paypal_url = ''; $this->ipn_log_file = 'ipn_handle_debug_swpm.log'; $this->ipn_response = ''; } public function swpm_validate_and_create_membership() { // Check Product Name , Price , Currency , Receivers email , $error_msg = ''; // Read the IPN and validate $gross_total = $this->ipn_data['mc_gross']; $transaction_type = $this->ipn_data['txn_type']; $txn_id = $this->ipn_data['txn_id']; $payment_status = $this->ipn_data['payment_status']; // Check payment status if ( ! empty( $payment_status ) ) { if ( 'Denied' == $payment_status ) { $this->debug_log( 'Payment status for this transaction is DENIED. You denied the transaction... most likely a cancellation of an eCheque. Nothing to do here.', false ); return false; } if ( 'Canceled_Reversal' === $payment_status ) { $this->debug_log( 'This is a dispute closed notification in your favour. The plugin will not do anyting.', false ); return true; } if ( 'Completed' !== $payment_status && 'Processed' !== $payment_status && 'Refunded' !== $payment_status && 'Reversed' !== $payment_status ) { $error_msg .= 'Funds have not been cleared yet. Transaction will be processed when the funds clear!'; $this->debug_log( $error_msg, false ); return false; } } // Check txn type if ( 'new_case' === $transaction_type ) { $this->debug_log( 'This is a dispute case. Nothing to do here.', true ); return true; } $custom = urldecode( $this->ipn_data['custom'] ); $this->ipn_data['custom'] = $custom; $customvariables = SwpmTransactions::parse_custom_var( $custom ); // Handle refunds if ( $gross_total < 0 ) { // This is a refund or reversal $this->debug_log( 'This is a refund notification. Refund amount: ' . $gross_total, true ); swpm_handle_subsc_cancel_stand_alone( $this->ipn_data, true ); return true; } if ( isset( $this->ipn_data['reason_code'] ) && 'refund' === $this->ipn_data['reason_code'] ) { $this->debug_log( 'This is a refund notification. Refund amount: ' . $gross_total, true ); swpm_handle_subsc_cancel_stand_alone( $this->ipn_data, true ); return true; } if ( ( 'subscr_signup' === $transaction_type ) ) { $this->debug_log( 'Subscription signup IPN received... (handled by the subscription IPN handler)', true ); // Code to handle the signup IPN for subscription $subsc_ref = $customvariables['subsc_ref']; if ( ! empty( $subsc_ref ) ) { $this->debug_log( 'Found a membership level ID. Creating member account...', true ); $swpm_id = $customvariables['swpm_id']; swpm_handle_subsc_signup_stand_alone( $this->ipn_data, $subsc_ref, $this->ipn_data['subscr_id'], $swpm_id ); // Handle customized subscription signup } return true; } elseif ( ( $transaction_type == 'subscr_cancel' ) || ( $transaction_type == 'subscr_eot' ) || ( $transaction_type == 'subscr_failed' ) ) { // Code to handle the IPN for subscription cancellation $this->debug_log( 'Subscription cancellation IPN received... (handled by the subscription IPN handler)', true ); swpm_handle_subsc_cancel_stand_alone( $this->ipn_data ); return true; } else { $cart_items = array(); $this->debug_log( 'Transaction Type: Buy Now/Subscribe', true ); $item_number = $this->ipn_data['item_number']; $item_name = $this->ipn_data['item_name']; $quantity = $this->ipn_data['quantity']; $mc_gross = $this->ipn_data['mc_gross']; $mc_currency = $this->ipn_data['mc_currency']; $current_item = array( 'item_number' => $item_number, 'item_name' => $item_name, 'quantity' => $quantity, 'mc_gross' => $mc_gross, 'mc_currency' => $mc_currency, ); array_push( $cart_items, $current_item ); } /*** Duplicate IPN check ***/ // Query the DB to check if we have already processed this transaction or not global $wpdb; $txn_row = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}swpm_payments_tbl WHERE txn_id = %s", $txn_id ), OBJECT ); // And if we have already processed it, do nothing and return true if (!empty($txn_row)) { $this->debug_log( "This transaction has already been processed (".$txn_id."). Nothing to do here.", true ); return true; } /*** End of duplicate IPN check ***/ $counter = 0; foreach ( $cart_items as $current_cart_item ) { $cart_item_data_num = $current_cart_item['item_number']; $cart_item_data_name = trim( $current_cart_item['item_name'] ); $cart_item_data_quantity = $current_cart_item['quantity']; $cart_item_data_total = $current_cart_item['mc_gross']; $cart_item_data_currency = $current_cart_item['mc_currency']; if ( empty( $cart_item_data_quantity ) ) { $cart_item_data_quantity = 1; } $this->debug_log( 'Item Number: ' . $cart_item_data_num, true ); $this->debug_log( 'Item Name: ' . $cart_item_data_name, true ); $this->debug_log( 'Item Quantity: ' . $cart_item_data_quantity, true ); $this->debug_log( 'Item Total: ' . $cart_item_data_total, true ); $this->debug_log( 'Item Currency: ' . $cart_item_data_currency, true ); // Get the button id $pp_hosted_button = false; $button_id = $cart_item_data_num;// Button id is the item number. $membership_level_id = get_post_meta( $button_id, 'membership_level_id', true ); if ( ! SwpmUtils::membership_level_id_exists( $membership_level_id ) ) { $this->debug_log( 'This payment button was not created in the plugin. This is a paypal hosted button.', true ); $pp_hosted_button = true; } // Price check $check_price = true; $msg = ''; $msg = apply_filters( 'swpm_before_price_check_filter', $msg, $current_cart_item ); if ( ! empty( $msg ) && $msg == 'price-check-override' ) {// This filter allows an extension to do a customized version of price check (if needed) $check_price = false; $this->debug_log( 'Price and currency check has been overridden by an addon/extension.', true ); } if ( $check_price && ! $pp_hosted_button ) { // Check according to buy now payment or subscription payment. $button_type = get_post_meta( $button_id, 'button_type', true ); if ( $button_type == 'pp_buy_now' ) {// This is a PayPal buy now type button $expected_amount = ( get_post_meta( $button_id, 'payment_amount', true ) ) * $cart_item_data_quantity; $expected_amount = round( $expected_amount, 2 ); $expected_amount = apply_filters( 'swpm_payment_amount_filter', $expected_amount, $button_id ); $received_amount = $cart_item_data_total; if ( $received_amount < $expected_amount ) { // Error! amount received is less than expected. This is invalid. $this->debug_log( 'Expected amount: ' . $expected_amount, true ); $this->debug_log( 'Received amount: ' . $received_amount, true ); $this->debug_log( 'Price check failed. Amount received is less than the amount expected. This payment will not be processed.', false ); return false; } } elseif ( $button_type == 'pp_subscription' ) {// This is a PayPal subscription type button //This is a "subscr_payment" type payment notification. The "subscr_signup" type gets handled before. $trial_billing_cycle = get_post_meta( $button_id, 'trial_billing_cycle', true ); $trial_billing_amount = get_post_meta( $button_id, 'trial_billing_amount', true ); $billing_amount = get_post_meta( $button_id, 'billing_amount', true ); if ( empty( $trial_billing_cycle ) ){ //No trial billing. Check main billing amount. Only need to check "mc_gross" which should cointain the "amount3" value. $this->debug_log( 'Trial billing is not enabled for this button.', true ); $expected_amount = round( $billing_amount, 2 ); } else { //Trial billing is specified for this button $this->debug_log( 'Trial billing is enabled for this button.', true ); if ( swpm_is_paypal_recurring_payment($this->ipn_data) ){ //This is a recurring payment of a subscription. $expected_amount = round( $billing_amount, 2 ); } else { //This is a trial payment of a subscription $expected_amount = round( $trial_billing_amount, 2 ); } } $received_amount = $cart_item_data_total; if ( $received_amount < $expected_amount ) { // Error! amount received is less than expected. This is invalid. $this->debug_log( 'Expected amount: ' . $expected_amount, true ); $this->debug_log( 'Received amount: ' . $received_amount, true ); $this->debug_log( 'Price check failed. Amount received is less than the amount expected. This payment will not be processed.', false ); return false; } } else { $this->debug_log( 'Error! Unexpected button type: ' . $button_type, false ); return false; } } // *** Handle Membership Payment *** // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ========= Need to find the (level ID) in the custom variable ============ $subsc_ref = $customvariables['subsc_ref'];// Membership level ID $this->debug_log( 'Membership payment paid for membership level ID: ' . $subsc_ref, true ); if ( ! empty( $subsc_ref ) ) { $swpm_id = ''; if ( isset( $customvariables['swpm_id'] ) ) { $swpm_id = $customvariables['swpm_id']; } if ( $transaction_type == 'web_accept' ) { $this->debug_log( 'Transaction type: web_accept. Creating member account...', true ); swpm_handle_subsc_signup_stand_alone( $this->ipn_data, $subsc_ref, $this->ipn_data['txn_id'], $swpm_id ); } elseif ( $transaction_type == 'subscr_payment' ) { $this->debug_log( 'Transaction type: subscr_payment. Checking if the member profile needed to be updated', true ); swpm_update_member_subscription_start_date_if_applicable( $this->ipn_data ); } } else { $this->debug_log( 'Membership level ID is missing in the payment notification! Cannot process this notification.', false ); } // == End of Membership payment handling == $counter++; } /*** Do Post payment operation and cleanup */ // Save the transaction data $this->debug_log( 'Saving transaction data to the database table.', true ); $this->ipn_data['gateway'] = 'paypal'; $this->ipn_data['status'] = $this->ipn_data['payment_status']; // If the value ipn_data['ip'] is empty, try to detect the customer IP address using the variable custom['user_ip'] if (empty($this->ipn_data['ip']) && filter_var($customvariables['user_ip'], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP)) { $this->ipn_data['ip'] = $customvariables['user_ip']; } SwpmTransactions::save_txn_record( $this->ipn_data, $cart_items ); $this->debug_log( 'Transaction data saved.', true ); // Trigger the PayPal IPN processed action hook (so other plugins can can listen for this event). do_action( 'swpm_paypal_ipn_processed', $this->ipn_data ); do_action( 'swpm_payment_ipn_processed', $this->ipn_data ); return true; } public function swpm_validate_ipn() { // Generate the post string from the _POST vars aswell as load the _POST vars into an arry $post_string = ''; foreach ( $_POST as $field => $value ) { $this->ipn_data[ "$field" ] = $value; $post_string .= $field . '=' . urlencode( stripslashes( $value ) ) . '&'; } $this->post_string = $post_string; $this->debug_log( 'Post string : ' . $this->post_string, true ); // IPN validation check if ( $this->validate_ipn_using_remote_post() ) { // We can also use an alternative validation using the validate_ipn_using_curl() function return true; } else { return false; } } public function validate_ipn_using_remote_post() { $this->debug_log( 'Checking if PayPal IPN response is valid', true ); // Get received values from post data $validate_ipn = array( 'cmd' => '_notify-validate' ); $validate_ipn += wp_unslash( $_POST ); // Send back post vars to paypal $params = array( 'body' => $validate_ipn, 'timeout' => 60, 'httpversion' => '1.1', 'compress' => false, 'decompress' => false, 'user-agent' => 'Simple Membership Plugin', ); // Post back to get a response. $connection_url = $this->sandbox_mode ? '' : ''; $this->debug_log( 'Connecting to: ' . $connection_url, true ); $response = wp_safe_remote_post( $connection_url, $params ); // The following two lines can be used for debugging // $this->debug_log( 'IPN Request: ' . print_r( $params, true ) , true); // $this->debug_log( 'IPN Response: ' . print_r( $response, true ), true); // Check to see if the request was valid. if ( ! is_wp_error( $response ) && strstr( $response['body'], 'VERIFIED' ) ) { $this->debug_log( 'IPN successfully verified.', true ); return true; } // Invalid IPN transaction. Check the log for details. $this->debug_log( 'IPN validation failed.', false ); if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) { $this->debug_log( 'Error response: ' . $response->get_error_message(), false ); } return false; } public function debug_log( $message, $success, $end = false ) { SwpmLog::log_simple_debug( $message, $success, $end ); } } // Start of IPN handling (script execution) $ipn_handler_instance = new swpm_paypal_ipn_handler(); $settings = SwpmSettings::get_instance(); $debug_enabled = $settings->get_value( 'enable-debug' ); if ( ! empty( $debug_enabled ) ) { $debug_log = 'log.txt'; // Debug log file name echo esc_html( sprintf( 'Debug logging is enabled. Check the %s file for debug output.', $debug_log ) ); $ipn_handler_instance->ipn_log = true; $ipn_handler_instance->ipn_log_file = $debug_log; if ( empty( $_POST ) ) { $ipn_handler_instance->debug_log( 'This debug line was generated because you entered the URL of the ipn handling script in the browser.', true, true ); exit; } } $sandbox_enabled = $settings->get_value( 'enable-sandbox-testing' ); if ( ! empty( $sandbox_enabled ) ) { $ipn_handler_instance->paypal_url = ''; $ipn_handler_instance->sandbox_mode = true; } $ipn_handler_instance->debug_log( 'Paypal Class Initiated by ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], true ); // Validate the IPN if ( $ipn_handler_instance->swpm_validate_ipn() ) { $ipn_handler_instance->debug_log( 'Creating product Information to send.', true ); if ( ! $ipn_handler_instance->swpm_validate_and_create_membership() ) { $ipn_handler_instance->debug_log( 'IPN product validation failed.', false ); } } $ipn_handler_instance->debug_log( 'Paypal class finished.', true, true );