import { throwError } from "./utils.js"; export const ownerOrAdminOrNewHooks = async (context) => { let existingGame = null; const { userId, store, resourceId, body, boxId, method } = context; // Is it the `game` box ? if (boxId !== "game") { return context; } // Is it a modification action ? if (!["POST", "UPDATE", "DELETE"].includes(method)) { return context; } // It's a game modification... if (!userId) { throwError( "Game creation/modification not allowed for unauthenticated users", 403 ); } const nextContext = { ...context, allow: true, body: { ...body, owner: userId }, }; if (!resourceId) { // Creation return nextContext; } try { existingGame = await store.get("game", resourceId); } catch { console.log("Game not found"); // Creation but with resourceId return nextContext; } let isAdmin = false; try { const currentUser = await store.get("user", userId); isAdmin = Boolean(currentUser?.isAdmin); } catch (e) { if (e.statusCode !== 404) { throw e; } } if (existingGame.owner !== userId && !isAdmin) { throwError("Modification allowed only for owner or Admin", 403); } const owner = existingGame.owner || userId; // Update with good user (and force user) return { ...nextContext, body: { ...body, owner: owner }, }; }; export const onlySelfOrPublicGames = async (context) => { const { boxId, userId, method, response, resourceId, store } = context; if (boxId !== "game") { return context; } if (!["GET"].includes(method) || resourceId) { return context; } // Get current user account let userIsAdmin = false; try { const { isAdmin = false } = await store.get("user", userId); userIsAdmin = isAdmin; } catch (e) { if (e.statusCode !== 404) { throw e; } } const newContext = { ...context }; newContext.response = response.filter( ({ board: { published }, owner }) => published || owner === userId || userIsAdmin ); return newContext; }; export const onlySelfUser = async (context) => { const { boxId, userId, method, resourceId, store } = context; if (boxId !== "user") { return context; } if (method !== "GET") { throwError("Method not allowed", 405); } if (resourceId !== userId) { throwError("You can only access your account", 403); } // Create user account if missing try { await store.get("user", userId); } catch (e) { if (e.statusCode === 404) { await"user", userId, {}); } else { throw e; } } return { ...context, allow: true }; };