
formattazione con black

boyska 5 年之前
共有 40 個文件被更改,包括 949 次插入811 次删除
  1. 2 0
  2. 16 15
  3. 33 24
  4. 28 21
  5. 29 23
  6. 17 15
  7. 18 13
  8. 12 13
  9. 26 20
  10. 9 8
  11. 15 13
  12. 35 34
  13. 10 8
  14. 5 4
  15. 100 86
  16. 17 19
  17. 4 3
  18. 59 46
  19. 12 9
  20. 16 13
  21. 20 20
  22. 40 23
  23. 6 5
  24. 17 17
  25. 6 6
  26. 79 71
  27. 8 7
  28. 11 11
  29. 3 3
  30. 13 13
  31. 13 11
  32. 21 15
  33. 6 6
  34. 12 9
  35. 47 69
  36. 2 1
  37. 88 64
  38. 36 19
  39. 33 34
  40. 25 20

+ 2 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

+ 16 - 15

@@ -3,23 +3,24 @@ from wtforms import StringField, validators, SubmitField
 class AudioForm(Form):
-    nick = StringField('Audio nick', validators=[validators.required()],
-                       description='A simple name to recognize this audio')
-    urls = StringField('URLs',
-                       validators=[validators.required()],
-                       description='URL of the file to download')
-    submit = SubmitField('Submit')
+    nick = StringField(
+        "Audio nick",
+        validators=[validators.required()],
+        description="A simple name to recognize this audio",
+    )
+    urls = StringField(
+        "URLs",
+        validators=[validators.required()],
+        description="URL of the file to download",
+    )
+    submit = SubmitField("Submit")
     def populate_from_audiospec(self, audiospec):
-        if 'nick' in audiospec:
-            self.nick.data = audiospec['nick']
-        if 'urls' in audiospec:
-            self.urls.data = ';'.join(audiospec['urls'])
+        if "nick" in audiospec:
+            self.nick.data = audiospec["nick"]
+        if "urls" in audiospec:
+            self.urls.data = ";".join(audiospec["urls"])
 def audio_receive(form):
-    return {
-        'kind': 'http',
-        'nick': form.nick.data,
-        'urls': form.urls.data.split(';'),
-    }
+    return {"kind": "http", "nick": form.nick.data, "urls": form.urls.data.split(";")}

+ 33 - 24

@@ -6,40 +6,49 @@ from larigira.formutils import AutocompleteStringField
 class AudioForm(Form):
-    nick = StringField('Audio nick', validators=[validators.required()],
-                       description='A simple name to recognize this audio')
-    path = AutocompleteStringField('dl-suggested-dirs',
-                                   'Path', validators=[validators.required()],
-                                   description='Directory to pick file from')
-    maxage = StringField('Max age',
-                         validators=[validators.required()],
-                         description='in seconds, or human-readable '
-                         '(like 9w3d12h)')
-    submit = SubmitField('Submit')
+    nick = StringField(
+        "Audio nick",
+        validators=[validators.required()],
+        description="A simple name to recognize this audio",
+    )
+    path = AutocompleteStringField(
+        "dl-suggested-dirs",
+        "Path",
+        validators=[validators.required()],
+        description="Directory to pick file from",
+    )
+    maxage = StringField(
+        "Max age",
+        validators=[validators.required()],
+        description="in seconds, or human-readable " "(like 9w3d12h)",
+    )
+    submit = SubmitField("Submit")
     def validate_maxage(self, field):
         except ValueError:
             if timeparse(field.data) is None:
-                raise ValidationError("maxage must either be a number "
-                                      "(in seconds) or a human-readable "
-                                      "string like '1h2m'  or '1d12h'")
+                raise ValidationError(
+                    "maxage must either be a number "
+                    "(in seconds) or a human-readable "
+                    "string like '1h2m'  or '1d12h'"
+                )
     def populate_from_audiospec(self, audiospec):
-        if 'nick' in audiospec:
-            self.nick.data = audiospec['nick']
-        if 'path' in audiospec:
-            self.path.data = audiospec['path']
-        if 'maxage' in audiospec:
-            self.maxage.data = audiospec['maxage']
+        if "nick" in audiospec:
+            self.nick.data = audiospec["nick"]
+        if "path" in audiospec:
+            self.path.data = audiospec["path"]
+        if "maxage" in audiospec:
+            self.maxage.data = audiospec["maxage"]
 def audio_receive(form):
     return {
-        'kind': 'mostrecent',
-        'nick': form.nick.data,
-        'path': form.path.data,
-        'maxage': form.maxage.data,
-        'howmany': 1
+        "kind": "mostrecent",
+        "nick": form.nick.data,
+        "path": form.path.data,
+        "maxage": form.maxage.data,
+        "howmany": 1,

+ 28 - 21

@@ -5,33 +5,40 @@ from larigira.formutils import AutocompleteStringField
 class Form(flask_wtf.Form):
-    nick = StringField('Audio nick', validators=[validators.required()],
-                       description='A simple name to recognize this audio')
-    path = AutocompleteStringField('dl-suggested-dirs',
-                                   'Path', validators=[validators.required()],
-                                   description='Full path to source directory')
-    howmany = IntegerField('Number', validators=[validators.optional()],
-                           default=1,
-                           description='How many songs to be picked'
-                           'from this dir; defaults to 1')
-    submit = SubmitField('Submit')
+    nick = StringField(
+        "Audio nick",
+        validators=[validators.required()],
+        description="A simple name to recognize this audio",
+    )
+    path = AutocompleteStringField(
+        "dl-suggested-dirs",
+        "Path",
+        validators=[validators.required()],
+        description="Full path to source directory",
+    )
+    howmany = IntegerField(
+        "Number",
+        validators=[validators.optional()],
+        default=1,
+        description="How many songs to be picked" "from this dir; defaults to 1",
+    )
+    submit = SubmitField("Submit")
     def populate_from_audiospec(self, audiospec):
-        if 'nick' in audiospec:
-            self.nick.data = audiospec['nick']
-        if 'paths' in audiospec:
-            self.path.data = audiospec['paths'][0]
-        if 'howmany' in audiospec:
-            self.howmany.data = audiospec['howmany']
+        if "nick" in audiospec:
+            self.nick.data = audiospec["nick"]
+        if "paths" in audiospec:
+            self.path.data = audiospec["paths"][0]
+        if "howmany" in audiospec:
+            self.howmany.data = audiospec["howmany"]
             self.howmany.data = 1
 def receive(form):
     return {
-        'kind': 'randomdir',
-        'nick': form.nick.data,
-        'paths': [form.path.data],
-        'howmany': form.howmany.data or 1
+        "kind": "randomdir",
+        "nick": form.nick.data,
+        "paths": [form.path.data],
+        "howmany": form.howmany.data or 1,

+ 29 - 23

@@ -3,38 +3,44 @@ from wtforms import StringField, validators, SubmitField, ValidationError
 from larigira.formutils import AutocompleteStringField
 class ScriptAudioForm(Form):
-    nick = StringField('Audio nick', validators=[validators.required()],
-                       description='A simple name to recognize this audio')
+    nick = StringField(
+        "Audio nick",
+        validators=[validators.required()],
+        description="A simple name to recognize this audio",
+    )
     name = AutocompleteStringField(
-        'dl-suggested-scripts',
-        'Name', validators=[validators.required()],
-        description='filename (NOT path) of the script')
-    args = StringField('Arguments',
-                       description='arguments, separated by ";"')
-    submit = SubmitField('Submit')
+        "dl-suggested-scripts",
+        "Name",
+        validators=[validators.required()],
+        description="filename (NOT path) of the script",
+    )
+    args = StringField("Arguments", description='arguments, separated by ";"')
+    submit = SubmitField("Submit")
     def populate_from_audiospec(self, audiospec):
-        if 'nick' in audiospec:
-            self.nick.data = audiospec['nick']
-        if 'name' in audiospec:
-            self.name.data = audiospec['name']
-        if 'args' in audiospec:
-            if type(audiospec['args']) is str:  # legacy compatibility
-                self.args.data = audiospec['args'].replace(' ', ';')
+        if "nick" in audiospec:
+            self.nick.data = audiospec["nick"]
+        if "name" in audiospec:
+            self.name.data = audiospec["name"]
+        if "args" in audiospec:
+            if type(audiospec["args"]) is str:  # legacy compatibility
+                self.args.data = audiospec["args"].replace(" ", ";")
-                self.args.data = ';'.join(audiospec['args'])
+                self.args.data = ";".join(audiospec["args"])
     def validate_name(self, field):
-        if '/' in field.data:
-            raise ValidationError("Name cannot have slashes: "
-                                  "it's a name, not a path")
+        if "/" in field.data:
+            raise ValidationError(
+                "Name cannot have slashes: " "it's a name, not a path"
+            )
 def scriptaudio_receive(form):
     return {
-        'kind': 'script',
-        'nick': form.nick.data,
-        'name': form.name.data,
-        'args': form.args.data.split(';')
+        "kind": "script",
+        "nick": form.nick.data,
+        "name": form.name.data,
+        "args": form.args.data.split(";"),

+ 17 - 15

@@ -5,23 +5,25 @@ from larigira.formutils import AutocompleteStringField
 class StaticAudioForm(Form):
-    nick = StringField('Audio nick', validators=[validators.required()],
-                       description='A simple name to recognize this audio')
-    path = AutocompleteStringField('dl-suggested-files',
-                                   'Path', validators=[validators.required()],
-                                   description='Full path to audio file')
-    submit = SubmitField('Submit')
+    nick = StringField(
+        "Audio nick",
+        validators=[validators.required()],
+        description="A simple name to recognize this audio",
+    )
+    path = AutocompleteStringField(
+        "dl-suggested-files",
+        "Path",
+        validators=[validators.required()],
+        description="Full path to audio file",
+    )
+    submit = SubmitField("Submit")
     def populate_from_audiospec(self, audiospec):
-        if 'nick' in audiospec:
-            self.nick.data = audiospec['nick']
-        if 'paths' in audiospec:
-            self.path.data = audiospec['paths'][0]
+        if "nick" in audiospec:
+            self.nick.data = audiospec["nick"]
+        if "paths" in audiospec:
+            self.path.data = audiospec["paths"][0]
 def staticaudio_receive(form):
-    return {
-        'kind': 'static',
-        'nick': form.nick.data,
-        'paths': [form.path.data]
-    }
+    return {"kind": "static", "nick": form.nick.data, "paths": [form.path.data]}

+ 18 - 13

@@ -4,25 +4,30 @@ import argparse
 from .entrypoints_utils import get_one_entrypoint
 import json
 from logging import getLogger
-log = getLogger('audiogen')
+log = getLogger("audiogen")
 def get_audiogenerator(kind):
-    '''Messes with entrypoints to return an audiogenerator function'''
-    return get_one_entrypoint('larigira.audiogenerators', kind)
+    """Messes with entrypoints to return an audiogenerator function"""
+    return get_one_entrypoint("larigira.audiogenerators", kind)
 def get_parser():
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
-        description='Generate audio and output paths')
-    parser.add_argument('audiospec', metavar='AUDIOSPEC', type=str, nargs=1,
-                        help='filename for audiospec, formatted in json')
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate audio and output paths")
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "audiospec",
+        metavar="AUDIOSPEC",
+        type=str,
+        nargs=1,
+        help="filename for audiospec, formatted in json",
+    )
     return parser
 def read_spec(fname):
-        if fname == '-':
+        if fname == "-":
             return json.load(sys.stdin)
         with open(fname) as buf:
             return json.load(buf)
@@ -32,28 +37,28 @@ def read_spec(fname):
 def check_spec(spec):
-    if 'kind' not in spec:
+    if "kind" not in spec:
         yield "Missing field 'kind'"
 def audiogenerate(spec):
-    gen = get_audiogenerator(spec['kind'])
+    gen = get_audiogenerator(spec["kind"])
     return tuple(gen(spec))
 def main():
-    '''Main function for the "larigira-audiogen" executable'''
+    """Main function for the "larigira-audiogen" executable"""
     args = get_parser().parse_args()
     spec = read_spec(args.audiospec[0])
     errors = tuple(check_spec(spec))
     if errors:
         log.error("Errors in audiospec")
         for err in errors:
-            sys.stderr.write('Error: {}\n'.format(err))
+            sys.stderr.write("Error: {}\n".format(err))
     for path in audiogenerate(spec):
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+if __name__ == "__main__":

+ 12 - 13

@@ -9,40 +9,39 @@ log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 def put(url, destdir=None, copy=False):
-    if url.split(':')[0] not in ('http', 'https'):
-        log.warning('Not a valid URL: %s', url)
+    if url.split(":")[0] not in ("http", "https"):
+        log.warning("Not a valid URL: %s", url)
         return None
-    ext = url.split('.')[-1]
-    if ext.lower() not in ('mp3', 'ogg', 'oga', 'wma', 'm4a'):
+    ext = url.split(".")[-1]
+    if ext.lower() not in ("mp3", "ogg", "oga", "wma", "m4a"):
         log.warning('Invalid format (%s) for "%s"', ext, url)
         return None
     if not copy:
         return url
     fname = posixpath.basename(urlparse(url).path)
     # sanitize
-    fname = "".join(c for c in fname
-                    if c.isalnum() or c in list('._-')).rstrip()
-    tmp = mkstemp(suffix='.' + ext, prefix='http-%s-' % fname, dir=destdir)
+    fname = "".join(c for c in fname if c.isalnum() or c in list("._-")).rstrip()
+    tmp = mkstemp(suffix="." + ext, prefix="http-%s-" % fname, dir=destdir)
     log.info("downloading %s -> %s", url, tmp[1])
     fname, headers = urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, tmp[1])
-    return 'file://%s' % os.path.realpath(tmp[1])
+    return "file://%s" % os.path.realpath(tmp[1])
 def generate(spec):
-    '''
+    """
     resolves audiospec-static
     Recognized argument is  "paths" (list of static paths)
-    '''
-    if 'urls' not in spec:
+    """
+    if "urls" not in spec:
         raise ValueError("Malformed audiospec: missing 'paths'")
-    for url in spec['urls']:
+    for url in spec["urls"]:
         ret = put(url, copy=True)
         if ret is None:
         yield ret
-generate.description = 'Fetch audio from an URL'
+generate.description = "Fetch audio from an URL"

+ 26 - 20

@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ from tempfile import mkstemp
 from pytimeparse.timeparse import timeparse
 from larigira.fsutils import scan_dir, shortname
 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -23,36 +24,40 @@ def recent_choose(paths, howmany, minepoch):
         if os.path.isfile(path):
             found_files[path] = get_mtime(path)
         elif os.path.isdir(path):
-            found_files.update({fname: get_mtime(fname)
-                                for fname in scan_dir(path)})
-    found_files = [(fname, mtime)
-                   for (fname, mtime) in found_files.items()
-                   if mtime >= minepoch]
+            found_files.update({fname: get_mtime(fname) for fname in scan_dir(path)})
+    found_files = [
+        (fname, mtime) for (fname, mtime) in found_files.items() if mtime >= minepoch
+    ]
-    return [fname for fname, mtime in
-            sorted(found_files, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[:howmany]]
+    return [
+        fname
+        for fname, mtime in sorted(found_files, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[
+            :howmany
+        ]
+    ]
 def generate(spec):
-    '''
+    """
     resolves audiospec-randomdir
     Recognized arguments:
         - path [mandatory]    source dir
         - maxage [default=ignored]  max age of audio files to pick
-    '''
-    for attr in ('path', 'maxage'):
+    """
+    for attr in ("path", "maxage"):
         if attr not in spec:
             raise ValueError("Malformed audiospec: missing '%s'" % attr)
-    if spec['maxage'].strip():
+    if spec["maxage"].strip():
-            maxage = int(spec['maxage'])
+            maxage = int(spec["maxage"])
         except ValueError:
-            maxage = timeparse(spec['maxage'])
+            maxage = timeparse(spec["maxage"])
             if maxage is None:
-                raise ValueError("Unknown format for maxage: '{}'"
-                                 .format(spec['maxage']))
+                raise ValueError(
+                    "Unknown format for maxage: '{}'".format(spec["maxage"])
+                )
             assert type(maxage) is int
         maxage = None
@@ -60,15 +65,16 @@ def generate(spec):
     now = int(time.time())
     minepoch = 0 if maxage is None else now - maxage
-    picked = recent_choose([spec['path']], 1, minepoch)
+    picked = recent_choose([spec["path"]], 1, minepoch)
     for path in picked:
-        tmp = mkstemp(suffix=os.path.splitext(path)[-1],
-                      prefix='randomdir-%s-' % shortname(path))
+        tmp = mkstemp(
+            suffix=os.path.splitext(path)[-1], prefix="randomdir-%s-" % shortname(path)
+        )
         shutil.copy(path, tmp[1])
         log.info("copying %s -> %s", path, os.path.basename(tmp[1]))
-        yield 'file://{}'.format(tmp[1])
+        yield "file://{}".format(tmp[1])
-generate.description = 'Select most recent file inside a directory'
+generate.description = "Select most recent file inside a directory"

+ 9 - 8

@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 import logging
-log = logging.getLogger('mpdrandom')
+log = logging.getLogger("mpdrandom")
 import random
 from mpd import MPDClient
@@ -8,17 +9,17 @@ from .config import get_conf
 def generate_by_artist(spec):
-    '''choose HOWMANY random artists, and for each one choose a random song'''
-    spec.setdefault('howmany', 1)
-    log.info('generating')
+    """choose HOWMANY random artists, and for each one choose a random song"""
+    spec.setdefault("howmany", 1)
+    log.info("generating")
     conf = get_conf()
     c = MPDClient(use_unicode=True)
-    c.connect(conf['MPD_HOST'], conf['MPD_PORT'])
+    c.connect(conf["MPD_HOST"], conf["MPD_PORT"])
-    artists = c.list('artist')
+    artists = c.list("artist")
     log.debug("got %d artists", len(artists))
     if not artists:
         raise ValueError("no artists in your mpd database")
-    for _ in range(spec['howmany']):
+    for _ in range(spec["howmany"]):
         artist = random.choice(artists)
-        yield random.choice(c.find('artist', artist))['file']
+        yield random.choice(c.find("artist", artist))["file"]

+ 15 - 13

@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ from tempfile import mkstemp
 from pathlib import Path
 from larigira.fsutils import scan_dir_audio, shortname, is_audio
 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -23,36 +24,37 @@ def candidates(paths):
 def generate(spec):
-    '''
+    """
     resolves audiospec-randomdir
     Recognized arguments:
         - paths [mandatory]    list of source paths
         - howmany [default=1]  number of audio files to pick
-    '''
-    spec.setdefault('howmany', 1)
-    for attr in ('paths', ):
+    """
+    spec.setdefault("howmany", 1)
+    for attr in ("paths",):
         if attr not in spec:
             raise ValueError("Malformed audiospec: missing '%s'" % attr)
-    found_files = candidates([Path(p) for p in spec['paths']])
+    found_files = candidates([Path(p) for p in spec["paths"]])
-    picked = random.sample(found_files, int(spec['howmany']))
+    picked = random.sample(found_files, int(spec["howmany"]))
-    nick = spec.get('nick', '')
+    nick = spec.get("nick", "")
     if not nick:
-        if hasattr(spec, 'eid'):
+        if hasattr(spec, "eid"):
             nick = spec.eid
-            nick = 'NONICK'
+            nick = "NONICK"
     for path in picked:
-        tmp = mkstemp(suffix=os.path.splitext(path)[-1],
-                      prefix='randomdir-%s-%s-' % (shortname(nick),
-                                                   shortname(path)))
+        tmp = mkstemp(
+            suffix=os.path.splitext(path)[-1],
+            prefix="randomdir-%s-%s-" % (shortname(nick), shortname(path)),
+        )
         shutil.copy(path, tmp[1])
         log.info("copying %s -> %s", path, os.path.basename(tmp[1]))
         yield "file://{}".format(tmp[1])
-generate.description = 'Picks random files from a specified directory'
+generate.description = "Picks random files from a specified directory"

+ 35 - 34

@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 script audiogenerator: uses an external program to generate audio URIs
 a script can be any valid executable in
@@ -14,64 +14,65 @@ The output MUST be UTF-8-encoded.
 Empty lines will be skipped.  stderr will be logged, so please be careful.  any
 non-zero exit code will result in no files being added.and an exception being
 import logging
 import os
 import subprocess
 from .config import get_conf
 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 def generate(spec):
-    '''
+    """
     Recognized arguments (fields in spec):
         - name [mandatory]            script name
         - args [default=empty]   arguments, colon-separated
-    '''
+    """
     conf = get_conf()
-    spec.setdefault('args', '')
-    if type(spec['args']) is str:
-        args = spec['args'].split(';')
-    args = list(spec['args'])
-    for attr in ('name', ):
+    spec.setdefault("args", "")
+    if type(spec["args"]) is str:
+        args = spec["args"].split(";")
+    args = list(spec["args"])
+    for attr in ("name",):
         if attr not in spec:
             raise ValueError("Malformed audiospec: missing '%s'" % attr)
-    if '/' in spec['name']:
-        raise ValueError("Script name is a filename, not a path ({} provided)"
-                         .format(spec['name']))
-    scriptpath = os.path.join(conf['SCRIPTS_PATH'], spec['name'])
+    if "/" in spec["name"]:
+        raise ValueError(
+            "Script name is a filename, not a path ({} provided)".format(spec["name"])
+        )
+    scriptpath = os.path.join(conf["SCRIPTS_PATH"], spec["name"])
     if not os.path.exists(scriptpath):
-        raise ValueError("Script %s not found", spec['name'])
+        raise ValueError("Script %s not found", spec["name"])
     if not os.access(scriptpath, os.R_OK | os.X_OK):
         raise ValueError("Insufficient privileges for script %s" % scriptpath)
     if os.stat(scriptpath).st_uid != os.getuid():
-        raise ValueError("Script %s owned by %d, should be owned by %d"
-                         % (spec['name'], os.stat(scriptpath).st_uid,
-                            os.getuid()))
+        raise ValueError(
+            "Script %s owned by %d, should be owned by %d"
+            % (spec["name"], os.stat(scriptpath).st_uid, os.getuid())
+        )
-        log.info('Going to run %s', [scriptpath] + args)
+        log.info("Going to run %s", [scriptpath] + args)
         env = dict(
-            HOME=os.environ['HOME'],
-            PATH=os.environ['PATH'],
-            MPD_HOST=conf['MPD_HOST'],
-            MPD_PORT=str(conf['MPD_PORT'])
+            HOME=os.environ["HOME"],
+            PATH=os.environ["PATH"],
+            MPD_HOST=conf["MPD_HOST"],
+            MPD_PORT=str(conf["MPD_PORT"]),
-        if 'TMPDIR' in os.environ:
-            env['TMPDIR'] = os.environ['TMPDIR']
-        out = subprocess.check_output([scriptpath] + args,
-                                      env=env,
-                                      cwd='/')
+        if "TMPDIR" in os.environ:
+            env["TMPDIR"] = os.environ["TMPDIR"]
+        out = subprocess.check_output([scriptpath] + args, env=env, cwd="/")
     except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc:
-        log.error("Error %d when running script %s",
-                  exc.returncode, spec['name'])
+        log.error("Error %d when running script %s", exc.returncode, spec["name"])
         return []
-    out = out.decode('utf-8')
-    out = [p for p in out.split('\n') if p]
-    logging.debug('Script %s produced %d files', spec['name'], len(out))
+    out = out.decode("utf-8")
+    out = [p for p in out.split("\n") if p]
+    logging.debug("Script %s produced %d files", spec["name"], len(out))
     return out
-generate.description = 'Generate audio through an external script. ' \
-'Experts only.'
+generate.description = "Generate audio through an external script. " "Experts only."

+ 10 - 8

@@ -4,28 +4,30 @@ import shutil
 from tempfile import mkstemp
 from larigira.fsutils import shortname
 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 def generate(spec):
-    '''
+    """
     resolves audiospec-static
     Recognized argument is  "paths" (list of static paths)
-    '''
-    if 'paths' not in spec:
+    """
+    if "paths" not in spec:
         raise ValueError("Malformed audiospec: missing 'paths'")
-    for path in spec['paths']:
+    for path in spec["paths"]:
         if not os.path.exists(path):
             log.warning("Can't find requested path: %s", path)
-        tmp = mkstemp(suffix=os.path.splitext(path)[-1],
-                      prefix='static-%s-' % shortname(path))
+        tmp = mkstemp(
+            suffix=os.path.splitext(path)[-1], prefix="static-%s-" % shortname(path)
+        )
         log.info("copying %s -> %s", path, os.path.basename(tmp[1]))
         shutil.copy(path, tmp[1])
-        yield 'file://{}'.format(tmp[1])
+        yield "file://{}".format(tmp[1])
-generate.description = 'Picks always the same specified file'
+generate.description = "Picks always the same specified file"

+ 5 - 4

@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 from tinydb import TinyDB
 class EventModel(object):
     def __init__(self, uri):
         self.uri = uri
@@ -10,8 +11,8 @@ class EventModel(object):
         if self.db is not None:
         self.db = TinyDB(self.uri, indent=2)
-        self._actions = self.db.table('actions')
-        self._alarms = self.db.table('alarms')
+        self._actions = self.db.table("actions")
+        self._alarms = self.db.table("alarms")
     def get_action_by_id(self, action_id):
         return self._actions.get(eid=action_id)
@@ -20,7 +21,7 @@ class EventModel(object):
         return self._alarms.get(eid=alarm_id)
     def get_actions_by_alarm(self, alarm):
-        for action_id in alarm.get('actions', []):
+        for action_id in alarm.get("actions", []):
             action = self.get_action_by_id(action_id)
             if action is None:
@@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ class EventModel(object):
     def add_event(self, alarm, actions):
         action_ids = [self.add_action(a) for a in actions]
-        alarm['actions'] = action_ids
+        alarm["actions"] = action_ids
         return self._alarms.insert(alarm)
     def add_action(self, action):

+ 100 - 86

@@ -1,14 +1,23 @@
 This module contains a flask blueprint for db administration stuff
 Templates are self-contained in this directory
 from __future__ import print_function
 from datetime import datetime, timedelta, time
 from collections import defaultdict
-from flask import current_app, Blueprint, render_template, jsonify, abort, \
-    request, redirect, url_for, flash
+from flask import (
+    current_app,
+    Blueprint,
+    render_template,
+    jsonify,
+    abort,
+    request,
+    redirect,
+    url_for,
+    flash,
 from larigira.entrypoints_utils import get_avail_entrypoints
 from larigira.audiogen import get_audiogenerator
@@ -17,56 +26,63 @@ from larigira.timegen import get_timegenerator, timegenerate
 from larigira import forms
 from larigira.config import get_conf
 from .suggestions import get_suggestions
-db = Blueprint('db', __name__,
-               url_prefix=get_conf()['ROUTE_PREFIX'] + '/db',
-               template_folder='templates')
+db = Blueprint(
+    "db",
+    __name__,
+    url_prefix=get_conf()["ROUTE_PREFIX"] + "/db",
+    template_folder="templates",
 def request_wants_json():
-    best = request.accept_mimetypes \
-        .best_match(['application/json', 'text/html'])
-    return best == 'application/json' and \
-        request.accept_mimetypes[best] > \
-        request.accept_mimetypes['text/html']
+    best = request.accept_mimetypes.best_match(["application/json", "text/html"])
+    return (
+        best == "application/json"
+        and request.accept_mimetypes[best] > request.accept_mimetypes["text/html"]
+    )
 def get_model():
     return current_app.larigira.controller.monitor.model
 def home():
-    return render_template('dbadmin_base.html')
+    return render_template("dbadmin_base.html")
 def events_list():
     model = current_app.larigira.controller.monitor.model
     alarms = tuple(model.get_all_alarms())
-    events = [(alarm, model.get_actions_by_alarm(alarm))
-              for alarm in alarms]
-    return render_template('list.html', events=events)
+    events = [(alarm, model.get_actions_by_alarm(alarm)) for alarm in alarms]
+    return render_template("list.html", events=events)
 def events_calendar():
     model = current_app.larigira.controller.monitor.model
     today = datetime.now().date()
     maxdays = 30
     # {date: {datetime: [(alarm1,actions1), (alarm2,actions2)]}}
     days = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list))
-    freq_threshold = get_conf()['UI_CALENDAR_FREQUENCY_THRESHOLD']
+    freq_threshold = get_conf()["UI_CALENDAR_FREQUENCY_THRESHOLD"]
     for alarm in model.get_all_alarms():
-        if freq_threshold and alarm['kind'] == 'frequency' and \
-           FrequencyAlarm(alarm).interval < freq_threshold:
+        if (
+            freq_threshold
+            and alarm["kind"] == "frequency"
+            and FrequencyAlarm(alarm).interval < freq_threshold
+        ):
         actions = tuple(model.get_actions_by_alarm(alarm))
         if not actions:
-        t = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(today.strftime('%s')))
+        t = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(today.strftime("%s")))
         for t in timegenerate(alarm, now=t, howmany=maxdays):
-            if t is None or \
-               t > datetime.combine(today+timedelta(days=maxdays), time()):
+            if t is None or t > datetime.combine(
+                today + timedelta(days=maxdays), time()
+            ):
             days[t.date()][t].append((alarm, actions))
@@ -75,105 +91,101 @@ def events_calendar():
     for d in sorted(days.keys()):
-    return render_template('calendar.html', days=days, weeks=weeks)
+    return render_template("calendar.html", days=days, weeks=weeks)
 def addtime():
-    kinds = get_avail_entrypoints('larigira.timeform_create')
+    kinds = get_avail_entrypoints("larigira.timeform_create")
     def gen_info(gen):
-        return dict(description=getattr(gen, 'description', ''))
-    info = {kind: gen_info(get_timegenerator(kind))
-            for kind in kinds}
-    return render_template('add_time.html', kinds=kinds, info=info)
+        return dict(description=getattr(gen, "description", ""))
+    info = {kind: gen_info(get_timegenerator(kind)) for kind in kinds}
+    return render_template("add_time.html", kinds=kinds, info=info)
-@db.route('/edit/time/<int:alarmid>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
+@db.route("/edit/time/<int:alarmid>", methods=["GET", "POST"])
 def edit_time(alarmid):
     model = get_model()
     timespec = model.get_alarm_by_id(alarmid)
-    kind = timespec['kind']
+    kind = timespec["kind"]
     Form, receiver = tuple(forms.get_timeform(kind))
     form = Form()
-    if request.method == 'GET':
+    if request.method == "GET":
-    if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate():
+    if request.method == "POST" and form.validate():
         data = receiver(form)
         model.update_alarm(alarmid, data)
-        return redirect(url_for('db.events_list',
-                                _anchor='event-%d' % alarmid))
-    return render_template('add_time_kind.html',
-                           form=form,
-                           kind=kind,
-                           mode='edit',
-                           alarmid=alarmid,
-                           )
+        return redirect(url_for("db.events_list", _anchor="event-%d" % alarmid))
+    return render_template(
+        "add_time_kind.html", form=form, kind=kind, mode="edit", alarmid=alarmid
+    )
-@db.route('/add/time/<kind>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
+@db.route("/add/time/<kind>", methods=["GET", "POST"])
 def addtime_kind(kind):
     Form, receiver = tuple(forms.get_timeform(kind))
     form = Form()
-    if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate():
+    if request.method == "POST" and form.validate():
         data = receiver(form)
         eid = get_model().add_alarm(data)
-        return redirect(url_for('db.edit_event', alarmid=eid))
+        return redirect(url_for("db.edit_event", alarmid=eid))
-    return render_template('add_time_kind.html',
-                           form=form, kind=kind, mode='add')
+    return render_template("add_time_kind.html", form=form, kind=kind, mode="add")
 def addaudio():
-    kinds = get_avail_entrypoints('larigira.audioform_create')
+    kinds = get_avail_entrypoints("larigira.audioform_create")
     def gen_info(gen):
-        return dict(description=getattr(gen, 'description', ''))
-    info = {kind: gen_info(get_audiogenerator(kind))
-            for kind in kinds}
-    return render_template('add_audio.html', kinds=kinds, info=info)
+        return dict(description=getattr(gen, "description", ""))
+    info = {kind: gen_info(get_audiogenerator(kind)) for kind in kinds}
+    return render_template("add_audio.html", kinds=kinds, info=info)
-@db.route('/add/audio/<kind>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
+@db.route("/add/audio/<kind>", methods=["GET", "POST"])
 def addaudio_kind(kind):
     Form, receiver = tuple(forms.get_audioform(kind))
     form = Form()
-    if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate():
+    if request.method == "POST" and form.validate():
         data = receiver(form)
         model = current_app.larigira.controller.monitor.model
         eid = model.add_action(data)
         return jsonify(dict(inserted=eid, data=data))
-    return render_template('add_audio_kind.html', form=form, kind=kind,
-                           suggestions=get_suggestions()
-                           )
+    return render_template(
+        "add_audio_kind.html", form=form, kind=kind, suggestions=get_suggestions()
+    )
-@db.route('/edit/audio/<int:actionid>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
+@db.route("/edit/audio/<int:actionid>", methods=["GET", "POST"])
 def edit_audio(actionid):
     model = get_model()
     audiospec = model.get_action_by_id(actionid)
-    kind = audiospec['kind']
+    kind = audiospec["kind"]
     Form, receiver = tuple(forms.get_audioform(kind))
     form = Form()
-    if request.method == 'GET':
+    if request.method == "GET":
-    if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate():
+    if request.method == "POST" and form.validate():
         data = receiver(form)
         model.update_action(actionid, data)
-        return redirect(url_for('db.events_list'))
-    return render_template('add_audio_kind.html',
-                           form=form,
-                           kind=kind,
-                           mode='edit',
-                           suggestions=get_suggestions()
-                           )
+        return redirect(url_for("db.events_list"))
+    return render_template(
+        "add_audio_kind.html",
+        form=form,
+        kind=kind,
+        mode="edit",
+        suggestions=get_suggestions(),
+    )
 def edit_event(alarmid):
     model = current_app.larigira.controller.monitor.model
     alarm = model.get_alarm_by_id(int(alarmid))
@@ -181,35 +193,37 @@ def edit_event(alarmid):
     allactions = model.get_all_actions()
     actions = tuple(model.get_actions_by_alarm(alarm))
-    return render_template('edit_event.html',
-                           alarm=alarm, all_actions=allactions,
-                           actions=actions,
-                           routeprefix=get_conf()['ROUTE_PREFIX']
-                          )
+    return render_template(
+        "edit_event.html",
+        alarm=alarm,
+        all_actions=allactions,
+        actions=actions,
+        routeprefix=get_conf()["ROUTE_PREFIX"],
+    )
-@db.route('/api/alarm/<alarmid>/actions', methods=['POST'])
+@db.route("/api/alarm/<alarmid>/actions", methods=["POST"])
 def change_actions(alarmid):
-    new_actions = request.form.getlist('actions[]')
+    new_actions = request.form.getlist("actions[]")
     if new_actions is None:
         new_actions = []
     model = current_app.larigira.controller.monitor.model
-    ret = model.update_alarm(int(alarmid),
-                             new_fields={'actions': [int(a) for a in
-                                                     new_actions]})
+    ret = model.update_alarm(
+        int(alarmid), new_fields={"actions": [int(a) for a in new_actions]}
+    )
     return jsonify(dict(updated=alarmid, ret=ret))
-@db.route('/api/alarm/<int:alarmid>/delete', methods=['POST'])
+@db.route("/api/alarm/<int:alarmid>/delete", methods=["POST"])
 def delete_alarm(alarmid):
     model = current_app.larigira.controller.monitor.model
         alarm = model.get_alarm_by_id(int(alarmid))
-        print(alarm['nick'])
+        print(alarm["nick"])
     except KeyError:
     if request_wants_json():
         return jsonify(dict(deleted=alarmid))
-    flash('Evento %d `%s` cancellato' % (alarmid, alarm['nick']) )
-    return redirect(url_for('db.events_list'))
+    flash("Evento %d `%s` cancellato" % (alarmid, alarm["nick"]))
+    return redirect(url_for("db.events_list"))

+ 17 - 19

@@ -7,22 +7,23 @@ from larigira.fsutils import scan_dir_audio
 def get_suggested_files():
-    if not get_conf()['FILE_PATH_SUGGESTION']:
+    if not get_conf()["FILE_PATH_SUGGESTION"]:
         return []
-    if current_app.cache.has('dbadmin.get_suggested_files'):
-        return current_app.cache.get('dbadmin.get_suggested_files')
-    current_app.logger.debug('get_suggested_files MISS in cache')
+    if current_app.cache.has("dbadmin.get_suggested_files"):
+        return current_app.cache.get("dbadmin.get_suggested_files")
+    current_app.logger.debug("get_suggested_files MISS in cache")
     files = []
-    for path in get_conf()['FILE_PATH_SUGGESTION']:
+    for path in get_conf()["FILE_PATH_SUGGESTION"]:
         if not os.path.isdir(path):
-            current_app.logger.warning('Invalid suggestion path: %s' % path)
+            current_app.logger.warning("Invalid suggestion path: %s" % path)
         pathfiles = scan_dir_audio(path)
-    current_app.logger.debug('Suggested files: %s' % ', '.join(files))
+    current_app.logger.debug("Suggested files: %s" % ", ".join(files))
-    current_app.cache.set('dbadmin.get_suggested_files', files,
-                          timeout=600)  # ten minutes
+    current_app.cache.set(
+        "dbadmin.get_suggested_files", files, timeout=600
+    )  # ten minutes
     return files
@@ -40,11 +41,14 @@ def get_suggested_dirs():
 def get_suggested_scripts():
-    base = get_conf()['SCRIPTS_PATH']
+    base = get_conf()["SCRIPTS_PATH"]
     if not base or not os.path.isdir(base):
         return []
-    fnames = [f for f in os.listdir(base)
-              if os.access(os.path.join(base, f), os.R_OK | os.X_OK)]
+    fnames = [
+        f
+        for f in os.listdir(base)
+        if os.access(os.path.join(base, f), os.R_OK | os.X_OK)
+    ]
     return fnames
@@ -53,10 +57,4 @@ def get_suggestions():
     if len(files) > 200:
         current_app.logger.warning("Too many suggested files, cropping")
         files = files[:200]
-    return dict(
-        files=files,
-        dirs=get_suggested_dirs(),
-        scripts=get_suggested_scripts(),
-    )
+    return dict(files=files, dirs=get_suggested_dirs(), scripts=get_suggested_scripts())

+ 4 - 3

@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
 from logging import getLogger
-log = getLogger('entrypoints_utils')
+log = getLogger("entrypoints_utils")
 from pkg_resources import iter_entry_points
 def get_one_entrypoint(group, kind):
-    '''Messes with entrypoints to return an entrypoint of a given group/kind'''
+    """Messes with entrypoints to return an entrypoint of a given group/kind"""
     points = tuple(iter_entry_points(group=group, name=kind))
     if not points:
-        raise ValueError('cant find an entrypoint %s:%s' % (group, kind))
+        raise ValueError("cant find an entrypoint %s:%s" % (group, kind))
     if len(points) > 1:
         log.warning("Found more than one timeform for %s:%s", group, kind)
     return points[0].load()

+ 59 - 46

@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 from __future__ import print_function
 from gevent import monkey
 import logging
 from datetime import datetime, timedelta
@@ -12,10 +13,11 @@ from .timegen import timegenerate
 from .audiogen import audiogenerate
 from .db import EventModel
 class Monitor(ParentedLet):
-    '''
+    """
     Manages timegenerators and audiogenerators for DB events
     The mechanism is partially based on ticks, partially on scheduled actions.
@@ -30,23 +32,25 @@ class Monitor(ParentedLet):
     The scheduling mechanism allows for more precision, catching exactly the
     right time. Being accurate only with ticks would have required very
     frequent ticks, which is cpu-intensive.
-    '''
+    """
     def __init__(self, parent_queue, conf):
         ParentedLet.__init__(self, parent_queue)
         self.log = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)
         self.running = {}
         self.conf = conf
         self.q = Queue()
-        self.model = EventModel(self.conf['DB_URI'])
-        self.ticker = Timer(int(self.conf['EVENT_TICK_SECS']) * 1000, self.q)
+        self.model = EventModel(self.conf["DB_URI"])
+        self.ticker = Timer(int(self.conf["EVENT_TICK_SECS"]) * 1000, self.q)
     def _alarm_missing_time(self, timespec):
-        now = datetime.now() + timedelta(seconds=self.conf['CACHING_TIME'])
+        now = datetime.now() + timedelta(seconds=self.conf["CACHING_TIME"])
             when = next(timegenerate(timespec, now=now))
-            logging.exception("Could not generate "
-                              "an alarm from timespec %s", timespec)
+            logging.exception(
+                "Could not generate " "an alarm from timespec %s", timespec
+            )
         if when is None:
             # expired
             return None
@@ -55,12 +59,12 @@ class Monitor(ParentedLet):
         return delta
     def on_tick(self):
-        '''
+        """
         this is called every EVENT_TICK_SECS.
         Checks every event in the DB (which might be slightly CPU-intensive, so
         it is advisable to run it in its own greenlet); if the event is "near
         enough", schedule it; if it is too far, or already expired, ignore it.
-        '''
+        """
         for alarm in self.model.get_all_alarms():
             actions = list(self.model.get_actions_by_alarm(alarm))
@@ -71,75 +75,84 @@ class Monitor(ParentedLet):
             # but it is "tricky"; any small delay would cause the event to be
             # missed
             if delta is None:
-                self.log.debug('Skipping event %s: will never ring',
-                               alarm.get('nick', alarm.eid))
-            elif delta <= 2*self.conf['EVENT_TICK_SECS']:
-                self.log.debug('Scheduling event %s (%ds) => %s',
-                               alarm.get('nick', alarm.eid),
-                               delta,
-                               [a.get('nick', a.eid) for a in actions]
-                               )
+                self.log.debug(
+                    "Skipping event %s: will never ring", alarm.get("nick", alarm.eid)
+                )
+            elif delta <= 2 * self.conf["EVENT_TICK_SECS"]:
+                self.log.debug(
+                    "Scheduling event %s (%ds) => %s",
+                    alarm.get("nick", alarm.eid),
+                    delta,
+                    [a.get("nick", a.eid) for a in actions],
+                )
                 self.schedule(alarm, actions, delta)
-                self.log.debug('Skipping event %s too far (%ds)',
-                               alarm.get('nick', alarm.eid),
-                               delta,
-                               )
+                self.log.debug(
+                    "Skipping event %s too far (%ds)",
+                    alarm.get("nick", alarm.eid),
+                    delta,
+                )
     def schedule(self, timespec, audiospecs, delta=None):
-        '''
+        """
         prepare an event to be run at a specified time with the specified
         actions; the DB won't be read anymore after this call.
         This means that this call should not be done too early, or any update
         to the DB will be ignored.
-        '''
+        """
         if delta is None:
             delta = self._alarm_missing_time(timespec)
-        audiogen = gevent.spawn_later(delta,
-                                      self.process_action,
-                                      timespec, audiospecs)
+        audiogen = gevent.spawn_later(delta, self.process_action, timespec, audiospecs)
         audiogen.parent_greenlet = self
         audiogen.doc = 'Will wait {} seconds, then generate audio "{}"'.format(
-            delta,
-            ','.join(aspec.get('nick', '') for aspec in audiospecs),
+            delta, ",".join(aspec.get("nick", "") for aspec in audiospecs)
         self.running[timespec.eid] = {
-            'greenlet': audiogen,
-            'running_time': datetime.now() + timedelta(seconds=delta),
-            'timespec': timespec,
-            'audiospecs': audiospecs
+            "greenlet": audiogen,
+            "running_time": datetime.now() + timedelta(seconds=delta),
+            "timespec": timespec,
+            "audiospecs": audiospecs,
     def process_action(self, timespec, audiospecs):
-        '''Generate audio and submit it to Controller'''
+        """Generate audio and submit it to Controller"""
         if timespec.eid in self.running:
             del self.running[timespec.eid]
-            self.log.warning('Timespec %s completed but not in running '
-                             'registry; this is most likely a bug',
-                             timespec.get('nick', timespec.eid))
+            self.log.warning(
+                "Timespec %s completed but not in running "
+                "registry; this is most likely a bug",
+                timespec.get("nick", timespec.eid),
+            )
         uris = []
         for audiospec in audiospecs:
             except Exception as exc:
-                self.log.error('audiogenerate for <%s> failed; reason: %s',
-                               str(audiospec), str(exc))
-        self.send_to_parent('uris_enqueue',
-                            dict(uris=uris,
-                                 timespec=timespec,
-                                 audiospecs=audiospecs,
-                                 aids=[a.eid for a in audiospecs]))
+                self.log.error(
+                    "audiogenerate for <%s> failed; reason: %s",
+                    str(audiospec),
+                    str(exc),
+                )
+        self.send_to_parent(
+            "uris_enqueue",
+            dict(
+                uris=uris,
+                timespec=timespec,
+                audiospecs=audiospecs,
+                aids=[a.eid for a in audiospecs],
+            ),
+        )
     def _run(self):
         while True:
             value = self.q.get()
-            kind = value['kind']
-            if kind in ('forcetick', 'timer'):
+            kind = value["kind"]
+            if kind in ("forcetick", "timer"):
                 self.log.warning("Unknown message: %s", str(value))

+ 12 - 9

@@ -14,25 +14,28 @@ def main_list(args):
 def main_add(args):
     m = EventModel(args.file)
-    m.add_event(dict(kind='frequency', interval=args.interval, start=1),
-                [dict(kind='mpd', howmany=1)]
-                )
+    m.add_event(
+        dict(kind="frequency", interval=args.interval, start=1),
+        [dict(kind="mpd", howmany=1)],
+    )
 def main():
     conf = get_conf()
     p = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-    p.add_argument('-f', '--file', help="Filepath for DB", required=False,
-                   default=conf['DB_URI'])
+    p.add_argument(
+        "-f", "--file", help="Filepath for DB", required=False, default=conf["DB_URI"]
+    )
     sub = p.add_subparsers()
-    sub_list = sub.add_parser('list')
+    sub_list = sub.add_parser("list")
-    sub_add = sub.add_parser('add')
-    sub_add.add_argument('--interval', type=int, default=3600)
+    sub_add = sub.add_parser("add")
+    sub_add.add_argument("--interval", type=int, default=3600)
     args = p.parse_args()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+if __name__ == "__main__":

+ 16 - 13

@@ -2,13 +2,14 @@ import gevent
 class ParentedLet(gevent.Greenlet):
-    '''
+    """
     ParentedLet is just a helper subclass that will help you when your
     greenlet main duty is to "signal" things to a parent_queue.
     It won't save you much code, but "standardize" messages and make explicit
     the role of that greenlet
-    '''
+    """
     def __init__(self, queue):
         self.parent_queue = queue
@@ -17,36 +18,38 @@ class ParentedLet(gevent.Greenlet):
     def parent_msg(self, kind, *args):
         return {
-            'emitter': self,
-            'class': self.__class__.__name__,
-            'tracker': self.tracker,
-            'kind': kind,
-            'args': args
+            "emitter": self,
+            "class": self.__class__.__name__,
+            "tracker": self.tracker,
+            "kind": kind,
+            "args": args,
     def send_to_parent(self, kind, *args):
         self.parent_queue.put(self.parent_msg(kind, *args))
     def _run(self):
-        if not hasattr(self, 'do_business'):
-            raise Exception("do_business method not implemented by %s" %
-                            self.__class__.__name__)
+        if not hasattr(self, "do_business"):
+            raise Exception(
+                "do_business method not implemented by %s" % self.__class__.__name__
+            )
         for msg in self.do_business():
 class Timer(ParentedLet):
-    '''continously sleeps some time, then send a "timer" message to parent'''
+    """continously sleeps some time, then send a "timer" message to parent"""
     def __init__(self, milliseconds, queue):
         ParentedLet.__init__(self, queue)
         self.ms = milliseconds
     def parent_msg(self, kind, *args):
         msg = ParentedLet.parent_msg(self, kind, *args)
-        msg['period'] = self.ms
+        msg["period"] = self.ms
         return msg
     def do_business(self):
         while True:
             gevent.sleep(self.ms / 1000.0)
-            yield ('timer', )
+            yield ("timer",)

+ 20 - 20

@@ -2,22 +2,22 @@ import wave
 def maxwait(songs, context, conf):
-    wait = int(conf.get('EF_MAXWAIT_SEC', 0))
+    wait = int(conf.get("EF_MAXWAIT_SEC", 0))
     if wait == 0:
         return True
-    if 'time' not in context['status']:
-        return True, 'no song playing?'
-    curpos, duration = map(int, context['status']['time'].split(':'))
+    if "time" not in context["status"]:
+        return True, "no song playing?"
+    curpos, duration = map(int, context["status"]["time"].split(":"))
     remaining = duration - curpos
     if remaining > wait:
-        return False, 'remaining %d max allowed %d' % (remaining, wait)
+        return False, "remaining %d max allowed %d" % (remaining, wait)
     return True
 def get_duration(path):
-    '''get track duration in seconds'''
-    if path.lower().endswith('.wav'):
-        with wave.open(path, 'r') as f:
+    """get track duration in seconds"""
+    if path.lower().endswith(".wav"):
+        with wave.open(path, "r") as f:
             frames = f.getnframes()
             rate = f.getframerate()
             duration = frames / rate
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ def get_duration(path):
 def percentwait(songs, context, conf, getdur=get_duration):
-    '''
+    """
     Similar to maxwait, but the maximum waiting time is proportional to the
     duration of the audio we're going to add.
@@ -46,25 +46,25 @@ def percentwait(songs, context, conf, getdur=get_duration):
     are adding a jingle of 40seconds, then if EF_MAXWAIT_PERC==200 the audio
     will be added (40s*200% = 1m20s) while if EF_MAXWAIT_PERC==100 it will be
     filtered out.
-    '''
-    percentwait = int(conf.get('EF_MAXWAIT_PERC', 0))
+    """
+    percentwait = int(conf.get("EF_MAXWAIT_PERC", 0))
     if percentwait == 0:
         return True
-    if 'time' not in context['status']:
-        return True, 'no song playing?'
-    curpos, duration = map(int, context['status']['time'].split(':'))
+    if "time" not in context["status"]:
+        return True, "no song playing?"
+    curpos, duration = map(int, context["status"]["time"].split(":"))
     remaining = duration - curpos
     eventduration = 0
-    for uri in songs['uris']:
-        if not uri.startswith('file://'):
-            return True, '%s is not a file' % uri
-        path = uri[len('file://'):]  # strips file://
+    for uri in songs["uris"]:
+        if not uri.startswith("file://"):
+            return True, "%s is not a file" % uri
+        path = uri[len("file://") :]  # strips file://
         songduration = getdur(path)
         if songduration is None:
         eventduration += songduration
-    wait = eventduration * (percentwait/100.)
+    wait = eventduration * (percentwait / 100.0)
     if remaining > wait:
-        return False, 'remaining %d max allowed %d' % (remaining, wait)
+        return False, "remaining %d max allowed %d" % (remaining, wait)
     return True

+ 40 - 23

@@ -9,17 +9,26 @@ def matchval(d):
             if k in input_:  # string matching
                 return d[k]
         raise Exception("This test case is bugged! No value for %s" % input_)
     return mocked
-durations = dict(one=60, two=120, three=180, four=240, ten=600, twenty=1200,
-                 thirty=1800, nonexist=None)
+durations = dict(
+    one=60,
+    two=120,
+    three=180,
+    four=240,
+    ten=600,
+    twenty=1200,
+    thirty=1800,
+    nonexist=None,
 dur = matchval(durations)
 def normalize_ret(ret):
     if type(ret) is bool:
-        return ret, ''
+        return ret, ""
     return ret
@@ -28,7 +37,7 @@ def mw(*args, **kwargs):
 def pw(*args, **kwargs):
-    kwargs['getdur'] = dur
+    kwargs["getdur"] = dur
     return normalize_ret(percentwait(*args, **kwargs))
@@ -38,26 +47,26 @@ def test_maxwait_nonpresent_disabled():
 def test_maxwait_explicitly_disabled():
-    ret = mw([], {}, {'EF_MAXWAIT_SEC': 0})
+    ret = mw([], {}, {"EF_MAXWAIT_SEC": 0})
     assert ret[0] is True
 def test_maxwait_ok():
-    ret = mw([], {'status': {'time': '250:300'}}, {'EF_MAXWAIT_SEC': 100})
+    ret = mw([], {"status": {"time": "250:300"}}, {"EF_MAXWAIT_SEC": 100})
     assert ret[0] is True
 def test_maxwait_exceeded():
-    ret = mw([], {'status': {'time': '100:300'}}, {'EF_MAXWAIT_SEC': 100})
+    ret = mw([], {"status": {"time": "100:300"}}, {"EF_MAXWAIT_SEC": 100})
     assert ret[0] is False
 def test_maxwait_limit():
-    ret = mw([], {'status': {'time': '199:300'}}, {'EF_MAXWAIT_SEC': 100})
+    ret = mw([], {"status": {"time": "199:300"}}, {"EF_MAXWAIT_SEC": 100})
     assert ret[0] is False
-    ret = mw([], {'status': {'time': '200:300'}}, {'EF_MAXWAIT_SEC': 100})
+    ret = mw([], {"status": {"time": "200:300"}}, {"EF_MAXWAIT_SEC": 100})
     assert ret[0] is True
-    ret = mw([], {'status': {'time': '201:300'}}, {'EF_MAXWAIT_SEC': 100})
+    ret = mw([], {"status": {"time": "201:300"}}, {"EF_MAXWAIT_SEC": 100})
     assert ret[0] is True
@@ -67,32 +76,40 @@ def test_percentwait_nonpresent_disabled():
 def test_percentwait_explicitly_disabled():
-    ret = pw([], {}, {'EF_MAXWAIT_PERC': 0})
+    ret = pw([], {}, {"EF_MAXWAIT_PERC": 0})
     assert ret[0] is True
 def test_percentwait_ok():
     # less than one minute missing
-    ret = pw(dict(uris=['file:///oneminute.ogg']),
-             {'status': {'time': '250:300'}},
-             {'EF_MAXWAIT_PERC': 100})
+    ret = pw(
+        dict(uris=["file:///oneminute.ogg"]),
+        {"status": {"time": "250:300"}},
+        {"EF_MAXWAIT_PERC": 100},
+    )
     assert ret[0] is True
     # more than one minute missing
-    ret = pw(dict(uris=['file:///oneminute.ogg']),
-             {'status': {'time': '220:300'}},
-             {'EF_MAXWAIT_PERC': 100})
+    ret = pw(
+        dict(uris=["file:///oneminute.ogg"]),
+        {"status": {"time": "220:300"}},
+        {"EF_MAXWAIT_PERC": 100},
+    )
     assert ret[0] is False
 def test_percentwait_morethan100():
     # requiring 5*10 = 50mins = 3000sec
-    ret = pw(dict(uris=['file:///tenminute.ogg']),
-             {'status': {'time': '4800:6000'}},
-             {'EF_MAXWAIT_PERC': 500})
+    ret = pw(
+        dict(uris=["file:///tenminute.ogg"]),
+        {"status": {"time": "4800:6000"}},
+        {"EF_MAXWAIT_PERC": 500},
+    )
     assert ret[0] is True
-    ret = pw(dict(uris=['file:///oneminute.ogg']),
-             {'status': {'time': '2000:6000'}},
-             {'EF_MAXWAIT_PERC': 500})
+    ret = pw(
+        dict(uris=["file:///oneminute.ogg"]),
+        {"status": {"time": "2000:6000"}},
+        {"EF_MAXWAIT_PERC": 500},
+    )
     assert ret[0] is False

+ 6 - 5

@@ -1,15 +1,16 @@
 from logging import getLogger
-log = getLogger('timeform')
+log = getLogger("timeform")
 from .entrypoints_utils import get_one_entrypoint
 def get_timeform(kind):
-    '''Messes with entrypoints to return a TimeForm'''
-    for group in ('larigira.timeform_create', 'larigira.timeform_receive'):
+    """Messes with entrypoints to return a TimeForm"""
+    for group in ("larigira.timeform_create", "larigira.timeform_receive"):
         yield get_one_entrypoint(group, kind)
 def get_audioform(kind):
-    '''Messes with entrypoints to return a AudioForm'''
-    for group in ('larigira.audioform_create', 'larigira.audioform_receive'):
+    """Messes with entrypoints to return a AudioForm"""
+    for group in ("larigira.audioform_create", "larigira.audioform_receive"):
         yield get_one_entrypoint(group, kind)

+ 17 - 17

@@ -11,17 +11,16 @@ log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 class AutocompleteTextInput(wtforms.widgets.Input):
     def __init__(self, datalist=None):
-        super().__init__('text')
+        super().__init__("text")
         self.datalist = datalist
     def __call__(self, field, **kwargs):
         # every second can be specified
         if self.datalist is not None:
             return super(AutocompleteTextInput, self).__call__(
-                field, list=self.datalist, autocomplete="autocomplete",
-                **kwargs)
-        return super(AutocompleteTextInput, self).__call__(
-            field, **kwargs)
+                field, list=self.datalist, autocomplete="autocomplete", **kwargs
+            )
+        return super(AutocompleteTextInput, self).__call__(field, **kwargs)
 class AutocompleteStringField(StringField):
@@ -31,15 +30,15 @@ class AutocompleteStringField(StringField):
 class DateTimeInput(wtforms.widgets.Input):
-    input_type = 'datetime-local'
+    input_type = "datetime-local"
     def __call__(self, field, **kwargs):
         # every second can be specified
-        return super(DateTimeInput, self).__call__(field, step='1', **kwargs)
+        return super(DateTimeInput, self).__call__(field, step="1", **kwargs)
 class EasyDateTimeField(Field):
-    '''
+    """
     a "fork" of DateTimeField which uses HTML5 datetime-local
     The format is not customizable, because it is imposed by the HTML5
@@ -47,27 +46,28 @@ class EasyDateTimeField(Field):
     This field does not ensure that browser actually supports datetime-local
     input type, nor does it provide polyfills.
-    '''
+    """
     widget = DateTimeInput()
-    formats = ('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M')
+    formats = ("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M")
     def __init__(self, label=None, validators=None, **kwargs):
         super(EasyDateTimeField, self).__init__(label, validators, **kwargs)
     def _value(self):
         if self.raw_data:
-            return ' '.join(self.raw_data)
-        return self.data and self.data.strftime(self.formats[0]) or ''
+            return " ".join(self.raw_data)
+        return self.data and self.data.strftime(self.formats[0]) or ""
     def process_formdata(self, valuelist):
         if valuelist:
-            date_str = ' '.join(valuelist)
+            date_str = " ".join(valuelist)
             for fmt in self.formats:
                     self.data = datetime.strptime(date_str, fmt)
                 except ValueError:
-                    log.debug('Format `%s` not valid for `%s`',
-                              fmt, date_str)
-            raise ValueError(self.gettext(
-                'Not a valid datetime value <tt>{}</tt>').format(date_str))
+                    log.debug("Format `%s` not valid for `%s`", fmt, date_str)
+            raise ValueError(
+                self.gettext("Not a valid datetime value <tt>{}</tt>").format(date_str)
+            )

+ 6 - 6

@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import mimetypes
 def scan_dir(dirname, extension=None):
     if extension is None:
-        extension = '*'
+        extension = "*"
     for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(dirname):
         for fname in fnmatch.filter(filenames, extension):
             yield os.path.join(root, fname)
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ def scan_dir(dirname, extension=None):
 def multi_fnmatch(fname, extensions):
     for ext in extensions:
-        if fnmatch.fnmatch(fname, '*.' + ext):
+        if fnmatch.fnmatch(fname, "*." + ext):
             return True
     return False
@@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ def is_audio(fname):
     mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(fname)[0]
     if mimetype is None:
         return False
-    return mimetype.split('/')[0] == 'audio'
+    return mimetype.split("/")[0] == "audio"
-def scan_dir_audio(dirname, extensions=('mp3', 'oga', 'wav', 'ogg')):
+def scan_dir_audio(dirname, extensions=("mp3", "oga", "wav", "ogg")):
     for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(dirname):
         for fname in filenames:
             if is_audio(fname):
@@ -34,6 +34,6 @@ def scan_dir_audio(dirname, extensions=('mp3', 'oga', 'wav', 'ogg')):
 def shortname(path):
     name = os.path.basename(path)  # filename
-    name = name.rsplit('.', 1)[0]   # no extension
-    name = ''.join(c for c in name if c.isalnum())  # no strange chars
+    name = name.rsplit(".", 1)[0]  # no extension
+    name = "".join(c for c in name if c.isalnum())  # no strange chars
     return name

+ 79 - 71

@@ -16,15 +16,16 @@ from .entrypoints_utils import get_avail_entrypoints
 def get_mpd_client(conf):
     client = mpd.MPDClient(use_unicode=True)
-    client.connect(conf['MPD_HOST'], conf['MPD_PORT'])
+    client.connect(conf["MPD_HOST"], conf["MPD_PORT"])
     return client
 class MPDWatcher(ParentedLet):
-    '''
+    """
     MPDWatcher notifies parent about any mpd event
-    '''
+    """
     def __init__(self, queue, conf, client=None):
         ParentedLet.__init__(self, queue)
         self.log = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)
@@ -41,46 +42,51 @@ class MPDWatcher(ParentedLet):
                 if self.client is None:
                 if first_after_connection:
-                    yield('mpc', 'connect')
+                    yield ("mpc", "connect")
                 status = self.client.idle()[0]
-            except (mpd.ConnectionError, ConnectionRefusedError,
-                    FileNotFoundError) as exc:
-                self.log.warning('Connection to MPD failed (%s: %s)',
-                                 exc.__class__.__name__, exc)
+            except (
+                mpd.ConnectionError,
+                ConnectionRefusedError,
+                FileNotFoundError,
+            ) as exc:
+                self.log.warning(
+                    "Connection to MPD failed (%s: %s)", exc.__class__.__name__, exc
+                )
                 self.client = None
                 first_after_connection = True
                 first_after_connection = False
-                yield ('mpc', status)
+                yield ("mpc", status)
 class Player:
-    '''
+    """
     The player contains different mpd-related methods
     check_playlist determines whether the playlist is long enough and run audiogenerator accordingly
     enqueue receive audios that have been generated by Monitor and (if filters allow it) enqueue it to MPD playlist
-    '''
+    """
     def __init__(self, conf):
         self.conf = conf
         self.log = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)
         self.min_playlist_length = 10
         self.tmpcleaner = UnusedCleaner(conf)
-        self._continous_audiospec = self.conf['CONTINOUS_AUDIOSPEC']
+        self._continous_audiospec = self.conf["CONTINOUS_AUDIOSPEC"]
         self.events_enabled = True
     def _get_mpd(self):
         mpd_client = mpd.MPDClient(use_unicode=True)
-            mpd_client.connect(self.conf['MPD_HOST'], self.conf['MPD_PORT'])
-        except (mpd.ConnectionError, ConnectionRefusedError,
-                FileNotFoundError) as exc:
-            self.log.warning('Connection to MPD failed (%s: %s)',
-                             exc.__class__.__name__, exc)
+            mpd_client.connect(self.conf["MPD_HOST"], self.conf["MPD_PORT"])
+        except (mpd.ConnectionError, ConnectionRefusedError, FileNotFoundError) as exc:
+            self.log.warning(
+                "Connection to MPD failed (%s: %s)", exc.__class__.__name__, exc
+            )
             raise gevent.GreenletExit()
         return mpd_client
@@ -90,16 +96,17 @@ class Player:
     def continous_audiospec(self, spec):
-        self._continous_audiospec = self.conf['CONTINOUS_AUDIOSPEC'] \
-                if spec is None else spec
+        self._continous_audiospec = (
+            self.conf["CONTINOUS_AUDIOSPEC"] if spec is None else spec
+        )
         def clear_everything_but_current_song():
             mpdc = self._get_mpd()
             current = mpdc.currentsong()
-            pos = int(current.get('pos', 0))
+            pos = int(current.get("pos", 0))
             for song in mpdc.playlistid():
-                if int(song['pos']) != pos:
-                    mpdc.deleteid(song['id'])
+                if int(song["pos"]) != pos:
+                    mpdc.deleteid(song["id"])
@@ -107,12 +114,11 @@ class Player:
         mpd_client = self._get_mpd()
         songs = mpd_client.playlist()
         current = mpd_client.currentsong()
-        pos = int(current.get('pos', 0)) + 1
+        pos = int(current.get("pos", 0)) + 1
         if (len(songs) - pos) >= self.min_playlist_length:
-        self.log.info('need to add new songs')
-        picker = gevent.Greenlet(audiogenerate,
-                                 self.continous_audiospec)
+        self.log.info("need to add new songs")
+        picker = gevent.Greenlet(audiogenerate, self.continous_audiospec)
         def add(greenlet):
             uris = greenlet.value
@@ -120,69 +126,71 @@ class Player:
                 assert type(uri) is str, type(uri)
     def enqueue_filter(self, songs):
-        eventfilters = self.conf['EVENT_FILTERS']
+        eventfilters = self.conf["EVENT_FILTERS"]
         if not eventfilters:
-            return True, ''
-        availfilters = get_avail_entrypoints('larigira.eventfilter')
+            return True, ""
+        availfilters = get_avail_entrypoints("larigira.eventfilter")
         if len([ef for ef in eventfilters if ef in availfilters]) == 0:
-            return True, ''
+            return True, ""
         mpdc = self._get_mpd()
         status = mpdc.status()
-        ctx = {
-            'playlist': mpdc.playlist(),
-            'status': status,
-            'durations': []
-        }
-        for entrypoint in iter_entry_points('larigira.eventfilter'):
+        ctx = {"playlist": mpdc.playlist(), "status": status, "durations": []}
+        for entrypoint in iter_entry_points("larigira.eventfilter"):
             if entrypoint.name in eventfilters:
                 ef = entrypoint.load()
                     ret = ef(songs=songs, context=ctx, conf=self.conf)
                 except ImportError as exc:
-                    self.log.warn("Filter %s skipped: %s" % (entrypoint.name,
-                                                             exc))
+                    self.log.warn("Filter %s skipped: %s" % (entrypoint.name, exc))
                 if ret is None:  # bad behavior!
                 if type(ret) is bool:
-                    reason = ''
+                    reason = ""
                     ret, reason = ret
-                reason = 'Filtered by %s (%s)' % (entrypoint.name, reason)
+                reason = "Filtered by %s (%s)" % (entrypoint.name, reason)
                 if ret is False:
                     return ret, reason
-        return True, 'Passed through %s' % ','.join(availfilters)
+        return True, "Passed through %s" % ",".join(availfilters)
     def enqueue(self, songs):
         assert type(songs) is dict
-        assert 'uris' in songs
-        spec = [aspec.get('nick', aspec.eid) for aspec in songs['audiospecs']]
-        nicks = ','.join((aspec.get('nick', aspec.eid)
-                          for aspec in songs['audiospecs']))
+        assert "uris" in songs
+        spec = [aspec.get("nick", aspec.eid) for aspec in songs["audiospecs"]]
+        nicks = ",".join(
+            (aspec.get("nick", aspec.eid) for aspec in songs["audiospecs"])
+        )
         if not self.events_enabled:
-            self.log.debug('Ignoring <%s> (events disabled)', nicks
-                           )
+            self.log.debug("Ignoring <%s> (events disabled)", nicks)
         filterok, reason = self.enqueue_filter(songs)
         if not filterok:
-            self.log.debug('Ignoring <%s>, filtered: %s', nicks, reason)
+            self.log.debug("Ignoring <%s>, filtered: %s", nicks, reason)
             # delete those files
-            for uri in reversed(songs['uris']):
+            for uri in reversed(songs["uris"]):
         mpd_client = self._get_mpd()
-        for uri in reversed(songs['uris']):
+        for uri in reversed(songs["uris"]):
             assert type(uri) is str
-            self.log.info('Adding %s to playlist (from <%s>:%s=%s)',
-                          uri,
-                          songs['timespec'].get('nick', ''),
-                          songs['aids'], spec)
-            insert_pos = 0 if len(mpd_client.playlistid()) == 0 else \
-                int(mpd_client.currentsong().get('pos', 0)) + 1
+            self.log.info(
+                "Adding %s to playlist (from <%s>:%s=%s)",
+                uri,
+                songs["timespec"].get("nick", ""),
+                songs["aids"],
+                spec,
+            )
+            insert_pos = (
+                0
+                if len(mpd_client.playlistid()) == 0
+                else int(mpd_client.currentsong().get("pos", 0)) + 1
+            )
                 mpd_client.addid(uri, insert_pos)
             except mpd.CommandError:
@@ -197,7 +205,7 @@ class Controller(gevent.Greenlet):
         self.conf = conf
         self.q = Queue()
         self.player = Player(self.conf)
-        if 'DB_URI' in self.conf:
+        if "DB_URI" in self.conf:
             self.monitor = Monitor(self.q, self.conf)
             self.monitor.parent_greenlet = self
@@ -209,28 +217,28 @@ class Controller(gevent.Greenlet):
         mw = MPDWatcher(self.q, self.conf, client=None)
         mw.parent_greenlet = self
-        t = Timer(int(self.conf['CHECK_SECS']) * 1000, self.q)
+        t = Timer(int(self.conf["CHECK_SECS"]) * 1000, self.q)
         t.parent_greenlet = self
         # at the very start, run a check!
         while True:
             value = self.q.get()
-            self.log.debug('<- %s', str(value))
+            self.log.debug("<- %s", str(value))
             # emitter = value['emitter']
-            kind = value['kind']
-            args = value['args']
-            if kind == 'timer' or (kind == 'mpc' and
-                                   args[0] in ('player', 'playlist',
-                                               'connect')):
+            kind = value["kind"]
+            args = value["args"]
+            if kind == "timer" or (
+                kind == "mpc" and args[0] in ("player", "playlist", "connect")
+            ):
-            elif kind == 'mpc':
+            elif kind == "mpc":
-            elif kind == 'uris_enqueue':
+            elif kind == "uris_enqueue":
                 # TODO: uris_enqueue messages should be delivered directly to Player.enqueue
                 #   probably we need a MPDEnqueuer that receives every uri we want to add
@@ -238,13 +246,13 @@ class Controller(gevent.Greenlet):
                 except AssertionError:
                 except Exception:
-                    self.log.exception("Error while adding to queue; "
-                                       "bad audiogen output?")
-            elif (kind == 'signal' and args[0] == signal.SIGALRM) or \
-                    kind == 'refresh':
+                    self.log.exception(
+                        "Error while adding to queue; " "bad audiogen output?"
+                    )
+            elif (kind == "signal" and args[0] == signal.SIGALRM) or kind == "refresh":
                 # it's a tick!
-                self.monitor.q.put(dict(kind='forcetick'))
+                self.monitor.q.put(dict(kind="forcetick"))
                 self.log.warning("Unknown message: %s", str(value))

+ 8 - 7

@@ -6,26 +6,27 @@ from .config import get_conf
 def unusedcleaner():
-    return UnusedCleaner(get_conf(prefix='LARIGIRATEST_'))
+    return UnusedCleaner(get_conf(prefix="LARIGIRATEST_"))
 # this test suite heavily assumes that TMPDIR == /tmp/, which is the default
 # indeed.  However, the code does not rely on this assumption.
 def test_watch_file(unusedcleaner):
     # despite not existing, the file is added
-    unusedcleaner.watch('file:///tmp/gnam')
+    unusedcleaner.watch("file:///tmp/gnam")
     assert len(unusedcleaner.waiting_removal_files) == 1
-    assert list(unusedcleaner.waiting_removal_files)[0] == '/tmp/gnam'
+    assert list(unusedcleaner.waiting_removal_files)[0] == "/tmp/gnam"
 def test_watch_path_error(unusedcleaner):
-    '''paths are not valid thing to watch. URIs only, thanks'''
-    unusedcleaner.watch('/tmp/foo')
+    """paths are not valid thing to watch. URIs only, thanks"""
+    unusedcleaner.watch("/tmp/foo")
     assert len(unusedcleaner.waiting_removal_files) == 0
 def test_watch_notmp_error(unusedcleaner):
-    '''Files not in TMPDIR are not added'''
-    unusedcleaner.watch('file:///not/in/tmp')
+    """Files not in TMPDIR are not added"""
+    unusedcleaner.watch("file:///not/in/tmp")
     assert len(unusedcleaner.waiting_removal_files) == 0

+ 11 - 11

@@ -14,19 +14,19 @@ def now(request):
 def yesterday(request):
-    return int(time.time()) - 24*60*60
+    return int(time.time()) - 24 * 60 * 60
 def empty_dir():
-    dirpath = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='mostrecent.')
+    dirpath = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="mostrecent.")
     yield dirpath
 def dir_with_old_file(empty_dir):
-    fd, fname = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='old.', dir=empty_dir)
+    fd, fname = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix="old.", dir=empty_dir)
     os.utime(fname, times=(0, 0))
     yield empty_dir
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ def dir_with_old_file(empty_dir):
 def dir_with_yesterday_file(empty_dir, yesterday):
-    fd, fname = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='yesterday.', dir=empty_dir)
+    fd, fname = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix="yesterday.", dir=empty_dir)
     os.utime(fname, times=(yesterday, yesterday))
     yield empty_dir
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ def dir_with_yesterday_file(empty_dir, yesterday):
 def dir_with_new_file(dir_with_old_file, now):
-    fd, fname = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='new.', dir=dir_with_old_file)
+    fd, fname = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix="new.", dir=dir_with_old_file)
     os.utime(fname, times=(now, now))
     yield dir_with_old_file
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ def dir_with_new_file(dir_with_old_file, now):
 def dir_with_two_recent_files(dir_with_yesterday_file, now):
-    fd, fname = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='new.', dir=dir_with_yesterday_file)
+    fd, fname = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix="new.", dir=dir_with_yesterday_file)
     os.utime(fname, times=(now, now))
     yield dir_with_yesterday_file
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ def dir_with_two_recent_files(dir_with_yesterday_file, now):
 def test_empty_is_empty(empty_dir, now):
-    '''nothing can be picked from a empty dir'''
+    """nothing can be picked from a empty dir"""
     picked = recent_choose([empty_dir], 1, now)
     assert len(picked) == 0
@@ -74,17 +74,17 @@ def test_old_files(dir_with_old_file, now):
 def test_new_files_found(dir_with_new_file):
     picked = recent_choose([dir_with_new_file], 1, 1)
     assert len(picked) == 1
-    assert os.path.basename(picked[0]).startswith('new.')
+    assert os.path.basename(picked[0]).startswith("new.")
 def test_only_new_files_found(dir_with_new_file):
     picked = recent_choose([dir_with_new_file], 2, 1)
     assert len(picked) == 1
-    assert os.path.basename(picked[0]).startswith('new.')
+    assert os.path.basename(picked[0]).startswith("new.")
 def test_correct_sorting(dir_with_two_recent_files):
     picked = recent_choose([dir_with_two_recent_files], 1, 1)
     assert len(picked) == 1
-    assert not os.path.basename(picked[0]).startswith('yesterday.')
-    assert os.path.basename(picked[0]).startswith('new.')
+    assert not os.path.basename(picked[0]).startswith("yesterday.")
+    assert os.path.basename(picked[0]).startswith("new.")

+ 3 - 3

@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 from __future__ import print_function
 from gevent import monkey
 import pytest
@@ -9,10 +10,9 @@ from larigira.audiogen_mpdrandom import generate_by_artist
 def simplerandom():
-    return {
-    }
+    return {}
 def test_accepted_syntax(simplerandom):
-    '''Check the minimal needed configuration for mpdrandom'''
+    """Check the minimal needed configuration for mpdrandom"""

+ 13 - 13

@@ -9,51 +9,51 @@ def P(pypathlocal):
 def test_txt_files_are_excluded(tmpdir):
     p = tmpdir.join("foo.txt")
-    p.write('')
+    p.write("")
     assert len(candidates([P(p)])) == 0
     assert len(candidates([P(tmpdir)])) == 0
 def test_nested_txt_files_are_excluded(tmpdir):
-    p = tmpdir.mkdir('one').mkdir('two').join("foo.txt")
-    p.write('')
+    p = tmpdir.mkdir("one").mkdir("two").join("foo.txt")
+    p.write("")
     assert len(candidates([P(p)])) == 0
     assert len(candidates([P(tmpdir)])) == 0
 def test_mp3_files_are_considered(tmpdir):
     p = tmpdir.join("foo.mp3")
-    p.write('')
+    p.write("")
     assert len(candidates([P(p)])) == 1
     assert len(candidates([P(tmpdir)])) == 1
 def test_nested_mp3_files_are_considered(tmpdir):
-    p = tmpdir.mkdir('one').mkdir('two').join("foo.mp3")
-    p.write('')
+    p = tmpdir.mkdir("one").mkdir("two").join("foo.mp3")
+    p.write("")
     assert len(candidates([P(p)])) == 1
     assert len(candidates([P(tmpdir)])) == 1
 def test_same_name(tmpdir):
-    '''file with same name on different dir should not be confused'''
-    p = tmpdir.mkdir('one').mkdir('two').join("foo.mp3")
-    p.write('')
+    """file with same name on different dir should not be confused"""
+    p = tmpdir.mkdir("one").mkdir("two").join("foo.mp3")
+    p.write("")
     p = tmpdir.join("foo.mp3")
-    p.write('')
+    p.write("")
     assert len(candidates([P(tmpdir)])) == 2
 def test_unknown_mime_ignore(tmpdir):
     p = tmpdir.join("foo.???")
-    p.write('')
+    p.write("")
     assert len(candidates([P(tmpdir)])) == 0
 def test_unknown_mime_nocrash(tmpdir):
     p = tmpdir.join("foo.???")
-    p.write('')
+    p.write("")
     p = tmpdir.join("foo.ogg")
-    p.write('')
+    p.write("")
     assert len(candidates([P(tmpdir)])) == 1

+ 13 - 11

@@ -4,14 +4,14 @@ from larigira.unused import old_commonpath
 def test_same():
-    assert old_commonpath(['/foo/bar', '/foo/bar/']) == '/foo/bar'
+    assert old_commonpath(["/foo/bar", "/foo/bar/"]) == "/foo/bar"
 def test_prefix():
-    assert old_commonpath(['/foo/bar', '/foo/zap/']) == '/foo'
-    assert old_commonpath(['/foo/bar/', '/foo/zap/']) == '/foo'
-    assert old_commonpath(['/foo/bar/', '/foo/zap']) == '/foo'
-    assert old_commonpath(['/foo/bar', '/foo/zap']) == '/foo'
+    assert old_commonpath(["/foo/bar", "/foo/zap/"]) == "/foo"
+    assert old_commonpath(["/foo/bar/", "/foo/zap/"]) == "/foo"
+    assert old_commonpath(["/foo/bar/", "/foo/zap"]) == "/foo"
+    assert old_commonpath(["/foo/bar", "/foo/zap"]) == "/foo"
@@ -22,17 +22,18 @@ else:
     # these tests are only available on python >= 3.5. That's fine though, as
     # our CI will perform validation of those cases to see if they match python
     # behavior
-    @pytest.fixture(params=['a', 'a/', 'a/b', 'a/b/', 'a/b/c', ])
+    @pytest.fixture(params=["a", "a/", "a/b", "a/b/", "a/b/c"])
     def relpath(request):
         return request.param
     def abspath(relpath):
-        return '/' + relpath
+        return "/" + relpath
-    @pytest.fixture(params=['', '/'])
+    @pytest.fixture(params=["", "/"])
     def slashed_abspath(abspath, request):
-        return '%s%s' % (abspath, request.param)
+        return "%s%s" % (abspath, request.param)
     slashed_abspath_b = slashed_abspath
@@ -42,11 +43,12 @@ else:
     def test_abspath_match(abspath_couple):
         assert commonpath(abspath_couple) == old_commonpath(abspath_couple)
-    @pytest.fixture(params=['', '/'])
+    @pytest.fixture(params=["", "/"])
     def slashed_relpath(relpath, request):
-        s = '%s%s' % (relpath, request.param)
+        s = "%s%s" % (relpath, request.param)
         if s:
             return s
     slashed_relpath_b = slashed_relpath

+ 21 - 15

@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import tempfile
 import os
 from gevent import monkey
 import pytest
@@ -11,7 +12,7 @@ from larigira.db import EventModel
 def db():
-    fname = tempfile.mktemp(suffix='.json', prefix='larigira-test')
+    fname = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".json", prefix="larigira-test")
     yield EventModel(uri=fname)
@@ -22,36 +23,39 @@ def test_empty(db):
 def test_add_basic(db):
     assert len(db.get_all_alarms()) == 0
-    alarm_id = db.add_event(dict(kind='frequency', interval=60*3, start=1),
-                            [dict(kind='mpd', paths=['foo.mp3'], howmany=1)])
+    alarm_id = db.add_event(
+        dict(kind="frequency", interval=60 * 3, start=1),
+        [dict(kind="mpd", paths=["foo.mp3"], howmany=1)],
+    )
     assert len(db.get_all_alarms()) == 1
     assert db.get_alarm_by_id(alarm_id) is not None
-    assert len(tuple(db.get_actions_by_alarm(
-        db.get_alarm_by_id(alarm_id)))) == 1
+    assert len(tuple(db.get_actions_by_alarm(db.get_alarm_by_id(alarm_id)))) == 1
 def test_add_multiple_alarms(db):
     assert len(db.get_all_alarms()) == 0
-    alarm_id = db.add_event(dict(kind='frequency', interval=60*3, start=1),
-                            [dict(kind='mpd', paths=['foo.mp3'], howmany=1),
-                             dict(kind='foo', a=3)])
+    alarm_id = db.add_event(
+        dict(kind="frequency", interval=60 * 3, start=1),
+        [dict(kind="mpd", paths=["foo.mp3"], howmany=1), dict(kind="foo", a=3)],
+    )
     assert len(db.get_all_alarms()) == 1
     assert db.get_alarm_by_id(alarm_id) is not None
     assert len(db.get_all_actions()) == 2
-    assert len(tuple(db.get_actions_by_alarm(
-        db.get_alarm_by_id(alarm_id)))) == 2
+    assert len(tuple(db.get_actions_by_alarm(db.get_alarm_by_id(alarm_id)))) == 2
 def test_delete_alarm(db):
     assert len(db.get_all_alarms()) == 0
-    alarm_id = db.add_event(dict(kind='frequency', interval=60*3, start=1),
-                            [dict(kind='mpd', paths=['foo.mp3'], howmany=1)])
+    alarm_id = db.add_event(
+        dict(kind="frequency", interval=60 * 3, start=1),
+        [dict(kind="mpd", paths=["foo.mp3"], howmany=1)],
+    )
     action_id = next(db.get_actions_by_alarm(db.get_alarm_by_id(alarm_id))).eid
     assert len(db.get_all_alarms()) == 1
     assert len(db.get_all_alarms()) == 0  # alarm deleted
     assert db.get_action_by_id(action_id) is not None
-    assert 'kind' in db.get_action_by_id(action_id)  # action still there
+    assert "kind" in db.get_action_by_id(action_id)  # action still there
 def test_delete_alarm_nonexisting(db):
@@ -60,8 +64,10 @@ def test_delete_alarm_nonexisting(db):
 def test_delete_action(db):
-    alarm_id = db.add_event(dict(kind='frequency', interval=60*3, start=1),
-                            [dict(kind='mpd', paths=['foo.mp3'], howmany=1)])
+    alarm_id = db.add_event(
+        dict(kind="frequency", interval=60 * 3, start=1),
+        [dict(kind="mpd", paths=["foo.mp3"], howmany=1)],
+    )
     alarm = db.get_alarm_by_id(alarm_id)
     assert len(tuple(db.get_actions_by_alarm(alarm))) == 1
     action = next(db.get_actions_by_alarm(alarm))

+ 6 - 6

@@ -2,15 +2,15 @@ from larigira.fsutils import shortname
 def test_shortname_self():
-    '''sometimes, shortname is just filename without extension'''
-    assert shortname('/tmp/asd/foo.bar') == 'foo'
+    """sometimes, shortname is just filename without extension"""
+    assert shortname("/tmp/asd/foo.bar") == "foo"
 def test_shortname_has_numbers():
-    '''shortname will preserve numbers'''
-    assert shortname('/tmp/asd/foo1.bar') == 'foo1'
+    """shortname will preserve numbers"""
+    assert shortname("/tmp/asd/foo1.bar") == "foo1"
 def test_shortname_has_no_hyphen():
-    '''shortname will not preserve hyphens'''
-    assert shortname('/tmp/asd/foo-1.bar') == 'foo1'
+    """shortname will not preserve hyphens"""
+    assert shortname("/tmp/asd/foo-1.bar") == "foo1"

+ 12 - 9

@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 from __future__ import print_function
 from gevent import monkey
 import pytest
@@ -21,7 +22,8 @@ def range_parentlet():
         def do_business(self):
             for i in range(self.howmany):
-                yield('range', i)
+                yield ("range", i)
     return RangeLet
@@ -33,7 +35,8 @@ def single_value_parentlet():
             self.val = val
         def do_business(self):
-            yield('single', self.val)
+            yield ("single", self.val)
     return SingleLet
@@ -44,7 +47,7 @@ def test_parented_range(queue, range_parentlet):
     assert queue.qsize() == 5
     while not queue.empty():
         msg = queue.get()
-        assert msg['kind'] == 'range'
+        assert msg["kind"] == "range"
 def test_parented_single(queue, single_value_parentlet):
@@ -52,25 +55,25 @@ def test_parented_single(queue, single_value_parentlet):
     msg = queue.get_nowait()
-    assert msg['args'][0] == 123
+    assert msg["args"][0] == 123
 def test_timer_finally(queue):
-    '''at somepoint, it will get results'''
+    """at somepoint, it will get results"""
     period = 10
     t = Timer(period, queue)
-    gevent.sleep(period*3/1000.0)
+    gevent.sleep(period * 3 / 1000.0)
 def test_timer_righttime(queue):
-    '''not too early, not too late'''
+    """not too early, not too late"""
     period = 500
     t = Timer(period, queue)
-    gevent.sleep(period/(10*1000.0))
+    gevent.sleep(period / (10 * 1000.0))
     assert queue.empty() is True
-    gevent.sleep(period*(2/1000.0))
+    gevent.sleep(period * (2 / 1000.0))
     assert not queue.empty()

+ 47 - 69

@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ from larigira.timegen import timegenerate
 def eq_(a, b, reason=None):
-    '''migrating tests from nose'''
+    """migrating tests from nose"""
     if reason is not None:
         assert a == b, reason
@@ -20,63 +20,55 @@ def now():
     return datetime.now()
-@pytest.fixture(params=['seconds', 'human', 'humanlong', 'coloned'])
+@pytest.fixture(params=["seconds", "human", "humanlong", "coloned"])
 def onehour(now, request):
-    '''a FrequencyAlarm: every hour for one day'''
-    intervals = dict(seconds=3600, human='1h', humanlong='30m 1800s',
-                     coloned='01:00:00')
-    return FrequencyAlarm({
-        'start': now - timedelta(days=1),
-        'interval': intervals[request.param],
-        'end': now + days(1)})
-@pytest.fixture(params=[1, '1'])
+    """a FrequencyAlarm: every hour for one day"""
+    intervals = dict(
+        seconds=3600, human="1h", humanlong="30m 1800s", coloned="01:00:00"
+    )
+    return FrequencyAlarm(
+        {
+            "start": now - timedelta(days=1),
+            "interval": intervals[request.param],
+            "end": now + days(1),
+        }
+    )
+@pytest.fixture(params=[1, "1"])
 def onehour_monday(request):
     weekday = request.param
-    yield FrequencyAlarm({
-        'interval': 3600*12,
-        'weekdays': [weekday],
-        'start': 0
-    })
+    yield FrequencyAlarm({"interval": 3600 * 12, "weekdays": [weekday], "start": 0})
-@pytest.fixture(params=[7, '7'])
+@pytest.fixture(params=[7, "7"])
 def onehour_sunday(request):
     weekday = request.param
-    yield FrequencyAlarm({
-        'interval': 3600*12,
-        'weekdays': [weekday],
-        'start': 0
-    })
+    yield FrequencyAlarm({"interval": 3600 * 12, "weekdays": [weekday], "start": 0})
 @pytest.fixture(params=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7])
 def singledow(request):
     weekday = request.param
-    yield FrequencyAlarm({
-        'interval': 3600*24,
-        'weekdays': [weekday],
-        'start': 0
-    })
+    yield FrequencyAlarm({"interval": 3600 * 24, "weekdays": [weekday], "start": 0})
-@pytest.fixture(params=['seconds', 'human', 'coloned'])
+@pytest.fixture(params=["seconds", "human", "coloned"])
 def tenseconds(now, request):
-    '''a FrequencyAlarm: every 10 seconds for one day'''
-    intervals = dict(seconds=10, human='10s', coloned='00:10')
-    return FrequencyAlarm({
-        'start': now - timedelta(days=1),
-        'interval': intervals[request.param],
-        'end': now + days(1)})
+    """a FrequencyAlarm: every 10 seconds for one day"""
+    intervals = dict(seconds=10, human="10s", coloned="00:10")
+    return FrequencyAlarm(
+        {
+            "start": now - timedelta(days=1),
+            "interval": intervals[request.param],
+            "end": now + days(1),
+        }
+    )
 @pytest.fixture(params=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8])
 def manyweeks(request):
-    yield FrequencyAlarm({
-        'interval': '{}w'.format(request.param),
-        'start': 0
-    })
+    yield FrequencyAlarm({"interval": "{}w".format(request.param), "start": 0})
 def days(n):
@@ -84,24 +76,21 @@ def days(n):
 def test_single_creations(now):
-    return SingleAlarm({
-        'timestamp': now
-    })
+    return SingleAlarm({"timestamp": now})
 def test_freq_creations(now):
-    return FrequencyAlarm({
-        'start': now - timedelta(days=1),
-        'interval': 3600,
-        'end': now})
+    return FrequencyAlarm(
+        {"start": now - timedelta(days=1), "interval": 3600, "end": now}
+    )
 def test_single_ring(now):
     dt = now + days(1)
-    s = SingleAlarm({'timestamp': dt})
-    eq_(s.next_ring(),  dt)
-    eq_(s.next_ring(now),  dt)
+    s = SingleAlarm({"timestamp": dt})
+    eq_(s.next_ring(), dt)
+    eq_(s.next_ring(now), dt)
     assert s.next_ring(dt) is None, "%s - %s" % (str(s.next_ring(dt)), str(dt))
     assert s.next_ring(now + days(2)) is None
     assert s.has_ring(dt)
@@ -112,10 +101,10 @@ def test_single_ring(now):
 def test_single_all(now):
     dt = now + timedelta(days=1)
-    s = SingleAlarm({'timestamp': dt})
-    eq_(list(s.all_rings()),  [dt])
-    eq_(list(s.all_rings(now)),  [dt])
-    eq_(list(s.all_rings(now + days(2))),  [])
+    s = SingleAlarm({"timestamp": dt})
+    eq_(list(s.all_rings()), [dt])
+    eq_(list(s.all_rings(now)), [dt])
+    eq_(list(s.all_rings(now + days(2))), [])
 def test_freq_short(now, tenseconds):
@@ -165,12 +154,8 @@ def test_weekday_skip_2(onehour_sunday):
 def test_sunday_is_not_0():
     with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
-        FrequencyAlarm({
-                'interval': 3600*12,
-                'weekdays': [0],
-                'start': 0
-            })
-    assert 'Not a valid weekday:' in excinfo.value.args[0]
+        FrequencyAlarm({"interval": 3600 * 12, "weekdays": [0], "start": 0})
+    assert "Not a valid weekday:" in excinfo.value.args[0]
 def test_long_interval(manyweeks):
@@ -178,7 +163,7 @@ def test_long_interval(manyweeks):
     expected = manyweeks.interval
     got = manyweeks.next_ring(t)
     assert got is not None
-    assert int(got.strftime('%s')) == expected
+    assert int(got.strftime("%s")) == expected
     assert manyweeks.next_ring(got) is not None
@@ -194,15 +179,8 @@ def test_singledow(singledow):
 def test_single_registered():
-    timegenerate({
-        'kind': 'single',
-        'timestamp': 1234567890
-    })
+    timegenerate({"kind": "single", "timestamp": 1234567890})
 def test_frequency_registered():
-    timegenerate({
-        'kind': 'frequency',
-        'start': 1234567890,
-        'interval': 60*15
-    })
+    timegenerate({"kind": "frequency", "start": 1234567890, "interval": 60 * 15})

+ 2 - 1

@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 from __future__ import print_function
 from gevent import monkey
 import pytest
@@ -15,5 +16,5 @@ def app(queue):
 def test_refresh(app):
     assert app.queue.empty()
-    app.test_client().get('/api/refresh')
+    app.test_client().get("/api/refresh")
     assert not app.queue.empty()

+ 88 - 64

@@ -4,101 +4,125 @@ from datetime import datetime
 from pytimeparse.timeparse import timeparse
 from flask_wtf import Form
-from wtforms import StringField, validators, SubmitField, \
-        SelectMultipleField, ValidationError
+from wtforms import (
+    StringField,
+    validators,
+    SubmitField,
+    SelectMultipleField,
+    ValidationError,
 from larigira.formutils import EasyDateTimeField
 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 class SingleAlarmForm(Form):
-    nick = StringField('Alarm nick', validators=[validators.required()],
-                       description='A simple name to recognize this alarm')
-    dt = EasyDateTimeField('Date and time', validators=[validators.required()],
-                           description='Date to ring on, expressed as '
-                           '2000-12-31T13:42:00')
-    submit = SubmitField('Submit')
+    nick = StringField(
+        "Alarm nick",
+        validators=[validators.required()],
+        description="A simple name to recognize this alarm",
+    )
+    dt = EasyDateTimeField(
+        "Date and time",
+        validators=[validators.required()],
+        description="Date to ring on, expressed as " "2000-12-31T13:42:00",
+    )
+    submit = SubmitField("Submit")
     def populate_from_timespec(self, timespec):
-        if 'nick' in timespec:
-            self.nick.data = timespec['nick']
-        if 'timestamp' in timespec:
-            self.dt.data = datetime.fromtimestamp(timespec['timestamp'])
+        if "nick" in timespec:
+            self.nick.data = timespec["nick"]
+        if "timestamp" in timespec:
+            self.dt.data = datetime.fromtimestamp(timespec["timestamp"])
 def singlealarm_receive(form):
     return {
-        'kind': 'single',
-        'nick': form.nick.data,
-        'timestamp': int(form.dt.data.strftime('%s'))
+        "kind": "single",
+        "nick": form.nick.data,
+        "timestamp": int(form.dt.data.strftime("%s")),
 class FrequencyAlarmForm(Form):
-    nick = StringField('Alarm nick', validators=[validators.required()],
-                       description='A simple name to recognize this alarm')
-    interval = StringField('Frequency',
-                           validators=[validators.required()],
-                           description='in seconds, or human-readable '
-                           '(like 9w3d12h)')
-    start = EasyDateTimeField('Start date and time',
-                              validators=[validators.optional()],
-                              description='Before this, no alarm will ring. '
-                              'Expressed as YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS. If omitted, '
-                              'the alarm will always ring')
-    end = EasyDateTimeField('End date and time',
-                            validators=[validators.optional()],
-                            description='After this, no alarm will ring. '
-                            'Expressed as YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS. If omitted, '
-                            'the alarm will always ring')
-    weekdays = SelectMultipleField('Days on which the alarm should be played',
-                                   choices=[('1', 'Monday'),
-                                            ('2', 'Tuesday'),
-                                            ('3', 'Wednesday'),
-                                            ('4', 'Thursday'),
-                                            ('5', 'Friday'),
-                                            ('6', 'Saturday'),
-                                            ('7', 'Sunday')],
-                                   default=list('1234567'),
-                                   validators=[validators.required()],
-                                   description='The alarm will ring only on '
-                                   'selected weekdays')
-    submit = SubmitField('Submit')
+    nick = StringField(
+        "Alarm nick",
+        validators=[validators.required()],
+        description="A simple name to recognize this alarm",
+    )
+    interval = StringField(
+        "Frequency",
+        validators=[validators.required()],
+        description="in seconds, or human-readable " "(like 9w3d12h)",
+    )
+    start = EasyDateTimeField(
+        "Start date and time",
+        validators=[validators.optional()],
+        description="Before this, no alarm will ring. "
+        "Expressed as YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS. If omitted, "
+        "the alarm will always ring",
+    )
+    end = EasyDateTimeField(
+        "End date and time",
+        validators=[validators.optional()],
+        description="After this, no alarm will ring. "
+        "Expressed as YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS. If omitted, "
+        "the alarm will always ring",
+    )
+    weekdays = SelectMultipleField(
+        "Days on which the alarm should be played",
+        choices=[
+            ("1", "Monday"),
+            ("2", "Tuesday"),
+            ("3", "Wednesday"),
+            ("4", "Thursday"),
+            ("5", "Friday"),
+            ("6", "Saturday"),
+            ("7", "Sunday"),
+        ],
+        default=list("1234567"),
+        validators=[validators.required()],
+        description="The alarm will ring only on " "selected weekdays",
+    )
+    submit = SubmitField("Submit")
     def populate_from_timespec(self, timespec):
-        if 'nick' in timespec:
-            self.nick.data = timespec['nick']
-        if 'start' in timespec:
-            self.start.data = datetime.fromtimestamp(timespec['start'])
-        if 'end' in timespec:
-            self.end.data = datetime.fromtimestamp(timespec['end'])
-        if 'weekdays' in timespec:
-            self.weekdays.data = timespec['weekdays']
+        if "nick" in timespec:
+            self.nick.data = timespec["nick"]
+        if "start" in timespec:
+            self.start.data = datetime.fromtimestamp(timespec["start"])
+        if "end" in timespec:
+            self.end.data = datetime.fromtimestamp(timespec["end"])
+        if "weekdays" in timespec:
+            self.weekdays.data = timespec["weekdays"]
-            self.weekdays.data = list('1234567')
-        self.interval.data = timespec['interval']
+            self.weekdays.data = list("1234567")
+        self.interval.data = timespec["interval"]
     def validate_interval(self, field):
         except ValueError:
             if timeparse(field.data) is None:
-                raise ValidationError("interval must either be a number "
-                                      "(in seconds) or a human-readable "
-                                      "string like '1h2m'  or '1d12h'")
+                raise ValidationError(
+                    "interval must either be a number "
+                    "(in seconds) or a human-readable "
+                    "string like '1h2m'  or '1d12h'"
+                )
 def frequencyalarm_receive(form):
     obj = {
-        'kind': 'frequency',
-        'nick': form.nick.data,
-        'interval': form.interval.data,
-        'weekdays': form.weekdays.data,
+        "kind": "frequency",
+        "nick": form.nick.data,
+        "interval": form.interval.data,
+        "weekdays": form.weekdays.data,
     if form.start.data:
-        obj['start'] = int(form.start.data.strftime('%s'))
+        obj["start"] = int(form.start.data.strftime("%s"))
-        obj['start'] = 0
+        obj["start"] = 0
     if form.end.data:
-        obj['end'] = int(form.end.data.strftime('%s'))
+        obj["end"] = int(form.end.data.strftime("%s"))
     return obj

+ 36 - 19

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 main module to read and get informations about alarms
 from __future__ import print_function
 import sys
 from datetime import datetime
@@ -8,31 +8,48 @@ import argparse
 import json
 from .entrypoints_utils import get_one_entrypoint
 from logging import getLogger
-log = getLogger('timegen')
+log = getLogger("timegen")
 def get_timegenerator(kind):
-    '''Messes with entrypoints to return an timegenerator function'''
-    return get_one_entrypoint('larigira.timegenerators', kind)
+    """Messes with entrypoints to return an timegenerator function"""
+    return get_one_entrypoint("larigira.timegenerators", kind)
 def get_parser():
     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
-        description='Generate "ring times" from a timespec')
-    parser.add_argument('timespec', metavar='TIMESPEC', type=str, nargs=1,
-                        help='filename for timespec, formatted in json')
-    parser.add_argument('--now', metavar='NOW', type=int, nargs=1,
-                        default=None,
-                        help='Set a different "time", in unix epoch')
-    parser.add_argument('--howmany', metavar='N', type=int, nargs=1,
-                        default=[1],
-                        help='Set a different "time", in unix epoch')
+        description='Generate "ring times" from a timespec'
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "timespec",
+        metavar="TIMESPEC",
+        type=str,
+        nargs=1,
+        help="filename for timespec, formatted in json",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--now",
+        metavar="NOW",
+        type=int,
+        nargs=1,
+        default=None,
+        help='Set a different "time", in unix epoch',
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--howmany",
+        metavar="N",
+        type=int,
+        nargs=1,
+        default=[1],
+        help='Set a different "time", in unix epoch',
+    )
     return parser
 def read_spec(fname):
-        if fname == '-':
+        if fname == "-":
             return json.load(sys.stdin)
         with open(fname) as buf:
             return json.load(buf)
@@ -42,12 +59,12 @@ def read_spec(fname):
 def check_spec(spec):
-    if 'kind' not in spec:
+    if "kind" not in spec:
         yield "Missing field 'kind'"
 def timegenerate(spec, now=None, howmany=1):
-    Alarm = get_timegenerator(spec['kind'])
+    Alarm = get_timegenerator(spec["kind"])
     generator = Alarm(spec)
     if now is not None:
         if type(now) is not datetime:
@@ -58,14 +75,14 @@ def timegenerate(spec, now=None, howmany=1):
 def main():
-    '''Main function for the "larigira-timegen" executable'''
+    """Main function for the "larigira-timegen" executable"""
     args = get_parser().parse_args()
     spec = read_spec(args.timespec[0])
     errors = tuple(check_spec(spec))
     if errors:
         log.error("Errors in timespec")
         for err in errors:
-            sys.stderr.write('Error: {}\n'.format(err))
+            sys.stderr.write("Error: {}\n".format(err))
     now = None if args.now is None else args.now.pop()
     howmany = None if args.howmany is None else args.howmany.pop()

+ 33 - 34

@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 from __future__ import print_function
 import logging
-log = logging.getLogger('time-every')
+log = logging.getLogger("time-every")
 from datetime import datetime, timedelta
 from pytimeparse.timeparse import timeparse
@@ -17,21 +18,21 @@ class Alarm(object):
     def next_ring(self, current_time=None):
-        '''if current_time is None, it is now()
+        """if current_time is None, it is now()
         returns the next time it will ring; or None if it will not anymore
-        '''
+        """
         raise NotImplementedError()
     def has_ring(self, time=None):
-        '''returns True IFF the alarm will ring exactly at ``time``'''
+        """returns True IFF the alarm will ring exactly at ``time``"""
         raise NotImplementedError()
     def all_rings(self, current_time=None):
-        '''
+        """
         all future rings
         this, of course, is an iterator (they could be infinite)
-        '''
+        """
         ring = self.next_ring(current_time)
         while ring is not None:
             yield ring
@@ -39,17 +40,18 @@ class Alarm(object):
 class SingleAlarm(Alarm):
-    '''
+    """
     rings a single time
-    '''
-    description = 'Only once, at a specified date and time'
+    """
+    description = "Only once, at a specified date and time"
     def __init__(self, obj):
-        self.dt = getdate(obj['timestamp'])
+        self.dt = getdate(obj["timestamp"])
     def next_ring(self, current_time=None):
-        '''if current_time is None, it is now()'''
+        """if current_time is None, it is now()"""
         if current_time is None:
             current_time = datetime.now()
         if current_time >= self.dt:
@@ -63,29 +65,28 @@ class SingleAlarm(Alarm):
 class FrequencyAlarm(Alarm):
-    '''
+    """
     rings on {t | exists a k integer >= 0 s.t. t = start+k*t, start<t<end}
-    '''
-    description = 'Events at a specified frequency. Example: every 30minutes'
+    """
+    description = "Events at a specified frequency. Example: every 30minutes"
     def __init__(self, obj):
-        self.start = getdate(obj['start'])
+        self.start = getdate(obj["start"])
-            self.interval = int(obj['interval'])
+            self.interval = int(obj["interval"])
         except ValueError:
-            self.interval = timeparse(obj['interval'])
+            self.interval = timeparse(obj["interval"])
         assert type(self.interval) is int
-        self.end = getdate(obj['end']) if 'end' in obj else None
-        self.weekdays = [int(x) for x in obj['weekdays']] if \
-            'weekdays' in obj else None
+        self.end = getdate(obj["end"]) if "end" in obj else None
+        self.weekdays = [int(x) for x in obj["weekdays"]] if "weekdays" in obj else None
         if self.weekdays is not None:
             for weekday in self.weekdays:
                 if not 1 <= weekday <= 7:
-                    raise ValueError('Not a valid weekday: {}'
-                                     .format(weekday))
+                    raise ValueError("Not a valid weekday: {}".format(weekday))
     def next_ring(self, current_time=None):
-        '''if current_time is None, it is now()'''
+        """if current_time is None, it is now()"""
         if current_time is None:
             current_time = datetime.now()
         if self.end is not None and current_time > self.end:
@@ -100,22 +101,22 @@ class FrequencyAlarm(Alarm):
         # fact, it is necessary to retry until a valid event/weekday is
         # found. a "while True" might have been more elegant (and maybe
         # fast), but this gives a clear upper bound to the cycle.
-        for _ in range(max(60*60*24*7 // self.interval, 1)):
+        for _ in range(max(60 * 60 * 24 * 7 // self.interval, 1)):
             n_interval = (
                 (current_time - self.start).total_seconds() // self.interval
-                ) + 1
+            ) + 1
             ring = self.start + timedelta(seconds=self.interval * n_interval)
             if ring == current_time:
                 ring += timedelta(seconds=self.interval)
             if self.end is not None and ring > self.end:
                 return None
-            if self.weekdays is not None \
-               and ring.isoweekday() not in self.weekdays:
+            if self.weekdays is not None and ring.isoweekday() not in self.weekdays:
                 current_time = ring
             return ring
-        log.warning("Can't find a valid time for event %s; "
-                    "something went wrong", str(self))
+        log.warning(
+            "Can't find a valid time for event %s; " "something went wrong", str(self)
+        )
         return None
     def has_ring(self, current_time=None):
@@ -124,11 +125,9 @@ class FrequencyAlarm(Alarm):
         if not self.start >= current_time >= self.end:
             return False
-        n_interval = (current_time - self.start).total_seconds() // \
-            self.interval
-        expected_time = self.start + \
-            timedelta(seconds=self.interval * n_interval)
+        n_interval = (current_time - self.start).total_seconds() // self.interval
+        expected_time = self.start + timedelta(seconds=self.interval * n_interval)
         return expected_time == current_time
     def __str__(self):
-        return 'FrequencyAlarm(every %ds)' % self.interval
+        return "FrequencyAlarm(every %ds)" % self.interval

+ 25 - 20

@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 This component will look for files to be removed. There are some assumptions:
     * Only files in $TMPDIR are removed. Please remember that larigira has its
       own specific TMPDIR
     * MPD URIs are parsed, and only file:/// is supported
 import os
 from os.path import normpath
 import logging
@@ -11,13 +11,14 @@ import mpd
 def old_commonpath(directories):
-    if any(p for p in directories if p.startswith('/')) and \
-       any(p for p in directories if not p.startswith('/')):
+    if any(p for p in directories if p.startswith("/")) and any(
+        p for p in directories if not p.startswith("/")
+    ):
         raise ValueError("Can't mix absolute and relative paths")
     norm_paths = [normpath(p) + os.path.sep for p in directories]
     ret = os.path.dirname(os.path.commonprefix(norm_paths))
-    if len(ret) > 0 and ret == '/' * len(ret):
-        return '/'
+    if len(ret) > 0 and ret == "/" * len(ret):
+        return "/"
     return ret
@@ -35,35 +36,39 @@ class UnusedCleaner:
     def _get_mpd(self):
         mpd_client = mpd.MPDClient(use_unicode=True)
-        mpd_client.connect(self.conf['MPD_HOST'], self.conf['MPD_PORT'])
+        mpd_client.connect(self.conf["MPD_HOST"], self.conf["MPD_PORT"])
         return mpd_client
     def watch(self, uri):
-        '''
+        """
         adds fpath to the list of "watched" file
         as soon as it leaves the mpc playlist, it is removed
-        '''
-        if not uri.startswith('file:///'):
+        """
+        if not uri.startswith("file:///"):
             return  # not a file URI
-        fpath = uri[len('file://'):]
-        if 'TMPDIR' in self.conf and self.conf['TMPDIR'] \
-           and commonpath([self.conf['TMPDIR'], fpath]) != \
-           normpath(self.conf['TMPDIR']):
-            self.log.info('Not watching file %s: not in TMPDIR', fpath)
+        fpath = uri[len("file://") :]
+        if (
+            "TMPDIR" in self.conf
+            and self.conf["TMPDIR"]
+            and commonpath([self.conf["TMPDIR"], fpath])
+            != normpath(self.conf["TMPDIR"])
+        ):
+            self.log.info("Not watching file %s: not in TMPDIR", fpath)
         if not os.path.exists(fpath):
-            self.log.warning('a path that does not exist is being monitored')
+            self.log.warning("a path that does not exist is being monitored")
     def check_playlist(self):
-        '''check playlist + internal watchlist to see what can be removed'''
+        """check playlist + internal watchlist to see what can be removed"""
         mpdc = self._get_mpd()
-        files_in_playlist = {song['file'] for song in mpdc.playlistid()
-                             if song['file'].startswith('/')}
+        files_in_playlist = {
+            song["file"] for song in mpdc.playlistid() if song["file"].startswith("/")
+        }
         for fpath in self.waiting_removal_files - files_in_playlist:
             # we can remove it!
-            self.log.debug('removing unused: %s', fpath)
+            self.log.debug("removing unused: %s", fpath)
             if os.path.exists(fpath):