2016-12-15 13:44:29 +01:00
import os
from splinter import Browser
class Messagenet(object):
BASE = 'https://www.messagenet.com'
def __init__(self, browser_driver='chrome'):
self.browser_driver = browser_driver
self._browser = None
# roba pitonesca {{{
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
if self._browser is not None:
if os.getenv('MN_DEBUG', '0') == '1':
raw_input('Premi un tasto per uscire')
self._browser = None
# }}}
def browser(self):
if self._browser is None:
self._browser = Browser(self.browser_driver)
return self._browser
def login(self, user, password):
self.browser.fill('userid', user)
self.browser.fill('password', password)
self.browser.find_by_css('#login button').click()
def get_inbound_calls(self):
'''you cannot call this unless you have already logged in'''
b = self.browser
b.visit(self.BASE + '/voip/log/?chiamate=ricevute')
# estendo la ricerca {{{
longest = b.find_by_css('select[name="data"] option:last-child')
# }}}
rows = b.find_by_css('.sepLog')
for r in rows:
ok = r.has_class('statusOK')
cells = r.find_by_tag('td')
call_type_desc = cells[0].value
date = cells[1].value
# avanzato: prendi la data {{{2
# }}}
call_from = cells[2].value
call_to = cells[3].value
duration = cells[4].value
yield {'status': (ok, call_type_desc), 'date': date,
'from': call_from, 'to': call_to, 'duration': duration}
def get_outbound_calls(self):
'''you cannot call this unless you have already logged in'''
b = self.browser
b.visit(self.BASE + '/voip/log/?chiamate=effettuate')
# estendo la ricerca {{{
longest = b.find_by_css('select[name="data"] option:last-child')
# }}}
rows = b.find_by_css('.sepLog')
for r in rows:
ok = r.has_class('statusOK')
cells = r.find_by_tag('td')
call_type_desc = cells[0].value
date = cells[1].value
# avanzato: prendi la data {{{2
# }}}
call_from = cells[2].value
deviata = bool(cells[3].value)
call_to = cells[4].value
duration = cells[5].value
yield {'status': (ok, call_type_desc), 'date': date,
'deviata': deviata,
'from': call_from, 'to': call_to, 'duration': duration}
def set_forward(self, to):
b = self.browser
b.visit(self.BASE + '/voip/numeri')
if to is False:
print '\n'.join([meth for meth in dir(b) if '_by_' in meth])
# assumiamo che il numero sia valido
def get_forward(self):
b = self.browser
b.visit(self.BASE + '/voip/numeri')
fw_type = b.find_by_name('deviazione').first.value
fw_all = bool(int(b.find_by_id('tutte').value))
fw_to = b.find_by_id('numdev').value
return {'type': fw_type, 'all': fw_all, 'to': fw_to}
2016-12-15 14:20:49 +01:00
def get_currency(self):
b = self.browser
b.visit(self.BASE + '/voip/numeri')
moneystring = b.find_by_css('.currency span').first.value
# FIXME: should do a proper parsing based on LC_CURRENCY
return float(moneystring.replace(',', '.'))