Browse Source

Initial commit

johni0702 7 years ago
63 changed files with 2135 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 54 0
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  3. BIN
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  16. 44 0
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+ 54 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# Created by
+### Node ###
+# Logs
+# Runtime data
+# Directory for instrumented libs generated by jscoverage/JSCover
+# Coverage directory used by tools like istanbul
+# nyc test coverage
+# Grunt intermediate storage (
+# node-waf configuration
+# Compiled binary addons (
+# Dependency directories
+# Optional npm cache directory
+# Optional eslint cache
+# Optional REPL history
+# Output of 'npm pack'
+# Yarn Integrity file

+ 91 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# mumble-web
+mumble-web is an HTML5 [Mumble] client for use in modern browsers.
+A live demo is running [here](
+The Mumble protocol uses TCP for control and UDP for voice.
+Running in a browser, both are unavailable to this client.
+Instead Websockets are used for all communications.
+libopus and libsamplerate, compiled to JS via emscripten, are used for audio decoding.
+Therefore, at the moment only the Opus codec is supported.
+Quite a few features, most noticeably voice activity detection and all
+administrative functionallity, are still missing.
+### Installing
+#### Download
+mumble-web can either be installed directly from npm with `npm install -g mumble-web`
+or from git:
+git clone
+cd mumble-web
+npm install
+npm run build
+The npm version is prebuilt and ready to use whereas the git version allows you
+to e.g. customize the theme before building it.
+Either way you will end up with a `dist` folder that contains the static page.
+#### Setup
+At the time of writing this there do not seem to be any Mumble servers
+which natively support Websockets. To use this client with any standard mumble
+server, websockify must be set up (preferably on the same machine that the
+Mumble server is running on).
+You can install websockify via `npm install -g websockify` or via your package
+manager `apt install websockify`.
+There are two basic ways you can use websockify with mumble-web:
+- Standalone, use websockify for both, websockets and serving static files
+- Proxied, let your favorite web server serve static files and proxy websocket connections to websockify
+##### Standalone
+This is the simplest but at the same time least flexible configuration.
+websockify --cert=mycert.crt --key=mykey.key --ssl-only --ssl-target --web=path/to/dist 443 mumbleserver:64738
+##### Proxied
+This configuration allows you to run websockify on a machine that already has
+another webserver running.
+websockify --ssl-target 64737 mumbleserver:64738
+A sample configuration for nginx that allows access to mumble-web at 
+`` and connecting at `wss://`
+(similar to the demo server) looks like this:
+server {
+        listen 443 ssl;
+        server_name;
+        ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
+        ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
+        location / {
+                root /path/to/dist;
+        }
+        location /mumble {
+                proxy_pass http://websockify:64737;
+                proxy_http_version 1.1;
+                proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
+                proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade;
+        }
+map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade {
+        default upgrade;
+        '' close;
+### License




+ 9 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+  <msapplication>
+    <tile>
+      <square150x150logo src="#require('./mstile-150x150.png')"/>
+      <TileColor>#da532c</TileColor>
+    </tile>
+  </msapplication>




+ 17 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+	"name": "Mumble",
+	"icons": [
+		{
+			"src": "#require('./android-chrome-192x192.png')",
+			"sizes": "192x192",
+			"type": "image\/png"
+		},
+		{
+			"src": "#require('./android-chrome-512x512.png')",
+			"sizes": "512x512",
+			"type": "image\/png"
+		}
+	],
+	"theme_color": "#ffffff",
+	"display": "standalone"






+ 44 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 20010904//EN"
+ "">
+<svg version="1.0" xmlns=""
+ width="700.000000pt" height="700.000000pt" viewBox="0 0 700.000000 700.000000"
+ preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet">
+Created by potrace 1.11, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2013
+<g transform="translate(0.000000,700.000000) scale(0.100000,-0.100000)"
+fill="#000000" stroke="none">
+<path d="M3245 6924 c-230 -22 -403 -51 -577 -94 -1229 -307 -2191 -1269
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+-984 498 -1422 510 -824 1365 -1403 2314 -1567 235 -41 302 -46 600 -46 298 0
+365 5 600 46 949 164 1804 743 2314 1567 272 438 422 869 498 1422 17 128 17
+652 0 780 -88 645 -296 1171 -654 1652 -564 758 -1367 1229 -2323 1364 -105
+14 -594 27 -690 18z m559 -75 c553 -44 1107 -241 1585 -566 185 -126 309 -229
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+-91 375 -91 184 0 257 34 277 129 9 40 11 3221 3 3822 -5 385 -1 446 41 607
+25 93 77 196 131 258 49 56 145 104 222 112 l58 6 -3 -634 c-4 -721 -7 -697
+78 -868 113 -229 305 -340 643 -371 188 -18 526 -8 645 18 173 39 278 88 376
+179 96 89 157 199 195 353 18 70 19 115 15 699 l-3 624 69 -5 c76 -6 157 -37
+210 -82 68 -58 129 -179 158 -315 35 -167 37 -312 30 -2171 -3 -1004 -7 -1897
+-8 -1985 -1 -186 11 -246 67 -311 l34 -40 -63 -47 c-35 -25 -104 -70 -152 -99
+l-88 -53 -317 -3 -317 -3 -12 23 c-35 69 -138 141 -264 184 -74 25 -93 27
+-245 28 -183 1 -245 -10 -356 -64 -296 -144 -264 -436 62 -551 74 -26 210 -49
+290 -49 89 0 220 25 301 58 80 32 100 45 159 102 l43 41 313 -1 c337 0 378 4
+476 54 122 62 480 320 502 361 9 17 35 30 99 50 434 134 750 509 885 1050 78
+314 85 646 21 970 -35 173 -75 289 -160 460 -147 296 -337 496 -596 630 -58
+30 -112 61 -119 70 -17 20 -17 43 -1 460 15 397 10 685 -14 825 -43 239 -118
+414 -244 568 -110 134 -428 303 -691 367 -112 27 -261 38 -331 25z"/>

+ 221 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+  <head>
+    <!-- Favicon as generated by (slightly modified for webpack) -->
+    <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="180x180" href="favicon/apple-touch-icon.png">
+    <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="favicon/favicon-32x32.png" sizes="32x32">
+    <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="favicon/favicon-16x16.png" sizes="16x16">
+    <link rel="manifest" href="favicon/manifest.json">
+    <link rel="mask-icon" href="favicon/safari-pinned-tab.svg" color="#5bbad5">
+    <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon/favicon.ico">
+    <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-title" content="Mumble">
+    <meta name="application-name" content="Mumble">
+    <meta name="msapplication-config" content="${require('./favicon/browserconfig.xml')}">
+    <meta name="theme-color" content="#ffffff">
+    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/loading.css">
+  </head>
+  <body>
+    <div class="loading-container" data-bind="css: { loaded: true }">
+      <div class="loading-circle" data-bind="css: { loaded: true }"></div>
+    </div>
+    <div id="container" style="display: none" data-bind="visible: true">
+      <!-- ko with: connectDialog -->
+        <div class="connect-dialog" data-bind="visible: visible">
+          <div class="dialog-header">
+            Connect to Server
+          </div>
+          <form data-bind="submit: connect">
+            <table>
+                <tr>
+                  <td>Address</td>
+                  <td><input id="address" type="text" data-bind="value: address"></td>
+                </tr>
+                <tr>
+                  <td>Port</td>
+                  <td><input id="port" type="text" data-bind="value: port"></td>
+                </tr>
+                <tr>
+                  <td>Token</td>
+                  <td><input id="token" type="text" data-bind="value: token"></td>
+                </tr>
+                <tr>
+                  <td>Username</td>
+                  <td><input id="username" type="text" data-bind="value: username"></td>
+                </tr>
+            </table>
+            <div class="dialog-footer">
+              <input class="dialog-close" type="button" data-bind="click: hide" value="Cancel">
+              <input class="dialog-submit" type="submit" value="Connect">
+            </div>
+          </form>
+        </div>
+      <!-- /ko -->
+      <script type="text/html" id="user-tag">
+        <span class="user-tag" data-bind="text: name"></span>
+      </script>
+      <script type="text/html" id="channel-tag">
+        <span class="channel-tag" data-bind="text: name"></span>
+      </script>
+      <div class="toolbar">
+        <img class="handle-horizontal" src="/svg/handle_horizontal.svg">
+        <img class="handle-vertical" src="/svg/handle_horizontal.svg">
+        <img class="tb-connect" data-bind="click:"
+                      rel="connect" src="/svg/applications-internet.svg">
+        <img class="tb-information" data-bind="click:"
+                      rel="information" src="/svg/information_icon.svg">
+        <div class="divider"></div>
+        <img class="tb-mute" data-bind="visible: !thisUser() || !thisUser().selfMute(),
+                              click: function () { requestMute(thisUser) }"
+                      rel="mute" src="/svg/audio-input-microphone.svg">
+        <img class="tb-unmute tb-active" data-bind="visible: thisUser() && thisUser().selfMute(),
+                              click: function () { requestUnmute(thisUser) }"
+                      rel="unmute" src="/svg/audio-input-microphone-muted.svg">
+        <img class="tb-deaf" data-bind="visible: !thisUser() || !thisUser().selfDeaf(),
+                              click: function () { requestDeaf(thisUser) }"
+                      rel="deaf" src="/svg/audio-output.svg">
+        <img class="tb-undeaf tb-active" data-bind="visible: thisUser() && thisUser().selfDeaf(),
+                              click: function () { requestUndeaf(thisUser) }"
+                      rel="undeaf" src="/svg/audio-output-deafened.svg">
+        <img class="tb-record" data-bind="click: function(){}"
+                      rel="record" src="/svg/media-record.svg">
+        <div class="divider"></div>
+        <img class="tb-comment" data-bind="click:"
+                      rel="comment" src="/svg/toolbar-comment.svg">
+        <div class="divider"></div>
+        <img class="tb-settings" data-bind="click:"
+                      rel="settings" src="/svg/config_basic.svg">
+        <div class="divider"></div>
+        <img class="tb-sourcecode" data-bind="click: openSourceCode"
+                      rel="Source Code" src="/svg/source-code.svg">
+      </div>
+      <div class="chat">
+        <script type="text/html" id="log-generic">
+          <span data-bind="text: value"></span>
+        </script>
+        <script type="text/html" id="log-welcome-message">
+          Welcome message: <span data-bind="html: message"></span>
+        </script>
+        <script type="text/html" id="log-chat-message">
+          <span data-bind="visible: channel">
+            (Channel)
+          </span>
+          <span data-bind="template: { name: 'user-tag', data: user }"></span>:
+          <span class="message-content" data-bind="html: message"></span>
+        </script>
+        <script type="text/html" id="log-chat-message-self">
+          To
+          <span data-bind="template: { if: $, name: 'channel-tag', data: $ }">
+          </span><span data-bind="template: { if: $data.user, name: 'user-tag', data: $data.user }">
+          </span>:
+          <span class="message-content" data-bind="html: message"></span>
+        </script>
+        <script type="text/html" id="log-disconnect">
+        </script>
+        <div class="log" data-bind="foreach: {
+          data: log,
+          afterRender: function (e) {
+            [][1].getElementsByTagName('a'), function(e){ = '_blank'})
+          }
+        }">
+          <div class="log-entry">
+            <span class="log-timestamp" data-bind="text: $root.getTimeString()"></span>
+            <!-- ko template: { data: $data, name: function(l) { return 'log-' + l.type; } } -->
+            <!-- /ko -->
+          </div>
+        </div>
+        <form data-bind="submit: submitMessageBox">
+          <input id="message-box" type="text" data-bind="
+              attr: { placeholder: messageBoxHint }, textInput: messageBox">
+        </form>
+      </div>
+      <script type="text/html" id="channel">
+        <div class="channel" data-bind="
+            click: $, 
+            event: {
+              dblclick: $root.requestMove.bind($root, $root.thisUser())
+            },
+            css: {
+              selected: $root.selected() === $data,
+              currentChannel: users.indexOf($root.thisUser()) !== -1
+            }">
+          <div class="channel-status">
+            <img class="channel-description" data-bind="visible: description"
+                alt="description" src="/svg/comment.svg">
+          </div>
+          <div data-bind="if: description">
+            <div class="channel-description tooltip" data-bind="html: description"></div>
+          </div>
+          <img class="channel-icon" src="/svg/channel.svg"
+            data-bind="visible: !linked() && $root.thisUser().channel() !== $data">
+          <img class="channel-icon-active" src="/svg/channel_active.svg"
+            data-bind="visible: $root.thisUser().channel() === $data">
+          <img class="channel-icon-linked" src="/svg/channel_linked.svg"
+            data-bind="visible: linked() && $root.thisUser().channel() !== $data">
+          <div class="channel-name" data-bind="text: name"></div>
+        </div>
+        <!-- ko if: expanded -->
+        <!-- ko foreach: users -->
+        <div class="user-wrapper">
+          <div class="user-tree"></div>
+          <div class="user" data-bind="
+                click: $,
+                css: {
+                  thisClient: $root.thisUser() === $data,
+                  selected: $root.selected() === $data
+                }">
+            <div class="user-status" data-bind="attr: { title: state }">
+              <img class="user-comment" data-bind="visible: comment"
+                  alt="comment" src="/svg/comment.svg">
+              <img class="user-server-mute" data-bind="visible: mute"
+                  alt="server mute" src="/svg/muted_server.svg">
+              <img class="user-suppress-mute" data-bind="visible: suppress"
+                  alt="suppressed" src="/svg/muted_suppressed.svg">
+              <img class="user-self-mute" data-bind="visible: selfMute" 
+                  alt="self mute" src="/svg/muted_self.svg">
+              <img class="user-server-deaf" data-bind="visible: deaf"
+                  alt="server deaf" src="/svg/deafened_server.svg">
+              <img class="user-self-deaf" data-bind="visible: selfDeaf"
+                  alt="self deaf" src="/svg/deafened_self.svg">
+              <img class="user-authenticated" data-bind="visible: uid"
+                  alt="authenticated" src="/svg/authenticated.svg">
+            </div>
+            <div data-bind="if: comment">
+              <div class="user-comment tooltip" data-bind="html: comment"></div>
+            </div>
+            <img class="user-talk-off" data-bind="visible: talking() == 'off'"
+                alt="talk off" src="/svg/talking_off.svg">
+            <img class="user-talk-on" data-bind="visible: talking() == 'on'"
+                alt="talk on" src="/svg/talking_on.svg">
+            <img class="user-talk-whisper" data-bind="visible: talking() == 'whisper'"
+                alt="whisper" src="/svg/talking_whisper.svg">
+            <img class="user-talk-shout" data-bind="visible: talking() == 'shout'"
+                alt="shout" src="/svg/talking_alt.svg">
+            <div class="user-name" data-bind="text: name"></div>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+        <!-- /ko -->
+        <!-- ko foreach: channels -->
+        <div class="channel-wrapper">
+          <!-- ko ifnot: users().length || channels().length -->
+          <div class="channel-tree"></div>
+          <!-- /ko -->
+          <div class="branch" data-bind="if: users().length || channels().length">
+            <img class="branch-open" src="/svg/branch_open.svg"
+                data-bind="click: expanded.bind($data, false), visible: expanded()">
+            <img class="branch-closed" src="/svg/branch_closed.svg"
+                data-bind="click: expanded.bind($data, true), visible: !expanded()">
+          </div>
+          <div class="channel-sub" data-bind="template: {name: 'channel', data: $data}"></div>
+        </div>
+        <!-- /ko -->
+        <!-- /ko -->
+      </script>
+      <div class="channel-root-container" data-bind="if: root">
+        <div class="channel-root" data-bind="template: {name: 'channel', data: root}"></div>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </body>
+  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/main.css">
+  <script src="index.js"></script>

+ 512 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,512 @@
+import url from 'url'
+import mumbleConnect from 'mumble-client-websocket'
+import CodecsBrowser from 'mumble-client-codecs-browser'
+import BufferQueueNode from 'web-audio-buffer-queue'
+import MicrophoneStream from 'microphone-stream'
+import audioContext from 'audio-context'
+import chunker from 'stream-chunker'
+import Resampler from 'libsamplerate.js'
+import getUserMedia from 'getusermedia'
+import ko from 'knockout'
+import _dompurify from 'dompurify'
+const dompurify = _dompurify(window)
+function sanitize (html) {
+  return dompurify.sanitize(html, {
+    ALLOWED_TAGS: ['br', 'b', 'i', 'u', 'a', 'span', 'p']
+  })
+// GUI
+function ConnectDialog () {
+  var self = this
+  self.address = ko.observable('')
+  self.port = ko.observable('443')
+  self.token = ko.observable('')
+  self.username = ko.observable('')
+  self.visible = ko.observable(true)
+ = self.visible.bind(self.visible, true)
+  self.hide = self.visible.bind(self.visible, false)
+  self.connect = function () {
+    self.hide()
+    ui.connect(self.username(), self.address(), self.port(), self.token())
+  }
+function ConnectionInfo () {
+  var self = this
+  self.visible = ko.observable(false)
+ = function () {
+    self.visible(true)
+  }
+function CommentDialog () {
+  var self = this
+  self.visible = ko.observable(false)
+ = function () {
+    self.visible(true)
+  }
+function SettingsDialog () {
+  var self = this
+  self.visible = ko.observable(false)
+ = function () {
+    self.visible(true)
+  }
+class GlobalBindings {
+  constructor () {
+    this.client = null
+    this.connectDialog = new ConnectDialog()
+    this.connectionInfo = new ConnectionInfo()
+    this.commentDialog = new CommentDialog()
+    this.settingsDialog = new SettingsDialog()
+    this.log = ko.observableArray()
+    this.thisUser = ko.observable()
+    this.root = ko.observable()
+    this.messageBox = ko.observable('')
+    this.selected = ko.observable()
+ = element => {
+      this.selected(element)
+    }
+    this.getTimeString = () => {
+      return '[' + new Date().toLocaleTimeString('en-US') + ']'
+    }
+    this.connect = (username, host, port, token) => {
+      this.resetClient()
+      log('Connecting to server ', host)
+      // TODO: token
+      mumbleConnect(`wss://${host}:${port}`, {
+        username: username,
+        codecs: CodecsBrowser
+      }).done(client => {
+        log('Connected!')
+        this.client = client
+        // Prepare for connection errors
+        client.on('error', function (err) {
+          log('Connection error:', err)
+          this.resetClient()
+        })
+        // Register all channels, recursively
+        const registerChannel = channel => {
+          this._newChannel(channel)
+          channel.children.forEach(registerChannel)
+        }
+        registerChannel(client.root)
+        // Register all users
+        client.users.forEach(user => this._newUser(user))
+        // Register future channels
+        client.on('newChannel', channel => this._newChannel(channel))
+        // Register future users
+        client.on('newUser', user => this._newUser(user))
+        // Handle messages
+        client.on('message', (sender, message, users, channels, trees) => {
+          ui.log.push({
+            type: 'chat-message',
+            user: sender.__ui,
+            channel: channels.length > 0,
+            message: sanitize(message)
+          })
+        })
+        // Set own user and root channel
+        this.thisUser(client.self.__ui)
+        this.root(client.root.__ui)
+        // Upate linked channels
+        this._updateLinks()
+        // Log welcome message
+        if (client.welcomeMessage) {
+          this.log.push({
+            type: 'welcome-message',
+            message: sanitize(client.welcomeMessage)
+          })
+        }
+      }, err => {
+        log('Connection error:', err)
+      })
+    }
+    this._newUser = user => {
+      const simpleProperties = {
+        uniqueId: 'uid',
+        username: 'name',
+        mute: 'mute',
+        deaf: 'deaf',
+        suppress: 'suppress',
+        selfMute: 'selfMute',
+        selfDeaf: 'selfDeaf',
+        comment: 'comment'
+      }
+      var ui = user.__ui = {
+        model: user,
+        talking: ko.observable('off'),
+        channel: ko.observable()
+      }
+      Object.entries(simpleProperties).forEach(key => {
+        ui[key[1]] = ko.observable(user[key[0]])
+      })
+      ui.state = ko.pureComputed(userToState, ui)
+      if ( {
+      }
+      user.on('update', (actor, properties) => {
+        Object.entries(simpleProperties).forEach(key => {
+          if (properties[key[0]] !== undefined) {
+            ui[key[1]](properties[key[0]])
+          }
+        })
+        if ( !== undefined) {
+          if ( {
+          }
+          this._updateLinks()
+        }
+      }).on('remove', () => {
+        if ( {
+        }
+      }).on('voice', stream => {
+        console.log(`User ${user.username} started takling`)
+        var userNode = new BufferQueueNode({
+          audioContext: audioContext
+        })
+        userNode.connect(audioContext.destination)
+        var resampler = new Resampler({
+          unsafe: true,
+          type: Resampler.Type.ZERO_ORDER_HOLD,
+          ratio: audioContext.sampleRate / 48000
+        })
+        resampler.pipe(userNode)
+        stream.on('data', data => {
+          if ( === 'normal') {
+            ui.talking('on')
+          } else if ( === 'shout') {
+            ui.talking('shout')
+          } else if ( === 'whisper') {
+            ui.talking('whisper')
+          }
+          resampler.write(Buffer.from(data.pcm.buffer))
+        }).on('end', () => {
+          console.log(`User ${user.username} stopped takling`)
+          ui.talking('off')
+          resampler.end()
+        })
+      })
+    }
+    this._newChannel = channel => {
+      const simpleProperties = {
+        position: 'position',
+        name: 'name',
+        description: 'description'
+      }
+      var ui = channel.__ui = {
+        model: channel,
+        expanded: ko.observable(true),
+        parent: ko.observable(),
+        channels: ko.observableArray(),
+        users: ko.observableArray(),
+        linked: ko.observable(false)
+      }
+      Object.entries(simpleProperties).forEach(key => {
+        ui[key[1]] = ko.observable(channel[key[0]])
+      })
+      if (channel.parent) {
+        ui.parent(channel.parent.__ui)
+        ui.parent().channels.push(ui)
+        ui.parent().channels.sort(compareChannels)
+      }
+      this._updateLinks()
+      channel.on('update', properties => {
+        Object.entries(simpleProperties).forEach(key => {
+          if (properties[key[0]] !== undefined) {
+            ui[key[1]](properties[key[0]])
+          }
+        })
+        if (properties.parent !== undefined) {
+          if (ui.parent()) {
+            ui.parent().channel.remove(ui)
+          }
+          ui.parent(properties.parent.__ui)
+          ui.parent().channels.push(ui)
+          ui.parent().channels.sort(compareChannels)
+        }
+        if (properties.links !== undefined) {
+          this._updateLinks()
+        }
+      }).on('remove', () => {
+        if (ui.parent()) {
+          ui.parent().channels.remove(ui)
+        }
+        this._updateLinks()
+      })
+    }
+    this.resetClient = () => {
+      if (this.client) {
+        this.client.disconnect()
+      }
+      this.client = null
+      this.thisUser(null).root(null).selected(null)
+    }
+    this.connected = () => this.thisUser() != null
+    this.messageBoxHint = ko.pureComputed(() => {
+      if (!this.thisUser()) {
+        return '' // Not yet connected
+      }
+      var target = this.selected()
+      if (!target) {
+        target = this.thisUser()
+      }
+      if (target === this.thisUser()) {
+        target =
+      }
+      if (target.users) { // Channel
+        return "Type message to channel '" + + "' here"
+      } else { // User
+        return "Type message to user '" + + "' here"
+      }
+    })
+    this.submitMessageBox = () => {
+      this.sendMessage(this.selected(), this.messageBox())
+      this.messageBox('')
+    }
+    this.sendMessage = (target, message) => {
+      if (this.connected()) {
+        // If no target is selected, choose our own user
+        if (!target) {
+          target = this.thisUser()
+        }
+        // If target is our own user, send to our channel
+        if (target === this.thisUser()) {
+          target =
+        }
+        // Send message
+        target.model.sendMessage(message)
+        if (target.users) { // Channel
+          this.log.push({
+            type: 'chat-message-self',
+            message: sanitize(message),
+            channel: target
+          })
+        } else { // User
+          this.log.push({
+            type: 'chat-message-self',
+            message: sanitize(message),
+            user: target
+          })
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    this.requestMove = (user, channel) => {
+      if (this.connected()) {
+        user.model.setChannel(channel.model)
+      }
+    }
+    this.requestMute = user => {
+      if (this.connected()) {
+        if (user === this.thisUser) {
+          this.client.setSelfMute(true)
+        } else {
+          user.model.setMute(true)
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    this.requestDeaf = user => {
+      if (this.connected()) {
+        if (user === this.thisUser) {
+          this.client.setSelfDeaf(true)
+        } else {
+          user.model.setDeaf(true)
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    this.requestUnmute = user => {
+      if (this.connected()) {
+        if (user === this.thisUser) {
+          this.client.setSelfMute(false)
+        } else {
+          user.model.setMute(false)
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    this.requestUndeaf = user => {
+      if (this.connected()) {
+        if (user === this.thisUser) {
+          this.client.setSelfDeaf(false)
+        } else {
+          user.model.setDeaf(false)
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    this._updateLinks = () => {
+      if (!this.thisUser()) {
+        return
+      }
+      var allChannels = getAllChannels(this.root(), [])
+      var ownChannel = this.thisUser().channel().model
+      var allLinked = findLinks(ownChannel, [])
+      allChannels.forEach(channel => {
+        channel.linked(allLinked.indexOf(channel.model) !== -1)
+      })
+      function findLinks (channel, knownLinks) {
+        knownLinks.push(channel)
+        channel.links.forEach(next => {
+          if (next && knownLinks.indexOf(next) === -1) {
+            findLinks(next, knownLinks)
+          }
+        })
+ => c.model).forEach(next => {
+          if (next && knownLinks.indexOf(next) === -1 && next.links.indexOf(channel) !== -1) {
+            findLinks(next, knownLinks)
+          }
+        })
+        return knownLinks
+      }
+      function getAllChannels (channel, channels) {
+        channels.push(channel)
+        channel.channels().forEach(next => getAllChannels(next, channels))
+        return channels
+      }
+    }
+    this.openSourceCode = () => {
+      var homepage = require('../package.json').homepage
+, '_blank').focus()
+    }
+  }
+var ui = new GlobalBindings()
+// Used only for debugging
+window.mumbleUi = ui
+window.onload = function () {
+  var queryParams = url.parse(document.location.href, true).query
+  if (queryParams.address) {
+    ui.connectDialog.address(queryParams.address)
+  }
+  if (queryParams.port) {
+    ui.connectDialog.port(queryParams.port)
+  }
+  if (queryParams.token) {
+    ui.connectDialog.token(queryParams.token)
+  }
+  if (queryParams.username) {
+    ui.connectDialog.username(queryParams.username)
+  }
+  ko.applyBindings(ui)
+function log () {
+  console.log.apply(console, arguments)
+  var args = []
+  for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+    args.push(arguments[i])
+  }
+  ui.log.push({
+    type: 'generic',
+    value: args.join(' ')
+  })
+function compareChannels (c1, c2) {
+  if (c1.position() === c2.position()) {
+    return === ? 0 : < ? -1 : 1
+  }
+  return c1.position() - c2.position()
+function compareUsers (u1, u2) {
+  return === ? 0 : < ? -1 : 1
+function userToState () {
+  var flags = []
+  // TODO: Friend
+  if (this.uid()) {
+    flags.push('Authenticated')
+  }
+  // TODO: Priority Speaker, Recording
+  if (this.mute()) {
+    flags.push('Muted (server)')
+  }
+  if (this.deaf()) {
+    flags.push('Deafened (server)')
+  }
+  // TODO: Local Ignore (Text messages), Local Mute
+  if (this.selfMute()) {
+    flags.push('Muted (self)')
+  }
+  if (this.selfDeaf()) {
+    flags.push('Deafened (self)')
+  }
+  return flags.join(', ')
+// Audio input
+var resampler = new Resampler({
+  unsafe: true,
+  type: Resampler.Type.SINC_FASTEST,
+  ratio: 48000 / audioContext.sampleRate
+var voiceStream
+resampler.pipe(chunker(4 * 480)).on('data', function (data) {
+  if (!voiceStream && ui.client) {
+    voiceStream = ui.client.createVoiceStream()
+  }
+  if (voiceStream) {
+    voiceStream.write(new Float32Array(data.buffer, data.byteOffset, data.byteLength / 4))
+  }
+getUserMedia({ audio: true }, function (err, userMedia) {
+  if (err) {
+    log('Cannot initialize user media. Microphone will not work:', err)
+  } else {
+    var micStream = new MicrophoneStream(userMedia, { objectMode: true })
+    micStream.on('data', function (data) {
+      resampler.write(Buffer.from(data.getChannelData(0).buffer))
+    })
+  }

+ 48 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+  "name": "mumble-web",
+  "version": "0.0.1",
+  "description": "An HTML5 Mumble client.",
+  "scripts": {
+    "build": "webpack",
+    "prepublish": "rm -r dist && npm run build",
+    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
+  },
+  "author": "Jonas Herzig <>",
+  "license": "ISC",
+  "repository": "johni0702/mumble-web",
+  "homepage": "",
+  "files": [
+    "dist"
+  ],
+  "devDependencies": {
+    "audio-buffer-utils": "^3.1.2",
+    "audio-context": "^0.1.0",
+    "babel-core": "^6.18.2",
+    "babel-loader": "^6.2.8",
+    "babel-plugin-transform-runtime": "^6.15.0",
+    "babel-preset-es2015": "^6.14.0",
+    "babel-runtime": "^6.18.0",
+    "brfs": "^1.4.3",
+    "css-loader": "^0.26.0",
+    "dompurify": "^0.8.3",
+    "duplex-maker": "^1.0.0",
+    "extract-loader": "^0.1.0",
+    "file-loader": "^0.9.0",
+    "getusermedia": "^2.0.0",
+    "html-loader": "^0.4.4",
+    "json-loader": "^0.5.4",
+    "knockout": "^3.4.0",
+    "lodash.assign": "^4.2.0",
+    "microphone-stream": "^3.0.5",
+    "raw-loader": "^0.5.1",
+    "regexp-replace-loader": "0.0.1",
+    "stream-chunker": "^1.2.8",
+    "transform-loader": "^0.2.3",
+    "webpack": "^1.13.3",
+    "webworkify-webpack-dropin": "^1.1.9",
+    "libsamplerate.js": "^1.0.0",
+    "mumble-client-codecs-browser": "^1.0.1",
+    "mumble-client-websocket": "^1.0.0",
+    "web-audio-buffer-queue": "^1.0.0"
+  }

+ 33 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+.loading-container {
+  position: absolute;
+  top: 0;
+  width: 100%;
+  height: 100%;
+  background-color: #eee;
+  z-index: 1000;
+.loading-circle {
+  box-sizing: border-box;
+  width: 80px;
+  height: 80px;
+  position: absolute;
+  top: calc(50% - 40px);
+  left: calc(50% - 40px);
+  border-radius: 100%;
+  border: 10px solid #ddd;
+  border-top-color: #999;
+  animation: spin 1s infinite linear;
+@keyframes spin {
+  100% {
+    transform: rotate(360deg);
+  }
+.loaded {
+  top: -100%;
+  transition: top 1s;
+  transition-delay: 2s;

+ 252 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+html, body {
+  background-color: #eee;
+  margin: 0;
+  overflow: hidden;
+  height: 100%
+#container {
+  height: 98%;
+  margin: 0 1% 0 1%;
+#container::before {
+  display: block;
+  content: "";
+  height: 1%;
+} {
+  text-size: 16px;
+  margin-left: 2px;
+  background-color: white;
+  border: 1px solid lightgray;
+  float: left;
+  width: calc(60% - 6px);
+  height: calc(100% - 38px);
+  border-radius: 3px;
+  overflow-x: hidden;
+  overflow-y: auto;
+} {
+  margin-right: 2px;
+  float: left;
+  width: 40%;
+  height: calc(100% - 38px);
+.log {
+  background-color: white;
+  height: calc(100% - 42px);
+  padding: 5px;
+  border: 1px lightgray solid;
+  border-radius: 3px;
+  overflow-x: hidden;
+  overflow-y: scroll;
+.branch img {
+  height: 19px;
+.branch {
+  float: left;
+  padding-top: 3px;
+  padding-bottom: 3px;
+  background-color: white;
+  margin-right:
+} {
+  margin-left: 9px;
+  border-left: 1px transparent solid;
+  padding-left: 9px;
+} + 2) > .branch:not(:empty) + .channel-sub {
+  border-left: 1px lightgray solid;
+.user-wrapper {
+  margin-left: 9px;
+.user-tree {
+  float: left;
+.user-tree::before {
+  content: "";
+  display: block;
+  position: relative;
+  width: 9px;
+  border-left: 1px lightgray solid;
+  border-bottom: 1px lightgray solid;
+  height: 14px;
+} + 2) > .channel-tree:after,
+.user-wrapper:nth-last-child(n + 2) .user-tree:after {
+  content: "";
+  display: block;
+  position: relative;
+  width: 0px;
+  border-left: 1px lightgray solid;
+  height: 14px;
+.user {
+  margin-left: 9px;
+.user-status, .channel-status {
+  float: right;
+  height: 23px;
+  padding: 2px;
+  border: 1px solid transparent;
+.selected {
+  background-color: lightblue !important;
+  border: 1px solid gray;
+  border-radius: 3px;
+.user:hover,.channel:hover {
+  background-color: lightgray;
+.thisClient {
+  font-weight: bold
+.currentChannel {
+  font-weight: bold
+.user-status img, .channel-status img {
+  margin-top: 2px;
+  width: 19px;
+  height: 19px
+} img, .user img {
+  width: auto;
+  height: 19px;
+}, .user-name {
+  display: inline;
+} .tooltip, .user:hover .tooltip {
+  visibility: visible;
+  height: auto;
+  transition-delay: 1s;
+.tooltip {
+  visibility: hidden;
+  height: 0px;
+  background: white;
+  border: 1px solid gray;
+  margin-top: 16px;
+  margin-left: 30px;
+  padding: 10px;
+  position: absolute;
+  z-index: 100;
+.toolbar {
+  height: 36px;
+.toolbar img {
+  height: 28px;
+  width: 28px;
+  padding: 2px;
+  border: 1px solid transparent;
+  border-radius: 3px;
+.toolbar img:hover {
+  border: 1px solid #bbb;
+  background-color: #ddd;
+.toolbar .tb-active {
+  border: 1px solid #bbb;
+  background-color: white;
+.divider {
+  display: inline-block;
+  height: 32px;
+  border-left: 1px lightgray solid;
+.handle-horizontal {
+  width: auto !important;
+  border: none !important;
+  background-color: #eee !important;
+.handle-vertical {
+  display: none;
+} .channel-icon-active {
+  display: none;
+} {
+  font-weight: bold;
+  color: orange;
+.user-tag {
+  font-weight: bold;
+  color: green;
+#message-box {
+  width: 100%;
+  border: none;
+  background: none;
+  margin: 5px 0 5px 0;
+  padding: 0;
+  height: 20px;
+form {
+  margin: 0;
+  padding: 0;
+.message-content p {
+  margin: 0;
+.tb-information, .tb-record, .tb-comment, .tb-settings{
+  filter: grayscale(100%);
+.dialog-header {
+  height: 20px;
+  width: calc(100% - 10px);
+  padding: 5px;
+  text-align: center;
+  color: white;
+  background-color: gray;
+  border-bottom: 1px solid darkgray;
+.dialog-footer {
+  margin: 10px;
+  margin-bottom: 0px;
+.dialog-close {
+  float: left;
+.dialog-submit {
+  float: right;
+.dialog-close, .dialog-submit {
+  width: 45%;
+  font-size: 15px;
+  border: 1px gray solid;
+  border-radius: 3px;
+  background-color: white;
+  color: black;
+  padding: 1px;
+.connect-dialog table {
+  text-align: center;
+  width: 100%
+.connect-dialog {
+  position: absolute;
+  width: 300px;
+  height: 197px;
+  top: calc(50% - 100px);
+  left: calc(50% - 150px);
+  background-color: #eee;
+  border: 1px gray solid;
+  box-shadow: 0px 4px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25);
+  z-index: 20;
+.connect-dialog input[type=text] {
+  font-size: 15px;
+  border: 1px gray solid;
+  border-radius: 3px;
+  background-color: white;
+  color: black;
+  padding: 2px;
+  width: calc(100% - 8px);

+ 23 - 0

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+var theme = 'MetroMumbleLight'
+var path = require('path')
+module.exports = {
+  entry: [
+    './app/index.js',
+    './app/index.html'
+  ],
+  output: {
+    filename: 'index.js',
+    path: './dist'
+  },
+  module: {
+    postLoaders: [
+      {
+        include: /mumble-streams\/lib\/data.js/,
+        loader: 'transform-loader?brfs'
+      }
+    ],
+    loaders: [
+      {
+        test: /\.js$/,
+        exclude: /node_modules/,
+        loader: 'babel-loader',
+        query: {
+          presets: ['es2015'],
+          plugins: ['transform-runtime']
+        }
+      },
+      {
+        test: /\.html$/,
+        loaders: [
+          'file-loader?name=[name].[ext]',
+          'extract-loader',
+          'html-loader?' + JSON.stringify({
+            attrs: ['img:src', 'link:href'],
+            interpolate: 'require',
+            root: theme
+          })
+        ]
+      },
+      {
+        test: /\.css$/,
+        loaders: [
+          'file-loader',
+          'extract-loader',
+          'css-loader'
+        ]
+      },
+      {
+        test: /manifest\.json$|\.xml$/,
+        loaders: [
+          'file-loader',
+          'extract-loader',
+          'regexp-replace-loader?' + JSON.stringify({
+            match: {
+              pattern: "#require\\('([^']*)'\\)",
+              flags: 'g'
+            },
+            replaceWith: '"+require("$1")+"'
+          }),
+          'raw-loader'
+        ]
+      },
+      {
+        test: /\.json$/,
+        exclude: /manifest\.json$/,
+        loader: 'json-loader'
+      },
+      {
+        test: /\.(svg|png|ico)$/,
+        loader: 'file-loader'
+      }
+    ]
+  },
+  resolve: {
+    alias: {
+      webworkify: 'webworkify-webpack-dropin'
+    },
+    root: [
+      path.resolve('./themes/')
+    ]
+  },
+  includes: {
+    pattern: function (filepath) {
+      return {
+        re: /#require\((.+)\)/,
+        index: 1
+      }
+    }
+  }