#4 filters

Créé il y a 5 ans par boyska · 1 commentaires
boyska a commenté il y a 5 ans

circolog-tail can right now be used with grep and the other typical unix tools, which is good. However, this could be improved with a specialized filter syntax, with which it could be easier to express conditions such as:

  • the program is apache
  • severity is at least warning
  • hostname is webvm and of course logical operators over this.
circolog-tail can right now be used with `grep` and the other typical unix tools, which is good. However, this could be improved with a specialized filter syntax, with which it could be easier to express conditions such as: - the program is `apache` - severity is at least warning - hostname is `webvm` and of course logical operators over this.
boyska a commenté il y a 5 ans

fixed by d1c3c32164

fixed by d1c3c32164457
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