
@hovered-border-color: @base-border-color; // Hover of textbox, tab label, BorderContainer splitter, Calendar, etc.
@hovered-background-color: @minor-selected-color; // Background color for hover of Button, MenuBar, Accordion pane, Calendar... anything that has a (non-white) color to start with and gets darker on hover
@hovered-text-color: @text-color; // Used for title of select Accordion pane, label of select tab, hovered Menu item, etc.
@pressed-border-color: @base-border-color; // During click on Calendar day, Slider up/down buttons, tab button, etc.
@pressed-background-color: spin(saturate(darken(@primary-color, 16), 12), 0); // Background color while clicking on Accordion/TitlePane title bar, tab button, Calendar day, Toolbar button, Tree row.
@selected-border-color: @base-border-color; // Selected AccordionPane, tab of nested TabContainer (but plain TabContainer is special)
@selected-background-color: @primary-color; // Selected Accordion pane, nested tab label, Tree row
@selected-text-color: @text-color; // title of selected Accordion pane, label of selected tab, hovered Menu item, etc.
@bar-background-color: @secondary-color; // MenuBar, Toolbar, action bar at bottom of dialog
@pane-background-color: @container-background-color; // Background color of Accordion panes, Dialogs, etc.
@popup-background-color: @container-background-color; // Background for Dialog. TODO: currently use for ColorPalette, maybe should change.
// Buttons
@button-border-color: @base-border-color; // Border for (stand-alone) buttons in normal, hovered, or active state
@button-background-color: @unfocused-clickable-color; // Background color for (unhovered) buttons
@button-hovered-background-color: @minor-selected-color; // Background color for hovered buttons
@button-pressed-background-color: @minor-selected-color; // Background color for active buttons
@button-border-radius: 4px; // Rounded corner radius for buttons (except in toolbar)
// Input widgets
@focused-border-color: @base-border-color; // Focused textbox, editor, select, etc.
@error-border-color: @error-color; // Border for textbox in error state
@error-focused-border-color: darken(@error-color, 5); // Border of textbox in error state, and focused
@erroricon-background-color: @error-color; // Background color for exclamation point validation icon (for TextBox in error state)
@textbox-background-color: @container-background-color; // Default background color of TextBox based widgets
@textbox-hovered-background-color: @unfocused-clickable-color; // Background color when hovering a unfocused TextBox, Select, Editor, or other input widget
@textbox-focused-background-color: @textbox-background-color;
@textbox-error-background-color: @textbox-background-color;
@textbox-disabled-background-color: @disabled-background-color;
@textbox-padding: 2px; // Padding for Textbox, Textarea, etc.
// CheckBox, RadioButton
@focus-outline-color: darken(@secondary-color, 65); // Color for artificial focus outline around labels of checkboxes
// TabContainer
@nestedtab-hovered-background-color: @unfocused-clickable-color;
@nestedtab-hovered-border-color: @primary-color;
@nestedtab-selected-border-color: @selected-border-color;
@nestedtab-selected-background-color: @minor-selected-color;
@tab-disabled-background-color: @disabled-color; // For disabled tabs of a TabContainer (not officially supported)
// Arrow buttons (stand alone, or inside ComboBox / ComboButton / Spinner / etc.
@arrowbutton-background-color: @secondary-color;
@arrowbutton-hovered-background-color: @minor-selected-color; // Color of arrow when hovering ComboBox. But hovering Spinner doesn't change arrow color (TODO)
@arrowbutton-pressed-background-color: @minor-selected-color;
@arrowbutton-inner-border-color: @container-background-color; // Typically the arrows have an inner white border (a.k.a. padding) and then an outer black-ish border
// Slider
// Note: any changes here require corresponding changes in form/images/sliderThumbs.png
@slider-fullbar-background-color: @primary-color; // Background color for part of slider bar before (to the left or below) the handle
@slider-remainingbar-background-color: @container-background-color; // Background color for part of slider bar after (to the right or above) the handle
@slider-hovered-fullbar-background-color: @minor-selected-color; // Background color for part of bar of hovered slider before (to the left or below) the handle
@slider-hovered-remainingbar-background-color: @container-background-color; // Background color for part of bar of hovered slider after (to the right or above) the handle
@slider-hoveredButton-background-color: @container-background-color; // Background color of slider increment/decrement buttons when mouse is over slider but not over the buttons
@slider-focused-fullbar-background-color: @minor-selected-color; // Background color for part of bar of focused slider before (to the left or below) the handle
@slider-focused-remainingbar-background-color: @container-background-color; // Background color for part of bar of focused slider after (to the right or above) the handle
@slider-button-hovered-background-color: @primary-color; // Background color of slider increment/decrement buttons when mouse is over the buttons
@slider-button-pressed-background-color: @minor-selected-color; // Background color of slider increment/decrement buttons while button is depressed
// Select, ComboBox
@select-dropdownitem-background-color: @container-background-color; // Background color for items in the drop down list of a ComboBox/Select
@select-dropdownitem-hovered-background-color: @pressed-background-color; // Background color for the hovered item in the drop down list of a ComboBox/Select
@select-matchedtext-background-color: @minor-selected-color; // Background color of text in ComboBox drop down that matches typed in phrase
// Menus
@menu-background-color: @popup-background-color;
// Calendar
@calendar-background-color: @primary-color;
@calendar-currentmonth-background-color: @container-background-color; // Background color for days of the current month
@calendar-adjacentmonth-background-color: @unfocused-clickable-color; // Background color used for days from previous or next month
@calendar-adjacentmonth-text-color: @base-border-color; // Text color used for days from previous or next month
@calendar-date-pressed-border-color: @container-background-color; // For some reason pressing a day of the month (as opposed to hovering it) makes the border go away, is this intentional?
@calendar-date-pressed-background-color: @pressed-background-color;
@calendar-date-selected-border-color: @selected-border-color;
@calendar-date-selected-background-color: @minor-selected-color;
@calendar-button-hovered-background-color: @unfocused-clickable-color; // for hover or next/previous year, and month drop down (TODO: border and background are built in to calendarArrows.png, can't control from here)
@calendar-button-hovered-border-color: @container-background-color; // for hover or next/previous year, and month drop down
@calendar-button-pressed-background-color: @pressed-background-color;
@calendar-button-pressed-border-color: @pressed-border-color;
// ProgressBar
@progressbar-border-color: @popup-border-color; // Border color of progress bar
@progressbar-full-background-color:@minor-selected-color; // Background color for part of progress bar indicating amount completed
@progressbar-empty-background-color: @container-background-color; // Background color for part of progress bar indicating amount remaining
@progressbar-text-color: @text-color; // Color of progress bar text (ex: "35%"). Must contrast with both empty and full background colors.
// TimePicker
@timepicker-minorvalue-background-color: @secondary-color; // For 3:15, 3:30, 3:45 but not 3:00 or 4:00
@timepicker-minorvalue-text-color: darken(@secondary-color, 43);
@timepicker-majorvalue-background-color: @unfocused-clickable-color; // For 3:00, 4:00, 5:00, etc.
@timepicker-value-hovered-background-color: @pressed-background-color;
@timepicker-value-hovered-text-color: @hovered-text-color;
@timepicker-arrow-hovered-background-color: @minor-selected-color;
// ColorPalette
@colorpalette-background-color: @container-background-color;
@swatch-border-color: @minor-border-color;
@swatch-hovered-border-color: #000;
@swatch-selected-border-color: #000;
// Dialog
@dialog-underlay-color: @container-background-color; // the thing that grays out the screen when a dialog is shown
@dialog-titlebar-border-color: @container-background-color; // Inner border around the title sectionof a Dialog, inside the main border of the Dialog and the border between title and content
@dialog-titlebar-background-color: @minor-selected-color;
// Tooltip
@tooltip-gradient-color: fade(@primary-color,10%); // a little swath of color at the bottom of tooltips
// BorderContainer
@splitter-hovered-background-color: @primary-color; // Color of splitter when user hovers it, before mouse down
@splitter-dragged-background-color: @minor-selected-color; // Color of splitter while it's being dragged
// Toolbar
@toolbar-button-checked-background-color: @container-background-color; // a toggled-on button in the toolbar
@toolbar-combobutton-hovered-unhoveredsection-background-color: spin(saturate(lighten(@primary-color, 8), 19), -29); // when user hovers a ComboButton in a Toolbar, the other half of the button turns this color
@toolbar-button-border-radius: 2px; // Rounded corner radius for buttons for buttons in toolbar
// DnD
@dnd-avatar-background-color: @container-background-color; // Background color of little Dialog-type box indicating dragged items
@dnd-avatar-header-background-color: #f58383; // Title bar for dragged items
@dnd-avatar-candrop-header-background-color: #97e68d;// Title bar for dragged items when they can be dropped
@dnd-dropseparator-color: @base-border-color; // Color of line indicating that user is about to drop between items A & B
// Document level
@document-text-color: #131313; // Text color for document itself (text outside of widgets)
@document-shadedsection-background-color: @bar-background-color;// background color used for <pre>, <code>, and table header rows
@document-border-color: @disabled-color; // Border for <pre>, <code>, tables, etc.
// Icons, arrows, etc.
@image-arrow-sprite: "images/spriteArrows.png";
@image-calendar-arrows: "images/calendarArrows.png";
@image-calendar-arrows-ie6: "images/calendarArrows8bit.png";
@image-checkmark: "images/checkmarkNoBorder.png";
@image-checkmark-ie6: "images/checkmarkNoBorder.gif";
@image-dialog-close: "images/dialogCloseIcon.png";
@image-dialog-close-ie6: "images/dialogCloseIcon8bit.png";
@image-dnd: "images/dnd.png";
@image-editor-icons-enabled: "../../icons/images/editorIconsEnabled.png";
@image-form-button-arrows: "form/images/buttonArrows.png";
@image-form-checkbox-and-radios: "form/images/checkboxRadioButtonStates.png";
@image-form-checkbox-and-radios-ie6: "form/images/checkboxAndRadioButtons_IE6.png";
@image-form-common-arrows: "form/images/commonFormArrows.png";
@image-form-error: "form/images/error.png";
@image-form-slider-thumbs: "form/images/sliderThumbs.png";
@image-layout-tab-close: "layout/images/tabClose.png"; // [x] icon to close a tab
@image-loading-animation: "../../icons/images/loadingAnimation.gif";
@image-loading-animation-rtl: "../../icons/images/loadingAnimation_rtl.gif";
@image-tooltip: "images/tooltip.png"; // arrow connectors
@image-tooltip-ie6: "images/tooltip8bit.png"; // arrow connectors (8 bit)
@image-tree-expand: "images/treeExpandImages.png";
@image-tree-expand-ie6: "images/treeExpandImages8bit.png";
@image-progressbar-anim: "images/progressBarAnim.gif";
// Mixins
.border-radius (@radius) {
-moz-border-radius: @radius;
border-radius: @radius;
.box-shadow (@value) {
-webkit-box-shadow: @value;
-moz-box-shadow: @value;
box-shadow: @value;
.transition-property (@value) {
-webkit-transition-property: @value;
-moz-transition-property: @value;
transition-property: @value;
.transition-property (@value1, @value2) {
-webkit-transition-property: @value1, @value2;
-moz-transition-property: @value1, @value2;
transition-property: @value1, @value2;
.transition-duration (@value) {
-webkit-transition-duration: @value;
-moz-transition-duration: @value;
transition-duration: @value;
.transition-duration (@value1, @value2) {
-webkit-transition-duration: @value1, @value2;
-moz-transition-duration: @value1, @value2;
transition-duration: @value1, @value2;
.transition-timing-function (@value) {
-webkit-transition-timing-function: @value;
-moz-transition-timing-function: @value;
transition-timing-function: @value;
.linear-gradient (@value1, @value2) {
// summary:
// Expands to browser specific background-image specifications for a linear-gradient (2 stops)
background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(@value1, @value2); // FF3.6 - FF15 (FF16+ supports linear-gradient)
background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(@value1, @value2); // Chrome10+, Safari5.1+
background-image: -o-linear-gradient(@value1, @value2); // Opera 11.10+
background-image: linear-gradient(@value1, @value2);
.linear-gradient (@value1, @value2, @value3) {
background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(@value1, @value2, @value3); // FF3.6 - FF15 (FF16+ supports linear-gradient)
background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(@value1, @value2, @value3); // Chrome10+, Safari5.1+
background-image: -o-linear-gradient(@value1, @value2, @value3); // Opera 11.10+
background-image: linear-gradient(@value1, @value2, @value3);
.linear-gradient (@value1, @value2, @value3, @value4) {
background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(@value1, @value2, @value3, @value4); // FF3.6 - FF15 (FF16+ supports linear-gradient)
background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(@value1, @value2, @value3, @value4); // Chrome10+, Safari5.1+
background-image: -o-linear-gradient(@value1, @value2, @value3, @value4); // Opera 11.10+
background-image: linear-gradient(@value1, @value2, @value3, @value4);
.linear-gradient (@value1, @value2, @value3, @value4, @value5) {
background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(@value1, @value2, @value3, @value4, @value5); // FF3.6 - FF15 (FF16+ supports linear-gradient)
background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(@value1, @value2, @value3, @value4, @value5); // Chrome10+, Safari5.1+
background-image: -o-linear-gradient(@value1, @value2, @value3, @value4, @value5); // Opera 11.10+
background-image: linear-gradient(@value1, @value2, @value3, @value4, @value5);
.linear-gradient (@value1, @value2, @value3, @value4, @value5, @value6) {
background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(@value1, @value2, @value3, @value4, @value5, @value6); // FF3.6 - FF15 (FF16+ supports linear-gradient)
background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(@value1, @value2, @value3, @value4, @value5, @value6); // Chrome10+, Safari5.1+
background-image: -o-linear-gradient(@value1, @value2, @value3, @value4, @value5, @value6); // Opera 11.10+
background-image: linear-gradient(@value1, @value2, @value3, @value4, @value5, @value6);
.linear-gradient (@value1, @value2, @value3, @value4, @value5, @value6, @value7) {
background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(@value1, @value2, @value3, @value4, @value5, @value6, @value7); // FF3.6 - FF15 (FF16+ supports linear-gradient)
background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(@value1, @value2, @value3, @value4, @value5, @value6, @value7); // Chrome10+, Safari5.1+
background-image: -o-linear-gradient(@value1, @value2, @value3, @value4, @value5, @value6, @value7); // Opera 11.10+
background-image: linear-gradient(@value1, @value2, @value3, @value4, @value5, @value6, @value7);
.alpha-white-gradient (@opacity1, @stop1, @opacity2, @stop2) {
// summary:
// For setting up white background-image with variable transparency.
// example:
// Gradient starts at top (0%) with 30% opacity, and then ends at bottom (100%) with full transparency
// | .alpha-white-gradient(0.3, 0%, 0, 100%)
.linear-gradient(rgba(255,255,255,@opacity1) @stop1, rgba(255,255,255,@opacity2) @stop2);
.alpha-white-gradient (@start, @opacity1, @stop1, @opacity2, @stop2) {
.linear-gradient(@start, rgba(255,255,255,@opacity1) @stop1, rgba(255,255,255,@opacity2) @stop2);
.alpha-white-gradient (@opacity1, @stop1, @opacity2, @stop2, @opacity3, @stop3) {
.linear-gradient(rgba(255,255,255,@opacity1) @stop1, rgba(255,255,255,@opacity2) @stop2, rgba(255,255,255, @opacity3) @stop3);
.alpha-white-gradient (@start, @opacity1, @stop1, @opacity2, @stop2, @opacity3, @stop3) {
.linear-gradient(@start, rgba(255,255,255,@opacity1) @stop1, rgba(255,255,255,@opacity2) @stop2, rgba(255,255,255, @opacity3) @stop3);
.alpha-white-gradient (@opacity1, @stop1, @opacity2, @stop2, @opacity3, @stop3, @opacity4, @stop4) {
.linear-gradient(rgba(255,255,255,@opacity1) @stop1, rgba(255,255,255,@opacity2) @stop2, rgba(255,255,255, @opacity3) @stop3, rgba(255,255,255, @opacity4) @stop4);
.alpha-white-gradient (@start, @opacity1, @stop1, @opacity2, @stop2, @opacity3, @stop3, @opacity4, @stop4) {
.linear-gradient(@start, rgba(255,255,255,@opacity1) @stop1, rgba(255,255,255,@opacity2) @stop2, rgba(255,255,255, @opacity3) @stop3, rgba(255,255,255, @opacity4) @stop4);
.alpha-white-gradient (@start, @opacity1, @stop1, @opacity2, @stop2, @opacity3, @stop3, @opacity4, @stop4, @opacity5, @stop5) {
.linear-gradient(@start, rgba(255,255,255,@opacity1) @stop1, rgba(255,255,255,@opacity2) @stop2, rgba(255,255,255, @opacity3) @stop3, rgba(255,255,255, @opacity4) @stop4, rgba(255,255,255, @opacity5) @stop5);
.alpha-white-gradient (@start, @opacity1, @stop1, @opacity2, @stop2, @opacity3, @stop3, @opacity4, @stop4, @opacity5, @stop5, @opacity6, @stop6) {
.linear-gradient(@start, rgba(255,255,255,@opacity1) @stop1, rgba(255,255,255,@opacity2) @stop2, rgba(255,255,255, @opacity3) @stop3, rgba(255,255,255, @opacity4) @stop4, rgba(255,255,255, @opacity5) @stop5, rgba(255,255,255, @opacity6) @stop6);
.gradient-and-filter (@color, @fade1, @fade2) {
// summary:
// Sets up a background color with a vertical gradient.
// In order to make transitions work properly on mozilla and webkit, this is done by combining
// a background-color which will be changed based on state (ex: hover) with a constant
// white alpha-transparency background-image. On IE it creates a DXImageTransform filter.
// @color:
// The color
// @fade1:
// The percent to fade at the top
// @fade2:
// The percent to fade at the bottom
background-color: @color; // the base color
.linear-gradient(fadeout(#fff, 100-@fade1), fadeout(#fff, 100-@fade2));
filter: ~"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr="lighten(@color, @fade1)~", endColorstr="lighten(@color, @fade2)~")"; // IE
.horizontal-gradient-and-filter (@color, @fade1, @fade2) {
// summary:
// Sets up a background color with a horizontal gradient.
// In order to make transitions work properly on mozilla and webkit, this is done by combining
// a background-color which will be changed based on state (ex: hover) with a constant
// white alpha-transparency background-image. On IE it creates a DXImageTransform filter.
// @color:
// The color
// @fade1:
// The percent to fade at the top
// @fade2:
// The percent to fade at the bottom
background-color: @color; // the base color
.linear-gradient(left, fadeout(#fff, 100-@fade1), fadeout(#fff, 100-@fade2));
filter: ~"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr="lighten(@color, @fade1)~", endColorstr="lighten(@color, @fade2)~"gradientType=1)"; // IE
// Mixins defining gradients
.textbox-background-image () {
// summary:
// Background image used for hovered TextBoxes and similar controls.
// It's just a small inset shadow below the top border (inside of the TextBox).
.linear-gradient(rgba(127,127,127,0.2) 0%, rgba(127,127,127,0) 2px);
.standard-gradient (@pathToRoot: "") {
// summary:
// Light to dark background-image used by widgets with short height (~16px) including:
// - MenuBar, and hovered MenuItem/MenuBarItem
// - arrow icon wrapper for Select, ComboBox, Spinner
// - Toolbar and hovered Toolbar buttons
// - TitlePane title bar, AccordionContainer title bar, Dialog title bar
// Fallback for IE
background-image: url("@{pathToRoot}images/standardGradient.png");
background-repeat: repeat-x;
// CSS gradient for other browsers
.alpha-white-gradient(0.7, 0%, 0, 100%);
// IE6 can't handle a background-image with transparency and a background-color; the color is blocked out
_background-image: none;
.active-gradient (@pathToRoot: "") {
// summary:
// Light to dark background-image with an inset gray shadow at the top,
// used by widgets when they are active (ie: mousedown) or selected, including:
// - active MenuItem/MenuBarItem
// - arrow icon wrapper for Select, ComboBox, Spinner when active or drop down is open
// - active Toolbar buttons
// - active TitlePane title bar, AccordionContainer title bar
// Fallback for IE
background-image: url("@{pathToRoot}images/activeGradient.png");
background-repeat: repeat-x;
// CSS gradient for other browsers
.linear-gradient(rgba(190,190,190,0.98) 0px, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.65) 3px, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) 100%);
// IE6 can't handle a background-image with transparency and a background-color; the color is blocked out
_background-image: none;