import express from 'express'; import cookieSession from 'cookie-session'; import nodemailer from 'nodemailer'; import schedule from 'node-schedule'; import { throwError } from './error.js'; import log from './log.js'; import store from './store/index.js'; import site from './site.js'; import origin from './origin.js'; import { getStoreBackend, wrapBackend } from './store/backends/index.js'; import { getFileStoreBackend, wrapBackend as wrapFileBackend, } from './fileStore/backends/index.js'; import remote from './remote.js'; import execute from './execute.js'; import auth from './authentication.js'; import { decrypt } from './crypt.js'; export const ricochetMiddleware = ({ secret, fakeEmail = false, storeBackend, fileStoreBackend, storePrefix, disableCache = false, setupPath, getTransporter, } = {}) => { const router = express.Router(); // Remote Function map const functionsBySite = {}; // Schedule map const schedulesBySite = {}; // Hooks map const hooksBySite = {}; const decryptPayload = (script, { siteConfig, siteId }) => { const data = JSON.parse(script); if (!siteConfig[siteId]) { throwError(`Site ${siteId} not registered on ricochet.js`, 404); } const { key } = siteConfig[siteId]; try { const decrypted = decrypt(data, key); return decrypted; } catch (e) { log.warn( { error: e }, `Fails to decrypt Ricochet setup file from ${remote}. Please check your encryption key.` ); throwError( `Fails to decrypt Ricochet setup file from ${remote}. Please check your encryption key.`, 500 ); } }; // Remote code router.use( remote({ context: (req) => { const { siteId, authenticatedUser } = req; const wrappedBackend = wrapBackend( storeBackend, siteId, authenticatedUser ); const wrappedFileBackend = wrapFileBackend( fileStoreBackend, siteId, authenticatedUser ); if (!functionsBySite[siteId]) { functionsBySite[siteId] = {}; } if (!schedulesBySite[siteId]) { schedulesBySite[siteId] = { hourly: [], daily: [] }; } if (!hooksBySite[siteId]) { hooksBySite[siteId] = {}; } return { store: wrappedBackend, fileStore: wrappedFileBackend, functions: functionsBySite[siteId], schedules: schedulesBySite[siteId], hooks: hooksBySite[siteId], }; }, disableCache, setupPath, preProcess: decryptPayload, }) ); const onSendToken = async ({ remote, userEmail, userId, token, req }) => { const { siteConfig, siteId, t } = req; if (!siteConfig[siteId]) { throwError(`Site ${siteId} not registered on ricochet.js`, 404); } const { name: siteName, emailFrom } = siteConfig[siteId]; log.debug(`Link to connect: ${remote}/login/${userId}/${token}`); // if fake host, link is only loggued if (fakeEmail) { t('Auth mail text message', { url: `${remote}/login/${userId}/${token}`, siteName: siteName, interpolation: { escapeValue: false }, }) ); } await getTransporter().sendMail({ from: emailFrom, to: userEmail, subject: t('Your authentication link', { siteName, interpolation: { escapeValue: false }, }), text: t('Auth mail text message', { url: `${remote}/login/${userId}/${token}`, siteName, }), html: t('Auth mail html message', { url: `${remote}/login/${userId}/${token}`, siteName, }), });'Auth mail sent'); }; const onLogin = (userId, req) => { req.session.userId = userId; }; const onLogout = (req) => { req.session = null; }; // Session middleware router.use( cookieSession({ name: 'session', keys: [secret], httpOnly: true, // Cookie Options maxAge: 10 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, // 10 days sameSite: 'Lax', }) ); // Re-set cookie on activity router.use((req, res, next) => { req.session.nowInMinutes = Math.floor( / (60 * 1000)); next(); }); // authenticate middleware router.use((req, res, next) => { if (req.session.userId) { req.authenticatedUser = req.session.userId; } else { req.authenticatedUser = null; } next(); }); // Auth middleware router.use(auth({ onSendToken, onLogin, onLogout, secret: secret })); // JSON store router.use( store({ prefix: storePrefix, backend: storeBackend, fileBackend: fileStoreBackend, hooks: (req) => { const { siteId } = req; return hooksBySite[siteId]; }, }) ); // Execute middleware router.use( execute({ context: (req) => { const { siteId, authenticatedUser } = req; const wrappedBackend = wrapBackend( storeBackend, siteId, authenticatedUser ); const wrappedFileBackend = wrapFileBackend( fileStoreBackend, siteId, authenticatedUser ); return { store: wrappedBackend, fileStore: wrappedFileBackend }; }, functions: (req) => { const { siteId } = req; return functionsBySite[siteId]; }, }) ); // Schedule daily and hourly actions schedule.scheduleJob('22 * * * *', () => {'Execute hourly actions'); for (const key in schedulesBySite) { const { hourly } = schedulesBySite[key]; hourly.forEach((callback) => { callback(); }); } }); schedule.scheduleJob('42 3 * * *', () => {'Execute daily actions'); for (const key in schedulesBySite) { const { daily } = schedulesBySite[key]; daily.forEach((callback) => { callback(); }); } }); return router; }; export const mainMiddleware = ({ serverUrl, serverName, siteRegistrationEnabled, fileStoreConfig = {}, storeConfig = {}, configFile = './site.json', emailConfig = { host: 'fake' }, } = {}) => { const router = express.Router(); const fakeEmail = === 'fake'; let _transporter = null; const getTransporter = () => { const transportConfig = === 'fake' ? { streamTransport: true, newline: 'unix', buffer: true, } : emailConfig; if (_transporter === null) { _transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({ ...transportConfig, }); } return _transporter; }; // Store backends const storeBackend = getStoreBackend(storeConfig.type, storeConfig); const fileStoreBackend = getFileStoreBackend(fileStoreConfig.type, { url: fileStoreConfig.apiUrl, destination: fileStoreConfig.diskDestination, bucket: fileStoreConfig.s3Bucket, endpoint: fileStoreConfig.s3Endpoint, accessKey: fileStoreConfig.s3AccessKey, secretKey: fileStoreConfig.s3SecretKey, region: fileStoreConfig.s3Region, proxy: fileStoreConfig.s3Proxy, cdn: fileStoreConfig.s3Cdn, signedUrl: fileStoreConfig.s3SignedUrl, }); const onSiteCreation = async ({ req, site, confirmPath }) => { const { t } = req; const confirmURL = `${serverUrl}${confirmPath}`; if (fakeEmail) { t('Site creation text message', { url: confirmURL, siteId: site._id, siteName: serverName, interpolation: { escapeValue: false }, }) ); } await getTransporter().sendMail({ from: emailConfig.from, to: site.owner, subject: t('Please confirm site creation'), text: t('Site creation text message', { url: confirmURL, siteId: site._id, siteName: serverName, }), html: t('Site creation html message', { url: confirmURL, siteId: site._id, siteName: serverName, }), }); }; const onSiteUpdate = async ({ req, previous, confirmPath }) => { const { t } = req; const confirmURL = `${serverUrl}${confirmPath}`; if (fakeEmail) { t('Site update text message', { url: confirmURL, siteId: previous._id, siteName: serverName, interpolation: { escapeValue: false }, }) ); } await getTransporter().sendMail({ from: emailConfig.from, to: previous.owner, subject: t('Please confirm site update'), text: t('Site update text message', { url: confirmURL, siteId: previous._id, siteName: serverName, }), html: t('Site update html message', { url: confirmURL, siteId: previous._id, siteName: serverName, }), }); }; router.use( site({ configFile, storeBackend, siteRegistrationEnabled, onSiteCreation, onSiteUpdate, }) ); router.use( '/:siteId', (req, res, next) => { req.siteId = req.params.siteId; next(); }, origin(), ricochetMiddleware({ fakeEmail, storePrefix: storeConfig.prefix, storeBackend, fileStoreBackend, getTransporter,, }) ); return router; }; export default mainMiddleware;