Modificato README.

This commit is contained in:
John Doe 2024-03-12 14:07:10 +01:00
parent 6f25e684e0
commit a9ca147895
4 changed files with 3 additions and 510 deletions

View file

# Use pino for logging ? Set to 1 to enable # Use pino for logging ? Set to 1 to enable
# email whitelist file path # email whitelist file path. If left empty, login will not be filtered.

View file

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
# This workflow will do a clean install of node dependencies, build the source code and run tests across different versions of node
# For more information see:
name: Node.js CI
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
node-version: [14.x, 16.x]
# See supported Node.js release schedule at
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Use Node.js ${{ matrix.node-version }}
uses: actions/setup-node@v3
node-version: ${{ matrix.node-version }}
- run: npm ci
- run: npm run ci

View file

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
name: Node.js Publish
types: [created]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: actions/setup-node@v3
node-version: 16
- run: npm ci
- run: npm publish

View file

@ -1,464 +1,6 @@
# Clonata da / Cloned from
# 💡 Ricochet.js # 💡 Ricochet.js
Ricochet.js is a multi-purpose JSON/File store with serverless capabilities. Ricochet.js is a multi-purpose JSON/File store with serverless capabilities.
Main features are:
- Deploy Ricochet.js once and for many website (multi-tenancy)
- Use the ready to use general APIs:
- A JSON store
- A File store
- Ability to calls remote javascript functions like [Serverless]( or [FaaS](
- Avoid frontend/backend version disconnect by deploying your backend code alongside
to your frontend code on the same CDN/Server.
- 0 knowledge password-less authentification service
- Cloud ready, choose your stores:
- JSON : Memory, NeDB (Disk), MongoDB, more coming...
- File : Memory, Disk, S3 compatible, more coming...
- Can manage multiple site with only one backend
- Easily scalable
- Works on edges
Some use cases:
- You don't want to deploy your backend server each time you make a backend modification
- You need a simple backend with only some specific code
- You want to store structured data and files
- You want frontend and backend code to be updated at same time
## ❓Why Ricochet.js?
When you create a web application, you nearly always need a server mainly for
3 reasons:
- you need to persist structured and binary data
- you need to execute some code that can't be modified or must not be accessible
by the client for security reason.
- You want some periodic tasks to be executed.
Ricochet.js propose features to fullfil this requirements in an elegant way.
First a *Rest API* to store key-values document, so you can store your structured data.
And for each stored resource, you can associate binary files like images, or documents.
When you need *custom code*, you can bundle javascript code that will be
executed in secured context on server side with access to this two stores.
Finally you can *schedule* hourly or daily actions.
To use Ricochet.js you need a running instance of the server. You have two option:
- Using an hosted version (jump to [project initialization](#⚡-initialize-your-project) section)
- Running your own instance, continue with the next section
## 💫 Start your own local instance of Ricochet.js
First you need to define a random secret string and store it the
`RICOCHET_SECRET` env variable or in `.env` file if you prefer.
The following command helps you to create such a file.
echo RICOCHET_SECRET=`cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 32 | head -n 1` > .env
Now you can start a Ricochet.js server by using `npx` (🚨 you should have npm version >=7
to support *mongodb* or *nedb* store backend):
npx ricochetjs
Or install Ricochet.js globally and launch the server:
npm install -g ricochetjs
# then
By default, data are *stored in memory* so if you restart the server, all data
are lost. The default configuration is for *development purpose only*.
See [server configuration](#server-configuration) for more customization and how
to use persistent storages.
Now the server is running so you can create a new ricochet *site*. To do it,
visit the Ricochet.js URL with a browser. By default `http://localhost:4000`.
Fill the left form with wanted information and click the `Create` button.
The result should look like the following image:
From the response you **MUST save** the `key` value, this key is used to encrypt
your server side code hosted alongside with your frontend code.
This is the **ONLY** chance to get it so keep it for later and **keep it secret**.
In the meantime you should have received a mail with a link you must visit
to confirm the site creation. This is a security measure to prevent abuse. Click
the link to validate the *site* creation. If you've not yet configured any mail
provider, check out the server logs to read the confirmation link.
Now, your server is ready and a site exists. You can follow the next steps to create
a new site project.
## ⚡ Initialize your backend project
Since you have a Ricochet.js instance up and running, you can use the
[project starter]( to initialize
your backend.
### Starter usage
Use `degit` to make your own copy of the starter repository where you want
(A good place can be in the backend folder of your project):
npx degit
Then install dependencies:
npm install
Create a `.env` file from the `.env.dist` file and customize it by adding your
previously generated site key with Ricochet.js.
You can serve the default project by executing:
npm run serve
or if you use an external instance of Ricochet.js, you can use the tunnel version:
npm run tunnel
### Test with curl
To test the script, a Ricochet.js server must be running.
In the following example we assume that you use your local Ricochet.js instance
available on `http://localhost:4000` but you can replace this URL by any ricochet
instance that have access to your backend package server. We also assume that your
backend server is on `http://localhost:9000` but if you use a tunnel, use the
address given by the npm command.
You can use `curl` to test the API:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json
X-Ricochet-Origin: http://localhost:9000" -d '{"some":"data"}' http://localhost:4000/exampleSite/store/publicData/
And get the of the `publicData` box:
curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json
X-Ricochet-Origin: http://localhost:9000" http://localhost:4000/exampleSite/store/publicData/
### Starter customization
You can freely modify `src/index.js` file to declare your store, hooks,
custom functions, ...
Remember that the server bundle will be encrypted and should be used by
ricochet server with corresponding *site* configuration.
Remember to also define a `SECRET` environment variable for the server
(Can be defined in same `.env` file if you start the server from here).
The server should be listening on `http://localhost:4000`.
### Deploy your project
Since you finish your code, you must bundle it to prepare deployment:
npm run build
Yes, that's true, you are bundling the backend code with webpack!
This bundle can now be deployed on any content delivery network and can
(should?) be deployed alongside with your frontend code.
## 💪 How does it work?
Each time you call an API you should have at least one of this HTTP header:
*x-ricochet-origin*, *referer*, *origin*. These headers are used to determine the website
where the backend code is stored. Let's call it the `<ricochetOrigin>`. By default
if you use a *browser*, *referer* or *origin* should be included by default.
On the first call of any API endpoint for a specific *siteId*, the file
`<ricochetOrigin>/ricochet.json` is downloaded, decrypted and executed by the
Ricochet.js server.
This is the encrypted server side bundle that configure Ricochet.js for this *siteId*.
This file MUST exists before being able to call any Rest API.
The script must define and export a main function that has access to
Ricochet.js server context. The main function is called with an object as
parameters that contains the following properties:
- **store**: Allow to access the JSON store.
- **hooks**: Add some hooks to the store.
- **functions**: Add arbitrary custom function to the API.
- **schedules**: Schedules hourly or daily function calls.
All this parameters are explained in next sections.
This script is executed on *Ricochet.js* server so don't rely on browser
This script allow you to configure the ricochet server for your *siteId* in a
declarative way.
Once you have initialized your site with the setup script (the `ricochet.json` file)
you can use the [rest API](#🔌-rest-api) to store data, files or call
custom functions.
## 📞 Server API
### Store
To access JSON store from the *setup* function in your `ricochet.json` file, you can use the `store` parameter.
This a store instance scoped to the current *siteId*. You have access to the
following methods:
**store.createOrUpdate(boxId, options)**: create, if not exist, or update a *boxId* store. Options are:
| Name | Description | Default |
| -------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------- |
| security | Security model of the box. Values are string: "public", "readOnly", "private" | "private" |
**store.list(boxId, options)**: list box content. Options are:
| Name | Description | Default |
| ---------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- |
| sort | Name of sort field | "_id" |
| asc | Ascending order ? | true |
| skip | How many result to skip | 0 |
| limit | Limit result count. | 50 |
| onlyFields | Limit result to this fields. | [] |
| q | A query to filter results. The query must be written in the [pivotql]( query language. | "" |
**, id, data)**: Create or update the given id resource with given data.
**store.update(boxId, id, data)**: Update the resource. Fails if not existing.
**store.delete(boxId, id)** try to delete the corresponding resource.
### Hooks
Hooks allows you to customize the way data are accessed for one specific
box or for all.
You can add a hook by pushing a function to the `hooks` array from parameters.
By using hooks you can customize behavior of the generic Rest APIs to change
way they work.
### Custom functions
Custom functions can be defined by adding a function to the `function` object.
The key will be the endpoint and the value the executed callback. The key is the
name of the function and the value must be a function executed when the query
is received.
Then you can call the function later using the following endpoint.
### ANY on /:siteId/execute/:functionName/
Returns the value returned by the function.
### Schedules
Define daily or hourly schedules by pushing functions to this object for the
key `daily` or `hourly`.
[More details coming soon...]
## 🔌 Rest API
This section describe the Rest api of Ricochet.js.
### GET on /:siteId/store/:boxId/
To list available resources in this box.
### POST on /:siteId/store/:boxId/
With a JSON payload.
To create a new ressource in `boxId`
### GET on /:siteId/store/:boxId/:resourceId
**returns:** previously saved `resourceId` from `boxId`.
### PUT on /:siteId/store/:boxId/:resourceId
With a JSON payload to update the resource with this Id.
### POST on /:siteId/store/:boxId/:resourceId/file
To add a file to this resource.
**Returns** the file Path for later uses.
### GET on /:siteId/store/:oxId/:resourceId/file
List the files associated to this ressource.
### ANY on /:siteId/execute/:functionName/:id?
Execute a previously defined in *setup* custom function and return
the result to caller.
The functions have access to some globally defined variables receives an object with following properties:
- `store` the very same store API used for JSON store API. Allow you to do some
protected operation
- `method` the http verb used
- `query` a dict of query parameters
- `body` the request payload
- `id` the optionnal `id` if providen
### POST on /:siteId/auth/
By posting a JSON containing a user email:
{"userEmail": ""}
an email will be sent to this address containing a link to authenticate to the platform.
This link is: `<ricochetOrigin>/login/:userId/:token`
You frontend should handle this url and extract the `userId` and the `token` to authentify the user.
`userId` is the unique user identifier corresponding to the used email adress.
The `token` is valid during 1 hour.
### POST on /:siteId/auth/verify/:userId/:token
Allow the client to verify the token and authenticate against the service.
### GET on /:siteId/auth/check
Allow the client to verify if a user is authenticated. Returns `403` http code if not authenticated.
### POST on /_register/
To register new site. A mail is send each time you want to create a website to confirm the creation.
The json content should look like this:
"siteId": "the new site Id",
"name": "Name displayed in mail",
"owner": "owner email address for security, confirmation mails are send here",
"emailFrom": "email address displayed in email sent for this site"
In the response you'll get an extra `key` property. You MUST save it for later use.
This is the ONLY chance to get it. This is the encryption key you need to crypt
your `ricochet.json` file.
### PATCH on /_register/:siteId
To update a site configuration. To confirm the modification, a mail is send to the site owner.
The json content should look like this:
"name": "Name displayed in mail",
"emailFrom": "email address displayed in email sent for this site"
You can't modify owner email (yet?).
## ⚙️ Server configuration
You can configure your instance by settings environment variables or using
`.env` file:
| Name | description | default value |
| ------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------- |
| SERVER_HOST | '' to listen from all interfaces. | |
| SERVER_PORT | Server listen on this port. | 4000 |
| SERVER_NAME | Server name displayed on mail for example. | Ricochet.js |
| RICOCHET_SECRET | Secret to hash password and cookie. Keep it safe. | |
| SITE_REGISTRATION_ENABLED | Set to `0` to disable site registration. | 1 |
| FILE_STORAGE | Configure file store type. Allowed values: 'memory', 'disk', 's3'. | memory |
| STORE_BACKEND | Configure JSON store provider. Allowed values: 'memory', 'nedb', 'mongodb'. | memory |
| EMAIL_* | To configure email provider. Put "fake" in EMAIL_HOST to log mail instead of sending them. | |
Note: "memory" stores are for development purpose only and remember that you
loose all your data each time you stop the server.
Note: for "mongodb" backend, you need to install `npm install mongodb@3`.
Note: for "nedb" backend, you need to install `npm install @seald-io/nedb`.
If you use *disk file store* you need to configure this variables:
| Name | description | default value |
| ---------------- | --------------------------- | ------------------ |
| DISK_DESTINATION | Base path of the file store | /tmp/ricochet_file |
If you use *S3 file store* configure also this variables:
| Name | description | default value |
| ------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------- |
| S3_ACCESS_KEY | S3 access key | |
| SB_SECRET_KEY | S3 secret key | |
| S3_ENDPOINT | S3 endpoint | |
| S3_BUCKET | S3 bucket | |
| S3_REGION | S3 Region | |
| S3_PROXY | Set to "1" to enable to proxy file (otherwise it's a redirect to the file) | 0 |
| S3_SIGNED_URL | Set to "0" to disabled usage of signed URL | true |
| S3_CDN | Set the CDN prefix to enable it | |
For *nedb* JSON store provider:
| Name | description | default value |
| -------------------- | ----------------------------- | ------------- |
| NEDB_BACKEND_DIRNAME | NeDB base path for DB storage | |
For *mongodb* JSON store provider:
| Name | description | default value |
| ---------------- | ------------------------- | ------------- |
| MONGODB_URI | Mongodb configuration URI | |
| MONGODB_DATABASE | Database to use | |
## 🛠 Prepare ricochet.js for development
Clone the repository then install dependencies:
npm ci
Create `.env` file from `.env.dist` file and change the values.
and start the instance in dev mode:
npm run dev