#11 Status subcommand for circologctl

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boyska đã nhập 5 commit từ blallo/statusctl vào [3]s 5 năm trước cách đây

Introduced a status subcommand for circologctl. It offers a -format option with possible values:

  • plain (default); Example output:

    Buffer Length: 1000
    Server Status: unpaused
  • json; Example output:

  • pretty; Example output:

    "status": {
    "size": 1000,
    "running": true
Introduced a `status` subcommand for `circologctl`. It offers a `-format` option with possible values: - `plain` (default); Example output: ``` Buffer Length: 1000 Server Status: unpaused ``` - `json`; Example output: ``` {"status":{"size":1000,"running":true}} ``` - `pretty`; Example output: ``` { "status": { "size": 1000, "running": true } } ```
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