import React, { useContext } from "react"; import { useItemActions, useMessage, useBoardConfig, useWire, } from "react-sync-board"; import SubscribeSessionEvents from "./SubscribeSessionEvents"; import { updateSession, getSession, getGame } from "../utils/api"; export const SessionContext = React.createContext({}); const emtpyBoard = { items: [], availableItems: [], board: { size: 1000, scale: 1, translations: [ { language: "fr", name: "Choisissez un jeu", description: "...", }, ], defaultName: "Choose a game", defaultLanguage: "en", defaultDescription: "...", gridSize: 1, }, }; export const SessionProvider = ({ sessionId, fromGameId, children }) => { const { setItemList, getItemList } = useItemActions(); const { messages, setMessages } = useMessage(); const [availableItems, setAvailableItems] = React.useState([]); const [boardConfig, setBoardConfig] = useBoardConfig(); const [sessionLoaded, setSessionLoaded] = React.useState(false); const [currentGameId, setCurrentGameId] = React.useState(fromGameId); const { wire } = useWire("board"); const loadSession = React.useCallback(async () => { let sessionData; // Init session from server try { // First from session if exists sessionData = await getSession(sessionId); const sessionGameId = sessionData.gameId; // Update availableItems from original game if (sessionGameId) { const { availableItems } = await getGame(sessionGameId); sessionData.availableItems = availableItems; setCurrentGameId(sessionGameId); } } catch { if (fromGameId) { // Then from initial game sessionData = await getGame(fromGameId); } else { // Empty board sessionData = emtpyBoard; } } return sessionData; }, [fromGameId, sessionId]); const setSession = React.useCallback( async (newData, sync = false) => { const { availableItems, items, board, messages = [] } = newData; setAvailableItems(availableItems); // The filter prevents the empty item bug or missing type on reload setItemList(items.filter((item) => item && item.type)); setBoardConfig(board, false); setMessages(messages); if (sync) { // Send loadSession event for other user wire.publish("loadSession", newData); } setSessionLoaded(true); }, [wire, setBoardConfig, setItemList, setMessages] ); const getCurrentSession = React.useCallback(async () => { const currentSession = { items: await getItemList(), board: boardConfig, availableItems: availableItems, messages: messages.slice(-50), timestamp:, gameId: fromGameId, }; return currentSession; }, [availableItems, boardConfig, fromGameId, getItemList, messages]); const changeGame = React.useCallback( async (newGameId) => { const newGame = await getGame(newGameId); const currentSession = getCurrentSession(); setSession({ ...currentSession, ...newGame }, true); }, [getCurrentSession, setSession] ); const saveSession = React.useCallback(async () => { const currentSession = await getCurrentSession(); if (currentSession.items.length) { try { return await updateSession(sessionId, currentSession); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } }, [getCurrentSession, sessionId]); return ( {children} ); }; export const useSession = () => { return useContext(SessionContext); }; export default useSession;