223 lines
7.1 KiB
223 lines
7.1 KiB
define("dijit/_editor/html", [
"dojo/_base/lang", // lang.setObject
"dojo/sniff" // has("ie")
], function(array, lang, has){
// module:
// dijit/_editor/html
// summary:
// HTML serialization utility functions used by editor
var exports = {};
lang.setObject("dijit._editor.html", exports);
var escape = exports.escapeXml = function(/*String*/ str, /*Boolean?*/ noSingleQuotes){
// summary:
// Adds escape sequences for special characters in XML: `&<>"'`.
// Optionally skips escapes for single quotes.
str = str.replace(/&/gm, "&").replace(/</gm, "<").replace(/>/gm, ">").replace(/"/gm, """);
str = str.replace(/'/gm, "'");
return str; // string
exports.getNodeHtml = function(/*DomNode*/ node){
// summary:
// Return string representing HTML for node and it's children
var output = [];
exports.getNodeHtmlHelper(node, output);
return output.join("");
exports.getNodeHtmlHelper = function(/*DomNode*/ node, /*String[]*/ output){
// summary:
// Pushes array of strings into output[] which represent HTML for node and it's children
case 1: // element node
var lName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase();
if(!lName || lName.charAt(0) == "/"){
// IE does some strange things with malformed HTML input, like
// treating a close tag </span> without an open tag <span>, as
// a new tag with tagName of /span. Corrupts output HTML, remove
// them. Other browsers don't prefix tags that way, so will
// never show up.
return "";
output.push('<', lName);
// store the list of attributes and sort it to have the
// attributes appear in the dictionary order
var attrarray = [], attrhash = {};
var attr;
if(has("dom-attributes-explicit") || has("dom-attributes-specified-flag")){
// IE8+ and all other browsers.
var i = 0;
while((attr = node.attributes[i++])){
// ignore all attributes starting with _dj which are
// internal temporary attributes used by the editor
var n = attr.name;
if(n.substr(0,3) !== '_dj' &&
(!has("dom-attributes-specified-flag") || attr.specified) &&
!(n in attrhash)){ // workaround repeated attributes bug in IE8 (LinkDialog test)
var v = attr.value;
if(n == 'src' || n == 'href'){
v = node.getAttribute('_djrealurl');
if(has("ie") === 8 && n === "style"){
v = v.replace("HEIGHT:", "height:").replace("WIDTH:", "width:");
attrhash[n] = v;
// IE6-7 code path
var clone = /^input$|^img$/i.test(node.nodeName) ? node : node.cloneNode(false);
var s = clone.outerHTML;
// Split up and manage the attrs via regexp
// similar to prettyPrint attr logic.
var rgxp_attrsMatch = /[\w-]+=("[^"]*"|'[^']*'|\S*)/gi
var attrSplit = s.match(rgxp_attrsMatch);
s = s.substr(0, s.indexOf('>'));
array.forEach(attrSplit, function(attr){
var idx = attr.indexOf("=");
if(idx > 0){
var key = attr.substring(0,idx);
if(key.substr(0,3) != '_dj'){
if(key == 'src' || key == 'href'){
var val, match;
case 'style':
val = node.style.cssText.toLowerCase();
case 'class':
val = node.className;
case 'width':
if(lName === "img"){
// This somehow gets lost on IE for IMG tags and the like
// and we have to find it in outerHTML, known IE oddity.
val = match[1];
case 'height':
if(lName === "img"){
// This somehow gets lost on IE for IMG tags and the like
// and we have to find it in outerHTML, known IE oddity.
val = match[1];
val = node.getAttribute(key);
if(val != null){
attrarray.push([key, val.toString()]);
}, this);
return a[0] < b[0] ? -1 : (a[0] == b[0] ? 0 : 1);
var j = 0;
while((attr = attrarray[j++])){
output.push(' ', attr[0], '="',
(typeof attr[1] === "string" ? escape(attr[1], true) : attr[1]), '"');
case 'br':
case 'hr':
case 'img':
case 'input':
case 'base':
case 'meta':
case 'area':
case 'basefont':
// These should all be singly closed
output.push(' />');
case 'script':
// Browsers handle script tags differently in how you get content,
// but innerHTML always seems to work, so insert its content that way
// Yes, it's bad to allow script tags in the editor code, but some people
// seem to want to do it, so we need to at least return them right.
// other plugins/filters can strip them.
output.push('>', node.innerHTML, '</', lName, '>');
exports.getChildrenHtmlHelper(node, output);
output.push('</', lName, '>');
case 4: // cdata
case 3: // text
output.push(escape(node.nodeValue, true));
case 8: // comment
output.push('<!--', escape(node.nodeValue, true), '-->');
output.push("<!-- Element not recognized - Type: ", node.nodeType, " Name: ", node.nodeName, "-->");
exports.getChildrenHtml = function(/*DomNode*/ node){
// summary:
// Returns the html content of a DomNode's children
var output = [];
exports.getChildrenHtmlHelper(node, output);
return output.join("");
exports.getChildrenHtmlHelper = function(/*DomNode*/ dom, /*String[]*/ output){
// summary:
// Pushes the html content of a DomNode's children into out[]
if(!dom){ return; }
var nodes = dom["childNodes"] || dom;
// IE issue.
// If we have an actual node we can check parent relationships on for IE,
// We should check, as IE sometimes builds invalid DOMS. If no parent, we can't check
// And should just process it and hope for the best.
var checkParent = !has("ie") || nodes !== dom;
var node, i = 0;
while((node = nodes[i++])){
// IE is broken. DOMs are supposed to be a tree. But in the case of malformed HTML, IE generates a graph
// meaning one node ends up with multiple references (multiple parents). This is totally wrong and invalid, but
// such is what it is. We have to keep track and check for this because otherwise the source output HTML will have dups.
// No other browser generates a graph. Leave it to IE to break a fundamental DOM rule. So, we check the parent if we can
// If we can't, nothing more we can do other than walk it.
if(!checkParent || node.parentNode == dom){
exports.getNodeHtmlHelper(node, output);
return exports;