import { parse as parserExpression } from 'pivotql-parser-expression'; import { compile as compilerJavascript } from 'pivotql-compiler-javascript'; import { throwError } from '../../error.js'; import { uid } from '../../uid.js'; import { DEFAULT_BOX_OPTIONS } from './utils.js'; // Memory backend for proof of concept export const MemoryBackend = () => { const dataMemoryStore = {}; const boxOptions = {}; const getOrCreateBox = (boxId) => { if (typeof dataMemoryStore[boxId] !== 'object') { dataMemoryStore[boxId] = {}; } return dataMemoryStore[boxId]; }; const filterObjectProperties = (obj, propArr) => { const newObj = {}; for (let key in obj) { if (propArr.includes(key)) { newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } return newObj; }; return { async getBoxOption(boxId) { return boxOptions[boxId]; }, async createOrUpdateBox(boxId, options = { ...DEFAULT_BOX_OPTIONS }) { getOrCreateBox(boxId); boxOptions[boxId] = options; return { box: boxId, ...options }; }, async list( boxId, { limit = 50, sort = '_id', asc = true, skip = 0, onlyFields = [], q, } = {} ) { if (dataMemoryStore[boxId] === undefined) { throwError('Box not found', 404); } let filter = () => true; if (q) { try { filter = compilerJavascript(parserExpression(q)); } catch (e) { throwError('Invalid query expression.', 400); } } let result = Object.values(dataMemoryStore[boxId]); result = result.filter(filter); result.sort((resource1, resource2) => { if (resource1[sort] < resource2[sort]) { return asc ? -1 : 1; } if (resource1[sort] > resource2[sort]) { return asc ? 1 : -1; } return 0; }); result = result.slice(skip, skip + limit); if (onlyFields.length) { result = => filterObjectProperties(resource, onlyFields) ); } return result; }, async get(boxId, id) { if (!dataMemoryStore[boxId]) { throwError('Box not found', 404); } if (!dataMemoryStore[boxId][id]) { throwError('Resource not found', 404); } return dataMemoryStore[boxId][id]; }, async save(boxId, id, data) { if (dataMemoryStore[boxId] === undefined) { throwError('Box not found', 404); } const cleanedData = data; delete cleanedData._createdOn; delete cleanedData._modifiedOn; const actualId = id || uid(); const box = dataMemoryStore[boxId]; let newRessource = null; if (box[actualId]) { // Update newRessource = { ...cleanedData, _id: actualId, _createdOn: box[actualId]._createdOn, _updatedOn:, }; box[actualId] = newRessource; } else { newRessource = { ...cleanedData, _id: actualId, _createdOn:, }; box[actualId] = newRessource; } return newRessource; }, async update(boxId, id, data) { if (!dataMemoryStore[boxId]) { throwError('Box not found', 404); } if (!dataMemoryStore[boxId][id]) { throwError('Ressource not found', 404); } const cleanedData = data; delete cleanedData._createdOn; delete cleanedData._modifiedOn; // To prevent created modification const currentData = dataMemoryStore[boxId][id]; const updatedItem = { ...currentData, ...cleanedData, _id: id, _updatedOn:, }; dataMemoryStore[boxId][id] = updatedItem; return updatedItem; }, async delete(boxId, id) { if (!dataMemoryStore[boxId]) { return 0; } if (dataMemoryStore[boxId][id] !== undefined) { delete dataMemoryStore[boxId][id]; return 1; } return 0; }, }; }; export default MemoryBackend;