audiogenerators.rst 949 B

  1. Audiogenerators
  2. ===============
  3. mpdrandom
  4. ---------
  5. picks ``howmany`` song randomly from your mpd library. It follows this
  6. strategy: it picks ``howmany`` artists from your MPD library, then picks a random song for each one
  7. randomdir
  8. ----------
  9. Given a directory ``path``, scan it recursively, then picks ``howmany`` random
  10. files. Only files whose filename ends in mp3/ogg/oga/wav are considered . Files are copied to ``TMPDIR`` before being returned.
  11. static
  12. ---------
  13. That simple: every element in ``paths`` is returned. Before doing so, they are
  14. copied to ``TMPDIR``.
  15. http
  16. ---------
  17. Given a sequence of ``urls``, downloads each one and enqueue it.
  18. This is **not** suitable for streams (a fundamental limitation of larigira),
  19. only for audio files.
  20. mostrecent
  21. -------------
  22. It is similar to randomdir, but instead of picking randomly, picks the most
  23. recent file (according to the ctime).
  24. script
  25. --------
  26. see :doc:`audiogenerators-write`