MAX_FILE_SIZE) { return false; } // The second parameter can force the selectors to all be lowercase. $dom->load($contents, $lowercase, $stripRN); return $dom; } class CpasbienBridge extends HttpCachingBridgeAbstract{ private $request; public function collectData(array $param){ $html = ''; if (isset($param['q'])) { /* keyword search mode */ $this->request = str_replace(" ","-",trim($param['q'])); $html = file_get_html(''.urlencode($this->request).'.html') or $this->returnError('No results for this query.', 404); } else { $this->returnError('You must specify a keyword (?q=...).', 400); } foreach ($html->find('#gauche',0)->find('div') as $episode) { if ($episode->getAttribute('class')=='ligne0' || $episode->getAttribute('class')=='ligne1') { $htmlepisode=content_get_html($this->get_cached($episode->find('a', 0)->getAttribute('href'))); $item = new \Item(); $item->name = $episode->find('a', 0)->text(); $item->title = $episode->find('a', 0)->text(); $item->timestamp = $this->get_cached_time($episode->find('a', 0)->getAttribute('href')); $textefiche=$htmlepisode->find('#textefiche', 0)->find('p',1); if (isset($textefiche)) { $item->content = $textefiche->text(); } else { $item->content = $htmlepisode->find('#textefiche', 0)->find('p',0)->text(); } $item->id = $episode->find('a', 0)->getAttribute('href'); $item->uri = $this->getURI() . $htmlepisode->find('#telecharger',0)->getAttribute('href'); $item->thumbnailUri = $htmlepisode->find('#bigcover', 0)->find('img',0)->getAttribute('src'); $this->items[] = $item; } } } public function getName(){ return (!empty($this->request) ? $this->request .' - ' : '') .'Cpasbien Bridge'; } public function getURI(){ return ''; } public function getCacheDuration(){ return 60*60*24; // 24 hours } }