admin_add_ons_page.php 15 KB

  1. <?php
  2. //Check current_user_can() or die.
  3. SwpmMiscUtils::check_user_permission_and_is_admin('Main Addons Listing Menu');
  4. $output = '';
  5. echo '<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="' . SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_URL . '/css/swpm.addons.listing.css" />' . "\n";
  6. ?>
  7. <div class="wrap">
  8. <h1><?php echo SwpmUtils::_('Simple WP Membership::Add-ons') ?></h1>
  9. <div id="poststuff"><div id="post-body">
  10. <?php
  11. $addons_data = array();
  12. $addon_1 = array(
  13. 'name' => 'After Login Redirection',
  14. 'thumbnail' => SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_URL . '/images/addons/swpm-login-redirection.png',
  15. 'description' => 'Allows you to configure after login redirection to a specific page based on the member\'s level',
  16. 'page_url' => '',
  17. );
  18. array_push($addons_data, $addon_1);
  19. $addon_2 = array(
  20. 'name' => 'MailChimp Integration',
  21. 'thumbnail' => SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_URL . '/images/addons/mailchimp-integration.png',
  22. 'description' => 'Allows you to signup the member to your MailChimp list after registration',
  23. 'page_url' => '',
  24. );
  25. array_push($addons_data, $addon_2);
  26. $addon_3 = array(
  27. 'name' => 'Form Shortcode',
  28. 'thumbnail' => SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_URL . '/images/addons/form-shortcode-generator.png',
  29. 'description' => 'Simple Membership Addon to generate form shortcode for specific membership level.',
  30. 'page_url' => '',
  31. );
  32. array_push($addons_data, $addon_3);
  33. $addon_4 = array(
  34. 'name' => 'Member Directory Listing',
  35. 'thumbnail' => SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_URL . '/images/addons/swpm-member-directory-listing-addon.png',
  36. 'description' => 'Allows you to create a list of all the users on your site, with pagination and search option.',
  37. 'page_url' => '',
  38. );
  39. array_push($addons_data, $addon_4);
  40. $addon_5 = array(
  41. 'name' => 'Form Builder',
  42. 'thumbnail' => SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_URL . '/images/addons/swpm-form-builder.png',
  43. 'description' => 'Allows you to fully customize the fields that appear on the registration and edit profile forms of your membership site',
  44. 'page_url' => '',
  45. );
  46. array_push($addons_data, $addon_5);
  47. $addon_6 = array(
  48. 'name' => 'Custom Messages',
  49. 'thumbnail' => SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_URL . '/images/addons/swpm-custom-messages.png',
  50. 'description' => 'Custom Messages addon allows you to customize the content protection message that gets output from the membership plugin',
  51. 'page_url' => '',
  52. );
  53. array_push($addons_data, $addon_6);
  54. $addon_7 = array(
  55. 'name' => 'WooCommerce Payments',
  56. 'thumbnail' => SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_URL . '/images/addons/swpm-woocommerce-addon.png',
  57. 'description' => 'This addon can be used to accept membership payment via the WooCommerce plugin',
  58. 'page_url' => '',
  59. );
  60. array_push($addons_data, $addon_7);
  61. $addon_8 = array(
  62. 'name' => 'Affiliates Manager',
  63. 'thumbnail' => SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_URL . '/images/addons/affiliates-manager-integration.png',
  64. 'description' => 'Allows you to integrate with the Affiliates Manager plugin so you can reward affiliates for sending paid members your way.',
  65. 'page_url' => '',
  66. );
  67. array_push($addons_data, $addon_8);
  68. $addon_9 = array(
  69. 'name' => 'iDevAffiliate',
  70. 'thumbnail' => SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_URL . '/images/addons/idevaffiliate-integration.png',
  71. 'description' => 'Allows you to integrate with iDevAffiliates so you can reward affiliates for sending paid members your way.',
  72. 'page_url' => '',
  73. );
  74. array_push($addons_data, $addon_9);
  75. $addon_10 = array(
  76. 'name' => 'Affiliate Platform',
  77. 'thumbnail' => SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_URL . '/images/addons/affiliate-platform-integration.png',
  78. 'description' => 'Allows you to integrate with the Affiliate Platform plugin so you can reward affiliates for sending paid members your way.',
  79. 'page_url' => '',
  80. );
  81. array_push($addons_data, $addon_10);
  82. $addon_11 = array(
  83. 'name' => 'bbPress Integration',
  84. 'thumbnail' => SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_URL . '/images/addons/swpm-bbpress-integration.png',
  85. 'description' => 'Adds bbPress forum integration with the simple membership plugin to offer members only forum functionality.',
  86. 'page_url' => '',
  87. );
  88. array_push($addons_data, $addon_11);
  89. $addon_12 = array(
  90. 'name' => 'Google reCAPTCHA',
  91. 'thumbnail' => SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_URL . '/images/addons/google-recaptcha-addon.png',
  92. 'description' => 'Allows you to add Google reCAPTCHA to your membership registration form/page.',
  93. 'page_url' => '',
  94. );
  95. array_push($addons_data, $addon_12);
  96. $addon_13 = array(
  97. 'name' => 'Full Page Protection',
  98. 'thumbnail' => SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_URL . '/images/addons/full-page-protection-addon.png',
  99. 'description' => 'Allows you to protect the full post or page (header to footer).',
  100. 'page_url' => '',
  101. );
  102. array_push($addons_data, $addon_13);
  103. $addon_14 = array(
  104. 'name' => 'Protect Older Posts',
  105. 'thumbnail' => SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_URL . '/images/addons/swpm-older-posts-protection.png',
  106. 'description' => 'The protect older posts addon allows you to control protection of posts that were published before a member\'s access start date.',
  107. 'page_url' => '',
  108. );
  109. array_push($addons_data, $addon_14);
  110. $addon_15 = array(
  111. 'name' => 'Custom Post Protection',
  112. 'thumbnail' => SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_URL . '/images/addons/custom-post-type-protection-enhanced.png',
  113. 'description' => 'Offers a better solution for protecting custom post type posts.',
  114. 'page_url' => '',
  115. );
  116. array_push($addons_data, $addon_15);
  117. $addon_16 = array(
  118. 'name' => 'Partial Protection',
  119. 'thumbnail' => SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_URL . '/images/addons/swpm-partial-protection-addon.png',
  120. 'description' => 'Allows you to apply partial or section protection to posts and pages.',
  121. 'page_url' => '',
  122. );
  123. array_push($addons_data, $addon_16);
  124. $addon_17 = array(
  125. 'name' => 'Member Data Exporter',
  126. 'thumbnail' => SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_URL . '/images/addons/swpm-data-exporter-addon.png',
  127. 'description' => 'Allows you to export all the members profile data and payments data to a CSV file.',
  128. 'page_url' => '',
  129. );
  130. array_push($addons_data, $addon_17);
  131. $addon_18 = array(
  132. 'name' => 'Bulk Member Importer',
  133. 'thumbnail' => SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_URL . '/images/addons/swpm-bulk-member-importer-from-csv-addon.png',
  134. 'description' => 'Allows you to bulk import all your members info from a CSV file.',
  135. 'page_url' => '',
  136. );
  137. array_push($addons_data, $addon_18);
  138. $addon_19 = array(
  139. 'name' => 'Display Member Payments',
  140. 'thumbnail' => SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_URL . '/images/addons/swpm-member-payments-addon.png',
  141. 'description' => 'This addon allows you to display the member payments on a page using a shortcode.',
  142. 'page_url' => '',
  143. );
  144. array_push($addons_data, $addon_19);
  145. $addon_20 = array(
  146. 'name' => 'AWeber Integration',
  147. 'thumbnail' => SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_URL . '/images/addons/swpm-aweber-integration-addon.png',
  148. 'description' => 'You can automatically signup your members to a specific list in your AWeber account when they register.',
  149. 'page_url' => '',
  150. );
  151. array_push($addons_data, $addon_20);
  152. $addon_21 = array(
  153. 'name' => 'WP User Import',
  154. 'thumbnail' => SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_URL . '/images/addons/wp-user-import.png',
  155. 'description' => 'Addon for importing existing Wordpress users to Simple Membership plugin',
  156. 'page_url' => '',
  157. );
  158. array_push($addons_data, $addon_21);
  159. $addon_22 = array(
  160. 'name' => 'ConvertKit Integration',
  161. 'thumbnail' => SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_URL . '/images/addons/swpm-convertkit-integration-addon.png',
  162. 'description' => 'Allows you to automatically signup your members to a sequence in your ConvertKit account',
  163. 'page_url' => '',
  164. );
  165. array_push($addons_data, $addon_22);
  166. $addon_23 = array(
  167. 'name' => 'Google First Click Free',
  168. 'thumbnail' => SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_URL . '/images/addons/google-first-click-free-addon.png',
  169. 'description' => 'Allows you to integrate with the Google First Click Free feature.',
  170. 'page_url' => '',
  171. );
  172. array_push($addons_data, $addon_23);
  173. $addon_24 = array(
  174. 'name' => 'Miscellaneous Shortcodes',
  175. 'thumbnail' => SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_URL . '/images/addons/swpm-misc-shortcodes-addon.png',
  176. 'description' => 'This addon has a collection of miscellaneous shortcodes',
  177. 'page_url' => '',
  178. );
  179. array_push($addons_data, $addon_24);
  180. $addon_25 = array(
  181. 'name' => 'Show Member Info',
  182. 'thumbnail' => SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_URL . '/images/addons/show-member-info.png',
  183. 'description' => 'Allows you to show various member info using shortcodes.',
  184. 'page_url' => '',
  185. );
  186. array_push($addons_data, $addon_25);
  187. $addon_26 = array(
  188. 'name' => 'Expiry Email Notification',
  189. 'thumbnail' => SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_URL . '/images/addons/email-notification-and-broadcast-addon.png',
  190. 'description' => 'Allows you to configure and send various expiry email notifications for members.',
  191. 'page_url' => '',
  192. );
  193. array_push($addons_data, $addon_26);
  194. $addon_27 = array(
  195. 'name' => '2 Factor Authentication',
  196. 'thumbnail' => SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_URL . '/images/addons/2fa-addon-icon.png',
  197. 'description' => 'This addon adds the 2 factor authentication for member login to increase login security.',
  198. 'page_url' => '',
  199. );
  200. array_push($addons_data, $addon_27);
  201. /*** Show the addons list ***/
  202. foreach ($addons_data as $addon) {
  203. $output .= '<div class="swpm_addon_item_canvas">';
  204. $output .= '<div class="swpm_addon_item_thumb">';
  205. $img_src = $addon['thumbnail'];
  206. $output .= '<img src="' . $img_src . '" alt="' . $addon['name'] . '">';
  207. $output .= '</div>'; //end thumbnail
  208. $output .='<div class="swpm_addon_item_body">';
  209. $output .='<div class="swpm_addon_item_name">';
  210. $output .= '<a href="' . $addon['page_url'] . '" target="_blank">' . $addon['name'] . '</a>';
  211. $output .='</div>'; //end name
  212. $output .='<div class="swpm_addon_item_description">';
  213. $output .= $addon['description'];
  214. $output .='</div>'; //end description
  215. $output .='<div class="swpm_addon_item_details_link">';
  216. $output .='<a href="' . $addon['page_url'] . '" class="swpm_addon_view_details" target="_blank">View Details</a>';
  217. $output .='</div>'; //end detils link
  218. $output .='</div>'; //end body
  219. $output .= '</div>'; //end canvas
  220. }
  221. echo $output;
  222. ?>
  223. </div></div><!-- end of poststuff and post-body -->
  224. </div><!-- end of .wrap -->