from flask_wtf import Form from wtforms import (BooleanField, IntegerField, SelectField, StringField, SubmitField, validators) from wtforms.fields.html5 import URLField class AudioForm(Form): nick = StringField( "Audio nick", validators=[validators.required()], description="A simple name to recognize this audio", ) url = URLField( "URL", validators=[validators.required()], description="URL of the podcast; it must be valid xml", ) # TODO: group by filters/sort/select min_len = StringField( "Accetta solo audio lunghi almeno:", description="Leaving this empty will disable this filter", ) max_len = StringField( "Accetta solo audio lunghi al massimo:", description="Leaving this empty will disable this filter", ) sort_by = SelectField( "Sort episodes", choices=[ ("none", "Don't sort"), ("random", "Random"), ("duration", "Duration"), ("date", "date"), ], ) start = IntegerField( "Play from episode number", description="Episodes count from 0; 0 is a sane default", ) reverse = BooleanField("Reverse sort (descending)") submit = SubmitField("Submit") def populate_from_audiospec(self, audiospec): for key in ("nick", "url", "sort_by", "reverse", "min_len", "max_len"): if key in audiospec: getattr(self, key).data = audiospec[key] = int(audiospec.get("start", 0)) def audio_receive(form): d = {"kind": "podcast"} for key in ( "nick", "url", "sort_by", "reverse", "min_len", "max_len", "start", ): d[key] = getattr(form, key).data return d