# --- Ricochet configuration starts here # Ricochet server port and host # Change this if you need external access SERVER_PORT=4050 SERVER_HOST=localhost # Configure the JSON store backend # Available backends: memory, nedb, mongodb # Use nedb or mongodb for persistent storage # Memory store is lost when the server is stopped JSON_STORE_BACKEND=memory # Uncomment if you use the nedb store backend #NEDB_DIRNAME=/path/to/data # Any path where Nedb databases will be stored # Uncomment if you use the mongodb JSON store backend #MONGODB_URI= #MONGODB_DATABASE= # Configure the file store backend # Available backend: memory, disk or s3 # Memory store is lost when the server is stopped FILE_STORE_BACKEND=memory # Disk file storage configuration # Uncomment for 'disk' file storage #DISK_DESTINATION=/path/to/dir/ # S3 storage configuration # Uncomment the following lines if you want to use 's3' backend storage #S3_ACCESS_KEY= #S3_SECRET_KEY= #S3_ENDPOINT= #S3_BUCKET= #S3_REGION= #S3_PROXY= #S3_CDN= #S3_SIGNED_URL= # Should be a unique long key here RICOCHET_SECRET=YourSuperSecretHere # Smtp server configuration # If you let the fake host, sent mails are displayed in the console. EMAIL_HOST=fake EMAIL_PORT= EMAIL_USER= EMAIL_PASSWORD= EMAIL_FROM= # To show better logs set to 1 (then use npm run ricochetjs:pino) USE_PINO=0 # --- Ricochet configuration ends here # Wire.io port configuration WIREIO_PORT=4051 # Secret key generated by Ricochet.js when you've registered the site. # /!\ You MUST customize this value after registering the site to Ricochet.js RICOCHET_SITE_KEY= # Webconference Openvidu configuration # You need to enable webconference on the frontend also # See https://docs.openvidu.io for more information OPENVIDU_URL= OPENVIDU_SECRET=