import { jest } from '@jest/globals'; import { MemoryBackend, NeDBBackend, MongoDBBackend, wrapBackend, } from '../store/backends'; import { MONGODB_URI } from '../settings'; const MONGODB_DATABASE_TEST = process.env.MONGODB_DATABASE_TEST; jest.mock('nanoid', () => { let count = 0; return { customAlphabet: () => jest.fn(() => { return 'nanoid_' + count++; }), }; }); let delta = 0; // Fake date jest.spyOn(global.Date, 'now').mockImplementation(() => { delta += 1; return new Date(1584183719135 + delta * 1000).valueOf(); }); const backends = [ ['memory', MemoryBackend()], //['NeDb', NeDBBackend({ filename: null, inMemoryOnly: true })], ]; if (MONGODB_DATABASE_TEST) { /*backends.push([ 'MongoDB', MongoDBBackend({ uri: MONGODB_URI, database: MONGODB_DATABASE_TEST }), ]);*/ } describe.each(backends)( 'Store backend <%s> tests', (backendName, rawBackend) => { let backend; beforeAll(async () => { backend = wrapBackend(rawBackend, 'siteid', 'userid'); if (backendName === 'MongoDB') { const { MongoClient, ServerApiVersion } = await import('mongodb'); const _client = new MongoClient(MONGODB_URI, { serverApi: ServerApiVersion.v1, }); await _client.connect(); await _client.db(MONGODB_DATABASE_TEST).dropDatabase(); await _client.close(); } }); afterAll(async () => { if (backendName === 'MongoDB') { rawBackend._close(); } }); it('should get empty box', async () => { const box = 'boxid1'; await expect(backend.list(box, {})).rejects.toThrow(); // Create box await backend.createOrUpdateBox(box, { option: 1 }); const res = await backend.list(box, {}); expect(res).toEqual([]); }); it('should add resource', async () => { const box = 'boxid2'; // Create box await backend.createOrUpdateBox(box, { option: 1 }); const res = await, null, { value: 42, test: true }); expect(res).toEqual(expect.objectContaining({ test: true, value: 42 })); // Is return value ok expect(res._id).toBeDefined(); expect(res._createdOn).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(1584183661135); // Is get working const res2 = await backend.get(box, res._id); expect(res2).toEqual(res); // Is list updated const res3 = await backend.list(box); expect(res3[0]).toEqual(res); }); it('should add resource with specified id', async () => { const box = 'boxId10'; // Create box await backend.createOrUpdateBox(box, { option: 1 }); const res = await, 'myid', { value: 42, test: true, _createdOn: 1, }); expect(res).toEqual(expect.objectContaining({ test: true, value: 42 })); // Is return value ok expect(res._id).toBe('myid'); expect(res._createdOn).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(1584183661135); // Is get working const res2 = await backend.get(box, 'myid'); expect(res2).toEqual(res); }); it('should save resource with specified id', async () => { const box = 'boxId15'; // Create box await backend.createOrUpdateBox(box, { option: 1 }); const res = await, 'myid', { value: 42, test: true }); expect(res).toEqual(expect.objectContaining({ test: true, value: 42 })); // Is return value ok expect(res._id).toBe('myid'); expect(res._createdOn).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(1584183661135); const resAfterSave = await, 'myid', { value: 45, foo: 18, }); expect(resAfterSave).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ foo: 18, value: 45 }) ); expect(resAfterSave).not.toEqual(expect.objectContaining({ test: true })); expect(resAfterSave._createdOn).toEqual(res._createdOn); expect(resAfterSave._updatedOn).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(1584183661135); }); it('should add tree resources', async () => { const box = 'boxid20'; // Create box await backend.createOrUpdateBox(box, { option: 1 }); const first = await, null, { value: 40, test: false, }); expect(first).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ test: false, value: 40 }) ); const second = await, null, { value: 42, test: true, }); expect(second).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ test: true, value: 42 }) ); const third = await, null, { value: 44 }); expect(third).toEqual(expect.objectContaining({ value: 44 })); // Is get working const firstGet = await backend.get(box, first._id); expect(firstGet).toEqual(first); const secondGet = await backend.get(box, second._id); expect(secondGet).toEqual(second); // Is list updated const allResources = await backend.list(box, { sort: '_createdOn' }); expect(allResources[0]).toEqual(first); expect(allResources[1]).toEqual(second); expect(allResources[2]).toEqual(third); expect(allResources.length).toBe(3); }); it('should update resource', async () => { const box = 'boxid3'; // Create box await backend.createOrUpdateBox(box, { option: 1 }); const res = await, null, { value: 40, test: true }); expect(res.value).toBe(40); const modified = await backend.update(box, res._id, { value: 42 }); const afterModification = await backend.get(box, res._id); expect(afterModification).toEqual(modified); expect(afterModification.value).toBe(42); expect(afterModification._createdOn).toEqual(res._createdOn); expect(afterModification._updatedOn).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual( res._createdOn ); }); it('should delete resource', async () => { const box = 'boxid4'; // Create box await backend.createOrUpdateBox(box, { option: 1 }); const predel = await backend.delete(box, 'noid'); expect(predel).toBe(0); const res = await, null, { value: 42, test: true }); const allResources = await backend.list(box); expect(allResources.length).toBe(1); const del = await backend.delete(box, res._id); expect(del).toBe(1); const allResourcesAfterDelete = await backend.list(box); expect(allResourcesAfterDelete.length).toBe(0); const nodel = await backend.delete(box, res._id); expect(nodel).toBe(0); }); it('should list resources', async () => { const box = 'boxId50'; // Create box await backend.createOrUpdateBox(box, { option: 1 }); const first = await, null, { value: 40, test: false }); const second = await, null, { value: 44, test: true }); const third = await, null, { value: 42 }); const last = await, null, { value: 42 }); // Is sort working const allResources = await backend.list(box, { sort: '_createdOn', }); expect(allResources[0]).toEqual(first); expect(allResources[2]).toEqual(third); // Is sort working const allResourcesReverse = await backend.list(box, { sort: '_createdOn', asc: false, }); expect(allResourcesReverse[3]).toEqual(first); expect(allResourcesReverse[0]).toEqual(last); const allResourcesReverse2 = await backend.list(box, { sort: 'value', asc: false, }); expect(allResourcesReverse2[3]).toEqual(first); expect(allResourcesReverse2[0]).toEqual(second); // Is limit working const limitedResources = await backend.list(box, { sort: '_createdOn', limit: 1, }); expect(limitedResources[0]).toEqual(first); expect(limitedResources.length).toBe(1); // Is skip working const skippedResources = await backend.list(box, { sort: '_createdOn', limit: 1, skip: 1, }); expect(skippedResources[0]).toEqual(second); expect(skippedResources.length).toBe(1); // Is onlyFields working const filteredResources = await backend.list(box, { sort: '_createdOn', onlyFields: ['value'], }); expect(filteredResources[0]).not.toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ test: false }) ); // Test queries console.log('si'); const foundResources = await backend.list(box, { q: 'value > 42', }); expect(foundResources.length).toBe(1); const foundResources2 = await backend.list(box, { q: 'value > 42 and test = false', }); expect(foundResources2.length).toBe(0); await expect( backend.list(box, { q: 'value > 42 and test = false bla bl', }) ).rejects.toThrow(); }); it('should check security', async () => { const box = 'boxId51'; // Create box await backend.createOrUpdateBox(box, { option: 1 }); const first = await, null, { value: 40, test: false }); const second = await, null, { value: 44, test: true }); const third = await, null, { value: 42 }); const result = await backend.checkSecurity(box, first._id, 'nokey'); // FIXME }); it('should throw error', async () => { const box = 'boxId60'; await expect(backend.get(box, 'noid')).rejects.toThrow(); await expect( backend.update(box, 'noid', { value: 'titi' }) ).rejects.toThrow(); // Create box await backend.createOrUpdateBox(box, { option: 1 }); await expect(backend.get(box, 'noid')).rejects.toThrow(); await expect( backend.update(box, 'noid', { value: 'titi' }) ).rejects.toThrow(); }); it('should check security', async () => { const box = 'boxId70'; // Create box await backend.createOrUpdateBox(box, { security: 'private' }); await expect(backend.checkSecurity(box, null)).resolves.toBe(false); await expect(backend.checkSecurity(box, null, true)).resolves.toBe(false); // Update box to be readOnly await backend.createOrUpdateBox(box, { security: 'readOnly' }); await expect(backend.checkSecurity(box, null)).resolves.toBe(true); await expect(backend.checkSecurity(box, null, true)).resolves.toBe(false); // Update box to be public await backend.createOrUpdateBox(box, { security: 'public' }); await expect(backend.checkSecurity(box, null)).resolves.toBe(true); await expect(backend.checkSecurity(box, null, true)).resolves.toBe(true); // update box to be default privacy await backend.createOrUpdateBox(box); await expect(backend.checkSecurity(box, null)).resolves.toBe(false); await expect(backend.checkSecurity(box, null, true)).resolves.toBe(false); // update box to be bad value privacy await backend.createOrUpdateBox(box, { security: 'nosecurity' }); await expect(backend.checkSecurity(box, null)).resolves.toBe(false); await expect(backend.checkSecurity(box, null, true)).resolves.toBe(false); }); } );