account_delete_warning.php 932 B

  1. <header class="entry-header">
  2. <?php echo SwpmUtils::_('Delete Account'); ?>
  3. </header>
  4. <?php if (!empty($msg)) echo '<p>' . $msg . '</p>'; ?>
  5. <p style="color:red;">
  6. <?php echo SwpmUtils::_('You are about to delete an account. This will delete user data associated with this account. '); ?>
  7. <?php echo SwpmUtils::_('It will also delete associated WordPress user account.'); ?>
  8. <?php echo SwpmUtils::_('(NOTE: for safety, we do not allow deletion of any associated WordPress account with administrator role).'); ?>
  9. <?php echo SwpmUtils::_('Continue?'); ?>
  10. </p>
  11. <form method="post">
  12. <p><?php echo SwpmUtils::_('Password: '); ?><input name="account_delete_confirm_pass" type="password"></p>
  13. <p><input type="submit" name="confirm" value="<?php echo SwpmUtils::_('Confirm Account Deletion'); ?>" /> </p>
  14. <?php wp_nonce_field('swpm_account_delete_confirm', 'account_delete_confirm_nonce'); ?>
  15. </form>