bot.html 3.2 KB

  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
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  4. <title>Facciamo finta di avere una vita sociale</title>
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  35. ## Facciamo finta di avere una vita sociale
  36. Mettiamo dei bot a fare amici al posto nostro
  37. ---
  38. layout: false
  39. # Summary
  40. (there's not much, actually)
  41. 1. The tools we have
  42. 2. The fun I imagine
  43. 3. How much is too much?
  44. ---
  45. # The tools we have
  46. * Simulating web behaviour with browsers bots
  47. * It's easier than API!
  48. * we don't need oauth, authorization, etc
  49. * it's (arguably) more similar to a 'normal' user behaviour
  50. ---
  51. ## Splinter
  52. A wrapper on selenium (and something else actually) which is an implementation of the webdriver interface.
  53. Which means that...
  54. ```
  55. from splinter import Browser
  56. browser = Browser('chrome')
  57. browser.visit('')
  58. browser.fill('q', 'the answer to life the universe and everything')
  59. # find the submit buttom by the class atribute and click it
  60. browser.find_by_css('.lsb')
  61. # Note: find_by_css find elements in html using css selectors
  62. # like we use in a css file
  63. print browser.find_by_css('#topstuff .std h2').first.value
  64. browser.quit()
  65. ```
  66. ---
  67. ## Splinter: smilar stuff
  68. There is plenty of similar stuff in your favourite language
  69. ---
  70. # The fun I see
  71. * noone is stupid enough to appear as such on twitter
  72. * not even a bot
  73. * so go making crazy bots everywhere
  74. * is not a new idea: even at hackit0x0F there was something similar
  75. * but it was based on Facebook API (less stealth) + JS extension (more burden to write)
  76. ---
  77. # How much is too much?
  78. Why don't we record everything we see with forensic data management tools? Maltego!
  79. ![maltego shot](bot/maltego-small.jpg)
  80. ---
  81. # How much is too much?
  82. Why don't we record everything we see with forensic data management tools? Maltego!
  83. È un accrocco in cui tu ci metti i dati che hai raccolto, così li puoi visualizzare in un modo intuititivo.
  84. ---
  85. # The fun I see
  86. * scriviamo bot in giro
  87. * vediamo che cosa scoprono
  88. * tipo spettegolare sul quartiere, ma coi quartieri degli altri
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