HISTORY.txt 1.7 KB

  1. ==================
  2. larigira History
  3. ==================
  4. :Author: boyska
  5. :Web site: https://git.lattuga.net/boyska/larigira
  6. :Copyright: This document has been placed in the public domain.
  7. .. contents::
  8. Unreleased
  9. ============
  10. larigira moved. Its new repository is at
  11. https://git.lattuga.net/boyska/larigira . Update your bookmarks!
  12. There are some serious improvements and many small fixes and improvements.
  13. A new component has been added: EventFilters. They are a way to fix the problem
  14. of jingles and events stacking up on the playlist. I'm sure they can be useful
  15. to you. Read more on the documentation!
  16. * web interface:
  17. - allow editing `mostrecent` audio
  18. - **NEW** event calendar
  19. * audio generators:
  20. - randomdir: nicer filename, include action nick
  21. - limit randomdir to audio files
  22. * cleaning:
  23. - Explicit python dependency in setup.py
  24. - minor improvements on logging
  25. Release 1.1.0
  26. ==============
  27. Mostly cleanup
  28. * logging from audiogens is slightly improved
  29. * files generated from audiogens have more meaningful names
  30. * code cleaning
  31. Release 1.0.1
  32. =================
  33. Hotfix release
  34. * web:
  35. - error caused by script suggestion logic assuming SCRIPTS_PATH was valid
  36. Release 1.0.0
  37. =================
  38. New release. There are many improvements but also a breaking change.
  39. **CHANGE**: separator for script audiogen is now semicolon. Space is too
  40. common on filenames
  41. Now larigira officially tests and supports python 3.4
  42. * Web Interface:
  43. - Files, scripts, etc are autocompleted and validated
  44. following FILE_PATH_SUGGESTION options
  45. - event list is clearer, details are collapsed
  46. * Other improvements:
  47. - The frequency time generator supports weekdays
  48. - Documentation: clarify default DB location