register.js 3.0 KB

  1. define([
  2. 'jquery',
  3. '/common/hyperscript.js',
  4. '/common/common-interface.js',
  5. '/customize/messages.js',
  6. '/customize/pages.js'
  7. ], function ($, h, UI, Msg, Pages) {
  8. return function () {
  9. return [h('div#cp-main', [
  10. Pages.infopageTopbar(),
  11. h('div.container-fluid.cp-register-wel',[
  12. h('div.container',[
  13. h('div.row',[
  14. h('div.col-12',[
  15. h('h1.text-center', Msg.register_header)
  16. ])
  17. ])
  18. ])
  19. ]),
  20. h('div.container.cp-container', [
  21. h('div.row.cp-register-det', [
  22. h('div#data.hidden.col-md-6', [
  23. Pages.setHTML(h('p.register-explanation'), Msg.register_explanation)
  24. ]),
  25. h('div#userForm.form-group.hidden.col-md-6', [
  26. h('a', {
  27. href: '/features.html'
  28. }, Msg.register_whyRegister),
  29. h('input.form-control#username', {
  30. type: 'text',
  31. autocomplete: 'off',
  32. autocorrect: 'off',
  33. autocapitalize: 'off',
  34. spellcheck: false,
  35. placeholder: Msg.login_username,
  36. autofocus: true,
  37. }),
  38. h('input.form-control#password', {
  39. type: 'password',
  40. placeholder: Msg.login_password,
  41. }),
  42. h('input.form-control#password-confirm', {
  43. type: 'password',
  44. placeholder: Msg.login_confirm,
  45. }),
  46. h('div.checkbox-container', [
  47. UI.createCheckbox('import-recent', Msg.register_importRecent, true)
  48. ]),
  49. h('div.checkbox-container', [
  50. $(UI.createCheckbox('accept-terms')).find('.cp-checkmark-label').append(Msg.register_acceptTerms).parent()[0]
  51. ]),
  52. h('button#register.btn.cp-login-register', Msg.login_register)
  53. ])
  54. ]),
  55. h('div.row.cp-register-test',[
  56. h('hr'),
  57. h('div.col-12', [
  58. Pages.setHTML(h('p.test-details'), " \"Tools like Etherpad and Google Docs [...] all share a weakness, which is that whomever owns the document server can see everything you're typing. Cryptpad is a free/open project that uses some of the ideas behind blockchain to implement a \"zero-knowledge\" version of a collaborative document editor, ensuring that only the people working on a document can see it.\" "),
  59. h('a.cp-test-source.pull-right', { href : ''}, "Cory Doctorow")
  60. ])
  61. ])
  62. ]),
  63. Pages.infopageFooter(),
  64. ])];
  65. };
  66. });