# Server port and host SERVER_PORT=3001 SERVER_HOST=localhost # External URL to access server API SERVER_URL=http://localhost:3001 # Secret key. Should be unique for each instance RICOCHET_SECRET=YourSuperSecretHere # Configure the JSON store backend # Available backends: memory, nedb, mongodb # Use nedb or mongodb for persistent storage JSON_STORE_BACKEND=memory # nedb JSON store backend configuration NEDB_DIRNAME=/path/to/data # mongodb JSON store backend configuration MONGODB_URI= MONGODB_DATABASE= # memory, disk or s3 storage are available FILE_STORE_BACKEND=memory # disk file store configuration DISK_DESTINATION=/path/to/dir/ # S3 file store configuration S3_ACCESS_KEY= S3_SECRET_KEY= S3_ENDPOINT= S3_BUCKET= S3_REGION= # Do we proxy the file through this server S3_PROXY= # CDN configuration S3_CDN= # Signed url or public url S3_SIGNED_URL= # Only for testing purpose S3_BUCKET_TEST= # Smtp server configuration EMAIL_HOST=fake EMAIL_PORT= EMAIL_USER= EMAIL_PASSWORD= EMAIL_FROM=no-reply@example.com # Enable new site registration. 0 to disable. SITE_REGISTRATION_ENABLED=1 # Use pino for logging ? Set to 1 to enable USE_PINO=0 # email whitelist file path WHITELIST_PATH =