Database(s) structure ===================== We have a single postgres instance on ``db`` container. ``tt-rss`` has its own database ``tt-rss`` (?). There will be another one for the app that keeps all together. feedati ------- The db structure is, right now, the following: ======== ======= ======= ========= Schema Name Type Owner ======== ======= ======= ========= public users table postgres ======== ======= ======= ========= The following statements create the db and the table: .. code:: sql CREATE DATABASE feedati WITH ENCODING=UTF8 OWNER=postgres; Then create the table: .. code:: sql CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXIST "uuid-ossp"; CREATE TABLE users ( uuid uuid NOT NULL DEFAULT uuid_generate_v1(), email text NOT NULL, pass_hash varchar(512) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT users_pkey PRIMARY KEY (uuid) ); Example table content: ====================================== ============= ============================================================== uuid email pass_hash ====================================== ============= ============================================================== b0abc42e-be71-11e8-a054-0242ac110002 $2a$10$8z35dF9/U6VJzpwDt2.Hm.QT78izNZI.IYSZFYCFQmBykEwWUNajq cff36cba-be71-11e8-a054-0242ac110002 $2a$10$J7slNiXjQexMJXNgaEkeAeUtw7ERwNciM1KVMGwM3X.P/GUk8o7.C ====================================== ============= ==============================================================