
1297 lines
40 KiB

msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Simple Membership\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-11-16 15:48+0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-11-25 10:20+0800\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 1.8.6\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: .\n"
"Last-Translator: Hermanudin <>\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"Language: id_ID\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n"
#: classes/class.simple-wp-membership.php:263
msgid "You are not logged in."
msgstr "Silahkan masuk terlebih dahulu."
#: classes/class.simple-wp-membership.php:297
msgid "Simple WP Membership Protection"
msgstr "Proteksi Simple WP Membership"
#: classes/class.simple-wp-membership.php:309
msgid "Simple Membership Protection options"
msgstr "Pilihan Proteksi Simple Membership"
#: classes/class.simple-wp-membership.php:325
msgid "Do you want to protect this content?"
msgstr "Anda ingin melindungi muatan ini?"
#: classes/class.simple-wp-membership.php:330
msgid "Select the membership level that can access this content:"
msgstr "Pilih tingkat member untuk dapat mengakses isi ini:"
#: classes/class.simple-wp-membership.php:463
msgid "WP Membership"
msgstr "WP Membership"
#: classes/class.simple-wp-membership.php:464 classes/class.swpm-members.php:10
#: views/admin_members_menu.php:2
msgid "Members"
msgstr "Member"
#: classes/class.simple-wp-membership.php:465
#: classes/class.swpm-category-list.php:20
#: classes/class.swpm-membership-levels.php:11
msgid "Membership Levels"
msgstr "Tingkat Member"
#: classes/class.simple-wp-membership.php:466
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Pengaturan"
#: classes/class.simple-wp-membership.php:467
msgid "Payments"
msgstr "Pembayaran"
#: classes/class.simple-wp-membership.php:468
msgid "Add-ons"
msgstr "Tambahan"
#: classes/class.swpm-access-control.php:21
#: classes/class.swpm-access-control.php:28
#: classes/class.swpm-access-control.php:55
msgid "You need to login to view this content. "
msgstr "Anda perlu masuk untuk melihat isinya."
#: classes/class.swpm-access-control.php:34
#: classes/class.swpm-access-control.php:60
msgid ""
"Your account has expired. Please renew your account to gain access to this "
msgstr "Member Anda sudah kadaluarsa. Silahkan perbarui untuk melihat ini."
#: classes/class.swpm-access-control.php:41
msgid "This content can only be viewed by members who joined on or before "
msgstr "Isi hanya dapat dilihat oleh member yang telah bergabung."
#: classes/class.swpm-access-control.php:46
#: classes/class.swpm-access-control.php:66
msgid "This content is not permitted for your membership level."
msgstr "Isi tidak diizinkan untuk tingkat member Anda saat ini."
#: classes/class.swpm-access-control.php:84
msgid " The rest of the content is not permitted for your membership level."
msgstr ""
"Isi selanjutnya tidak diperbolehkan untuk tingkat member Anda saat ini."
#: classes/class.swpm-access-control.php:88
#: classes/class.swpm-access-control.php:106
msgid "You need to login to view the rest of the content. "
msgstr "Anda perlu masuk untuk melihat isi sepenuhnya."
#: classes/class.swpm-admin-registration.php:54
msgid "Member record added successfully."
msgstr "Catatan member telah ditambahkan."
#: classes/class.swpm-admin-registration.php:59
#: classes/class.swpm-admin-registration.php:100
#: classes/class.swpm-membership-level.php:43
#: classes/class.swpm-membership-level.php:62
msgid "Please correct the following:"
msgstr "Silahkan perbaiki hal ini:"
#: classes/class.swpm-admin-registration.php:91
msgid "Your current password"
msgstr "Password Anda saat ini"
#: classes/class.swpm-ajax.php:14
msgid "Invalid Email Address"
msgstr "Alamat Email Salah"
#: classes/class.swpm-ajax.php:21 classes/class.swpm-ajax.php:32
msgid "Aready taken"
msgstr "Sudah dipakai"
#: classes/class.swpm-ajax.php:33
msgid "Available"
msgstr "Tersedia"
#: classes/class.swpm-auth.php:50
msgid "User Not Found."
msgstr "Member Tidak Ditemukan"
#: classes/class.swpm-auth.php:57
msgid "Password Empty or Invalid."
msgstr "Password Kosong atau Tidak Sah."
#: classes/class.swpm-auth.php:82
msgid "Account is inactive."
msgstr "Member tidak aktif."
#: classes/class.swpm-auth.php:85
msgid "Account is pending."
msgstr "Member masih tertunda."
#: classes/class.swpm-auth.php:88 classes/class.swpm-auth.php:106
msgid "Account has expired."
msgstr "Member telah kadaluarsa."
#: classes/class.swpm-auth.php:114
msgid "You are logged in as:"
msgstr "Anda masuk sebagai:"
#: classes/class.swpm-auth.php:160
msgid "Logged Out Successfully."
msgstr "Anda Telah Keluar."
#: classes/class.swpm-auth.php:210
msgid "Session Expired."
msgstr "Masa Pakai Habis."
#: classes/class.swpm-auth.php:219
msgid "Invalid User Name"
msgstr "Pengguna Tidak Sah."
#: classes/class.swpm-auth.php:227
msgid "Please login again."
msgstr "Silahkan masuk lagi."
#: classes/class.swpm-category-list.php:19 classes/class.swpm-members.php:23
#: classes/class.swpm-membership-levels.php:10
#: classes/class.swpm-membership-levels.php:20
#: classes/admin-includes/class.swpm-payments-list-table.php:53
#: views/add.php:30 views/admin_member_form_common_part.php:2 views/edit.php:52
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_buy_now_button.php:36
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_buy_now_button.php:217
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:37
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:310
msgid "Membership Level"
msgstr "Tingkat Member"
#: classes/class.swpm-category-list.php:33 classes/class.swpm-members.php:18
#: classes/class.swpm-membership-levels.php:19
msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"
#: classes/class.swpm-category-list.php:34
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nama"
#: classes/class.swpm-category-list.php:35
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Keterangan"
#: classes/class.swpm-category-list.php:36
msgid "Count"
msgstr "Jumlah"
#: classes/class.swpm-category-list.php:80
msgid "Category protection updated!"
msgstr "Proteksi telah diperbarui!"
#: classes/class.swpm-form.php:26
msgid ""
"Wordpress account exists with given user name. But given email doesn't match."
msgstr "Pengguna ini telah terdaftar, tetapi alamat emailnya salah."
#: classes/class.swpm-form.php:31
msgid ""
"Wordpress account exists with given email. But given user name doesn't match."
msgstr "Alamat email telah terdaftar, tetapi nama pengguna salah."
#: classes/class.swpm-form.php:40
msgid "User name is required"
msgstr "Silahkan masukkan nama"
#: classes/class.swpm-form.php:44
msgid "User name contains invalid character"
msgstr "Nama pengguna mengandung karakter terlarang"
#: classes/class.swpm-form.php:52
msgid "User name already exists."
msgstr "Nama pengguna telah terdaftar."
#: classes/class.swpm-form.php:75
msgid "Password is required"
msgstr "Silahkan masukkan password"
#: classes/class.swpm-form.php:82
msgid "Password mismatch"
msgstr "Password salah"
#: classes/class.swpm-form.php:93
msgid "Email is required"
msgstr "Silahkan masukkan email"
#: classes/class.swpm-form.php:97
msgid "Email is invalid"
msgstr "Alamat email salah"
#: classes/class.swpm-form.php:113
msgid "Email is already used."
msgstr "Alamat email telah terpakai."
#: classes/class.swpm-form.php:170
msgid "Member since field is invalid"
msgstr "Isian tangal member salah"
#: classes/class.swpm-form.php:181
msgid "Access starts field is invalid"
msgstr "Isian tanggal akses salah"
#: classes/class.swpm-form.php:191
msgid "Gender field is invalid"
msgstr "Jenis kelamin salah"
#: classes/class.swpm-form.php:202
msgid "Account state field is invalid"
msgstr "Periksa kembali alamat Anda"
#: classes/class.swpm-form.php:209
msgid "Invalid membership level"
msgstr "Tingkatan member salah"
#: classes/class.swpm-front-registration.php:71
msgid "Security check: captcha validation failed."
msgstr "Proses cek captcha gagal"
#: classes/class.swpm-front-registration.php:80
msgid "Registration Successful. "
msgstr "Pendaftaran Berhasil."
#: classes/class.swpm-front-registration.php:80
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:377
msgid "Please"
msgstr " Silahkan"
#: classes/class.swpm-front-registration.php:80
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:377 views/login.php:21
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Masuk"
#: classes/class.swpm-front-registration.php:92
#: classes/class.swpm-front-registration.php:179
msgid "Please correct the following"
msgstr "Silahkan perbaiki kesalahan berikut"
#: classes/class.swpm-front-registration.php:123
msgid "Membership Level Couldn't be found."
msgstr "Tingkat Member tidak ditemukan"
#: classes/class.swpm-front-registration.php:162
msgid "Profile updated successfully."
msgstr "Profil Anda telah diperbarui."
#: classes/class.swpm-front-registration.php:170
msgid ""
"Profile updated successfully. You will need to re-login since you changed "
"your password."
msgstr "Profil telah diperbarui. Silahkan masuk lagi dengan password baru."
#: classes/class.swpm-front-registration.php:189
msgid "Email address not valid."
msgstr "Alamat email tidak benar."
#: classes/class.swpm-front-registration.php:200
msgid "No user found with that email address."
msgstr "Nama pengguna tidak ditemukan."
#: classes/class.swpm-front-registration.php:201
#: classes/class.swpm-front-registration.php:224
msgid "Email Address: "
msgstr "Alamat Email:"
#: classes/class.swpm-front-registration.php:223
msgid "New password has been sent to your email address."
msgstr "Password baru telah dikirim ke alamat email Anda."
#: classes/class.swpm-init-time-tasks.php:108
msgid "Sorry, Nonce verification failed."
msgstr "Maaf, proses verifikasi gagal."
#: classes/class.swpm-init-time-tasks.php:115
msgid "Sorry, Password didn't match."
msgstr "Maaf, password tidak sesuai."
#: classes/class.swpm-level-form.php:47
msgid "Date format is not valid."
msgstr "Pengaturan tanggal tidak benar."
#: classes/class.swpm-level-form.php:55
msgid "Access duration must be > 0."
msgstr "Lama kunjungan harus lebih besar dari 0."
#: classes/class.swpm-member-utils.php:22
#: classes/class.swpm-member-utils.php:30
#: classes/class.swpm-member-utils.php:38
#: classes/class.swpm-member-utils.php:48
msgid "User is not logged in."
msgstr "Pengguna belum masuk."
#: classes/class.swpm-members.php:9
msgid "Member"
msgstr "Member"
#: classes/class.swpm-members.php:19 views/add.php:6 views/edit.php:4
msgid "User Name"
msgstr "Nama Pengguna"
#: classes/class.swpm-members.php:20
#: classes/admin-includes/class.swpm-payments-list-table.php:48
#: views/add.php:22 views/admin_member_form_common_part.php:15
#: views/edit.php:20
msgid "First Name"
msgstr "Nama Depan"
#: classes/class.swpm-members.php:21
#: classes/admin-includes/class.swpm-payments-list-table.php:49
#: views/add.php:26 views/admin_member_form_common_part.php:19
#: views/edit.php:24
msgid "Last Name"
msgstr "Nama Belakang"
#: classes/class.swpm-members.php:22 views/add.php:10 views/edit.php:8
msgid "Email"
msgstr "Email"
#: classes/class.swpm-members.php:24 views/admin_member_form_common_part.php:11
msgid "Access Starts"
msgstr "Tanggal Mulai"
#: classes/class.swpm-members.php:25
msgid "Account State"
msgstr "Jenis Akun"
#: classes/class.swpm-members.php:38
#: classes/class.swpm-membership-levels.php:35
#: classes/admin-includes/class.swpm-payment-buttons-list-table.php:80
#: classes/admin-includes/class.swpm-payments-list-table.php:68
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Hapus"
#: classes/class.swpm-members.php:112
msgid "No Member found."
msgstr "Member tidak ditemukan."
#: classes/class.swpm-membership-level.php:38
msgid "Membership Level Creation Successful."
msgstr "Pembuatan Tingkat Member Berhasil."
#: classes/class.swpm-membership-level.php:57
msgid "Updated Successfully."
msgstr "Pembaruan Berhasil."
#: classes/class.swpm-membership-levels.php:21
msgid "Role"
msgstr "Peran"
#: classes/class.swpm-membership-levels.php:22
msgid "Access Valid For/Until"
msgstr "Akses Diberikan Hingga"
#: classes/class.swpm-misc-utils.php:50
msgid "Registration"
msgstr "Pendaftaran"
#: classes/class.swpm-misc-utils.php:73
msgid "Member Login"
msgstr "Member Login"
#: classes/class.swpm-misc-utils.php:96
msgid "Profile"
msgstr "Profil"
#: classes/class.swpm-misc-utils.php:119
msgid "Password Reset"
msgstr "Reset Password"
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:21 classes/class.swpm-settings.php:39
msgid "General Settings"
msgstr "Pengaturan Umum"
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:21
msgid "Payment Settings"
msgstr "Pengaturan Pembayaran"
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:22
msgid "Email Settings"
msgstr "Pengaturan Email"
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:22
msgid "Tools"
msgstr "Alat"
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:22 classes/class.swpm-settings.php:150
msgid "Advanced Settings"
msgstr "Pengaturan Lanjutan"
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:22
msgid "Addons Settings"
msgstr "Pengaturan Addons"
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:38
msgid "Plugin Documentation"
msgstr "Petunjuk Plugin"
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:40
msgid "Enable Free Membership"
msgstr "Aktifkan Member Free"
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:41
msgid ""
"Enable/disable registration for free membership level. When you enable this "
"option, make sure to specify a free membership level ID in the field below."
msgstr ""
"Aktifkan pendaftaran bagi member free. Pastikan kotak pilihan ID free member "
"dibawah ini telah diaktifkan pada isian dibawah."
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:42
msgid "Free Membership Level ID"
msgstr "ID Level Member Free"
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:43
msgid "Assign free membership level ID"
msgstr "Berikan ID terhadap member free"
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:44
msgid "Enable More Tag Protection"
msgstr "Aktifkan Proteksi Lebih"
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:45
msgid ""
"Enables or disables \"more\" tag protection in the posts and pages. Anything "
"after the More tag is protected. Anything before the more tag is teaser "
msgstr "Aktifkan atau matikan tag \"lebih\" di post atau halaman."
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:46
msgid "Hide Adminbar"
msgstr "Sembunyikan Baris Admin"
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:47
msgid ""
"WordPress shows an admin toolbar to the logged in users of the site. Check "
"this box if you want to hide that admin toolbar in the fronend of your site."
msgstr ""
"Wordpress menampilkan toolbar admin kepada pengguna yang masuk. Klik kotak "
"ini jika ingin menyembunyikannya."
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:49
msgid "Default Account Status"
msgstr "Status Akun Default"
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:52
msgid ""
"Select the default account status for newly registered users. If you want to "
"manually approve the members then you can set the status to \"Pending\"."
msgstr ""
"Pilih status akun default bagi pendaftar baru. Jika ingin melakukan secara "
"manual, atur status menjadi \"Tunda\""
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:53
msgid "Allow Account Deletion"
msgstr "Bolehkan Penghapusan Akun"
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:55
msgid "Allow users to delete their accounts."
msgstr "Bolehkan pengguna untuk menghapus akun mereka."
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:56
msgid "Auto Delete Pending Account"
msgstr "Hapus Otomatis Akun yang Tertunda"
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:59
msgid "Select how long you want to keep \"pending\" account."
msgstr "Pilih berapa lama akun \"tertunda\" akan dipertahankan."
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:67
msgid "Pages Settings"
msgstr "Pengaturan Halaman"
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:68
msgid "Login Page URL"
msgstr "URL Halaman Login"
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:70
msgid "Registration Page URL"
msgstr "URL Alamat Pendaftaran"
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:72
msgid "Join Us Page URL"
msgstr "URL Halaman Join"
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:74
msgid "Edit Profile Page URL"
msgstr "URL Halaman Edit Profil"
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:76
msgid "Password Reset Page URL"
msgstr "URL Halaman Reset Password"
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:79
msgid "Test & Debug Settings"
msgstr "Setting Tes dan Debug"
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:81
msgid "Check this option to enable debug logging."
msgstr "Pilih opsi ini untuk mengaktifkan log debugging"
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:86
msgid "Enable Sandbox Testing"
msgstr "Aktifkan Testing Sandbox"
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:87
msgid "Enable this option if you want to do sandbox payment testing."
msgstr "Pilih opsi ini jika ingin melakukan test pembayaran sandbox"
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:97 classes/class.swpm-settings.php:145
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:243
msgid "Settings updated!"
msgstr "Pengaturan telah diperbarui!"
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:102
msgid "Email Misc. Settings"
msgstr "Pengaturan Email lainnya"
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:103
msgid "From Email Address"
msgstr "Alamat Email Pengirim"
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:106
msgid "Email Settings (Prompt to Complete Registration )"
msgstr "Pengaturan Email (untuk penyelesaian pendaftaran)"
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:107 classes/class.swpm-settings.php:113
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:125 classes/class.swpm-settings.php:132
msgid "Email Subject"
msgstr "Judul Email"
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:109 classes/class.swpm-settings.php:115
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:127 classes/class.swpm-settings.php:134
msgid "Email Body"
msgstr "Isi Email"
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:112
msgid "Email Settings (Registration Complete)"
msgstr "Pengaturan Email (Pendaftaran Selesai)"
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:117
msgid "Send Notification to Admin"
msgstr "Kirim Notifikasi ke Admin"
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:118
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want the admin to receive a notification when a "
"member registers."
msgstr ""
"Aktifkan opsi ini jika ingin memberitahu Admin apabila ada member mendaftar."
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:119
msgid "Admin Email Address"
msgstr "Alamat Email Admin"
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:120
msgid ""
"Enter the email address where you want the admin notification email to be "
"sent to."
msgstr "Masukkan alamat kirim emal admin yang ingin diberi notifikasi"
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:121
msgid "Send Email to Member When Added via Admin Dashboard"
msgstr "Kirim Email ke Member ketika ditambahkan melalui Dashboard Admin"
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:124
msgid "Email Settings (Password Reset)"
msgstr "Pengaturan Email (Reset Password)"
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:131
msgid " Email Settings (Account Upgrade Notification)"
msgstr "Pengaturan Email (Notifikas Upgrade Akun)"
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:152
msgid "Enable Expired Account Login"
msgstr "Aktifkan Kadaluarsa untuk Login Akun"
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:153
msgid ""
"When enabled, expired members will be able to log into the system but won't "
"be able to view any protected content. This allows them to easily renew "
"their account by making another payment."
msgstr ""
"Saat diaktifkan, member yang telah kadaluarsa bisa masuk tetapi tidak dapat "
"melihat isi yang diproteksi."
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:377
msgid "Not a Member?"
msgstr "Bukan Member?"
#: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:377 views/login.php:27
msgid "Join Us"
msgstr "Bergabung"
#: classes/class.swpm-utils.php:67
msgid "Active"
msgstr "Aktif"
#: classes/class.swpm-utils.php:68
msgid "Inactive"
msgstr "Nonaktif"
#: classes/class.swpm-utils.php:69
msgid "Pending"
msgstr "Tertunda"
#: classes/class.swpm-utils.php:70
msgid "Expired"
msgstr "Kadaluarsa"
#: classes/class.swpm-utils.php:296
msgid "Never"
msgstr "Tidak"
#: classes/class.swpm-utils.php:370
msgid "Delete Account"
msgstr "Hapus Akun"
#: classes/admin-includes/class.swpm-payment-buttons-list-table.php:63
msgid "Payment Button ID"
msgstr "ID Tombol Pembayaran"
#: classes/admin-includes/class.swpm-payment-buttons-list-table.php:64
msgid "Payment Button Title"
msgstr "Judul Tombol Pembayaran"
#: classes/admin-includes/class.swpm-payment-buttons-list-table.php:65
msgid "Membership Level ID"
msgstr "ID Tingkat Member"
#: classes/admin-includes/class.swpm-payment-buttons-list-table.php:66
msgid "Button Shortcode"
msgstr "Tombol Shortcode"
#: classes/admin-includes/class.swpm-payment-buttons-list-table.php:106
#: views/admin_members_list.php:15
#: views/payments/admin_all_payment_transactions.php:33
msgid "The selected entry was deleted!"
msgstr "Isian ini telah dihapus!"
#: classes/admin-includes/class.swpm-payments-list-table.php:46
msgid "Row ID"
msgstr "ID Baris"
#: classes/admin-includes/class.swpm-payments-list-table.php:47
#: views/forgot_password.php:5
msgid "Email Address"
msgstr "Alamat Email"
#: classes/admin-includes/class.swpm-payments-list-table.php:50
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Tanggal"
#: classes/admin-includes/class.swpm-payments-list-table.php:51
msgid "Transaction ID"
msgstr "ID Transaksi"
#: classes/admin-includes/class.swpm-payments-list-table.php:52
msgid "Amount"
msgstr "Jumlah"
#: classes/common/class.swpm-list-table.php:137
msgid "List View"
msgstr "Pandangan Baris"
#: classes/common/class.swpm-list-table.php:138
msgid "Excerpt View"
msgstr "Pandangan Ringkasan"
#: classes/common/class.swpm-list-table.php:305
msgid "No items found."
msgstr "Tidak ditemukan."
#: classes/common/class.swpm-list-table.php:431
msgid "Select bulk action"
msgstr "Pilih tindakan sekaligus."
#: classes/common/class.swpm-list-table.php:433
msgid "Bulk Actions"
msgstr "Tindakan Sekaligus"
#: classes/common/class.swpm-list-table.php:443
msgid "Apply"
msgstr "Jalankan"
#: classes/common/class.swpm-list-table.php:543
msgid "Filter by date"
msgstr "Saring berdasarkan tanggal"
#: classes/common/class.swpm-list-table.php:545
msgid "All dates"
msgstr "Semua tanggal"
#: classes/common/class.swpm-list-table.php:555
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s %2$d"
msgstr "%1$s %2$d"
#: classes/common/class.swpm-list-table.php:599
#, php-format
msgid "%s pending"
msgstr "%s tunda"
#: classes/common/class.swpm-list-table.php:704
msgid "Select Page"
msgstr "Pilih Halaman"
#: classes/common/class.swpm-list-table.php:848
msgid "Select All"
msgstr "Pilih Semua"
#: classes/shortcode-related/class.swpm-shortcodes-handler.php:47
msgid "Your membership profile will be updated to reflect the payment."
msgstr "Profi keanggotaan akan diperbarui sesuai pembayaran."
#: classes/shortcode-related/class.swpm-shortcodes-handler.php:48
msgid "Your profile username: "
msgstr "Nama profil Anda:"
#: classes/shortcode-related/class.swpm-shortcodes-handler.php:60
msgid "Click on the following link to complete the registration."
msgstr "Pilih tautan berikut untuk menyelesaikan pendaftaran."
#: classes/shortcode-related/class.swpm-shortcodes-handler.php:61
msgid "Click here to complete your paid registration"
msgstr "Klik disini untuk melangkapi pendaftaran pembayaran"
#: classes/shortcode-related/class.swpm-shortcodes-handler.php:66
msgid ""
"If you have just made a membership payment then your payment is yet to be "
"processed. Please check back in a few minutes. An email will be sent to you "
"with the details shortly."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda telah membayar, pembayaran masih dalam proses. Silahkan diperiksa "
"beberapa saat lagi. Kami akan segera mengirimkan email berisi keterangan."
#: views/add.php:14 views/admin_add.php:19 views/admin_edit.php:17
#: views/edit.php:12 views/login.php:11
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Password"
#: views/add.php:18 views/edit.php:16
msgid "Repeat Password"
msgstr "Ulangi Password"
#: views/add.php:41
msgid "Register"
msgstr "Mendaftar"
#: views/admin_add.php:6
msgid "Add Member"
msgstr "Tambah Member"
#: views/admin_add.php:7
msgid "Create a brand new user and add it to this site."
msgstr "Buat pengguna baru dan tambahkan ke website ini."
#: views/admin_add.php:11
msgid "User name"
msgstr "Nama pengguna"
#: views/admin_add.php:11 views/admin_add.php:15 views/admin_add_level.php:11
#: views/admin_add_level.php:15 views/admin_add_level.php:19
#: views/admin_edit.php:9 views/admin_edit.php:13 views/admin_edit_level.php:10
#: views/admin_edit_level.php:14 views/admin_edit_level.php:18
msgid "(required)"
msgstr "(wajib)"
#: views/admin_add.php:15 views/admin_edit.php:13
msgid "E-mail"
msgstr "Email"
#: views/admin_add.php:19
msgid "(twice, required)"
msgstr "(wajib dua kali)"
#: views/admin_add.php:24 views/admin_edit.php:21
msgid "Strength indicator"
msgstr "Penanda kekuatan"
#: views/admin_add.php:25 views/admin_edit.php:22
msgid ""
"Hint: The password should be at least seven characters long. To make it "
"stronger, use upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols like ! \" ? "
"$ % ^ &amp; )."
msgstr ""
"Tips: Password minimal 7 karakter. Agar lebih kuat, tambahkan huruf besar, "
"angka dan tanda baca seperti ! \" ? $ % ^ &amp; )."
#: views/admin_add.php:29 views/admin_edit.php:26 views/loggedin.php:7
msgid "Account Status"
msgstr "Status Akun"
#: views/admin_add.php:39
msgid "Add New Member "
msgstr "Tambahkan Member Baru"
#: views/admin_addon_settings.php:3 views/admin_settings.php:3
#: views/admin_tools_settings.php:3 views/payments/admin_payment_settings.php:3
msgid "Simple WP Membership::Settings"
msgstr "Simple WP Membeship::Pengaturan"
#: views/admin_addon_settings.php:8
msgid ""
"Some of the simple membership plugin's addon settings and options will be "
"displayed here (if you have them)"
msgstr ""
"Beberapa tambahan plugin dan pengaturan akan ditampilakkan disini (jika ada)"
#: views/admin_addon_settings.php:13
msgid "Save Changes"
msgstr "Simpan Perubahan"
#: views/admin_add_level.php:6
msgid "Create new membership level."
msgstr "Buat tingkat member baru"
#: views/admin_add_level.php:11 views/admin_edit_level.php:10
msgid "Membership Level Name"
msgstr "Nama Tingkat Member"
#: views/admin_add_level.php:15 views/admin_edit_level.php:14
msgid "Default WordPress Role"
msgstr "Peran Otomatis Wordpress"
#: views/admin_add_level.php:19 views/admin_edit_level.php:18
msgid "Access Duration"
msgstr "Lama Waktu Akses"
#: views/admin_add_level.php:22
msgid "No Expiry (Access for this level will not expire until cancelled"
msgstr "Tidak Kadaluarsa (Tidak dapat kadaluarsa sampai dibatalkan"
#: views/admin_add_level.php:23 views/admin_add_level.php:25
#: views/admin_add_level.php:27 views/admin_add_level.php:29
#: views/admin_edit_level.php:22 views/admin_edit_level.php:25
#: views/admin_edit_level.php:28 views/admin_edit_level.php:31
msgid "Expire After"
msgstr "Tanggal Kadaluarsa"
#: views/admin_add_level.php:24 views/admin_edit_level.php:23
msgid "Days (Access expires after given number of days)"
msgstr "Hari (Kadaluarsa setelah jumlah hari berikut)"
#: views/admin_add_level.php:26
msgid "Weeks (Access expires after given number of weeks"
msgstr "Minggu (Kadaluarsa setelah jumlah minggu berikut)"
#: views/admin_add_level.php:28 views/admin_edit_level.php:29
msgid "Months (Access expires after given number of months)"
msgstr "Bulan (Kadaluarsa setelah jumlah bulan berikut)"
#: views/admin_add_level.php:30 views/admin_edit_level.php:32
msgid "Years (Access expires after given number of years)"
msgstr "Tahun (Kadaluarsa setelah jumlah tahun berikut)"
#: views/admin_add_level.php:31 views/admin_edit_level.php:34
msgid "Fixed Date Expiry"
msgstr "Tanggal Kadaluarsa Tetap"
#: views/admin_add_level.php:32 views/admin_edit_level.php:35
msgid "(Access expires on a fixed date)"
msgstr "(Akses kadaluarsa on a fixed date)"
#: views/admin_add_level.php:38
msgid "Add New Membership Level "
msgstr "Tambahkan Tingkat Member Baru"
#: views/admin_add_ons_page.php:7
msgid "Simple WP Membership::Add-ons"
msgstr "Simple WP Membership::Add-ons"
#: views/admin_category_list.php:2
msgid "Simple WP Membership::Categories"
msgstr "Simple WP Membership::Kategori"
#: views/admin_category_list.php:7
msgid ""
"First of all, globally protect the category on your site by selecting "
"\"General Protection\" from the drop-down box below and then select the "
"categories that should be protected from non-logged in users."
msgstr ""
"Pertama, lindungi seluruh kategori dengan memilih \"Pilihan Umum\" dari "
"kotak dibawah dan pilih kategori yang akan dilindungi dari pengguna tidak "
#: views/admin_category_list.php:10
msgid ""
"Next, select an existing membership level from the drop-down box below and "
"then select the categories you want to grant access to (for that particular "
"membership level)."
msgstr ""
"Selanjutnya, pilih tingkatan member dari kotak dibawah dan pilih kategori "
"yang diinginkan untuk diberikan akses kepada level member tertentu."
#: views/admin_edit.php:5
msgid "Edit Member"
msgstr "Edit Member"
#: views/admin_edit.php:6
msgid "Edit existing member details."
msgstr "Edit member secara detail."
#: views/admin_edit.php:9 views/login.php:5
msgid "Username"
msgstr "Nama Pengguna"
#: views/admin_edit.php:17
msgid "(twice, leave empty to retain old password)"
msgstr "(dua kali, biarkan kosong untuk menjaga password lama)"
#: views/admin_edit.php:33
msgid "Notify User"
msgstr "Beritahu Pengguna"
#: views/admin_edit.php:40
msgid "Subscriber ID/Reference"
msgstr "ID Pelanggan/Referensi"
#: views/admin_edit.php:44
msgid "Last Accessed From IP"
msgstr "Akses Terakhir dari IP"
#: views/admin_edit.php:52
msgid "Edit User "
msgstr "Edit Pengguna"
#: views/admin_edit_level.php:5
msgid "Edit membership level"
msgstr "Edit tingkat member"
#: views/admin_edit_level.php:6
msgid "Edit membership level."
msgstr "Edit tingkat member."
#: views/admin_edit_level.php:21
msgid "No Expiry (Access for this level will not expire until cancelled)"
msgstr "Tidak Kadaluarsa (Tidak dapat kadaluarsa sampai dibatalkan"
#: views/admin_edit_level.php:26
msgid "Weeks (Access expires after given number of weeks)"
msgstr "Minggu (Kadaluarsa setelah jumlah minggu berikut)"
#: views/admin_edit_level.php:41
msgid "Edit Membership Level "
msgstr "Edit Tingkat Member"
#: views/admin_members.php:2
msgid "Simple WP Membership::Members"
msgstr "Simple WP Membership::Member"
#: views/admin_members.php:3 views/admin_members_list.php:30
msgid "Add New"
msgstr "Tambah Baru"
#: views/admin_membership_levels.php:2
msgid "Simple WP Membership::Membership Levels"
msgstr "Simple WP Membership::Tingkat Member"
#: views/admin_membership_levels.php:12 views/admin_members_list.php:6
msgid "search"
msgstr "cari"
#: views/admin_membership_level_menu.php:2
msgid "Membership level"
msgstr "Tingkat member"
#: views/admin_membership_level_menu.php:3
msgid "Manage Content Production"
msgstr "Atur Isi Produksi"
#: views/admin_membership_level_menu.php:4
msgid "Category Protection"
msgstr "Perlindungan Kategori"
#: views/admin_membership_manage.php:17
msgid "Example Content Protection Settings"
msgstr "Contoh Pengaturan Content Protection"
#: views/admin_member_form_common_part.php:23
msgid "Gender"
msgstr "Jenis Kelamin"
#: views/admin_member_form_common_part.php:30 views/edit.php:28
msgid "Phone"
msgstr "Telephone"
#: views/admin_member_form_common_part.php:34 views/edit.php:32
msgid "Street"
msgstr "Jalan"
#: views/admin_member_form_common_part.php:38 views/edit.php:36
msgid "City"
msgstr "Kota"
#: views/admin_member_form_common_part.php:42 views/edit.php:40
msgid "State"
msgstr "Propinsi"
#: views/admin_member_form_common_part.php:46 views/edit.php:44
msgid "Zipcode"
msgstr "Kode Pos"
#: views/admin_member_form_common_part.php:50 views/edit.php:48
msgid "Country"
msgstr "Negara"
#: views/admin_member_form_common_part.php:54
msgid "Company"
msgstr "Perusahaan"
#: views/admin_member_form_common_part.php:58
msgid "Member Since"
msgstr "Member Sejak"
#: views/admin_tools_settings.php:9
msgid "Generate a Registration Completion link"
msgstr "Buat alamat Penyelesaian Pendaftaran"
#: views/admin_tools_settings.php:12
msgid ""
"You can manually generate a registration completion link here and give it to "
"your customer if they have missed the email that was automatically sent out "
"to them after the payment."
msgstr ""
"Anda dapat membuat alamat penyelesaian pendaftaran secara manual dan "
"menginformasikan kepada pelanggan juka ada kesalahan melalui email setelah "
#: views/admin_tools_settings.php:17
msgid "Generate Registration Completion Link"
msgstr "Buat Alamat Penyelesaian Pendaftaran"
#: views/admin_tools_settings.php:20
msgid "OR"
msgstr "ATAU"
#: views/admin_tools_settings.php:21
msgid "For All Pending Registrations"
msgstr "Pendaftaran Yang Tertunda"
#: views/admin_tools_settings.php:24
msgid "Registration Completion Links Will Appear Below:"
msgstr "Alamat Penyelesaian Akan Muncul Dibawah Ini"
#: views/admin_tools_settings.php:31
msgid "Send Registration Reminder Email too"
msgstr "Kirim juga Email Pengingat Pendaftaran"
#: views/admin_tools_settings.php:34
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Kirim"
#: views/edit.php:58
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Perbarui"
#: views/forgot_password.php:12
msgid "Reset Password"
msgstr "Reset Password"
#: views/loggedin.php:3
msgid "Logged in as"
msgstr "Masuk sebagai"
#: views/loggedin.php:11
msgid "Membership"
msgstr "Keanggotaan"
#: views/loggedin.php:15
msgid "Account Expiry"
msgstr "Tanggal Kadaluarsa"
#: views/loggedin.php:19
msgid "Logout"
msgstr "Keluar"
#: views/login.php:18
msgid "Remember Me"
msgstr "Ingat Saya"
#: views/login.php:24
msgid "Forgot Password"
msgstr "Lupa Password"
#: views/payments/admin_all_payment_transactions.php:7
msgid "All the payments/transactions of your members are recorded here."
msgstr "Semua transaksi pembayaran member direkam disini"
#: views/payments/admin_all_payment_transactions.php:14
msgid "Search for a transaction by using email or name"
msgstr "Cari transaksi berdasarkan email atau nama"
#: views/payments/admin_all_payment_transactions.php:18
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Cari"
#: views/payments/admin_create_payment_buttons.php:13
msgid ""
"You can create new payment button for your memberships using this interface."
msgstr ""
"Anda dapat membuat tomobl pembayaran bagi member menggunakan antarmuka ini."
#: views/payments/admin_create_payment_buttons.php:22
msgid "Select Payment Button Type"
msgstr "Pilih Tombol Type Pembayaran"
#: views/payments/admin_create_payment_buttons.php:34
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Berikut"
#: views/payments/admin_edit_payment_buttons.php:12
msgid "You can edit a payment button using this interface."
msgstr "Anda dapat mengedit tombol pembayaran dengan antarmuka ini."
#: views/payments/admin_payments_page.php:9
msgid "Simple Membership::Payments"
msgstr "Simple Membership::Pembayaran"
#: views/payments/admin_payment_buttons.php:7
msgid ""
"All the membership buttons that you created in the plugin are displayed here."
msgstr ""
"Semua tombol pembayaran yang telah Anda buat dalam plugin ditampilkan disini."
#: views/payments/admin_payment_settings.php:31
msgid "PayPal Integration Settings"
msgstr "Pengaturan Integrasi PayPal"
#: views/payments/admin_payment_settings.php:34
msgid "Generate the \"Advanced Variables\" Code for your PayPal button"
msgstr "Buat Kode \"Pembayaran Lanjut\" untuk tombol PayPal Anda"
#: views/payments/admin_payment_settings.php:37
msgid "Enter the Membership Level ID"
msgstr "Masukkan ID Tingkat Member"
#: views/payments/admin_payment_settings.php:39
msgid "Generate Code"
msgstr "Buat Kode"
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_buy_now_button.php:18
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_buy_now_button.php:192
msgid "PayPal Buy Now Button Configuration"
msgstr "Pengaturan Tombol Beli Sekarang dari PayPal"
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_buy_now_button.php:28
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_buy_now_button.php:209
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:29
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:302
msgid "Button Title"
msgstr "Judul Tombol"
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_buy_now_button.php:46
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_buy_now_button.php:227
msgid "Payment Amount"
msgstr "Jumlah Pembayaran"
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_buy_now_button.php:54
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_buy_now_button.php:235
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:47
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:320
msgid "Payment Currency"
msgstr "Mata Uang"
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_buy_now_button.php:93
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_buy_now_button.php:274
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:173
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:446
msgid "Return URL"
msgstr "Alamat Kembali"
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_buy_now_button.php:101
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_buy_now_button.php:282
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:86
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:359
msgid "PayPal Email"
msgstr "Email PayPal"
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_buy_now_button.php:109
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_buy_now_button.php:290
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:181
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:454
msgid "Button Image URL"
msgstr "URL Gambar Tombol"
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_buy_now_button.php:119
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_buy_now_button.php:300
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:193
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:466
msgid "Save Payment Data"
msgstr "Simpat Data Pembayaran"
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_buy_now_button.php:201
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:294
msgid "Button ID"
msgstr "ID Tombol"
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:20
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:288
msgid "PayPal Subscription Button Configuration"
msgstr "Pengaturan Tombol Langganan PayPal"
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:94
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:367
msgid "Billing Amount Each Cycle"
msgstr "Jumlah Tagihan Setiap Putaran"
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:102
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:375
msgid "Billing Cycle"
msgstr "Billing Cycle"
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:115
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:388
msgid "Billing Cycle Count"
msgstr "Jumlah Billing Cycle"
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:123
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:396
msgid "Re-attempt on Failure"
msgstr "Coba Lagi Saat Gagal"
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:136
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:409
msgid ""
"Trial Billing Details (Leave empty if you are not offering a trial period)"
msgstr ""
"Detail Tagihan Percobaan (kosongkan jika Anda tidak menyediakan waktu "
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:142
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:415
msgid "Trial Billing Amount"
msgstr "Jumlah Tagihan Percobaan"
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:150
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:423
msgid "Trial Billing Period"
msgstr "Masa Waktu Tagihan Percobaan"
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:167
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:440
msgid "Optional Details"
msgstr "Piliah Lainnya"
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/paypal_button_shortcode_view.php:77
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/paypal_button_shortcode_view.php:79
msgid "Buy Now"
msgstr "Beli Sekarang"
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/paypal_button_shortcode_view.php:197
#: views/payments/payment-gateway/paypal_button_shortcode_view.php:199
msgid "Subscribe Now"
msgstr "Langganan Sekarang"