which cna have a value of tls, ssl or be empty. This is used for secure SMTP servers. Also added the ability to have multiple email addresses in the to field. Addresses are separated by semicolons (;)
27 Zeilen
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27 Zeilen
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* PHPMailer language file: refer to English translation for definitive list
* Faroese Version [language of the Faroe Islands, a Danish dominion]
* This file created: 11-06-2004
* Supplied by Dávur Sørensen [www.profo-webdesign.dk]
$PHPMAILER_LANG['authenticate'] = 'SMTP feilur: Kundi ikki góðkenna.';
$PHPMAILER_LANG['connect_host'] = 'SMTP feilur: Kundi ikki knýta samband við SMTP vert.';
$PHPMAILER_LANG['data_not_accepted'] = 'SMTP feilur: Data ikki góðkent.';
//$PHPMAILER_LANG['empty_message'] = 'Message body empty';
$PHPMAILER_LANG['encoding'] = 'Ókend encoding: ';
$PHPMAILER_LANG['execute'] = 'Kundi ikki útføra: ';
$PHPMAILER_LANG['file_access'] = 'Kundi ikki tilganga fílu: ';
$PHPMAILER_LANG['file_open'] = 'Fílu feilur: Kundi ikki opna fílu: ';
$PHPMAILER_LANG['from_failed'] = 'fylgjandi Frá/From adressa miseydnaðist: ';
$PHPMAILER_LANG['instantiate'] = 'Kuni ikki instantiera mail funktión.';
//$PHPMAILER_LANG['invalid_address'] = 'Not sending, email address is invalid: ';
$PHPMAILER_LANG['mailer_not_supported'] = ' er ikki supporterað.';
$PHPMAILER_LANG['provide_address'] = 'Tú skal uppgeva minst móttakara-emailadressu(r).';
$PHPMAILER_LANG['recipients_failed'] = 'SMTP Feilur: Fylgjandi móttakarar miseydnaðust: ';
//$PHPMAILER_LANG['signing'] = 'Signing Error: ';
//$PHPMAILER_LANG['smtp_connect_failed'] = 'SMTP Connect() failed.';
//$PHPMAILER_LANG['smtp_error'] = 'SMTP server error: ';
//$PHPMAILER_LANG['variable_set'] = 'Cannot set or reset variable: ';