SwpmUtils::_('Membership Level'), 'plural' => SwpmUtils::_('Membership Levels'), 'ajax' => false )); $selected = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'membership_level_id'); $this->selected_level_id = empty($selected) ? 1 : $selected; $this->post = ($this->selected_level_id == 1) ? SwpmProtection::get_instance() : SwpmPermission::get_instance($this->selected_level_id); $this->type = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'list_type'); if (is_null($this->type)) { $this->type = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'list_type'); } if (is_null($this->type)) { $this->type = 'post'; } } function get_columns() { switch ($this->type) { case 'page': return array( 'cb' => '' , 'date' => SwpmUtils::_('Date') , 'title' => SwpmUtils::_('Title') , 'author' => SwpmUtils::_('Author') , 'status' => SwpmUtils::_('Status') ); break; case 'post': return array( 'cb' => '' , 'date' => SwpmUtils::_('Date') , 'title' => SwpmUtils::_('Title') , 'author' => SwpmUtils::_('Author') , 'categories' => SwpmUtils::_('Categories') , 'status' => SwpmUtils::_('Status') ); break; case 'custom_post': return array( 'cb' => '' , 'date' => SwpmUtils::_('Date') , 'title' => SwpmUtils::_('Title') , 'author' => SwpmUtils::_('Author') , 'type' => SwpmUtils::_('Type') , 'status' => SwpmUtils::_('Status') ); break; } } function get_sortable_columns() { return array(); } function column_default($item, $column_name) { return stripslashes($item[$column_name]); } function column_term_id($item) { return $item->term_id; } function column_taxonomy($item) { $taxonomy = $item->taxonomy; if ($taxonomy == 'category') { $taxonomy = 'Post Category'; } else { $taxonomy = 'Custom Post Type (' . $taxonomy . ')'; } return $taxonomy; } function column_cb($item) { return sprintf( ' ', $item['ID'], $item['protected'], $item['ID'] ); } public static function update_post_list() { //Check we are on the admin end and user has management permission SwpmMiscUtils::check_user_permission_and_is_admin('post protection update'); //Check nonce $swpm_post_prot_update_nonce = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'swpm_post_prot_update_nonce'); if (!wp_verify_nonce($swpm_post_prot_update_nonce, 'swpm_post_prot_update_nonce_action')) { //Nonce check failed. wp_die(SwpmUtils::_("Error! Nonce security verification failed for Post Protection Update action. Clear cache and try again.")); } $type = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'list_type'); $selected = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'membership_level_id'); $selected_level_id = empty($selected) ? 1 : $selected; $post = ($selected_level_id == 1) ? SwpmProtection::get_instance() : SwpmPermission::get_instance($selected_level_id); $args = array('ids' => array( 'filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, 'flags' => FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY, )); $filtered = filter_input_array(INPUT_POST, $args); $ids = $filtered['ids']; $args = array('ids_in_page' => array( 'filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, 'flags' => FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY, )); $filtered = filter_input_array(INPUT_POST, $args); $ids_in_page = $filtered['ids_in_page']; $post->remove($ids_in_page, $type)->apply($ids, $type)->save(); $message = array('succeeded' => true, 'message' => '
' . SwpmUtils::_('Protection settings updated!') . '
'); SwpmTransfer::get_instance()->set('status', $message); } function prepare_items() { global $wpdb; switch ($this->type) { case 'page': $args = array( 'child_of' => 0, 'sort_order' => 'ASC', 'sort_column' => 'post_title', 'hierarchical' => 0, 'parent' => -1, ); $all_pages = get_pages($args); $filtered_items = array(); foreach ($all_pages as $page) { $page_summary = array(); $user_info = get_userdata($page->post_author); $page_summary['protected'] = $this->post->in_pages($page->ID) ? " checked='checked'" : ""; $page_summary['ID'] = $page->ID; $page_summary['date'] = $page->post_date; $page_summary['title'] = '' . $page->post_title . ''; $page_summary['author'] = $user_info->user_login; $page_summary['status'] = $page->post_status; $filtered_items[] = $page_summary; } break; case 'post': $sql = "SELECT ID,post_date,post_title,post_author, post_type, post_status FROM $wpdb->posts "; $sql .= " WHERE post_type = 'post' AND post_status = 'publish'"; $all_posts = $wpdb->get_results($sql); $filtered_items = array(); foreach ($all_posts as $post) { //if($post->post_type=='page')continue; $post_summary = array(); $user_info = get_userdata($post->post_author); $categories = get_the_category($post->ID); $cat = array(); foreach ($categories as $category) $cat[] = $category->category_nicename; $post_summary['protected'] = $this->post->in_posts($post->ID) ? " checked='checked'" : ""; $post_summary['ID'] = $post->ID; $post_summary['date'] = $post->post_date; $post_summary['title'] = '' . $post->post_title . ''; $post_summary['author'] = $user_info->user_login; $post_summary['categories'] = rawurldecode(implode(' ', $cat)); $post_summary['status'] = $post->post_status; $filtered_items[] = $post_summary; } break; case 'custom_post': $filtered_items = array(); $args = array('public' => true, '_builtin' => false); $post_types = get_post_types($args); $arg = "'" . implode('\',\'', $post_types) . "'"; if (!empty($arg)) { $sql = "SELECT ID,post_date,post_title,post_author, post_type, post_status FROM $wpdb->posts "; $sql .= " WHERE post_type IN (" . $arg . ") AND (post_status='inherit' OR post_status='publish')"; $all_posts = $wpdb->get_results($sql); foreach ($all_posts as $post) { $post_summary = array(); $user_info = get_userdata($post->post_author); $post_summary['protected'] = $this->post->in_custom_posts($post->ID) ? "checked='checked'" : ""; $post_summary['ID'] = $post->ID; $post_summary['date'] = $post->post_date; $post_summary['title'] = '' . $post->post_title . ''; $post_summary['author'] = $user_info->user_login; $post_summary['type'] = $post->post_type; $post_summary['status'] = $post->post_status; $filtered_items[] = $post_summary; } } break; } $totalitems = count($filtered_items); $perpage = 100; $paged = !empty($_GET["paged"]) ? sanitize_text_field($_GET["paged"]) : ''; if (empty($paged) || !is_numeric($paged) || $paged <= 0) { $paged = 1; } $totalpages = ceil($totalitems / $perpage); $offset = 0; if (!empty($paged) && !empty($perpage)) { $offset = ($paged - 1) * $perpage; } for ($i = $offset; $i < ((int) $offset + (int) $perpage) && !empty($filtered_items[$i]); $i++) { $all_items[] = $filtered_items[$i]; } $this->set_pagination_args(array( "total_items" => $totalitems, "total_pages" => $totalpages, "per_page" => $perpage, )); $columns = $this->get_columns(); $hidden = array(); $sortable = $this->get_sortable_columns(); $this->_column_headers = array($columns, $hidden, $sortable); $this->items = $all_items; } function no_items() { SwpmUtils::e('No items found.'); } }