import fetch from "node-fetch"; import dotenv from "dotenv"; import { io } from ""; import fs from "fs"; dotenv.config(); dotenv.config({ path: "backend/.env" }); const siteId = process.env.VITE_RICOCHET_SITEID; const socketURL = process.env.VITE_SOCKET_URL; const socketPath = process.env.VITE_SOCKET_PATH || "/"; const apiEndpoint = process.env.VITE_API_ENDPOINT; const fileStore = process.env.FILE_STORE_BACKEND; const jsonStore = process.env.JSON_STORE_BACKEND; const check = async () => { if (!siteId) { console.log( "šŸšØ You must define a VITE_RICOCHET_SITEID environment variable." ); process.exit(1); } try { const result = await fetch(`${apiEndpoint}/${siteId}/`); // console.log(result); if (result.status !== 400) { console.log( "šŸšØ The Ricochet.js server doesn't respond correctly. " + `Have you started it? Tested url: ${apiEndpoint}` ); return; } const data = await result.json(); if (!data.message.includes("X-Ricochet-Origin")) { console.log( "šŸšØ The Ricochet.js server doesn't respond correctly. " + `Have you started it? Tested url: ${apiEndpoint}` ); return; } const patch = await fetch(`${apiEndpoint}/_register/${siteId}`, { method: "PATCH", }); if (patch.status === 404) { console.log( `šŸšØ The '${siteId}' doesn't seem to exists on Ricochet.js. ` + "Have you registered it?" ); return; } if (patch.status === 400) { console.log( `āœ… Ricochet.js is running and site ${siteId} seems to be registered.` ); } } catch (e) { if (e.code === "ECONNREFUSED") { console.log( "šŸšØ The Ricochet.js server doesn't seem to be up and running. " + `Have you started it? Tested url: ${apiEndpoint}` ); return; } } if (!fs.existsSync("./public/ricochet.json")) { console.log( "šŸšØ The './public/ricochet.json' file is missing. " + "Have you generated it? \nHint: from backend/ dir execute `npm run watch`" ); return; } if (jsonStore === "memory") { console.log( "āš ļø The Ricochet.js JSON store is in memory. " + "Remember that you'll lost all changes and registered sites each time you stop the server." ); } if (fileStore === "memory") { console.log( "āš ļø The Ricochet.js File store is in memory. " + "Remember that you'll lost all files each time you stop the server." ); } const testConn = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const socket = io(socketURL, { transports: ["websocket"], path: socketPath, }); const out = setTimeout(() => { reject("failed"); socket.disconnect(); }, 5000); socket.on("connect", () => { resolve("ok"); clearTimeout(out); socket.disconnect(); }); }); try { await testConn; console.log("āœ… server is up and running."); } catch (e) { console.log( "šŸšØ The server hasn't responded in 5s. " + `Have you started it? Tested url: ${socketURL}${socketPath}` ); return; } console.log( "\nšŸ‘ Congrats, everything works fine!\n\nDo you still have an issue? Go to discord channel for more help." ); }; check();