array( 'url' => array( 'name' => 'URL', 'required' => true ))); private function archiveIsAudioFormat($formatString) { return strpos($formatString, 'MP3') !== false || strpos($formatString, 'Ogg') === 0; } private function extractAudio($dom) { $audios = []; foreach($dom->find('audio') as $audioEl) { $sources = []; if($audioEl->src !== false) { $sources[] = $audioEl->src; } foreach($audioEl->find('source') as $sourceEl) { $sources[] = $sourceEl->src; } if($sources) { $audios[$sources[0]] = ['sources' => $sources]; } } return $audios; } private function extractIframeArchive($dom) { $audios = []; foreach($dom->find('iframe') as $iframeEl) { if(strpos($iframeEl->src, "") === 0) { $listURL = preg_replace("/\/embed\//", "/details/", $iframeEl->src, 1) . "?output=json"; $baseURL = preg_replace("/\/embed\//", "/download/", $iframeEl->src, 1); $list = json_decode(file_get_contents($listURL)); $audios = []; foreach($list->files as $name =>$data) { if($data->source === 'original' && $this->archiveIsAudioFormat($data->format)) { $audios[$baseURL . $name] = ['sources' => [$baseURL . $name]]; } } foreach($list->files as $name =>$data) { if($data->source === 'derivative' && $this->archiveIsAudioFormat($data->format) && isset($audios[$baseURL . "/" . $data->original])) { $audios[$baseURL . "/" . $data->original]['sources'][] = $baseURL . $name; } } } } return $audios; } protected function parseItem($newItem){ $item = parent::parseItem($newItem); $dom = getSimpleHTMLDOMCached($item['uri']); $audios = []; if ($dom !== false) { /* 1st extraction method: by "audio" tag */ $audios = array_merge($audios, $this->extractAudio($dom)); /* 2nd extraction method: by "iframe" tag */ $audios = array_merge($audios, $this->extractIframeArchive($dom)); } elseif($item['content'] !== NULL) { /* 1st extraction method: by "audio" tag */ $audios = array_merge($audios, $this->extractAudio(str_get_html($item['content']))); /* 2nd extraction method: by "iframe" tag */ $audios = array_merge($audios, $this->extractIframeArchive(str_get_html($item['content']))); } if(count($audios) === 0) { return null; } $item['enclosures'] = array_values($audios); $item['enclosures'] = []; foreach(array_values($audios) as $audio) { $item['enclosures'][] = $audio['sources'][0]; } return $item; } public function collectData(){ if($this->getInput('url') && substr($this->getInput('url'), 0, strlen('http')) !== 'http') { // just in case someone find a way to access local files by playing with the url returnClientError('The url parameter must either refer to http or https protocol.'); } $this->collectExpandableDatas($this->getURI()); } public function getName(){ if(!is_null($this->getInput('url'))) { return self::NAME . ' : ' . $this->getInput('url'); } return parent::getName(); } public function getURI(){ return $this->getInput('url'); } }