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lesion 4 years ago
4 changed files with 10917 additions and 999 deletions
  1. 10751 0
  2. 124 7
  3. 42 992
  4. BIN

+ 10751 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10751 @@
+ * Bootswatch v4.3.1
+ * Homepage:
+ * Copyright 2012-2019 Thomas Park
+ * Licensed under MIT
+ * Based on Bootstrap
+ * Bootstrap v4.3.1 (
+ * Copyright 2011-2019 The Bootstrap Authors
+ * Copyright 2011-2019 Twitter, Inc.
+ * Licensed under MIT (
+ */
+@import url(",700,400italic");
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+  display: none;
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+  display: none !important;
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+.col-lg-auto, .col-xl-1, .col-xl-2, .col-xl-3, .col-xl-4, .col-xl-5, .col-xl-6, .col-xl-7, .col-xl-8, .col-xl-9, .col-xl-10, .col-xl-11, .col-xl-12, .col-xl,
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+  background-color: #ebebeb;
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+    width: 100%;
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+  display: block;
+  width: 100%;
+  height: calc(1.5em + 0.75rem + 2px);
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+  color: #444;
+  background-color: #fff;
+  background-clip: padding-box;
+  border: 1px solid transparent;
+  border-radius: 0.25rem;
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+  transition: border-color 0.15s ease-in-out, -webkit-box-shadow 0.15s ease-in-out;
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+  transition: border-color 0.15s ease-in-out, box-shadow 0.15s ease-in-out, -webkit-box-shadow 0.15s ease-in-out;
+@media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
+  .form-control {
+    -webkit-transition: none;
+    transition: none;
+  }
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+  background-color: transparent;
+  border: 0;
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+  color: #444;
+  background-color: #fff;
+  border-color: #739ac2;
+  outline: 0;
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+  opacity: 1;
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+  color: #999;
+  opacity: 1;
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+  opacity: 1;
+select.form-control:focus::-ms-value {
+  color: #444;
+  background-color: #fff;
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+  display: block;
+  width: 100%;
+.col-form-label {
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+  padding-bottom: calc(0.375rem + 1px);
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+  padding-bottom: calc(0.25rem + 1px);
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+  display: block;
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+  background-color: transparent;
+  border: solid transparent;
+  border-width: 1px 0;
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+  border-radius: 0.2rem;
+.form-control-lg {
+  height: calc(1.5em + 1rem + 2px);
+  padding: 0.5rem 1rem;
+  font-size: 1.171875rem;
+  line-height: 1.5;
+  border-radius: 0.3rem;
+select.form-control[size], select.form-control[multiple] {
+  height: auto;
+textarea.form-control {
+  height: auto;
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+  margin-bottom: 1rem;
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+  display: block;
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+  padding-left: 5px;
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+  position: relative;
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+  padding-left: 1.25rem;
+.form-check-input {
+  position: absolute;
+  margin-top: 0.3rem;
+  margin-left: -1.25rem;
+.form-check-input:disabled ~ .form-check-label {
+  color: #999;
+.form-check-label {
+  margin-bottom: 0;
+.form-check-inline {
+  display: -webkit-inline-box;
+  display: -ms-inline-flexbox;
+  display: inline-flex;
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+          align-items: center;
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+.form-check-inline .form-check-input {
+  position: static;
+  margin-top: 0;
+  margin-right: 0.3125rem;
+  margin-left: 0;
+.valid-feedback {
+  display: none;
+  width: 100%;
+  margin-top: 0.25rem;
+  font-size: 80%;
+  color: #00bc8c;
+.valid-tooltip {
+  position: absolute;
+  top: 100%;
+  z-index: 5;
+  display: none;
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+  line-height: 1.5;
+  color: #fff;
+  background-color: rgba(0, 188, 140, 0.9);
+  border-radius: 0.25rem;
+.was-validated .form-control:valid, {
+  border-color: #00bc8c;
+  padding-right: calc(1.5em + 0.75rem);
+  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 8 8'%3e%3cpath fill='%2300bc8c' d='M2.3 6.73L.6 4.53c-.4-1.04.46-1.4 1.1-.8l1.1 1.4 3.4-3.8c.6-.63 1.6-.27 1.2.7l-4 4.6c-.43.5-.8.4-1.1.1z'/%3e%3c/svg%3e");
+  background-repeat: no-repeat;
+  background-position: center right calc(0.375em + 0.1875rem);
+  background-size: calc(0.75em + 0.375rem) calc(0.75em + 0.375rem);
+.was-validated .form-control:valid:focus, {
+  border-color: #00bc8c;
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+.was-validated .form-control:valid ~ .valid-feedback,
+.was-validated .form-control:valid ~ .valid-tooltip, ~ .valid-feedback, ~ .valid-tooltip {
+  display: block;
+.was-validated textarea.form-control:valid, {
+  padding-right: calc(1.5em + 0.75rem);
+  background-position: top calc(0.375em + 0.1875rem) right calc(0.375em + 0.1875rem);
+.was-validated .custom-select:valid, {
+  border-color: #00bc8c;
+  padding-right: calc((1em + 0.75rem) * 3 / 4 + 1.75rem);
+  background: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 4 5'%3e%3cpath fill='%23303030' d='M2 0L0 2h4zm0 5L0 3h4z'/%3e%3c/svg%3e") no-repeat right 0.75rem center/8px 10px, url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 8 8'%3e%3cpath fill='%2300bc8c' d='M2.3 6.73L.6 4.53c-.4-1.04.46-1.4 1.1-.8l1.1 1.4 3.4-3.8c.6-.63 1.6-.27 1.2.7l-4 4.6c-.43.5-.8.4-1.1.1z'/%3e%3c/svg%3e") #fff no-repeat center right 1.75rem/calc(0.75em + 0.375rem) calc(0.75em + 0.375rem);
+.was-validated .custom-select:valid:focus, {
+  border-color: #00bc8c;
+  -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(0, 188, 140, 0.25);
+          box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(0, 188, 140, 0.25);
+.was-validated .custom-select:valid ~ .valid-feedback,
+.was-validated .custom-select:valid ~ .valid-tooltip, ~ .valid-feedback, ~ .valid-tooltip {
+  display: block;
+.was-validated .form-control-file:valid ~ .valid-feedback,
+.was-validated .form-control-file:valid ~ .valid-tooltip, ~ .valid-feedback, ~ .valid-tooltip {
+  display: block;
+.was-validated .form-check-input:valid ~ .form-check-label, ~ .form-check-label {
+  color: #00bc8c;
+.was-validated .form-check-input:valid ~ .valid-feedback,
+.was-validated .form-check-input:valid ~ .valid-tooltip, ~ .valid-feedback, ~ .valid-tooltip {
+  display: block;
+.was-validated .custom-control-input:valid ~ .custom-control-label, ~ .custom-control-label {
+  color: #00bc8c;
+.was-validated .custom-control-input:valid ~ .custom-control-label::before, ~ .custom-control-label::before {
+  border-color: #00bc8c;
+.was-validated .custom-control-input:valid ~ .valid-feedback,
+.was-validated .custom-control-input:valid ~ .valid-tooltip, ~ .valid-feedback, ~ .valid-tooltip {
+  display: block;
+.was-validated .custom-control-input:valid:checked ~ .custom-control-label::before, ~ .custom-control-label::before {
+  border-color: #00efb2;
+  background-color: #00efb2;
+.was-validated .custom-control-input:valid:focus ~ .custom-control-label::before, ~ .custom-control-label::before {
+  -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(0, 188, 140, 0.25);
+          box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(0, 188, 140, 0.25);
+.was-validated .custom-control-input:valid:focus:not(:checked) ~ .custom-control-label::before, ~ .custom-control-label::before {
+  border-color: #00bc8c;
+.was-validated .custom-file-input:valid ~ .custom-file-label, ~ .custom-file-label {
+  border-color: #00bc8c;
+.was-validated .custom-file-input:valid ~ .valid-feedback,
+.was-validated .custom-file-input:valid ~ .valid-tooltip, ~ .valid-feedback, ~ .valid-tooltip {
+  display: block;
+.was-validated .custom-file-input:valid:focus ~ .custom-file-label, ~ .custom-file-label {
+  border-color: #00bc8c;
+  -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(0, 188, 140, 0.25);
+          box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(0, 188, 140, 0.25);
+.invalid-feedback {
+  display: none;
+  width: 100%;
+  margin-top: 0.25rem;
+  font-size: 80%;
+  color: #E74C3C;
+.invalid-tooltip {
+  position: absolute;
+  top: 100%;
+  z-index: 5;
+  display: none;
+  max-width: 100%;
+  padding: 0.25rem 0.5rem;
+  margin-top: .1rem;
+  font-size: 0.8203125rem;
+  line-height: 1.5;
+  color: #fff;
+  background-color: rgba(231, 76, 60, 0.9);
+  border-radius: 0.25rem;
+.was-validated .form-control:invalid, {
+  border-color: #E74C3C;
+  padding-right: calc(1.5em + 0.75rem);
+  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='' fill='%23E74C3C' viewBox='-2 -2 7 7'%3e%3cpath stroke='%23E74C3C' d='M0 0l3 3m0-3L0 3'/%3e%3ccircle r='.5'/%3e%3ccircle cx='3' r='.5'/%3e%3ccircle cy='3' r='.5'/%3e%3ccircle cx='3' cy='3' r='.5'/%3e%3c/svg%3E");
+  background-repeat: no-repeat;
+  background-position: center right calc(0.375em + 0.1875rem);
+  background-size: calc(0.75em + 0.375rem) calc(0.75em + 0.375rem);
+.was-validated .form-control:invalid:focus, {
+  border-color: #E74C3C;
+  -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(231, 76, 60, 0.25);
+          box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(231, 76, 60, 0.25);
+.was-validated .form-control:invalid ~ .invalid-feedback,
+.was-validated .form-control:invalid ~ .invalid-tooltip, ~ .invalid-feedback, ~ .invalid-tooltip {
+  display: block;
+.was-validated textarea.form-control:invalid, {
+  padding-right: calc(1.5em + 0.75rem);
+  background-position: top calc(0.375em + 0.1875rem) right calc(0.375em + 0.1875rem);
+.was-validated .custom-select:invalid, {
+  border-color: #E74C3C;
+  padding-right: calc((1em + 0.75rem) * 3 / 4 + 1.75rem);
+  background: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 4 5'%3e%3cpath fill='%23303030' d='M2 0L0 2h4zm0 5L0 3h4z'/%3e%3c/svg%3e") no-repeat right 0.75rem center/8px 10px, url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='' fill='%23E74C3C' viewBox='-2 -2 7 7'%3e%3cpath stroke='%23E74C3C' d='M0 0l3 3m0-3L0 3'/%3e%3ccircle r='.5'/%3e%3ccircle cx='3' r='.5'/%3e%3ccircle cy='3' r='.5'/%3e%3ccircle cx='3' cy='3' r='.5'/%3e%3c/svg%3E") #fff no-repeat center right 1.75rem/calc(0.75em + 0.375rem) calc(0.75em + 0.375rem);
+.was-validated .custom-select:invalid:focus, {
+  border-color: #E74C3C;
+  -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(231, 76, 60, 0.25);
+          box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(231, 76, 60, 0.25);
+.was-validated .custom-select:invalid ~ .invalid-feedback,
+.was-validated .custom-select:invalid ~ .invalid-tooltip, ~ .invalid-feedback, ~ .invalid-tooltip {
+  display: block;
+.was-validated .form-control-file:invalid ~ .invalid-feedback,
+.was-validated .form-control-file:invalid ~ .invalid-tooltip, ~ .invalid-feedback, ~ .invalid-tooltip {
+  display: block;
+.was-validated .form-check-input:invalid ~ .form-check-label, ~ .form-check-label {
+  color: #E74C3C;
+.was-validated .form-check-input:invalid ~ .invalid-feedback,
+.was-validated .form-check-input:invalid ~ .invalid-tooltip, ~ .invalid-feedback, ~ .invalid-tooltip {
+  display: block;
+.was-validated .custom-control-input:invalid ~ .custom-control-label, ~ .custom-control-label {
+  color: #E74C3C;
+.was-validated .custom-control-input:invalid ~ .custom-control-label::before, ~ .custom-control-label::before {
+  border-color: #E74C3C;
+.was-validated .custom-control-input:invalid ~ .invalid-feedback,
+.was-validated .custom-control-input:invalid ~ .invalid-tooltip, ~ .invalid-feedback, ~ .invalid-tooltip {
+  display: block;
+.was-validated .custom-control-input:invalid:checked ~ .custom-control-label::before, ~ .custom-control-label::before {
+  border-color: #ed7669;
+  background-color: #ed7669;
+.was-validated .custom-control-input:invalid:focus ~ .custom-control-label::before, ~ .custom-control-label::before {
+  -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(231, 76, 60, 0.25);
+          box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(231, 76, 60, 0.25);
+.was-validated .custom-control-input:invalid:focus:not(:checked) ~ .custom-control-label::before, ~ .custom-control-label::before {
+  border-color: #E74C3C;
+.was-validated .custom-file-input:invalid ~ .custom-file-label, ~ .custom-file-label {
+  border-color: #E74C3C;
+.was-validated .custom-file-input:invalid ~ .invalid-feedback,
+.was-validated .custom-file-input:invalid ~ .invalid-tooltip, ~ .invalid-feedback, ~ .invalid-tooltip {
+  display: block;
+.was-validated .custom-file-input:invalid:focus ~ .custom-file-label, ~ .custom-file-label {
+  border-color: #E74C3C;
+  -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(231, 76, 60, 0.25);
+          box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(231, 76, 60, 0.25);
+.form-inline {
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+  display: -ms-flexbox;
+  display: flex;
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+          flex-flow: row wrap;
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+      -ms-flex-align: center;
+          align-items: center;
+.form-inline .form-check {
+  width: 100%;
+@media (min-width: 576px) {
+  .form-inline label {
+    display: -webkit-box;
+    display: -ms-flexbox;
+    display: flex;
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+            align-items: center;
+    -webkit-box-pack: center;
+        -ms-flex-pack: center;
+            justify-content: center;
+    margin-bottom: 0;
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+            flex: 0 0 auto;
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+            flex-flow: row wrap;
+    -webkit-box-align: center;
+        -ms-flex-align: center;
+            align-items: center;
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+  .form-inline .form-control {
+    display: inline-block;
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+    vertical-align: middle;
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+  .form-inline .form-control-plaintext {
+    display: inline-block;
+  }
+  .form-inline .input-group,
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+    width: auto;
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+    display: -ms-flexbox;
+    display: flex;
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+  .form-inline .form-check-input {
+    position: relative;
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+        flex-shrink: 0;
+    margin-top: 0;
+    margin-right: 0.25rem;
+    margin-left: 0;
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+    margin-bottom: 0;
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+  border-radius: 0.25rem;
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+  transition: color 0.15s ease-in-out, background-color 0.15s ease-in-out, border-color 0.15s ease-in-out, -webkit-box-shadow 0.15s ease-in-out;
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+  transition: color 0.15s ease-in-out, background-color 0.15s ease-in-out, border-color 0.15s ease-in-out, box-shadow 0.15s ease-in-out, -webkit-box-shadow 0.15s ease-in-out;
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+  vertical-align: 0;
+.dropleft .dropdown-menu {
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+  content: "";
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+  display: none;
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+  display: inline-block;
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+  border-right: 0.3em solid;
+  border-bottom: 0.3em solid transparent;
+.dropleft .dropdown-toggle:empty::after {
+  margin-left: 0;
+.dropleft .dropdown-toggle::before {
+  vertical-align: 0;
+.dropdown-menu[x-placement^="top"], .dropdown-menu[x-placement^="right"], .dropdown-menu[x-placement^="bottom"], .dropdown-menu[x-placement^="left"] {
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+.dropdown-divider {
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+  border-top: 1px solid #444;
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+  color: #fff;
+  text-align: inherit;
+  white-space: nowrap;
+  background-color: transparent;
+  border: 0;
+.dropdown-item:hover, .dropdown-item:focus {
+  color: #fff;
+  text-decoration: none;
+  background-color: #375a7f;
+, .dropdown-item:active {
+  color: #fff;
+  text-decoration: none;
+  background-color: #375a7f;
+.dropdown-item.disabled, .dropdown-item:disabled {
+  color: #999;
+  pointer-events: none;
+  background-color: transparent;
+ {
+  display: block;
+.dropdown-header {
+  display: block;
+  padding: 0.5rem 1.5rem;
+  margin-bottom: 0;
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+  color: #999;
+  white-space: nowrap;
+.dropdown-item-text {
+  display: block;
+  padding: 0.25rem 1.5rem;
+  color: #fff;
+.btn-group-vertical {
+  position: relative;
+  display: -webkit-inline-box;
+  display: -ms-inline-flexbox;
+  display: inline-flex;
+  vertical-align: middle;
+.btn-group > .btn,
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn {
+  position: relative;
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+      -ms-flex: 1 1 auto;
+          flex: 1 1 auto;
+.btn-group > .btn:hover,
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn:hover {
+  z-index: 1;
+.btn-group > .btn:focus, .btn-group > .btn:active, .btn-group >,
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn:focus,
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn:active,
+.btn-group-vertical > {
+  z-index: 1;
+.btn-toolbar {
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+.btn-toolbar .input-group {
+  width: auto;
+.btn-group > .btn:not(:first-child),
+.btn-group > .btn-group:not(:first-child) {
+  margin-left: -1px;
+.btn-group > .btn:not(:last-child):not(.dropdown-toggle),
+.btn-group > .btn-group:not(:last-child) > .btn {
+  border-top-right-radius: 0;
+  border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
+.btn-group > .btn:not(:first-child),
+.btn-group > .btn-group:not(:first-child) > .btn {
+  border-top-left-radius: 0;
+  border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
+.dropdown-toggle-split {
+  padding-right: 0.5625rem;
+  padding-left: 0.5625rem;
+.dropup .dropdown-toggle-split::after,
+.dropright .dropdown-toggle-split::after {
+  margin-left: 0;
+.dropleft .dropdown-toggle-split::before {
+  margin-right: 0;
+.btn-sm + .dropdown-toggle-split, .btn-group-sm > .btn + .dropdown-toggle-split {
+  padding-right: 0.375rem;
+  padding-left: 0.375rem;
+.btn-lg + .dropdown-toggle-split, .btn-group-lg > .btn + .dropdown-toggle-split {
+  padding-right: 0.75rem;
+  padding-left: 0.75rem;
+.btn-group-vertical {
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+          flex-direction: column;
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+          align-items: flex-start;
+  -webkit-box-pack: center;
+      -ms-flex-pack: center;
+          justify-content: center;
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn,
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+  width: 100%;
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn:not(:first-child),
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn-group:not(:first-child) {
+  margin-top: -1px;
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn:not(:last-child):not(.dropdown-toggle),
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn-group:not(:last-child) > .btn {
+  border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
+  border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn:not(:first-child),
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn-group:not(:first-child) > .btn {
+  border-top-left-radius: 0;
+  border-top-right-radius: 0;
+.btn-group-toggle > .btn,
+.btn-group-toggle > .btn-group > .btn {
+  margin-bottom: 0;
+.btn-group-toggle > .btn input[type="radio"],
+.btn-group-toggle > .btn input[type="checkbox"],
+.btn-group-toggle > .btn-group > .btn input[type="radio"],
+.btn-group-toggle > .btn-group > .btn input[type="checkbox"] {
+  position: absolute;
+  clip: rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
+  pointer-events: none;
+.input-group {
+  position: relative;
+  display: -webkit-box;
+  display: -ms-flexbox;
+  display: flex;
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+      flex-wrap: wrap;
+  -webkit-box-align: stretch;
+      -ms-flex-align: stretch;
+          align-items: stretch;
+  width: 100%;
+.input-group > .form-control,
+.input-group > .form-control-plaintext,
+.input-group > .custom-select,
+.input-group > .custom-file {
+  position: relative;
+  -webkit-box-flex: 1;
+      -ms-flex: 1 1 auto;
+          flex: 1 1 auto;
+  width: 1%;
+  margin-bottom: 0;
+.input-group > .form-control + .form-control,
+.input-group > .form-control + .custom-select,
+.input-group > .form-control + .custom-file,
+.input-group > .form-control-plaintext + .form-control,
+.input-group > .form-control-plaintext + .custom-select,
+.input-group > .form-control-plaintext + .custom-file,
+.input-group > .custom-select + .form-control,
+.input-group > .custom-select + .custom-select,
+.input-group > .custom-select + .custom-file,
+.input-group > .custom-file + .form-control,
+.input-group > .custom-file + .custom-select,
+.input-group > .custom-file + .custom-file {
+  margin-left: -1px;
+.input-group > .form-control:focus,
+.input-group > .custom-select:focus,
+.input-group > .custom-file .custom-file-input:focus ~ .custom-file-label {
+  z-index: 3;
+.input-group > .custom-file .custom-file-input:focus {
+  z-index: 4;
+.input-group > .form-control:not(:last-child),
+.input-group > .custom-select:not(:last-child) {
+  border-top-right-radius: 0;
+  border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
+.input-group > .form-control:not(:first-child),
+.input-group > .custom-select:not(:first-child) {
+  border-top-left-radius: 0;
+  border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
+.input-group > .custom-file {
+  display: -webkit-box;
+  display: -ms-flexbox;
+  display: flex;
+  -webkit-box-align: center;
+      -ms-flex-align: center;
+          align-items: center;
+.input-group > .custom-file:not(:last-child) .custom-file-label,
+.input-group > .custom-file:not(:last-child) .custom-file-label::after {
+  border-top-right-radius: 0;
+  border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
+.input-group > .custom-file:not(:first-child) .custom-file-label {
+  border-top-left-radius: 0;
+  border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
+.input-group-append {
+  display: -webkit-box;
+  display: -ms-flexbox;
+  display: flex;
+.input-group-prepend .btn,
+.input-group-append .btn {
+  position: relative;
+  z-index: 2;
+.input-group-prepend .btn:focus,
+.input-group-append .btn:focus {
+  z-index: 3;
+.input-group-prepend .btn + .btn,
+.input-group-prepend .btn + .input-group-text,
+.input-group-prepend .input-group-text + .input-group-text,
+.input-group-prepend .input-group-text + .btn,
+.input-group-append .btn + .btn,
+.input-group-append .btn + .input-group-text,
+.input-group-append .input-group-text + .input-group-text,
+.input-group-append .input-group-text + .btn {
+  margin-left: -1px;
+.input-group-prepend {
+  margin-right: -1px;
+.input-group-append {
+  margin-left: -1px;
+.input-group-text {
+  display: -webkit-box;
+  display: -ms-flexbox;
+  display: flex;
+  -webkit-box-align: center;
+      -ms-flex-align: center;
+          align-items: center;
+  padding: 0.375rem 0.75rem;
+  margin-bottom: 0;
+  font-size: 0.9375rem;
+  font-weight: 400;
+  line-height: 1.5;
+  color: #adb5bd;
+  text-align: center;
+  white-space: nowrap;
+  background-color: #444;
+  border: 1px solid transparent;
+  border-radius: 0.25rem;
+.input-group-text input[type="radio"],
+.input-group-text input[type="checkbox"] {
+  margin-top: 0;
+.input-group-lg > .form-control:not(textarea),
+.input-group-lg > .custom-select {
+  height: calc(1.5em + 1rem + 2px);
+.input-group-lg > .form-control,
+.input-group-lg > .custom-select,
+.input-group-lg > .input-group-prepend > .input-group-text,
+.input-group-lg > .input-group-append > .input-group-text,
+.input-group-lg > .input-group-prepend > .btn,
+.input-group-lg > .input-group-append > .btn {
+  padding: 0.5rem 1rem;
+  font-size: 1.171875rem;
+  line-height: 1.5;
+  border-radius: 0.3rem;
+.input-group-sm > .form-control:not(textarea),
+.input-group-sm > .custom-select {
+  height: calc(1.5em + 0.5rem + 2px);
+.input-group-sm > .form-control,
+.input-group-sm > .custom-select,
+.input-group-sm > .input-group-prepend > .input-group-text,
+.input-group-sm > .input-group-append > .input-group-text,
+.input-group-sm > .input-group-prepend > .btn,
+.input-group-sm > .input-group-append > .btn {
+  padding: 0.25rem 0.5rem;
+  font-size: 0.8203125rem;
+  line-height: 1.5;
+  border-radius: 0.2rem;
+.input-group-lg > .custom-select,
+.input-group-sm > .custom-select {
+  padding-right: 1.75rem;
+.input-group > .input-group-prepend > .btn,
+.input-group > .input-group-prepend > .input-group-text,
+.input-group > .input-group-append:not(:last-child) > .btn,
+.input-group > .input-group-append:not(:last-child) > .input-group-text,
+.input-group > .input-group-append:last-child > .btn:not(:last-child):not(.dropdown-toggle),
+.input-group > .input-group-append:last-child > .input-group-text:not(:last-child) {
+  border-top-right-radius: 0;
+  border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
+.input-group > .input-group-append > .btn,
+.input-group > .input-group-append > .input-group-text,
+.input-group > .input-group-prepend:not(:first-child) > .btn,
+.input-group > .input-group-prepend:not(:first-child) > .input-group-text,
+.input-group > .input-group-prepend:first-child > .btn:not(:first-child),
+.input-group > .input-group-prepend:first-child > .input-group-text:not(:first-child) {
+  border-top-left-radius: 0;
+  border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
+.custom-control {
+  position: relative;
+  display: block;
+  min-height: 1.40625rem;
+  padding-left: 1.5rem;
+.custom-control-inline {
+  display: -webkit-inline-box;
+  display: -ms-inline-flexbox;
+  display: inline-flex;
+  margin-right: 1rem;
+.custom-control-input {
+  position: absolute;
+  z-index: -1;
+  opacity: 0;
+.custom-control-input:checked ~ .custom-control-label::before {
+  color: #fff;
+  border-color: #375a7f;
+  background-color: #375a7f;
+.custom-control-input:focus ~ .custom-control-label::before {
+  -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(55, 90, 127, 0.25);
+          box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(55, 90, 127, 0.25);
+.custom-control-input:focus:not(:checked) ~ .custom-control-label::before {
+  border-color: #739ac2;
+.custom-control-input:not(:disabled):active ~ .custom-control-label::before {
+  color: #fff;
+  background-color: #97b3d2;
+  border-color: #97b3d2;
+.custom-control-input:disabled ~ .custom-control-label {
+  color: #999;
+.custom-control-input:disabled ~ .custom-control-label::before {
+  background-color: #ebebeb;
+.custom-control-label {
+  position: relative;
+  margin-bottom: 0;
+  vertical-align: top;
+.custom-control-label::before {
+  position: absolute;
+  top: 0.203125rem;
+  left: -1.5rem;
+  display: block;
+  width: 1rem;
+  height: 1rem;
+  pointer-events: none;
+  content: "";
+  background-color: #fff;
+  border: #adb5bd solid 1px;
+.custom-control-label::after {
+  position: absolute;
+  top: 0.203125rem;
+  left: -1.5rem;
+  display: block;
+  width: 1rem;
+  height: 1rem;
+  content: "";
+  background: no-repeat 50% / 50% 50%;
+.custom-checkbox .custom-control-label::before {
+  border-radius: 0.25rem;
+.custom-checkbox .custom-control-input:checked ~ .custom-control-label::after {
+  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 8 8'%3e%3cpath fill='%23fff' d='M6.564.75l-3.59 3.612-1.538-1.55L0 4.26 2.974 7.25 8 2.193z'/%3e%3c/svg%3e");
+.custom-checkbox .custom-control-input:indeterminate ~ .custom-control-label::before {
+  border-color: #375a7f;
+  background-color: #375a7f;
+.custom-checkbox .custom-control-input:indeterminate ~ .custom-control-label::after {
+  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 4 4'%3e%3cpath stroke='%23fff' d='M0 2h4'/%3e%3c/svg%3e");
+.custom-checkbox .custom-control-input:disabled:checked ~ .custom-control-label::before {
+  background-color: rgba(55, 90, 127, 0.5);
+.custom-checkbox .custom-control-input:disabled:indeterminate ~ .custom-control-label::before {
+  background-color: rgba(55, 90, 127, 0.5);
+.custom-radio .custom-control-label::before {
+  border-radius: 50%;
+.custom-radio .custom-control-input:checked ~ .custom-control-label::after {
+  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='' viewBox='-4 -4 8 8'%3e%3ccircle r='3' fill='%23fff'/%3e%3c/svg%3e");
+.custom-radio .custom-control-input:disabled:checked ~ .custom-control-label::before {
+  background-color: rgba(55, 90, 127, 0.5);
+.custom-switch {
+  padding-left: 2.25rem;
+.custom-switch .custom-control-label::before {
+  left: -2.25rem;
+  width: 1.75rem;
+  pointer-events: all;
+  border-radius: 0.5rem;
+.custom-switch .custom-control-label::after {
+  top: calc(0.203125rem + 2px);
+  left: calc(-2.25rem + 2px);
+  width: calc(1rem - 4px);
+  height: calc(1rem - 4px);
+  background-color: #adb5bd;
+  border-radius: 0.5rem;
+  -webkit-transition: background-color 0.15s ease-in-out, border-color 0.15s ease-in-out, -webkit-transform 0.15s ease-in-out, -webkit-box-shadow 0.15s ease-in-out;
+  transition: background-color 0.15s ease-in-out, border-color 0.15s ease-in-out, -webkit-transform 0.15s ease-in-out, -webkit-box-shadow 0.15s ease-in-out;
+  transition: transform 0.15s ease-in-out, background-color 0.15s ease-in-out, border-color 0.15s ease-in-out, box-shadow 0.15s ease-in-out;
+  transition: transform 0.15s ease-in-out, background-color 0.15s ease-in-out, border-color 0.15s ease-in-out, box-shadow 0.15s ease-in-out, -webkit-transform 0.15s ease-in-out, -webkit-box-shadow 0.15s ease-in-out;
+@media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
+  .custom-switch .custom-control-label::after {
+    -webkit-transition: none;
+    transition: none;
+  }
+.custom-switch .custom-control-input:checked ~ .custom-control-label::after {
+  background-color: #fff;
+  -webkit-transform: translateX(0.75rem);
+          transform: translateX(0.75rem);
+.custom-switch .custom-control-input:disabled:checked ~ .custom-control-label::before {
+  background-color: rgba(55, 90, 127, 0.5);
+.custom-select {
+  display: inline-block;
+  width: 100%;
+  height: calc(1.5em + 0.75rem + 2px);
+  padding: 0.375rem 1.75rem 0.375rem 0.75rem;
+  font-size: 0.9375rem;
+  font-weight: 400;
+  line-height: 1.5;
+  color: #444;
+  vertical-align: middle;
+  background: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 4 5'%3e%3cpath fill='%23303030' d='M2 0L0 2h4zm0 5L0 3h4z'/%3e%3c/svg%3e") no-repeat right 0.75rem center/8px 10px;
+  background-color: #fff;
+  border: 1px solid transparent;
+  border-radius: 0.25rem;
+  -webkit-appearance: none;
+     -moz-appearance: none;
+          appearance: none;
+.custom-select:focus {
+  border-color: #739ac2;
+  outline: 0;
+  -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(55, 90, 127, 0.25);
+          box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(55, 90, 127, 0.25);
+.custom-select:focus::-ms-value {
+  color: #444;
+  background-color: #fff;
+.custom-select[multiple], .custom-select[size]:not([size="1"]) {
+  height: auto;
+  padding-right: 0.75rem;
+  background-image: none;
+.custom-select:disabled {
+  color: #999;
+  background-color: #ebebeb;
+.custom-select::-ms-expand {
+  display: none;
+.custom-select-sm {
+  height: calc(1.5em + 0.5rem + 2px);
+  padding-top: 0.25rem;
+  padding-bottom: 0.25rem;
+  padding-left: 0.5rem;
+  font-size: 0.8203125rem;
+.custom-select-lg {
+  height: calc(1.5em + 1rem + 2px);
+  padding-top: 0.5rem;
+  padding-bottom: 0.5rem;
+  padding-left: 1rem;
+  font-size: 1.171875rem;
+.custom-file {
+  position: relative;
+  display: inline-block;
+  width: 100%;
+  height: calc(1.5em + 0.75rem + 2px);
+  margin-bottom: 0;
+.custom-file-input {
+  position: relative;
+  z-index: 2;
+  width: 100%;
+  height: calc(1.5em + 0.75rem + 2px);
+  margin: 0;
+  opacity: 0;
+.custom-file-input:focus ~ .custom-file-label {
+  border-color: #739ac2;
+  -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(55, 90, 127, 0.25);
+          box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(55, 90, 127, 0.25);
+.custom-file-input:disabled ~ .custom-file-label {
+  background-color: #ebebeb;
+.custom-file-input:lang(en) ~ .custom-file-label::after {
+  content: "Browse";
+.custom-file-input ~ .custom-file-label[data-browse]::after {
+  content: attr(data-browse);
+.custom-file-label {
+  position: absolute;
+  top: 0;
+  right: 0;
+  left: 0;
+  z-index: 1;
+  height: calc(1.5em + 0.75rem + 2px);
+  padding: 0.375rem 0.75rem;
+  font-weight: 400;
+  line-height: 1.5;
+  color: #adb5bd;
+  background-color: #fff;
+  border: 1px solid #444;
+  border-radius: 0.25rem;
+.custom-file-label::after {
+  position: absolute;
+  top: 0;
+  right: 0;
+  bottom: 0;
+  z-index: 3;
+  display: block;
+  height: calc(1.5em + 0.75rem);
+  padding: 0.375rem 0.75rem;
+  line-height: 1.5;
+  color: #adb5bd;
+  content: "Browse";
+  background-color: #444;
+  border-left: inherit;
+  border-radius: 0 0.25rem 0.25rem 0;
+.custom-range {
+  width: 100%;
+  height: calc(1rem + 0.4rem);
+  padding: 0;
+  background-color: transparent;
+  -webkit-appearance: none;
+     -moz-appearance: none;
+          appearance: none;
+.custom-range:focus {
+  outline: none;
+.custom-range:focus::-webkit-slider-thumb {
+  -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px #222, 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(55, 90, 127, 0.25);
+          box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px #222, 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(55, 90, 127, 0.25);
+.custom-range:focus::-moz-range-thumb {
+  box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px #222, 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(55, 90, 127, 0.25);
+.custom-range:focus::-ms-thumb {
+  box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px #222, 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(55, 90, 127, 0.25);
+.custom-range::-moz-focus-outer {
+  border: 0;
+.custom-range::-webkit-slider-thumb {
+  width: 1rem;
+  height: 1rem;
+  margin-top: -0.25rem;
+  background-color: #375a7f;
+  border: 0;
+  border-radius: 1rem;
+  -webkit-transition: background-color 0.15s ease-in-out, border-color 0.15s ease-in-out, -webkit-box-shadow 0.15s ease-in-out;
+  transition: background-color 0.15s ease-in-out, border-color 0.15s ease-in-out, -webkit-box-shadow 0.15s ease-in-out;
+  transition: background-color 0.15s ease-in-out, border-color 0.15s ease-in-out, box-shadow 0.15s ease-in-out;
+  transition: background-color 0.15s ease-in-out, border-color 0.15s ease-in-out, box-shadow 0.15s ease-in-out, -webkit-box-shadow 0.15s ease-in-out;
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+    <meta name="description" content="radical local server" />
+    <meta name="keywords" content="anarchism, server, torino, hacklab, underscore" />
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+  <div class="jumbotron">
+      <h1 class="display-3">cisti</h1>
+      <h1 class="display-3 org">.org</h1>
+      <p class='lead'>uno spazio digitale liberato<br/>un server scapestrato e autogestito<br/>
+		anticapitalista, antifascista, antirazzista, antisessista</p>
+		<i class="fa fa-chevron-down" id='chevron'></i>
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+      <a href="" class="list-group-item w-100 list-group-item-action flex-column align-items-start">
+        <div class="d-flex justify-content-between">
+          <h5 class="mb-1">Mastodon</h5>
+        </div>
+        <p class="mb-1">Un social autogestito, decentralizzato, indipendente e <b>federato</b>.</p>
+      </a>
+      <a href="" class="w-100 list-group-item list-group-item-action flex-column align-items-start">
+        <div class="d-flex justify-content-between">
+          <h5 class="mb-1">Gancio</h5>
+        </div>
+        <p class="mb-1">Un'agenda condivisa per comunità locali.</p>
+      </a>
+      <a href="" class="w-100 list-group-item list-group-item-action flex-column align-items-start">
+        <div class="d-flex justify-content-between">
+          <h5 class="mb-1">Pad</h5>
+        </div>
+        <p class="mb-1">Per scrivere documenti collaborativi.</p>
+      </a>
+	</div> -->
+    <div class="card-deck">
+		<a href="" class="card list-group-item-action">
+			<h4 class="card-header"><img src='' width='40px'/>Mastodon</h4>
+			<div class="card-body">
+				<p class="card-text">Un social autogestito, decentralizzato, indipendente e <b>federato</b>.</p>
+			</div>
+		</a>
+		<a href="" class="card list-group-item-action">
+			<h4 class="card-header"><img src='static/images/gancio.ico'/> Gancio</h4>
+			<div class="card-body">
+				<p class="card-text">L'agenda dei movimenti sociali di Torino e dintorni.</p>
+			</div>
+		</a>
+		<a href="" class="card w-100 list-group-item list-group-item-action flex-column align-items-start">
+			<div class="d-flex justify-content-between">
+			<h5 class="mb-1">Pad</h5>
+			</div>
+			<p class="mb-1">Per scrivere documenti collaborativi.</p>
+		</a>
+		  </div>	
+  </div><br/>
+  <div class='mt-4 container font-weight-light' >
+	<h4>Cos'è?</h4>
+	<p>Cisti è un contenitore di strumenti radicali per scrivere, comunicare e condividere.
+		E' uno spazio digitale autogestito con tanto sudore dall'<a href=''>hacklab underscore</a> di Torino.
+		Non ci muove il profitto, ma il bisogno di riprendere il controllo degli strumenti comunicativi che utilizziamo quotidianamente.<br/>
+		L'abbiamo chiamato così perche' crediamo sia importante prendersi cura innanzitutto delle comunità affini sul territorio.
+	</p>
+	<br/>
+	<h4>Pad ⇒</h4>
+	<p>Il pad e' uno strumento che noi usiamo spesso e crediamo possa essere utile a molte persone. Permette di scrivere testi in maniera collaborativa.</p>
+	<br/>
+	<h4><img src='static/images/gancio.ico'/> Gancio ⇒</h4>
+	<p>
+		Gancio nasce da carta canta, una fanzine bimestrale cartacea che qui a Torino raccoglie gli eventi dei movimenti sociali.
+		Ci è sembrata una gran bella idea e abbiamo pensato che un posto che raccogliesse gli eventi locali fosse fondamentale.<br/>
+		Vi hanno cancellato l'evento su facebook? Avete organizzato due concerti hardcore nella stessa serata? Cosa faccio stasera? Gancio risponde a
+		queste e altre domande.<br/>
+		Gancio è un progetto interamente scritto da noi, è software libero ed è pensato per essere adottabile/adattabile facilmente da altre comunità,
+		che ci sembra sia un bisogno non solo torinese (ad ora l'hanno adottato i fiorentini su <a href=""></a>).
+	</p>
+	<br/>
+	<h4><img src='' width='35px'/> Mastodon ⇒</h4>
+	<p>
+		Mastodon e' un social network. Sappiamo che per molti è una brutta parola, anche per molti di noi che sui social network commerciali non ci sono
+		mai stati. I movimenti (e in generale le persone) hanno però bisogno di comunicare e fondare la nostra comunicazione su piattaforme orientate
+		esclusivamente al profitto, al controllo e alla collaborazione con le forze di polizia non è una scelta lungimirante.</p>
+	<p>
+		Nella ricerca di strumenti validi verso altre direzioni, abbiamo trovato mastodon.
+		Mastodon non ha azionisti, è della comunità, non è controllato da nessuno centralmente, è federato, non è facile da censurare,
+		non ti chiede i documenti nè la tua vera identità. Mastodon nasce circa tre anni fa con una prima forte spinta dalla comunità
+		LGBT alla ricerca di uno spazio digitale dove potersi esprimere serenamente.<br/>Ora i nodi che fanno parte della rete mastodon
+		sono tanti, più di 6mila con circa due milioni di utenti. Spiegare mastodon in due righe non e' immediato ma potete trovare qua
+		alcune delle riflessioni che ci hanno accompagnato in questo percorso.<br/>Potete anche guardare un breve video esplicativo qua video.
+	</p>
+	<br/>
+	<h4>Chi siamo</h4>
+	<p></p>
+	<!-- piccolo glossario per fuorisede:
+	cisti
+	Lo puoi utilizzare come vuoi, tipo "fai cisti che ti fai male" oppure "fai cisti al palo mentre fai retro" anche se in realtà il termine viene utilizzato piu che altro in contesti "drogheggianti"...tipo "fate cisti se arriva qualcuno..." infatti la frase per intero è "CISTI MADAMA (la polizia, i carabinieri....) CI HA VISTI!" da
+	Famoso anche il servizio di radio blackout "cisti viaggiare informati" per segnalare posti di blocco, controllori e in generale presenze sgradite sul territorio
+	gancio
+	Se vieni a Torino e dici: "ehi, ci diamo un gancio alle 8?" nessuno si presenterà con i guantoni per fare a mazzate. ... è un'espressione tipica del torinese, darsi un gancio vuol dire beccarsi alle ore X in un posto Y
+	A: dov'e' il gancio per andare al corteo domani?
+	B: non so ma domani non posso venire, ho gia' un gancio per caricare la distro. liberamente adattato da	   -->
+  <!-- </p> -->
+  </body>
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 	<meta name="description" content="radical, server, independent, organise" />
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 	<meta name="author" content="stocazzo" />
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 							<img src="static/images/logo.png" style="width: 55%; height: auto;"></br><br/><br/>
-														<!-- <h2>                                      </br>
+														<h2>                                      </br>
 															<blockquote>lo puoi utilizzare come vuoi, tipo "fai cisti che ti fai male" oppure "fai cisti al palo mentre fai retro" anche se in realtà il termine viene utilizzato piu che altro in contesti "drogheggianti"...tipo "fate cisti se arriva qualcuno..." infatti la frase per intero è "CISTI MADAMA (la polizia, i carabinieri....) CI HA VISTI!" </blockquote>
 															<p>Sono uno spazio digitale liberato. Mi potete trovare a Torino e dintorni. Non mi interessa sapere chi sei o dove vai. </p>
-                            </h2> -->
+                            </h2>
                               <li>Uno spazio digitale liberato.</li>
                               <li>Un server scapestrato e autogestito.</li>
@@ -49,8 +166,8 @@
                                 <a class="btn btn-primary btn-lg btn-learn"
                                     href="#cisti-features"></i> Cos'e' Cisti ?</a> 
-                                <!-- <a href="info.html" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg btn-learn"> Informati </a> 
-                                <a href="contatti.html" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg btn-learn"> Contatti </a> -->
+                                <a href="info.html" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg btn-learn"> Informati </a> 
+                                <a href="contatti.html" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg btn-learn"> Contatti </a>
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+ -->

+ 42 - 992

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