import wave def maxwait(songs, context, conf): wait = int(conf.get("EF_MAXWAIT_SEC", 0)) if wait == 0: return True if "time" not in context["status"]: return True, "no song playing?" curpos, duration = map(int, context["status"]["time"].split(":")) remaining = duration - curpos if remaining > wait: return False, "remaining %d max allowed %d" % (remaining, wait) return True def get_duration(path): """get track duration in seconds""" if path.lower().endswith(".wav"): with, "r") as f: frames = f.getnframes() rate = f.getframerate() duration = frames / rate return int(duration) try: import mutagen except ModuleNotFoundError: raise ImportError("mutagen not installed") audio = mutagen.File(path) if audio is None: return None return int( def percentwait(songs, context, conf, getdur=get_duration): """ Similar to maxwait, but the maximum waiting time is proportional to the duration of the audio we're going to add. This filter observe the EF_MAXWAIT_PERC variable. The variable must be an integer representing the percentual. If the variable is 0 or unset, the filter will not run. For example, if the currently playing track still has 1 minute to go and we are adding a jingle of 40seconds, then if EF_MAXWAIT_PERC==200 the audio will be added (40s*200% = 1m20s) while if EF_MAXWAIT_PERC==100 it will be filtered out. """ percentwait = int(conf.get("EF_MAXWAIT_PERC", 0)) if percentwait == 0: return True if "time" not in context["status"]: return True, "no song playing?" curpos, duration = map(int, context["status"]["time"].split(":")) remaining = duration - curpos eventduration = 0 for uri in songs["uris"]: if not uri.startswith("file://"): return True, "%s is not a file" % uri path = uri[len("file://") :] # strips file:// songduration = getdur(path) if songduration is None: continue eventduration += songduration if eventduration == 0: # must be an error! mutagen support is not always perfect return True, 'mutagen could not calculate length of %s' % uri wait = eventduration * (percentwait / 100.0) if remaining > wait: return False, "remaining %d max allowed %d" % (remaining, wait) return True