error = array(); $this->warn = array(); $this->notice = array(); } public static function get_logger($context = ''){ $context = empty($context)? 'default': $context; if (!isset(self::$intance[$context])){ self::$intance[$context] = new SwpmLog(); } return self::$intance[$context]; } public function error($msg){ $this->error[] = $msg; } public function warn($msg){ $this->warn[] = $msg; } public function debug($msg){ $this->notice[] = $msg; } public function get($to_screen = false){ $msg = ''; foreach ($this->error as $error ){ $msg .= 'ERROR: ' . $error . ($to_screen?"
":"\n"); } foreach($this->warn as $warn){ $msg .= 'WARN: ' . $warn . ($to_screen?"
":"\n"); } foreach ($this->notice as $notice){ $msg = 'NOTICE: ' . $notice . ($to_screen?"
":"\n"); } return $msg; } public static function writeall($path = ''){ if (empty($path)) {$path = SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_PATH . 'log.txt';} $fp = fopen($path, 'a'); $date = current_time('mysql'); fwrite($fp, strtoupper($date) . ":\n"); fwrite($fp, str_repeat('-=', (strlen($date)+1.0)/2.0) . "\n"); foreach (self::$intance as $context=>$intance){ fwrite($fp, strtoupper($context) . ":\n"); fwrite($fp, str_repeat('=', strlen($context)+1) . "\n"); fwrite($fp, $intance->get()); } fclose($fp); } public static function log_simple_debug($message, $success, $end = false) { $settings = SwpmSettings::get_instance(); $debug_enabled = $settings->get_value('enable-debug'); if (empty($debug_enabled)) {//Debug is not enabled return; } //Lets write to the log file $debug_log_file_name = SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_PATH . 'log.txt'; // Timestamp $log_timestamp = SwpmUtils::get_current_timestamp_for_debug_log(); $text = '[' . $log_timestamp . '] - ' . (($success) ? 'SUCCESS: ' : 'FAILURE: ') . $message . "\n"; if ($end) { $text .= "\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"; } // Write to log $fp = fopen($debug_log_file_name, 'a'); fwrite($fp, $text); fclose($fp); // close file } public static function log_array_data_to_debug($array_to_write, $success, $end = false) { $settings = SwpmSettings::get_instance(); $debug_enabled = $settings->get_value('enable-debug'); if (empty($debug_enabled)) {//Debug is not enabled return; } //Lets write to the log file $debug_log_file_name = SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_PATH . 'log.txt'; // Timestamp $log_timestamp = SwpmUtils::get_current_timestamp_for_debug_log(); $text = '[' . $log_timestamp . '] - ' . (($success) ? 'SUCCESS: ' : 'FAILURE: ') . "\n"; ob_start(); print_r($array_to_write); $var = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $text .= $var; if ($end) { $text .= "\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"; } // Write to log $fp = fopen($debug_log_file_name, 'a'); fwrite($fp, $text); fclose($fp); // close file } public static function log_auth_debug($message, $success, $end = false) { $settings = SwpmSettings::get_instance(); $debug_enabled = $settings->get_value('enable-debug'); if (empty($debug_enabled)) {//Debug is not enabled return; } //Lets write to the log file $debug_log_file_name = SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_PATH . 'log-auth.txt'; // Timestamp $log_timestamp = SwpmUtils::get_current_timestamp_for_debug_log(); $text = '[' . $log_timestamp . '] - ' . (($success) ? 'SUCCESS: ' : 'FAILURE: ') . $message . "\n"; if ($end) { $text .= "\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"; } // Write to log $fp = fopen($debug_log_file_name, 'a'); fwrite($fp, $text); fclose($fp); // close file } public static function reset_swmp_log_files() { $log_reset = true; $logfile_list = array( SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_PATH . '/log.txt', SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_PATH . '/log-auth.txt', ); foreach ($logfile_list as $logfile) { if (empty($logfile)) { continue; } $log_timestamp = SwpmUtils::get_current_timestamp_for_debug_log(); $text = '[' . $log_timestamp . '] - SUCCESS: Log file reset'; $text .= "\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"; $fp = fopen($logfile, 'w'); if ($fp != FALSE) { @fwrite($fp, $text); @fclose($fp); } else { $log_reset = false; } } return $log_reset; } }