NavBar.jsx 8.0 KB

  1. import React from "react";
  2. import styled from "styled-components";
  3. import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next";
  4. import { useHistory, useRouteMatch } from "react-router-dom";
  5. import { confirmAlert } from "react-confirm-alert";
  6. import { useWire, useBoardConfig } from "react-sync-board";
  7. import UserList from "../../users/UserList";
  8. import Touch from "../../ui/Touch";
  9. import WebConferenceButton from "../../webconf/WebConferenceButton";
  10. import { getBestTranslationFromConfig } from "../../utils/api";
  11. import { ENABLE_WEBCONFERENCE } from "../../utils/settings";
  12. import useLocalStorage from "../../hooks/useLocalStorage";
  13. import InfoModal from "./InfoModal";
  14. import LoadGameModal from "./LoadGameModal";
  15. import LoadSessionModal from "./LoadSessionModal";
  16. import ChangeGameModal from "./ChangeGameModal";
  17. import ExportModal from "./ExportModal";
  18. import SaveExportModal from "./SaveExportModal";
  19. import WelcomeModal from "./WelcomeModal";
  20. import useSession from "../../hooks/useSession";
  21. const StyledNavBar = styled.div.attrs(() => ({ className: "nav" }))`
  22. position: fixed;
  23. top: 0;
  24. width: 100%;
  25. z-index: 205;
  26. background-color: #19202ce0;
  27. box-shadow: 0px 3px 6px #00000029;
  28. color: var(--font-color);
  29. & .nav-center {
  30. display: relative;
  31. & h3 {
  32. position: absolute;
  33. top: 0;
  34. margin: 0;
  35. padding: 0 2em;
  36. background-color: ${({ edit }) =>
  37. edit ? "var(--color-primary)" : "var(--color-blueGrey)"};
  38. box-shadow: 0px 3px 6px #00000029;
  39. line-height: 80px;
  40. letter-spacing: 0px;
  41. font-size: 24px;
  42. text-transform: uppercase;
  43. transform: perspective(280px) rotateX(-20deg);
  44. }
  45. }
  46. & .nav-right,
  47. & .nav-center,
  48. & .nav-left {
  49. align-items: center;
  50. }
  51. & .nav-left {
  52. & > div {
  53. padding-right: 1em;
  54. }
  55. padding-left: 40px;
  56. justify-content: flex-start;
  57. }
  58. & .nav-right {
  59. justify-content: flex-end;
  60. padding-right: 1em;
  61. gap: 1em;
  62. }
  63. & .spacer {
  64. flex: 1;
  65. max-width: 1em;
  66. }
  67. @media screen and (max-width: 640px) {
  68. & .nav-left {
  69. flex: 1;
  70. padding-left: 5px;
  71. & > div {
  72. padding-right: 2px;
  73. }
  74. }
  75. & .nav-center h3 {
  76. position: relative;
  77. padding: 0;
  78. background-color: transparent;
  79. box-shadow: none;
  80. line-height: 1.2em;
  81. font-size: 1.2em;
  82. transform: none;
  83. }
  84. & .nav-right {
  85. display: none;
  86. }
  87. & .spacer {
  88. flex: 0;
  89. }
  90. & {
  91. flex-direction: row;
  92. }
  93. & .save {
  94. display: none;
  95. }
  96. & .info {
  97. margin: 0;
  98. padding: 0;
  99. width: 24px;
  100. height: 24px;
  101. }
  102. & .help {
  103. margin: 0;
  104. padding: 0;
  105. width: 24px;
  106. height: 24px;
  107. }
  108. & h3 {
  109. font-size: 1.2em;
  110. }
  111. }
  112. `;
  113. const NavBar = ({ editMode }) => {
  114. const { t, i18n } = useTranslation();
  115. const { sessionId: room } = useSession();
  116. const [boardConfig] = useBoardConfig();
  117. const { isMaster } = useWire("board");
  118. const history = useHistory();
  119. const match = useRouteMatch();
  120. const [showLoadGameModal, setShowLoadGameModal] = React.useState(false);
  121. const [showSaveGameModal, setShowSaveGameModal] = React.useState(false);
  122. const [showChangeGameModal, setShowChangeGameModal] = React.useState(false);
  123. const [showInfoModal, setShowInfoModal] = React.useState(false);
  124. const [showLink, setShowLink] = React.useState(false);
  125. const [isBeta] = useLocalStorage("isBeta", false);
  126. const translation = React.useMemo(
  127. () => getBestTranslationFromConfig(boardConfig, i18n.languages),
  128. [boardConfig, i18n.languages]
  129. );
  130. const handleBack = React.useCallback(() => {
  131. // If inside session
  132. if (match.path === "/session/:sessionId" && history.length > 2) {
  133. // Go to previous if exists
  134. // Previous can be home or studio
  135. // Yes history should be greater than 2 for any reason...
  136. history.goBack();
  137. return;
  138. }
  139. // If inside room, go back to that room
  140. if (match.path === "/room/:roomId/session/:sessionId") {
  141. history.push(`/room/${match.params.roomId}`);
  142. return;
  143. }
  144. // Otherwise, go back to home
  145. history.push("/games");
  146. }, [history, match.params.roomId, match.path]);
  147. const handleBackWithConfirm = React.useCallback(() => {
  148. confirmAlert({
  149. title: t("Confirmation"),
  150. message: t("Do you really want to quit game edition?"),
  151. buttons: [
  152. {
  153. label: t("Yes"),
  154. onClick: async () => {
  155. history.push("/studio");
  156. },
  157. },
  158. {
  159. label: t("No"),
  160. onClick: () => {},
  161. },
  162. ],
  163. });
  164. }, [history, t]);
  165. return (
  166. <>
  167. <StyledNavBar edit={editMode}>
  168. <div className="nav-left">
  169. {!editMode && (
  170. <>
  171. <Touch
  172. onClick={handleBack}
  173. alt={t("Go back")}
  174. title={t("Go back")}
  175. icon={"chevron-left"}
  176. style={{ display: "inline" }}
  177. />
  178. {isMaster && (
  179. <>
  180. <Touch
  181. onClick={() => setShowChangeGameModal((prev) => !prev)}
  182. alt={t("Change game")}
  183. title={t("Change game")}
  184. icon=""
  185. />
  186. <ChangeGameModal
  187. show={showChangeGameModal}
  188. setShow={setShowChangeGameModal}
  189. />
  190. </>
  191. )}
  192. </>
  193. )}
  194. {editMode && (
  195. <Touch
  196. onClick={handleBackWithConfirm}
  197. alt={t("Go back to studio")}
  198. title={t("Go back to studio")}
  199. icon={"chevron-left"}
  200. style={{ display: "inline" }}
  201. />
  202. )}
  203. </div>
  204. <div className="nav-center">
  205. <h3>{ ? : "Air Board Game"}</h3>
  206. </div>
  207. <div className="nav-right">
  208. {!editMode && (
  209. <>
  210. <UserList />
  211. <Touch
  212. onClick={() => {
  213. setShowLink(true);
  214. }}
  215. icon="add-user"
  216. title={t("Invite more player")}
  217. />
  218. {ENABLE_WEBCONFERENCE && isBeta && (
  219. <WebConferenceButton room={room} />
  220. )}
  221. </>
  222. )}
  223. <div className="spacer" />
  224. {(isMaster || editMode) && (
  225. <Touch
  226. onClick={() => setShowLoadGameModal((prev) => !prev)}
  227. alt={editMode ? t("Load game") : t("Load session")}
  228. title={editMode ? t("Load game") : t("Load session")}
  229. icon={"upload-to-cloud"}
  230. />
  231. )}
  232. <Touch
  233. onClick={() => setShowSaveGameModal((prev) => !prev)}
  234. alt={t("Save")}
  235. title={editMode ? t("Save game") : t("Save session")}
  236. icon={editMode ? "save" : "download"}
  237. />
  238. <div className="spacer" />
  239. <Touch
  240. onClick={() => setShowInfoModal((prev) => !prev)}
  241. alt={t("Help & info")}
  242. title={t("Help & info")}
  243. icon={"info"}
  244. />
  245. </div>
  246. </StyledNavBar>
  247. <InfoModal show={showInfoModal} setShow={setShowInfoModal} />
  248. {!editMode && (
  249. <WelcomeModal show={showLink} setShow={setShowLink} welcome={false} />
  250. )}
  251. {!editMode && (
  252. <LoadSessionModal
  253. show={showLoadGameModal}
  254. setShow={setShowLoadGameModal}
  255. edit={editMode}
  256. />
  257. )}
  258. {editMode && (
  259. <LoadGameModal
  260. show={showLoadGameModal}
  261. setShow={setShowLoadGameModal}
  262. edit={editMode}
  263. />
  264. )}
  265. {!editMode && (
  266. <ExportModal show={showSaveGameModal} setShow={setShowSaveGameModal} />
  267. )}
  268. {editMode && (
  269. <SaveExportModal
  270. show={showSaveGameModal}
  271. setShow={setShowSaveGameModal}
  272. />
  273. )}
  274. </>
  275. );
  276. };
  277. export default NavBar;