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rss2twitter Go Report Card

( Fork of )

The service publishes RSS updates to twitter. The reason is simple - I needed self-hosted thingy to post tweets on a feed change for my sites (podcasts and blogs). Tried several "cloud services" for this and lately switched to IFTTT. It worked, but slow and unreliable. Sometimes it took hours to get twit posted, sometimes I had to trigger it manually. In addition IFTTT can't have multiple twitter accounts defined for the same IFTTT account and I had to deal with multiple IFTTT accounts just to post to different twitter's timelines.


cd app; go install ./...


--template parameter (env $TEMPLATE) defines output tweet's format with:

  • {{.Title}} - title fo rss item (entry)
  • {{.Link}} - rss link
  • {{.Text}} - item description

default is {{.Title}} - {{.Link}}


Application Options:
  -r, --refresh=         refresh interval (default: 30s) [$REFRESH]
  -t, --timeout=         rss feed timeout (default: 5s) [$TIMEOUT]
  -f, --feed=            rss feed url [$FEED]
      --consumer-key=    twitter consumer key [$TWI_CONSUMER_KEY]
      --consumer-secret= twitter consumer secret [$TWI_CONSUMER_SECRET]
      --access-token=    twitter access token [$TWI_ACCESS_TOKEN]
      --access-secret=   twitter access secret [$TWI_ACCESS_SECRET]
      --template=        twitter message template (default: {{.Title}} - {{.Link}}) [$TEMPLATE]
      --dry              dry mode [$DRY]
      --dbg              debug mode [$DEBUG]
  • refresh interval defines how often RSS feed will be checked and restricts the minimal time interval between two tweets.
  • values for refresh and timeout should be presented with units "d" (days), "h" (hours), "m" (minutes) os "s" (seconds)
  • dry disables publishing to twitter and sends updates to logger only


getting the core out of rss2twitter, I created rss2cmd. It's a simple program that monitors a RSS feed but, instead of pushing to twitter, calls the command you tell it to.

Typical usage:

rss2cmd -f -- ./myscript --blah

my script will receive post data in the form of environment variables. Every metadata, except the body, is passed like that. The body, instead, is passed via stdin.