This is a collection of misc libraries, examples, etc. for stm32f103 (aka blue pill) + libopencm3 (+ FreeRTOS, sometimes) AD9850 ======== Control some DDS like AD9850 and AD9851. This library doesn't use SPI, just regular GPIO: this is simpler (imho) to implement and understand, and gives you freedom to use whichever pin you prefer. Notes ------- Support for ad9833 is completely lacking (despite some code you might find). I am uncertain about ad9850/1: the two are similar, and I have some difficulties understanding which do I have. However, I think the implementation is correct. Rotary TBL =========== Rotary encoder reading implemented with interrupts and lookup tables. This implementation uses a single interrupt, both on rising and falling. Credits to _This is not a library, just an example_ The example uses FreeRTOS just for convenience, you can easily remove it. Rotary TBL2 =========== Same as before, but with interrupts on both ports of the rotary encoder. It is more precise but, well, "uses" one more interrupt. Credits to The example uses FreeRTOS just for convenience, you can easily remove it. _This is not a library, just an example_ SSD1306 ======= Controls the oled display SSD1306. SPI is used, so you don't have complete freedom on which pin/port to choose.