import http from 'http'; import https from 'https'; import vm2 from 'vm2'; import NodeCache from 'node-cache'; const { NodeVM } = vm2; const allowedModules = ['http', 'https', 'stream', 'url', 'zlib', 'encoding']; class RemoteCode { constructor({ disableCache = false, preProcess = (script) => script }) { const cacheConfig = { useClones: false, stdTTL: 200, checkperiod: 250, }; Object.assign(this, { disableCache, scriptCache: new NodeCache(cacheConfig), cacheConfig, preProcess, }); this.vm = new NodeVM({ console: 'inherit', require: { builtin: allowedModules, root: './', }, }); } /** * Get and cache the script designed by name from remote * @param {string} scriptPath script name. * @param {string} extraCommands to be concatened at the end of script. */ async cacheOrFetch(req, remote, scriptPath, extraCommands = '') { if (!this.scriptCache.has(remote)) { this.scriptCache.set(remote, new NodeCache(this.cacheConfig)); } const cache = this.scriptCache.get(remote); if (cache.has(scriptPath) && !this.disableCache) { return cache.get(scriptPath); } else { const httpClient = remote.startsWith('https') ? https : http; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const scriptUrl = `${remote}/${scriptPath}`.replace('//', '/'); httpClient .get(scriptUrl, (resp) => { if (resp.statusCode === 404) { reject({ status: 'not-found' }); return; } let script = ''; resp.on('data', (chunk) => { script += chunk; }); resp.on('end', () => { try { script = this.preProcess.bind(this)(script, req); } catch (e) { reject({ status: 'error', error: e }); } script += extraCommands; try { const scriptFunction =; cache.set(scriptPath, scriptFunction); this.scriptCache.set(remote, cache); resolve(scriptFunction); } catch (e) { reject({ status: 'error', error: e }); } }); }) .on('error', (err) => { /* istanbul ignore next */ reject({ status: 'error', error: err }); }); }); } } async exec(req, remote, scriptPath, context) { try { const toRun = await this.cacheOrFetch(req, remote, scriptPath); return toRun({ ...context }); } catch (e) { if (e.status === 'not-found') { throw `Script ${scriptPath} not found on remote ${remote}`; } else { if (e.error) { throw e.error; } else { throw e; } } } } clearCache(remote) { this.scriptCache.del(remote); } } export default RemoteCode;