import express from 'express'; import { MemoryBackend, wrapBackend } from './backends/index.js'; import { MemoryFileBackend } from '../fileStore/backends/index.js'; import fileStore from '../fileStore/index.js'; import { throwError, errorGuard, errorMiddleware } from '../error.js'; // Utility functions // ROADMAP // - Add bulk operations with atomicity // - Add Queries // - Add relationship // - Add http2 relationship ? // - Add multiple strategies // - Read / Write // - Read only // - No access (only from execute) const SAFE_METHOD = ['GET', 'OPTIONS', 'HEAD']; // Store Middleware export const store = ({ prefix = 'store', backend = MemoryBackend(), fileBackend = MemoryFileBackend(), hooks = {}, } = {}) => { const router = express.Router(); const applyHooks = async ( type, req, roContextAddition, writableContextAddition = {} ) => { let hooksMap = hooks; if (typeof hooks === 'function') { hooksMap = hooks(req); } const { body, params: { boxId, id }, query, method, authenticatedUser = null, } = req; const roContext = { method, boxId: boxId, resourceId: id, userId: authenticatedUser, ...roContextAddition, }; let context = { query, body, ...writableContextAddition, ...roContext, }; const hookList = hooksMap[type] || []; for (const hook of hookList) { const newContext = await hook(context); context = { ...newContext, ...roContext }; } return context; }; // Resource list router.get( `/${prefix}/:boxId/`, errorGuard(async (req, res) => { const { boxId } = req.params; const { siteId, authenticatedUser } = req; const wrappedBackend = wrapBackend(backend, siteId, authenticatedUser); const { query, allow = false } = await applyHooks('before', req, { store: wrappedBackend, }); if (!allow && !(await wrappedBackend.checkSecurity(boxId, null))) { throwError('You need read access for this box', 403); } const { limit = '50', sort = '_createdOn', skip = '0', q, fields, } = query; const onlyFields = fields ? fields.split(',') : []; const parsedLimit = parseInt(limit, 10); const parsedSkip = parseInt(skip, 10); let sortProperty = sort; let asc = true; // If prefixed with '-' inverse order if (sort[0] === '-') { sortProperty = sort.substring(1); asc = false; } const response = await wrappedBackend.list(boxId, { sort: sortProperty, asc, limit: parsedLimit, skip: parsedSkip, onlyFields: onlyFields, q, }); const { response: hookedResponse } = await applyHooks( 'after', req, { query, store: wrappedBackend, }, { response } ); res.json(hookedResponse); }) ); // One object router.get( `/${prefix}/:boxId/:id`, errorGuard(async (req, res) => { const { boxId, id } = req.params; const { siteId, authenticatedUser } = req; const wrappedBackend = wrapBackend(backend, siteId, authenticatedUser); if (boxId[0] === '_') { throwError( "'_' char is forbidden as first letter of a box id parameter", 400 ); } const { allow = false } = await applyHooks('before', req, { store: wrappedBackend, }); if (!allow && !(await wrappedBackend.checkSecurity(boxId, id))) { throwError('You need read access for this box', 403); } const response = await wrappedBackend.get(boxId, id); const { response: hookedResponse } = await applyHooks( 'after', req, { store: wrappedBackend, }, { response } ); res.json(hookedResponse); }) ); // Create / replace object `/${prefix}/:boxId/:id?`, errorGuard(async (req, res) => { const { params: { boxId, id }, siteId, authenticatedUser, } = req; const wrappedBackend = wrapBackend(backend, siteId, authenticatedUser); if (boxId[0] === '_') { throwError( "'_' char is forbidden for first letter of a box id parameter", 400 ); } const { body, allow = false } = await applyHooks('before', req, { store: wrappedBackend, }); if (!allow && !(await wrappedBackend.checkSecurity(boxId, id, true))) { throwError('You need write access for this box', 403); } const response = await, id, body); const { response: hookedResponse } = await applyHooks('after', req, { response, store: wrappedBackend, }); return res.json(hookedResponse); }) ); // Update existing object router.put( `/${prefix}/:boxId/:id`, errorGuard(async (req, res) => { const { boxId, id } = req.params; const { siteId, authenticatedUser } = req; const wrappedBackend = wrapBackend(backend, siteId, authenticatedUser); if (boxId[0] === '_') { throwError( "'_' char is forbidden for first letter of a letter of a box id parameter", 400 ); } const { body, allow = false } = await applyHooks('before', req, { store: wrappedBackend, }); if (!allow && !(await wrappedBackend.checkSecurity(boxId, id, true))) { throwError('You need write access for this resource', 403); } const response = await wrappedBackend.update(boxId, id, body); const { response: hookedResponse } = await applyHooks('after', req, { response, store: wrappedBackend, }); return res.json(hookedResponse); }) ); // Delete object router.delete( `/${prefix}/:boxId/:id`, errorGuard(async (req, res) => { const { boxId, id } = req.params; const { siteId, authenticatedUser } = req; const wrappedBackend = wrapBackend(backend, siteId, authenticatedUser); if (boxId[0] === '_') { throwError( "'_' char is forbidden for first letter of a box id parameter", 400 ); } const { allow = false } = await applyHooks('before', req, { store: wrappedBackend, }); if (!allow && !(await wrappedBackend.checkSecurity(boxId, id, true))) { throwError('You need write access for this resource', 403); } const result = await wrappedBackend.delete(boxId, id); await applyHooks('after', req, { store: wrappedBackend, }); if (result === 1) { res.json({ message: 'Deleted' }); return; } throwError('Box or resource not found', 404); }) ); router.use( `/${prefix}/:boxId/:id/file`, errorGuard(async (req, _, next) => { const { boxId, id } = req.params; const { siteId, authenticatedUser } = req; const wrappedBackend = wrapBackend(backend, siteId, authenticatedUser); const { allow = false } = await applyHooks('beforeFile', req, { store: wrappedBackend, }); if ( !allow && !(await wrappedBackend.checkSecurity( boxId, id, !SAFE_METHOD.includes(req.method) )) ) { throwError('You need write access for this resource', 403); } req.boxId = boxId; req.resourceId = id; next(); }), fileStore(fileBackend, { prefix }), errorGuard(async (req, _, next) => { const { siteId, authenticatedUser } = req; const wrappedBackend = wrapBackend(backend, siteId, authenticatedUser); console.log('execute after file hooks'); await applyHooks('afterFile', req, { store: wrappedBackend, }); next(); }) ); router.use(errorMiddleware); return router; }; export default store;