user_login); //Check if SWPM user entry exists if (empty($swpm_user)) { SwpmLog::log_auth_debug("wp_password_reset_hook() - SWPM user not found for username: '" . $user->user_login ."'. This is OK, assuming that this user was created directly in WP Users menu (not using SWPM).", true); return; } $swpm_id = $swpm_user->member_id; if (!empty($swpm_id)) { $password_hash = SwpmUtils::encrypt_password($pass); global $wpdb; $wpdb->update($wpdb->prefix . "swpm_members_tbl", array('password' => $password_hash), array('member_id' => $swpm_id)); } } public function save_attachment_extra($post, $attachment) { $this->save_postdata($post['ID']); return $post; } public function filter_attachment($content, $post_id) { if (is_admin()) {//No need to filter on the admin side return $content; } $acl = SwpmAccessControl::get_instance(); if (has_post_thumbnail($post_id)) { return $content; } $post = get_post($post_id); if ($acl->can_i_read_post($post)) { return $content; } if (isset($content['file'])) { $content['file'] = 'restricted-icon.png'; $content['width'] = '400'; $content['height'] = '400'; } if (isset($content['sizes'])) { if ($content['sizes']['thumbnail']) { $content['sizes']['thumbnail']['file'] = 'restricted-icon.png'; $content['sizes']['thumbnail']['mime-type'] = 'image/png'; } if ($content['sizes']['medium']) { $content['sizes']['medium']['file'] = 'restricted-icon.png'; $content['sizes']['medium']['mime-type'] = 'image/png'; } if (isset($content['sizes']['post-thumbnail'])) { $content['sizes']['post-thumbnail']['file'] = 'restricted-icon.png'; $content['sizes']['post-thumbnail']['mime-type'] = 'image/png'; } } return $content; } public function filter_attachment_url($content, $post_id) { if (is_admin()) {//No need to filter on the admin side return $content; } $acl = SwpmAccessControl::get_instance(); if (has_post_thumbnail($post_id)) { return $content; } $post = get_post($post_id); if ($acl->can_i_read_post($post)) { return $content; } return SwpmUtils::get_restricted_image_url(); } public function admin_init_hook() { //This hook is triggered in the wp-admin side only. $this->common_library(); //Load the common JS libraries and Styles $swpm_settings_obj = SwpmSettings::get_instance(); //Check if the "Disable Access to WP Dashboard" option is enabled. $disable_wp_dashboard_for_non_admins = $swpm_settings_obj->get_value('disable-access-to-wp-dashboard'); if ($disable_wp_dashboard_for_non_admins) { //This option is enabled if ((defined('DOING_AJAX') && DOING_AJAX)) { //This is an ajax request. Don't do the disable dashboard check for ajax. } else { //Not an ajax request. Do the check. if (!current_user_can('administrator')) { //This is a non-admin user. Do not show the wp dashboard. $message = '

' . SwpmUtils::_('The admin of this site does not allow users to access the wp dashboard.') . '

'; $message .= '

' . SwpmUtils::_('Go back to the home page by ') . '' . SwpmUtils::_('clicking here') . '.' . '

'; wp_die($message); } } } //Initialize the settings menu hooks. $swpm_settings_obj->init_config_hooks(); $addon_saved = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'swpm-addon-settings'); if (!empty($addon_saved) && current_user_can('manage_options')) { check_admin_referer('swpm_addon_settings_section', 'swpm_addon_settings_section_save_settings'); do_action('swpm_addon_settings_save'); } } public function hide_adminbar() { //Never show admin toolbar if the user is not even logged in if (!is_user_logged_in()) { return false; } //Show admin toolbar to admin only feature is enabled. $show_to_admin = SwpmSettings::get_instance()->get_value('show-adminbar-admin-only'); if ($show_to_admin) { if (current_user_can('administrator')) { //This is an admin user so show the tooldbar return true; } else { return false; } } //Hide admin toolbar if the hide adminbar feature is enabled $hide = SwpmSettings::get_instance()->get_value('hide-adminbar'); return $hide ? FALSE : TRUE; } public function shutdown() { SwpmLog::writeall(); } public static function swpm_login($username, $pass, $rememberme = true) { if (is_user_logged_in()) { $current_user = wp_get_current_user(); SwpmLog::log_auth_debug("static function swpm_login(). User is logged in. WP Username: " . $current_user->user_login, true); if ($current_user->user_login == $username) { return; } } SwpmLog::log_auth_debug("Trying wp_signon() with username: " . $username, true); add_filter('wordfence_ls_require_captcha', '__return_false');//For Wordfence plugin's captcha compatibility $user_obj = wp_signon(array('user_login' => $username, 'user_password' => $pass, 'remember' => $rememberme), is_ssl()); if ($user_obj instanceof WP_User) { wp_set_current_user($user_obj->ID, $user_obj->user_login); SwpmLog::log_auth_debug("Setting current WP user to: " . $user_obj->user_login, true); } else { SwpmLog::log_auth_debug("wp_signon() failed for the corresponding WP user account.", false); if (is_wp_error($user_obj)) { //SwpmLog::log_auth_debug("Error Message: ". $user_obj->get_error_message(), false); $force_wp_user_sync = SwpmSettings::get_instance()->get_value('force-wp-user-sync'); if (!empty($force_wp_user_sync)) { //Force WP user login sync is enabled. Show error and exit out since the WP user login failed. $error_msg = SwpmUtils::_("Error! This site has the force WP user login feature enabled in the settings. We could not find a WP user record for the given username: ") . $username; $error_msg .= "

" . SwpmUtils::_("This error is triggered when a member account doesn't have a corresponding WP user account. So the plugin fails to log the user into the WP User system."); $error_msg .= "

" . SwpmUtils::_("Contact the site admin and request them to check your username in the WP Users menu to see what happened with the WP user entry of your account."); $error_msg .= "

" . SwpmUtils::_("The site admin can disable the Force WP User Synchronization feature in the settings to disable this feature and this error will go away."); $error_msg .= "

" . SwpmUtils::_("You can use the back button of your browser to go back to the site."); wp_die($error_msg); } } } $proceed_after_auth = apply_filters('swpm_login_auth_completed_filter', true); if (!$proceed_after_auth) { $auth = SwpmAuth::get_instance(); $auth->logout(); return; } SwpmLog::log_auth_debug("Triggering swpm_after_login hook.", true); do_action('swpm_after_login'); if (!SwpmUtils::is_ajax()) { $redirect_url = apply_filters('swpm_after_login_redirect_url', SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_SITE_HOME_URL); wp_redirect($redirect_url); exit(0); } } public function swpm_do_user_logout() { if (is_user_logged_in()) { wp_logout(); wp_set_current_user(0); } } /* This function can be used to authenticate a member using currently logged in wp user. */ public function set_current_user_handler() { $auth = SwpmAuth::get_instance(); if ($auth->is_logged_in()) { return; } $user = wp_get_current_user(); if (empty($user) || $user->ID === 0) { return false; } SwpmLog::log_auth_debug('set_current_user action. Attempting to login user ' . $user->user_login, true); //remove hook in order for it to not be called several times in the process remove_action('set_current_user', array($this, 'set_current_user_handler')); $auth->login_to_swpm_using_wp_user($user); } /* Used to log the user into SWPM system using the wp_login hook. Some social plugins use this hook to handle the login */ public function wp_login_hook_handler($user_login, $user){ SwpmLog::log_auth_debug('wp_login hook triggered. Username: ' . $user_login, true); $auth = SwpmAuth::get_instance(); if ($auth->is_logged_in()) { //User is already logged-in. Nothing to do. return; } $auth->login_to_swpm_using_wp_user($user); } public function wp_authenticate_handler($username, $password) { $auth = SwpmAuth::get_instance(); if (($auth->is_logged_in() && ($auth->userData->user_name == $username))) { SwpmLog::log_auth_debug('wp_authenticate action. User with username: ' . $username . ' is already logged in.', true); return; } if (!empty($username)) { SwpmLog::log_auth_debug('wp_authenticate action. Handling login for username: ' . $username, true); $auth->login($username, $password, true); } else { //empty username can mean some plugin trying to login WP user using its own methods. //Let's add hook for set_current_user action and let it handle the login if needed. SwpmLog::log_auth_debug('wp_authenticate action. Empty username provided. Adding set_current_username hook to catch potential login attempt.', true); add_action('set_current_user', array($this, 'set_current_user_handler')); } } public function login() { ob_start(); $auth = SwpmAuth::get_instance(); if ($auth->is_logged_in()) { //Load the template for logged-in member SwpmUtilsTemplate::swpm_load_template('loggedin.php', false); } else { //Load the login widget template SwpmUtilsTemplate::swpm_load_template('login.php', false); } return ob_get_clean(); } public function wp_logout() { $auth = SwpmAuth::get_instance(); if ($auth->is_logged_in()) { $auth->logout(); } } public function sync_with_wp_profile($wp_user_id) { global $wpdb; $wp_user_data = get_userdata($wp_user_id); $query = $wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "swpm_members_tbl WHERE " . ' user_name=%s', $wp_user_data->user_login); $profile = $wpdb->get_row($query, ARRAY_A); $profile = (array) $profile; if (empty($profile)) { return; } $profile['user_name'] = $wp_user_data->user_login; $profile['email'] = $wp_user_data->user_email; $profile['password'] = $wp_user_data->user_pass; $profile['first_name'] = $wp_user_data->user_firstname; $profile['last_name'] = $wp_user_data->user_lastname; $wpdb->update($wpdb->prefix . "swpm_members_tbl", $profile, array('member_id' => $profile['member_id'])); } function swpm_handle_wp_user_registration($user_id) { $swpm_settings_obj = SwpmSettings::get_instance(); $enable_auto_create_swpm_members = $swpm_settings_obj->get_value('enable-auto-create-swpm-members'); $default_level = $swpm_settings_obj->get_value('auto-create-default-membership-level'); $default_ac_status = $swpm_settings_obj->get_value('auto-create-default-account-status'); if (empty($enable_auto_create_swpm_members)) { return; } if (empty($default_level)) { return; } $user_info = get_userdata($user_id); if (SwpmMemberUtils::get_user_by_user_name($user_info->user_login)) { SwpmLog::log_simple_debug("swpm_handle_wp_user_registration() - SWPM member account with this username already exists! No new account will be created for this user.", false); return; } if (SwpmMemberUtils::get_user_by_email($user_info->user_email)) { SwpmLog::log_simple_debug("swpm_handle_wp_user_registration() - SWPM member account with this email already exists! No new account will be created for this user.", false); return; } $fields = array(); $fields['user_name'] = $user_info->user_login; $fields['password'] = $user_info->user_pass; $fields['email'] = $user_info->user_email; $fields['first_name'] = $user_info->first_name; $fields['last_name'] = $user_info->last_name; $fields['membership_level'] = $default_level; $fields['member_since'] = SwpmUtils::get_current_date_in_wp_zone(); $fields['account_state'] = $default_ac_status; $fields['subscription_starts'] = SwpmUtils::get_current_date_in_wp_zone(); SwpmMemberUtils::create_swpm_member_entry_from_array_data($fields); } public function reset() { $succeeded = $this->notices(); if ($succeeded) { return ''; } ob_start(); //Load the forgot password template SwpmUtilsTemplate::swpm_load_template('forgot_password.php', false); return ob_get_clean(); } public function profile_form() { $auth = SwpmAuth::get_instance(); $this->notices(); if ($auth->is_logged_in()) { $out = apply_filters('swpm_profile_form_override', ''); if (!empty($out)) { return $out; } ob_start(); //Load the edit profile template SwpmUtilsTemplate::swpm_load_template('edit.php', false); return ob_get_clean(); } return SwpmUtils::_('You are not logged in.'); } /* If any message/notice was set during the execution then this function will output that message */ public function notices() { $message = SwpmTransfer::get_instance()->get('status'); $succeeded = false; if (empty($message)) { return false; } if ($message['succeeded']) { echo "
"; $succeeded = true; } else { echo "
"; } echo $message['message']; $extra = isset($message['extra']) ? $message['extra'] : array(); if (is_string($extra)) { echo $extra; } else if (is_array($extra)) { echo ''; } echo "
"; if (isset($message['pass_reset_sent'])) { $succeeded = true; } return $succeeded; } /* * This function is hooked to WordPress's admin_notices action hook * It is used to show any plugin specific notices/warnings in the admin interface */ public function do_admin_notices() { $this->notices(); //Show any execution specific notices in the admin interface. //Show any other general warnings/notices to the admin. if (SwpmMiscUtils::is_swpm_admin_page()) { //we are in an admin page for SWPM plugin. $msg = ''; //Show notice if running in sandbox mode. $settings = SwpmSettings::get_instance(); $sandbox_enabled = $settings->get_value('enable-sandbox-testing'); if ($sandbox_enabled) { $msg .= '

' . SwpmUtils::_('You have the sandbox payment mode enabled in plugin settings. Make sure to turn off the sandbox mode when you want to do live transactions.') . '

'; } if (!empty($msg)) {//Show warning messages if any. echo '
'; echo $msg; echo '
'; } } } public function meta_box() { if (function_exists('add_meta_box')) { $post_types = get_post_types(); foreach ($post_types as $post_type => $post_type) { add_meta_box('swpm_sectionid', __('Simple WP Membership Protection', 'simple-membership'), array(&$this, 'inner_custom_box'), $post_type, 'advanced'); } } else {//older version doesn't have custom post type so modification isn't needed. add_action('dbx_post_advanced', array(&$this, 'show_old_custom_box')); add_action('dbx_page_advanced', array(&$this, 'show_old_custom_box')); } } public function show_old_custom_box() { echo '
' . "\n"; echo '
' . "\n"; echo '

' . __('Simple Membership Protection options', 'simple-membership') . "

"; echo '
'; // output editing form $this->inner_custom_box(); // end wrapper echo "
\n"; } public function inner_custom_box() { global $post, $wpdb; $id = $post->ID; $protection_obj = SwpmProtection::get_instance(); $is_protected = $protection_obj->is_protected($id); //Nonce input echo ''; // The actual fields for data entry echo '

' . __("Do you want to protect this content?", 'simple-membership') . '

'; echo ' ' . SwpmUtils::_('No, Do not protect this content.') . '
'; echo ' ' . SwpmUtils::_('Yes, Protect this content.') . '
'; echo $protection_obj->get_last_message(); echo '

' . __("Select the membership level that can access this content:", 'simple-membership') . "

"; $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "swpm_membership_tbl WHERE id !=1 "; $levels = $wpdb->get_results($query, ARRAY_A); foreach ($levels as $level) { echo 'is_permitted($id) ? "checked='checked'" : "") . ' name="swpm_protection_level[' . $level['id'] . ']" value="' . $level['id'] . '" /> ' . $level['alias'] . "
"; } } public function save_postdata($post_id) { global $wpdb; $post_type = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'post_type'); $swpm_protect_post = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'swpm_protect_post'); if (wp_is_post_revision($post_id)) { return; } if (defined('DOING_AUTOSAVE') && DOING_AUTOSAVE) { return $post_id; } //Check nonce $swpm_post_protection_box_nonce = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'swpm_post_protection_box_nonce'); if (!wp_verify_nonce($swpm_post_protection_box_nonce, 'swpm_post_protection_box_nonce_action')) { //Nonce check failed. return $post_id; } if ('page' == $post_type) { if (!current_user_can('edit_page', $post_id)) { return $post_id; } } else { if (!current_user_can('edit_post', $post_id)) { return $post_id; } } if (empty($swpm_protect_post)) { return; } // OK, we're authenticated: we need to find and save the data $isprotected = ($swpm_protect_post == 2); $args = array('swpm_protection_level' => array( 'filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, 'flags' => FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY, )); $swpm_protection_level = filter_input_array(INPUT_POST, $args); $swpm_protection_level = $swpm_protection_level['swpm_protection_level']; if (!empty($post_type)) { if ($isprotected) { SwpmProtection::get_instance()->apply(array($post_id), $post_type); } else { SwpmProtection::get_instance()->remove(array($post_id), $post_type); } SwpmProtection::get_instance()->save(); $query = "SELECT id FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "swpm_membership_tbl WHERE id !=1 "; $level_ids = $wpdb->get_col($query); foreach ($level_ids as $level) { if (isset($swpm_protection_level[$level])) { SwpmPermission::get_instance($level)->apply(array($post_id), $post_type)->save(); } else { SwpmPermission::get_instance($level)->remove(array($post_id), $post_type)->save(); } } } $enable_protection = array(); $enable_protection['protect'] = $swpm_protect_post; $enable_protection['level'] = $swpm_protection_level; return $enable_protection; } public function filter_comment($content) { if (is_admin()) { //Do not apply filtering for admin side viewing return $content; } $acl = SwpmAccessControl::get_instance(); global $comment; return $acl->filter_comment($comment, $content); } public function filter_content($content) { if (is_preview() || is_admin()) { //If the user is logged-in as an admin user then do not apply filtering for admin side viewing or preview page viewing. if ( current_user_can('administrator') ){ //The user is logged in as admin in this browser. return $content; } } $acl = SwpmAccessControl::get_instance(); global $post; return $acl->filter_post($post, $content); } public function init_hook() { $init_tasks = new SwpmInitTimeTasks(); $init_tasks->do_init_tasks(); } public function handle_wp_loaded_tasks() { $wp_loaded_tasks = new SwpmWpLoadedTasks(); $wp_loaded_tasks->do_wp_loaded_tasks(); } public function admin_library() { //Only loaded on selective swpm admin menu page rendering. $this->common_library(); wp_enqueue_script('password-strength-meter'); wp_enqueue_script('swpm.password-meter', SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_URL . '/js/swpm.password-meter.js', array('jquery'), SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_VER); //jQuery UI style wp_register_style('swpm-jquery-ui', SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_URL . '/css/jquery-ui.min.css', array(), SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_VER); wp_enqueue_style('swpm-jquery-ui'); wp_enqueue_script('jquery-ui-datepicker'); $settings = array('statusChangeEmailHead' => SwpmSettings::get_instance()->get_value('account-change-email-subject'), 'statusChangeEmailBody' => SwpmSettings::get_instance()->get_value('account-change-email-body')); wp_localize_script('swpm.password-meter', 'SwpmSettings', $settings); } public function front_library() { $this->common_library(); } private function common_library() { wp_enqueue_script('jquery'); wp_enqueue_style('swpm.common', SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_URL . '/css/swpm.common.css', array(), SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_VER); //In order to not clog WP with scripts and styles we're only using with forms, let's just register those for now //Scripts will be queued when forms are actually displayed wp_register_style('validationEngine.jquery', SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_URL . '/css/validationEngine.jquery.css', array(), SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_VER); wp_register_script('jquery.validationEngine', SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_URL . '/js/jquery.validationEngine.js', array('jquery'), SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_VER); wp_register_script('jquery.validationEngine-en', SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_URL . '/js/jquery.validationEngine-en.js', array('jquery'), SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_VER); wp_register_script('swpm.validationEngine-localization', SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_URL . '/js/swpm.validationEngine-localization.js', array('jquery'), SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_VER); } public static function enqueue_validation_scripts($add_params = array()) { //Localization for jquery.validationEngine //This array will be merged with $.validationEngineLanguage.allRules object from jquery.validationEngine-en.js file $loc_data = array( 'ajaxUserCall' => array( 'url' => admin_url('admin-ajax.php'), 'alertTextLoad' => '* ' . SwpmUtils::_('Validating, please wait'), ), 'ajaxEmailCall' => array( 'url' => admin_url('admin-ajax.php'), 'alertTextLoad' => '* ' . SwpmUtils::_('Validating, please wait'), ), 'email' => array( 'alertText' => '* ' . SwpmUtils::_('Invalid email address'), ), 'required' => array( 'alertText' => '* ' . SwpmUtils::_('This field is required'), ), 'strongPass' => array( 'alertText' => '* ' . SwpmUtils::_('Password must contain at least:').'
'.SwpmUtils::_('- a digit').'
'.SwpmUtils::_('- an uppercase letter').'
'.SwpmUtils::_('- a lowercase letter'), ), 'SWPMUserName' => array( 'alertText' => '* ' . SwpmUtils::_('Invalid Username').'
'.SwpmUtils::_('Usernames can only contain: letters, numbers and .-_*@'), ), 'minSize' => array( 'alertText' => '* ' . SwpmUtils::_('Minimum '), 'alertText2' => SwpmUtils::_(' characters required'), ), 'noapostrophe' => array( 'alertText' => '* ' . SwpmUtils::_('Apostrophe character is not allowed'), ), ); $nonce=wp_create_nonce( 'swpm-rego-form-ajax-nonce' ); if ($add_params) { // Additional parameters should be added to the array, replacing existing ones if (isset($add_params['ajaxEmailCall'])) { if (isset($add_params['ajaxEmailCall']['extraData'])) { $add_params['ajaxEmailCall']['extraData'].='&nonce='.$nonce; } } $loc_data = array_replace_recursive($add_params, $loc_data); } wp_localize_script('swpm.validationEngine-localization', 'swpm_validationEngine_localization', $loc_data); wp_localize_script('jquery.validationEngine-en', 'swpmRegForm', array('nonce' => $nonce)); wp_enqueue_style('validationEngine.jquery'); wp_enqueue_script('jquery.validationEngine'); wp_enqueue_script('jquery.validationEngine-en'); wp_enqueue_script('swpm.validationEngine-localization'); } public function registration_form($atts) { $succeeded = $this->notices(); if ($succeeded) { return; } $is_free = SwpmSettings::get_instance()->get_value('enable-free-membership'); $free_level = absint(SwpmSettings::get_instance()->get_value('free-membership-id')); $level = isset($atts['level']) ? absint($atts['level']) : ($is_free ? $free_level : null); return SwpmFrontRegistration::get_instance()->regigstration_ui($level); } public function menu() { $menu_parent_slug = 'simple_wp_membership'; add_menu_page(__("WP Membership", 'simple-membership'), __("WP Membership", 'simple-membership'), SWPM_MANAGEMENT_PERMISSION, $menu_parent_slug, array(&$this, "admin_members_menu"), 'dashicons-id'); add_submenu_page($menu_parent_slug, __("Members", 'simple-membership'), __('Members', 'simple-membership'), SWPM_MANAGEMENT_PERMISSION, 'simple_wp_membership', array(&$this, "admin_members_menu")); add_submenu_page($menu_parent_slug, __("Membership Levels", 'simple-membership'), __("Membership Levels", 'simple-membership'), SWPM_MANAGEMENT_PERMISSION, 'simple_wp_membership_levels', array(&$this, "admin_membership_levels_menu")); add_submenu_page($menu_parent_slug, __("Settings", 'simple-membership'), __("Settings", 'simple-membership'), SWPM_MANAGEMENT_PERMISSION, 'simple_wp_membership_settings', array(&$this, "admin_settings_menu")); add_submenu_page($menu_parent_slug, __("Payments", 'simple-membership'), __("Payments", 'simple-membership'), SWPM_MANAGEMENT_PERMISSION, 'simple_wp_membership_payments', array(&$this, "admin_payments_menu")); add_submenu_page($menu_parent_slug, __("Add-ons", 'simple-membership'), __("Add-ons", 'simple-membership'), SWPM_MANAGEMENT_PERMISSION, 'simple_wp_membership_addons', array(&$this, "admin_add_ons_menu")); do_action('swpm_after_main_admin_menu', $menu_parent_slug); $this->meta_box(); } /* Render the members menu in admin dashboard */ public function admin_members_menu() { include_once(SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_PATH . 'classes/class.swpm-members.php'); $members = new SwpmMembers(); $members->handle_main_members_admin_menu(); } /* Render the membership levels menu in admin dashboard */ public function admin_membership_levels_menu() { include_once(SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_PATH . 'classes/class.swpm-membership-levels.php'); $levels = new SwpmMembershipLevels(); $levels->handle_main_membership_level_admin_menu(); } /* Render the settings menu in admin dashboard */ public function admin_settings_menu() { $settings = SwpmSettings::get_instance(); $settings->handle_main_settings_admin_menu(); } public function admin_payments_menu() { include_once(SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_PATH . 'classes/admin-includes/class.swpm-payments-admin-menu.php'); $payments_admin = new SwpmPaymentsAdminMenu(); $payments_admin->handle_main_payments_admin_menu(); } public function admin_add_ons_menu() { include(SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_PATH . 'views/admin_add_ons_page.php'); } public function plugins_loaded() { //Runs when plugins_loaded action gets fired if (is_admin()) { //Check and run DB upgrade operation (if needed) if (get_option('swpm_db_version') != SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_DB_VER) { include_once('class.swpm-installation.php'); SwpmInstallation::run_safe_installer(); } } } public static function activate() { wp_schedule_event(time(), 'daily', 'swpm_account_status_event'); wp_schedule_event(time(), 'daily', 'swpm_delete_pending_account_event'); include_once('class.swpm-installation.php'); SwpmInstallation::run_safe_installer(); } public static function deactivate() { wp_clear_scheduled_hook('swpm_account_status_event'); wp_clear_scheduled_hook('swpm_delete_pending_account_event'); } }