# rss2twitter [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/umputun/rss2twitter.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/umputun/rss2twitter) [![Docker Automated build](https://img.shields.io/docker/automated/jrottenberg/ffmpeg.svg)](https://hub.docker.com/r/umputun/rss2twitter/) The service publishes RSS updates to twitter. The reason is simple - I needed self-hosted thingy to post twits on feed change for my sites (podcasts and blogs). Tried several "cloud services" for this and lately switched to IFTTT. It worked, but slow and unreliable. Sometimes it took hours to get twit posted, sometimes I had to trigger it manually. In addition IFTTT can't have multiple twitter accounts defined for the same IFTTT account and I had to deal with multiple IFTTT accounts just to post to different twitter's timelines. ## Install Use provided `docker-compose.yml` and change `FEED` value. All twiter-api credentials can be retrieved from https://developer.twitter.com/en/apps and should be set in environment or directly in the compose file. ## Parameters ``` Application Options: -r, --refresh= refresh interval (default: 30s) [$REFRESH] -t, --timeout= twitter timeout (default: 5s) [$TIMEOUT] -f, --feed= rss feed url [$FEED] --consumer-key= twitter consumer key [$TWI_CONSUMER_KEY] --consumer-secret= twitter consumer secret [$TWI_CONSUMER_SECRET] --access-token= twitter access token [$TWI_ACCESS_TOKEN] --access-secret= twitter access secret [$TWI_ACCESS_SECRET] --template= twitter message template (default: {{.Title}} - {{.Link}}) [$TEMPLATE] --dry dry mode [$DRY] --dbg debug mode [$DEBUG] ```