twitter_user.go 3.3 KB

  1. package anaconda
  2. type User struct {
  3. ContributorsEnabled bool `json:"contributors_enabled"`
  4. CreatedAt string `json:"created_at"`
  5. DefaultProfile bool `json:"default_profile"`
  6. DefaultProfileImage bool `json:"default_profile_image"`
  7. Description string `json:"description"`
  8. Email string `json:"email"`
  9. Entities Entities `json:"entities"`
  10. FavouritesCount int `json:"favourites_count"`
  11. FollowRequestSent bool `json:"follow_request_sent"`
  12. FollowersCount int `json:"followers_count"`
  13. Following bool `json:"following"`
  14. FriendsCount int `json:"friends_count"`
  15. GeoEnabled bool `json:"geo_enabled"`
  16. HasExtendedProfile bool `json:"has_extended_profile"`
  17. Id int64 `json:"id"`
  18. IdStr string `json:"id_str"`
  19. IsTranslator bool `json:"is_translator"`
  20. IsTranslationEnabled bool `json:"is_translation_enabled"`
  21. Lang string `json:"lang"` // BCP-47 code of user defined language
  22. ListedCount int64 `json:"listed_count"`
  23. Location string `json:"location"` // User defined location
  24. Name string `json:"name"`
  25. Notifications bool `json:"notifications"`
  26. ProfileBackgroundColor string `json:"profile_background_color"`
  27. ProfileBackgroundImageURL string `json:"profile_background_image_url"`
  28. ProfileBackgroundImageUrlHttps string `json:"profile_background_image_url_https"`
  29. ProfileBackgroundTile bool `json:"profile_background_tile"`
  30. ProfileBannerURL string `json:"profile_banner_url"`
  31. ProfileImageURL string `json:"profile_image_url"`
  32. ProfileImageUrlHttps string `json:"profile_image_url_https"`
  33. ProfileLinkColor string `json:"profile_link_color"`
  34. ProfileSidebarBorderColor string `json:"profile_sidebar_border_color"`
  35. ProfileSidebarFillColor string `json:"profile_sidebar_fill_color"`
  36. ProfileTextColor string `json:"profile_text_color"`
  37. ProfileUseBackgroundImage bool `json:"profile_use_background_image"`
  38. Protected bool `json:"protected"`
  39. ScreenName string `json:"screen_name"`
  40. ShowAllInlineMedia bool `json:"show_all_inline_media"`
  41. Status *Tweet `json:"status"` // Only included if the user is a friend
  42. StatusesCount int64 `json:"statuses_count"`
  43. TimeZone string `json:"time_zone"`
  44. URL string `json:"url"`
  45. UtcOffset int `json:"utc_offset"`
  46. Verified bool `json:"verified"`
  47. WithheldInCountries []string `json:"withheld_in_countries"`
  48. WithheldScope string `json:"withheld_scope"`
  49. }
  50. // Provide language translator from BCP-47 to human readable format for Lang field?
  51. // Available through, deserves further investigation