526 lines
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526 lines
24 KiB
* Description of BFrontRegistration
* @author nur
class SwpmFrontRegistration extends SwpmRegistration {
public static function get_instance() {
self::$_intance = empty( self::$_intance ) ? new SwpmFrontRegistration() : self::$_intance;
return self::$_intance;
public function regigstration_ui( $level ) {
$settings_configs = SwpmSettings::get_instance();
//Check if the hide rego from logged-in users feature is enabled before rendering the registration form.
$hide_rego_to_logged_users = $settings_configs->get_value( 'hide-rego-form-to-logged-users' );
if ( ! empty( $hide_rego_to_logged_users ) ){
//Hide registration form to logged-in users feature is enabled. Check if the form should be hidden.
if ( SwpmMemberUtils::is_member_logged_in() ) {
$rego_hidden_to_logged_users_msg = '<div class="registration_hidden_to_logged_users_msg">';
$rego_hidden_to_logged_users_msg .= SwpmUtils::_( "You are already logged in. You don't need to create another account. So the registration form is hidden." );
$rego_hidden_to_logged_users_msg .= '</div>';
return $rego_hidden_to_logged_users_msg;
//Trigger the filter to override the registration form (the form builder addon uses this filter)
$form = apply_filters( 'swpm_registration_form_override', '', $level ); //The $level value could be empty also so the code handling the filter need to check for it.
if ( ! empty( $form ) ) {
//An addon has overridden the registration form. So use that one.
return $form;
$joinuspage_url = $settings_configs->get_value( 'join-us-page-url' );
$membership_level = '';
global $wpdb;
if ( SwpmUtils::is_paid_registration() ) {
//Lets check if this is a registration for paid membership
$member = SwpmUtils::get_paid_member_info();
if ( empty( $member ) ) {
SwpmUtils::e( 'Error! Invalid Request. Could not find a match for the given security code and the user ID.' );
} else {
$membership_level = $member->membership_level;
} elseif ( ! empty( $level ) ) {
//Membership level is specified in the shortcode (level specific registration form).
$member = SwpmTransfer::$default_fields;
$membership_level = absint( $level );
//Check if free membership registration is disalbed on the site
if ( empty( $membership_level ) ) {
$joinuspage_link = '<a href="' . $joinuspage_url . '">' . SwpmUtils::_( 'Join Us' ) . '</a>';
$free_rego_disabled_msg = '<p>';
$free_rego_disabled_msg .= SwpmUtils::_( 'Free membership is disabled on this site. Please make a payment from the ' );
$free_rego_disabled_msg .= SwpmUtils::_( $joinuspage_link );
$free_rego_disabled_msg .= SwpmUtils::_( ' page to pay for a premium membership.' );
$free_rego_disabled_msg .= '</p><p>';
$free_rego_disabled_msg .= SwpmUtils::_( 'You will receive a unique link via email after the payment. You will be able to use that link to complete the premium membership registration.' );
$free_rego_disabled_msg .= '</p>';
return $free_rego_disabled_msg;
//Handle the registration form in core plugin
$membership_info = SwpmPermission::get_instance( $membership_level );
$membership_level = $membership_info->get( 'id' );
if ( empty( $membership_level ) ) {
return 'Error! Failed to retrieve membership level ID from the membership info object.';
$level_identifier = md5( $membership_level );
$membership_level_alias = $membership_info->get( 'alias' );
$swpm_registration_submit = filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'swpm_registration_submit' );
if ( ! empty( $swpm_registration_submit ) ) {
$member = array_map( 'sanitize_text_field', $_POST );
extract( (array) $member, EXTR_SKIP );
include SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_PATH . 'views/add.php';
return ob_get_clean();
public function register_front_end() {
//If captcha is present and validation failed, it returns an error string. If validation succeeds, it returns an empty string.
$captcha_validation_output = apply_filters( 'swpm_validate_registration_form_submission', '' );
if ( ! empty( $captcha_validation_output ) ) {
$message = array(
'succeeded' => false,
'message' => SwpmUtils::_( 'Security check: captcha validation failed.' ),
SwpmTransfer::get_instance()->set( 'status', $message );
//Check if Terms and Conditions enabled
$terms_enabled = SwpmSettings::get_instance()->get_value( 'enable-terms-and-conditions' );
if ( ! empty( $terms_enabled ) ) {
//check if user checked "I accept terms" checkbox
if ( empty( $_POST['accept_terms'] ) ) {
$message = array(
'succeeded' => false,
'message' => SwpmUtils::_( 'You must accept the terms and conditions.' ),
SwpmTransfer::get_instance()->set( 'status', $message );
//Check if Privacy Policy enabled
$pp_enabled = SwpmSettings::get_instance()->get_value( 'enable-privacy-policy' );
if ( ! empty( $pp_enabled ) ) {
//check if user checked "I agree with Privacy Policy" checkbox
if ( empty( $_POST['accept_pp'] ) ) {
$message = array(
'succeeded' => false,
'message' => SwpmUtils::_( 'You must agree to the privacy policy.' ),
SwpmTransfer::get_instance()->set( 'status', $message );
//Validate swpm level hash data.
$hash_val_posted = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['swpm_level_hash'] );
$level_value = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['membership_level'] );
$swpm_p_key = get_option( 'swpm_private_key_one' );
$hash_val = md5( $swpm_p_key . '|' . $level_value );
if ( $hash_val != $hash_val_posted ) {//Level hash validation failed.
$msg = '<p>Error! Security check failed for membership level validation.</p>';
$msg .= '<p>The submitted membership level data does not seem to be authentic.</p>';
$msg .= '<p>If you are using caching please empty the cache data and try again.</p>';
wp_die( $msg );
$this->email_activation = get_option( 'swpm_email_activation_lvl_' . $level_value );
//Crete the member profile and send notification
if ( $this->create_swpm_user() && $this->prepare_and_create_wp_user_front_end() && $this->send_reg_email() ) {
do_action( 'swpm_front_end_registration_complete' ); //Keep this action hook for people who are using it (so their implementation doesn't break).
do_action( 'swpm_front_end_registration_complete_user_data', $this->member_info );
//Check if there is after registration redirect
if ( ! $this->email_activation ) {
$after_rego_url = SwpmSettings::get_instance()->get_value( 'after-rego-redirect-page-url' );
$after_rego_url = apply_filters( 'swpm_after_registration_redirect_url', $after_rego_url );
if ( ! empty( $after_rego_url ) ) {
//Yes. Need to redirect to this after registration page
SwpmLog::log_simple_debug( 'After registration redirect is configured in settings. Redirecting user to: ' . $after_rego_url, true );
wp_redirect( $after_rego_url );
exit( 0 );
//Set the registration complete message
if ( $this->email_activation ) {
$email_act_msg = '<div class="swpm-registration-success-msg">';
$email_act_msg .= SwpmUtils::_( 'You need to confirm your email address. Please check your email and follow instructions to complete your registration.' );
$email_act_msg .= '</div>';
$email_act_msg = apply_filters( 'swpm_registration_email_activation_msg', $email_act_msg );//Can be added to the custom messages addon.
$message = array(
'succeeded' => true,
'message' => $email_act_msg,
} else {
$login_page_url = SwpmSettings::get_instance()->get_value( 'login-page-url' );
// Allow hooks to change the value of login_page_url
$login_page_url = apply_filters('swpm_register_front_end_login_page_url', $login_page_url);
$after_rego_msg = '<div class="swpm-registration-success-msg">' . SwpmUtils::_( 'Registration Successful. ' ) . SwpmUtils::_( 'Please' ) . ' <a href="' . $login_page_url . '">' . SwpmUtils::_( 'Login' ) . '</a></div>';
$after_rego_msg = apply_filters( 'swpm_registration_success_msg', $after_rego_msg );
$message = array(
'succeeded' => true,
'message' => $after_rego_msg,
SwpmTransfer::get_instance()->set( 'status', $message );
private function create_swpm_user() {
global $wpdb;
$member = SwpmTransfer::$default_fields;
$form = new SwpmFrontForm( $member );
if ( ! $form->is_valid() ) {
$message = array(
'succeeded' => false,
'message' => SwpmUtils::_( 'Please correct the following' ),
'extra' => $form->get_errors(),
SwpmTransfer::get_instance()->set( 'status', $message );
return false;
$member_info = $form->get_sanitized_member_form_data();
//Check if the email belongs to an existing wp user account with admin role.
//Go ahead and create the SWPM user record.
$free_level = SwpmUtils::get_free_level();
$account_status = SwpmSettings::get_instance()->get_value( 'default-account-status', 'active' );
$member_info['last_accessed_from_ip'] = SwpmUtils::get_user_ip_address();
$member_info['member_since'] = SwpmUtils::get_current_date_in_wp_zone(); //date( 'Y-m-d' );
$member_info['subscription_starts'] = SwpmUtils::get_current_date_in_wp_zone(); //date( 'Y-m-d' );
$member_info['account_state'] = $account_status;
if ( $this->email_activation ) {
$member_info['account_state'] = 'activation_required';
$plain_password = $member_info['plain_password'];
unset( $member_info['plain_password'] );
if ( SwpmUtils::is_paid_registration() ) {
$member_info['reg_code'] = '';
$member_id = filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'member_id', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT );
$code = filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'code', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING );
$wpdb->prefix . 'swpm_members_tbl',
'member_id' => $member_id,
'reg_code' => $code,
$query = $wpdb->prepare( 'SELECT membership_level FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'swpm_members_tbl WHERE member_id=%d', $member_id );
$member_info['membership_level'] = $wpdb->get_var( $query );
$last_insert_id = $member_id;
} elseif ( ! empty( $free_level ) ) {
$member_info['membership_level'] = $free_level;
$wpdb->insert( $wpdb->prefix . 'swpm_members_tbl', $member_info );
$last_insert_id = $wpdb->insert_id;
} else {
$message = array(
'succeeded' => false,
'message' => SwpmUtils::_( 'Membership Level Couldn\'t be found.' ),
SwpmTransfer::get_instance()->set( 'status', $message );
return false;
$member_info['plain_password'] = $plain_password;
$this->member_info = $member_info;
return true;
private function prepare_and_create_wp_user_front_end() {
global $wpdb;
$member_info = $this->member_info;
//Retrieve the user role assigned for this level
$query = $wpdb->prepare( 'SELECT role FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'swpm_membership_tbl WHERE id = %d', $member_info['membership_level'] );
$user_role = $wpdb->get_var( $query );
//Check to make sure that the user role of this level is not admin.
if ( $user_role == 'administrator' ) {
//For security reasons we don't allow users with administrator role to be creted from the front-end. That can only be done from the admin dashboard side.
$error_msg = '<p>Error! The user role for this membership level (level ID: ' . $member_info['membership_level'] . ') is set to "Administrator".</p>';
$error_msg .= '<p>For security reasons, member registration to this level is not permitted from the front end.</p>';
$error_msg .= '<p>An administrator of the site can manually create a member record with this access level from the admin dashboard side.</p>';
wp_die( $error_msg );
$wp_user_info = array();
$wp_user_info['user_nicename'] = implode( '-', explode( ' ', $member_info['user_name'] ) );
$wp_user_info['display_name'] = $member_info['user_name'];
$wp_user_info['user_email'] = $member_info['email'];
$wp_user_info['nickname'] = $member_info['user_name'];
$wp_user_info['first_name'] = $member_info['first_name'];
$wp_user_info['last_name'] = $member_info['last_name'];
$wp_user_info['user_login'] = $member_info['user_name'];
$wp_user_info['password'] = $member_info['plain_password'];
$wp_user_info['role'] = $user_role;
$wp_user_info['user_registered'] = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
SwpmUtils::create_wp_user( $wp_user_info );
return true;
public function edit_profile_front_end() {
global $wpdb;
//Check that the member is logged in
$auth = SwpmAuth::get_instance();
if ( ! $auth->is_logged_in() ) {
//Check nonce
if ( ! isset( $_POST['swpm_profile_edit_nonce_val'] ) || ! wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['swpm_profile_edit_nonce_val'], 'swpm_profile_edit_nonce_action' ) ) {
//Nonce check failed.
wp_die( SwpmUtils::_( 'Error! Nonce verification failed for front end profile edit.' ) );
$user_data = (array) $auth->userData;
unset( $user_data['permitted'] );
$form = new SwpmForm( $user_data );
if ( $form->is_valid() ) {
global $wpdb;
$msg_str = '<div class="swpm-profile-update-success">' . SwpmUtils::_( 'Profile updated successfully.' ) . '</div>';
$message = array(
'succeeded' => true,
'message' => $msg_str,
$member_info = $form->get_sanitized_member_form_data();
SwpmUtils::update_wp_user( $auth->get( 'user_name' ), $member_info ); //Update corresponding wp user record.
//Lets check if password was also changed.
$password_also_changed = false;
if ( isset( $member_info['plain_password'] ) ) {
//Password was also changed.
$msg_str = '<div class="swpm-profile-update-success">' . SwpmUtils::_( 'Profile updated successfully. You will need to re-login since you changed your password.' ) . '</div>';
$message = array(
'succeeded' => true,
'message' => $msg_str,
unset( $member_info['plain_password'] );
//Set the password chagned flag.
$password_also_changed = true;
//Update the data in the swpm database.
$swpm_id = $auth->get( 'member_id' );
//SwpmLog::log_simple_debug("Updating member profile data with SWPM ID: " . $swpm_id, true);
$member_info = array_filter( $member_info );//Remove any null values.
$wpdb->update( $wpdb->prefix . 'swpm_members_tbl', $member_info, array( 'member_id' => $swpm_id ) );
$auth->reload_user_data();//Reload user data after update so the profile page reflects the new data.
if ( $password_also_changed ) {
//Password was also changed. Logout the user's current session.
wp_logout(); //Log the user out from the WP user session also.
SwpmLog::log_simple_debug( 'Member has updated the password from profile edit page. Logging the user out so he can re-login using the new password.', true );
SwpmTransfer::get_instance()->set( 'status', $message );
do_action( 'swpm_front_end_profile_edited', $member_info );
return true; //Successful form submission.
} else {
$msg_str = '<div class="swpm-profile-update-error">' . SwpmUtils::_( 'Please correct the following.' ) . '</div>';
$message = array(
'succeeded' => false,
'message' => $msg_str,
'extra' => $form->get_errors(),
SwpmTransfer::get_instance()->set( 'status', $message );
return false; //Error in the form submission.
public function reset_password( $email ) {
//If captcha is present and validation failed, it returns an error string. If validation succeeds, it returns an empty string.
$captcha_validation_output = apply_filters( 'swpm_validate_pass_reset_form_submission', '' );
if ( ! empty( $captcha_validation_output ) ) {
$message = '<div class="swpm-reset-pw-error">' . SwpmUtils::_( 'Captcha validation failed.' ) . '</div>';
$message = array(
'succeeded' => false,
'message' => $message,
SwpmTransfer::get_instance()->set( 'status', $message );
$email = sanitize_email( $email );
if ( ! is_email( $email ) ) {
$message = '<div class="swpm-reset-pw-error">' . SwpmUtils::_( 'Email address not valid.' ) . '</div>';
$message = array(
'succeeded' => false,
'message' => $message,
SwpmTransfer::get_instance()->set( 'status', $message );
global $wpdb;
$query = 'SELECT member_id,user_name,first_name, last_name FROM ' .
$wpdb->prefix . 'swpm_members_tbl ' .
' WHERE email = %s';
$user = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( $query, $email ) );
if ( empty( $user ) ) {
$message = '<div class="swpm-reset-pw-error">' . SwpmUtils::_( 'No user found with that email address.' ) . '</div>';
$message .= '<div class="swpm-reset-pw-error-email">' . SwpmUtils::_( 'Email Address: ' ) . $email . '</div>';
$message = array(
'succeeded' => false,
'message' => $message,
SwpmTransfer::get_instance()->set( 'status', $message );
$settings = SwpmSettings::get_instance();
$password = wp_generate_password();
$password_hash = SwpmUtils::encrypt_password( trim( $password ) ); //should use $saned??;
$wpdb->update( $wpdb->prefix . 'swpm_members_tbl', array( 'password' => $password_hash ), array( 'member_id' => $user->member_id ) );
//Update wp user password
add_filter( 'send_password_change_email', array( &$this, 'dont_send_password_change_email' ), 1, 3 ); //Stop WordPress from sending a reset password email to admin.
SwpmUtils::update_wp_user( $user->user_name, array( 'plain_password' => $password ) );
$body = $settings->get_value( 'reset-mail-body' );
$subject = $settings->get_value( 'reset-mail-subject' );
$body = html_entity_decode( $body );
$additional_args = array( 'password' => $password );
$body = SwpmMiscUtils::replace_dynamic_tags( $body, $user->member_id, $additional_args );
$from = $settings->get_value( 'email-from' );
$headers = 'From: ' . $from . "\r\n";
$subject = apply_filters( 'swpm_email_password_reset_subject', $subject );
$body = apply_filters( 'swpm_email_password_reset_body', $body );
SwpmMiscUtils::mail( $email, $subject, $body, $headers );
SwpmLog::log_simple_debug( 'Member password has been reset. Password reset email sent to: ' . $email, true );
$message = '<div class="swpm-reset-pw-success-box">';
$message .= '<div class="swpm-reset-pw-success">' . SwpmUtils::_( 'New password has been sent to your email address.' ) . '</div>';
$message .= '<div class="swpm-reset-pw-success-email">' . SwpmUtils::_( 'Email Address: ' ) . $email . '</div>';
$message .= '</div>';
$message = array(
'succeeded' => false,
'message' => $message,
'pass_reset_sent' => true,
SwpmTransfer::get_instance()->set( 'status', $message );
function dont_send_password_change_email( $send = false, $user = '', $userdata = '' ) {
//Stop the WordPress's default password change email notification to site admin
//Only the simple membership plugin's password reset email will be sent.
return false;
public function email_activation() {
$login_page_url = SwpmSettings::get_instance()->get_value( 'login-page-url' );
// Allow hooks to change the value of login_page_url
$login_page_url = apply_filters('swpm_email_activation_login_page_url', $login_page_url);
$member_id = FILTER_INPUT( INPUT_GET, 'swpm_member_id', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT );
$member = SwpmMemberUtils::get_user_by_id( $member_id );
if ( empty( $member ) ) {
//can't find member
echo SwpmUtils::_( "Can't find member account." );
if ( $member->account_state !== 'activation_required' ) {
//account already active
echo SwpmUtils::_( 'Account already active. ' ) . '<a href="' . $login_page_url . '">' . SwpmUtils::_( 'click here' ) . '</a>' . SwpmUtils::_( ' to login.' );
$act_data = get_option( 'swpm_email_activation_data_usr_' . $member_id );
if ( empty( $code ) || empty( $act_data ) || $act_data['act_code'] !== $code ) {
//code mismatch
wp_die( SwpmUtils::_( 'Activation code mismatch. Cannot activate this account. Please contact the site admin.' ) );
//activation code match
delete_option( 'swpm_email_activation_data_usr_' . $member_id );
//store rego form id in constant so FB addon could use it
if ( ! empty( $act_data['fb_form_id'] ) ) {
define( 'SWPM_EMAIL_ACTIVATION_FORM_ID', $act_data['fb_form_id'] );
$activation_account_status = apply_filters( 'swpm_activation_feature_override_account_status', 'active' );
SwpmMemberUtils::update_account_state( $member_id, $activation_account_status );
$this->member_info = (array) $member;
$this->member_info['plain_password'] = SwpmUtils::crypt( $act_data['plain_password'], 'd' );
$msg = '<div class="swpm_temporary_msg" style="font-weight: bold;">' . SwpmUtils::_( 'Success! Your account has been activated successfully.' ) . '</div>';
$after_rego_url = SwpmSettings::get_instance()->get_value( 'after-rego-redirect-page-url' );
$after_rego_url = apply_filters( 'swpm_after_registration_redirect_url', $after_rego_url );
if ( ! empty( $after_rego_url ) ) {
//Yes. Need to redirect to this after registration page
SwpmLog::log_simple_debug( 'After registration redirect is configured in settings. Redirecting user to: ' . $after_rego_url, true );
SwpmMiscUtils::show_temporary_message_then_redirect( $msg, $after_rego_url );
exit( 0 );
//show success message and redirect to login page
SwpmMiscUtils::show_temporary_message_then_redirect( $msg, $login_page_url );
exit( 0 );
public function resend_activation_email() {
$login_page_url = SwpmSettings::get_instance()->get_value( 'login-page-url' );
// Allow hooks to change the value of login_page_url
$login_page_url = apply_filters('swpm_resend_activation_email_login_page_url', $login_page_url);
$member_id = FILTER_INPUT( INPUT_GET, 'swpm_member_id', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT );
$member = SwpmMemberUtils::get_user_by_id( $member_id );
if ( empty( $member ) ) {
//can't find member
echo SwpmUtils::_( 'Cannot find member account.' );
if ( $member->account_state !== 'activation_required' ) {
//account already active
$acc_active_msg = SwpmUtils::_( 'Account already active. ' ) . '<a href="' . $login_page_url . '">' . SwpmUtils::_( 'click here' ) . '</a>' . SwpmUtils::_( ' to login.' );
echo $acc_active_msg;
$act_data = get_option( 'swpm_email_activation_data_usr_' . $member_id );
if ( ! empty( $act_data ) ) {
//looks like activation data has been removed for some reason. We won't be able to have member's plain password in this case
$act_data['plain_password'] = '';
delete_option( 'swpm_email_activation_data_usr_' . $member_id );
$this->member_info = (array) $member;
$this->member_info['plain_password'] = SwpmUtils::crypt( $act_data['plain_password'], 'd' );
$this->email_activation = true;
$msg = '<div class="swpm_temporary_msg" style="font-weight: bold;">' . SwpmUtils::_( 'Activation email has been sent. Please check your email and activate your account.' ) . '</div>';
SwpmMiscUtils::show_temporary_message_then_redirect( $msg, $login_page_url );