import request from 'supertest'; import express from 'express'; import path from 'path'; import { jest } from '@jest/globals'; import { getDirname } from '../utils.js'; import store from '../store'; import { MemoryBackend } from '../store/backends'; import { MemoryFileBackend } from '../fileStore/backends'; /*jest.mock('nanoid', () => { let count = 0; return { customAlphabet: () => jest.fn(() => { return 'nanoid_' + count++; }), }; });*/ const __dirname = getDirname(import.meta.url); let delta = 0; // Fake date jest.spyOn(global.Date, 'now').mockImplementation(() => { delta += 1; const second = delta < 10 ? '0' + delta : '' + delta; return new Date(`2020-03-14T11:01:${second}.135Z`).valueOf(); }); describe('Store Test', () => { let query; let backend; beforeAll(() => { const app = express(); app.use(express.json()); app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: true })); backend = MemoryBackend(); app.use( '/:siteId', (req, _, next) => { req.siteId = req.params.siteId; next(); }, store({ backend, }) ); query = request(app); }); it('should get empty box', async () => { const box = 'myboxid_test1'; await backend.createOrUpdateBox(`_fakeSiteId__${box}`, { security: 'public', }); await query .get(`/fakeSiteId/store/${box}/`) .expect(200, []) .expect('Content-Type', /json/); }); it('should add resource', async () => { const box = 'myboxid_test2'; await backend.createOrUpdateBox(`_fakeSiteId__${box}`, { security: 'public', }); const res = await query .post(`/fakeSiteId/store/${box}/`) .send({ test: true, value: 42 }) .expect(200); expect(res.body).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ test: true, value: 42 }) ); expect(typeof res.body._id).toEqual('string'); expect(res.body._createdOn).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(1584183661135); const res2 = await query .get(`/fakeSiteId/store/${box}/`) .expect(200) .expect('Content-Type', /json/); expect(res.body).toEqual(res2.body[0]); // Test object creation with id const resWithId = await query .post(`/fakeSiteId/store/${box}/myid`) .send({ foo: 'bar', bar: 'foo' }) .expect(200); expect(resWithId.body._id).toBe('myid'); }); it('should get a resource', async () => { const box = 'myboxid_test3'; await backend.createOrUpdateBox(`_fakeSiteId__${box}`, { security: 'public', }); const res = await query .post(`/fakeSiteId/store/${box}/`) .send({ test: true, value: 42 }) .expect(200); let resourceId = res.body._id; const res2 = await query .get(`/fakeSiteId/store/${box}/${resourceId}`) .expect(200) .expect('Content-Type', /json/); expect(res.body).toEqual(res2.body); }); it('should update a resource', async () => { const box = 'myboxid_test4'; await backend.createOrUpdateBox(`_fakeSiteId__${box}`, { security: 'public', }); const res = await query .post(`/fakeSiteId/store/${box}/`) .send({ test: true, value: 40 }) .expect(200); let resourceId = res.body._id; const res2 = await query .put(`/fakeSiteId/store/${box}/${resourceId}`) .send({ value: 42 }) .expect(200); const res3 = await query .get(`/fakeSiteId/store/${box}/${resourceId}`) .expect(200); expect(res3.body.value).toEqual(42); const replaceWithId = await query .post(`/fakeSiteId/store/${box}/${resourceId}`) .send({ value: 52 }) .expect(200); expect(replaceWithId.body).not.toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ test: true }) ); }); it('should delete a resource', async () => { const box = 'myboxid_test5'; await backend.createOrUpdateBox(`_fakeSiteId__${box}`, { security: 'public', }); const res = await query .post(`/fakeSiteId/store/${box}/`) .send({ test: true, value: 40 }) .expect(200); let resourceId = res.body._id; const res2 = await query .del(`/fakeSiteId/store/${box}/${resourceId}`) .expect(200) .expect('Content-Type', /json/); const res3 = await query.get(`/fakeSiteId/store/${box}/`).expect(200, []); }); it('should return 404', async () => { const box = 'boxId_400'; await backend.createOrUpdateBox(`_fakeSiteId__${box}`, { security: 'public', }); await query.get(`/fakeSiteId/store/${box}/noresource`).expect(404); await query.delete(`/fakeSiteId/store/${box}/noresource`).expect(404); }); it('should return 403', async () => { let box = 'boxId_500'; await backend.createOrUpdateBox(`_fakeSiteId__${box}`, { security: 'readOnly', }); await query.get(`/fakeSiteId/store/${box}/`).expect(200); await query .post(`/fakeSiteId/store/${box}/`) .send({ test: true, value: 40 }) .expect(403); box = 'boxId_550'; await backend.createOrUpdateBox(box); await query.get(`/fakeSiteId/store/${box}/`).expect(403); }); it('should store and get a file', async () => { let box = 'boxId_600'; await backend.createOrUpdateBox(`_fakeSiteId__${box}`, { security: 'public', }); await query .post(`/fakeSiteId/store/${box}/1234`) .send({ test: true, value: 42 }) .expect(200); const res = await query .post(`/fakeSiteId/store/${box}/1234/file/`) .attach('file', path.resolve(__dirname, 'testFile.txt')) .expect(200); const fileUrl = res.text; const fileRes = await query .get(`/${fileUrl}`) .buffer(false) .redirects(1) .expect(200); }); }); describe('Store Hook Tests', () => { let query; let backend; let hooks; beforeAll(() => { const app = express(); app.use(express.json()); app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: true })); backend = MemoryBackend(); hooks = {}; app.use( '/:siteId', (req, _, next) => { req.siteId = req.params.siteId; next(); }, store({ backend, hooks, }) ); query = request(app); }); it('should call hooks for list', async () => { let box = 'boxId_1000'; await backend.createOrUpdateBox(`_fakeSiteId__${box}`, { security: 'public', }); hooks.before = [ jest.fn((context) => context), jest.fn((context) => context), ]; hooks.after = [ jest.fn((context) => context), jest.fn((context) => context), ]; await query.get(`/fakeSiteId/store/${box}/`).expect(200); expect(hooks.before[0]).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(hooks.before[1]).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(hooks.after[0]).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(hooks.after[1]).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should call hooks for post & get & delete', async () => { let box = 'boxId_1100'; await backend.createOrUpdateBox(`_fakeSiteId__${box}`, { security: 'public', }); hooks.before = [ jest.fn((context) => context), jest.fn((context) => context), ]; hooks.after = [ jest.fn((context) => context), jest.fn((context) => context), ]; await query .post(`/fakeSiteId/store/${box}/1234`) .send({ test: true, value: 42 }) .expect(200); expect(hooks.before[0]).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(hooks.before[1]).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(hooks.after[0]).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(hooks.after[1]).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); jest.clearAllMocks(); await query.get(`/fakeSiteId/store/${box}/1234`).expect(200); expect(hooks.before[0]).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(hooks.before[1]).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(hooks.after[0]).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(hooks.after[1]).toHaveBeenCalled(); jest.clearAllMocks(); await query.delete(`/fakeSiteId/store/${box}/1234`).expect(200); expect(hooks.before[0]).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(hooks.before[1]).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(hooks.after[0]).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(hooks.after[1]).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('hooks should modify post', async () => { let box = 'boxId_1200'; await backend.createOrUpdateBox(`_fakeSiteId__${box}`, { security: 'public', }); hooks.before = [ jest.fn((context) => ({ ...context, body: { value: 256 } })), jest.fn((context) => ({ ...context, body: { ...context.body, foo: 'bar' }, })), ]; hooks.after = [ jest.fn((context) => context), jest.fn((context) => context), ]; await query .post(`/fakeSiteId/store/${box}/1234`) .send({ test: true, value: 42 }) .expect(200); const result = await query.get(`/fakeSiteId/store/${box}/1234`).expect(200); expect(result.body).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ value: 256, foo: 'bar' }) ); }); it('hooks should modify get', async () => { let box = 'boxId_1300'; await backend.createOrUpdateBox(`_fakeSiteId__${box}`, { security: 'public', }); hooks.before = [ jest.fn((context) => context), jest.fn((context) => context), ]; hooks.after = [ jest.fn((context) => ({ ...context, response: { value: 256 } })), jest.fn((context) => ({ ...context, response: { ...context.response, foo: 'bar' }, })), ]; await query .post(`/fakeSiteId/store/${box}/1234`) .send({ test: true, value: 42 }) .expect(200); const result = await query.get(`/fakeSiteId/store/${box}/1234`).expect(200); expect(result.body).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ value: 256, foo: 'bar' }) ); }); it('hooks should force access to private store', async () => { let box = 'boxId_1400'; await backend.createOrUpdateBox(`_fakeSiteId__${box}`, { security: 'private', }); hooks.before = [ jest.fn((context) => ({ ...context, allow: true })), jest.fn((context) => context), ]; await query .post(`/fakeSiteId/store/${box}/1234`) .send({ test: true, value: 42 }) .expect(200); await query.get(`/fakeSiteId/store/${box}`).expect(200); await query.get(`/fakeSiteId/store/${box}/1234`).expect(200); await query.delete(`/fakeSiteId/store/${box}/1234`).expect(200); }); it('should store even if private box', async () => { let box = 'boxId_1500'; await backend.createOrUpdateBox(`_fakeSiteId__${box}`, { security: 'private', }); await query .post(`/fakeSiteId/store/${box}/1234/file/`) .attach('file', path.resolve(__dirname, 'testFile.txt')) .expect(403); hooks.beforeFile = [ jest.fn((context) => ({ ...context, allow: true })), jest.fn((context) => context), ]; await query .post(`/fakeSiteId/store/${box}/1234/file/`) .attach('file', path.resolve(__dirname, 'testFile.txt')) .expect(200); }); }); describe('Store File Test', () => { let query; let backend; let fileBackend; beforeAll(() => { const app = express(); app.use(express.json()); app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: true })); backend = MemoryBackend(); fileBackend = MemoryFileBackend(); app.use( '/:siteId', (req, _, next) => { req.siteId = req.params.siteId; next(); }, store({ backend, fileBackend, }) ); query = request(app); }); it('should store even if resource missing', async () => { let box = 'boxId_600'; await backend.createOrUpdateBox(`_fakeSiteId__${box}`, { security: 'public', }); const res = await query .post(`/fakeSiteId/store/${box}/1234/file/`) .attach('file', path.resolve(__dirname, 'testFile.txt')) .expect(200); const fileUrl = res.text; await query.get(`/${fileUrl}`).buffer(false).redirects(1).expect(200); }); it('should store and get a file', async () => { let box = 'boxId_600'; await backend.createOrUpdateBox(`_fakeSiteId__${box}`, { security: 'public', }); await query .post(`/fakeSiteId/store/${box}/1234`) .send({ test: true, value: 42 }) .expect(200); const res = await query .post(`/fakeSiteId/store/${box}/1234/file/`) .attach('file', path.resolve(__dirname, 'testFile.txt')) .expect(200); const fileUrl = res.text; await query.get(`/${fileUrl}`).buffer(false).redirects(1).expect(200); }); it('should not allow to store a file on readOnly store', async () => { let box = 'boxId_600'; await backend.createOrUpdateBox(`_fakeSiteId__${box}`, { security: 'readOnly', }); const fakeFile = { filename: 'test.txt', mimetype: 'text/plain' }; await query .post(`/fakeSiteId/store/${box}/1234/file/`) .attach('file', path.resolve(__dirname, 'testFile.txt')) .expect(403); const fileName = await 'fakeSiteId', box, '1234', fakeFile ); await query .get(`/fakeSiteId/store/${box}/1234/file/${fileName}`) .buffer(false) .redirects(1) .expect(200); }); it('should not allow to store and get a file on private store', async () => { let box = 'boxId_600'; await backend.createOrUpdateBox(`_fakeSiteId__${box}`, { security: 'private', }); const fakeFile = { filename: 'test.txt', mimetype: 'text/plain' }; await query .post(`/fakeSiteId/store/${box}/1234/file/`) .attach('file', path.resolve(__dirname, 'testFile.txt')) .expect(403); const fileName = await 'fakeSiteId', box, '1234', fakeFile ); await query .get(`/fakeSiteId/store/${box}/1234/file/${fileName}`) .buffer(false) .redirects(1) .expect(403); }); });