**If you do not have specific requirements, please consider using the `webrtc` version instead: https://github.com/Johni0702/mumble-web/tree/webrtc (note that setup instructions differ significantly). It should be near identical in features but less susceptible to performance issues. If you are having trouble with the `webrtc` version, please let us know.** PRs, unless webrtc-specific, should still target `master`. # mumble-web mumble-web is an HTML5 [Mumble] client for use in modern browsers. A live demo is running [here](https://voice.johni0702.de/?address=voice.johni0702.de&port=443/demo). The Mumble protocol uses TCP for control and UDP for voice. Running in a browser, both are unavailable to this client. Instead Websockets are used for all communications. libopus, libcelt (0.7.1) and libsamplerate, compiled to JS via emscripten, are used for audio decoding. Therefore, at the moment only the Opus and CELT Alpha codecs are supported. Quite a few features, most noticeably all administrative functionallity, are still missing. ### Installing #### Download mumble-web can either be installed directly from npm with `npm install -g mumble-web` or from git: ``` git clone https://github.com/johni0702/mumble-web cd mumble-web npm install ``` Note that npm should not be ran as root, use an unprivileged user account instead. The npm version is prebuilt and ready to use whereas the git version allows you to e.g. customize the theme before building it. Either way you will end up with a `dist` folder that contains the static page. #### Setup At the time of writing this there do not seem to be any Mumble servers which natively support Websockets. To use this client with any standard mumble server, websockify must be set up (preferably on the same machine that the Mumble server is running on). You can install websockify via your package manager `apt install websockify` or manually from the [websockify GitHub page]. Note that while some versions might function better than others, the python version generally seems to be the best. There are two basic ways you can use websockify with mumble-web: - Standalone, use websockify for both, websockets and serving static files - Proxied, let your favorite web server serve static files and proxy websocket connections to websockify ##### Standalone This is the simplest but at the same time least flexible configuration. Replace `` with the URI of your mumble server. If `websockify` is running on the same machine as `mumble-server`, use `localhost`. ``` websockify --cert=mycert.crt --key=mykey.key --ssl-only --ssl-target --web=path/to/dist 443 :64738 ``` ##### Proxied This configuration allows you to run websockify on a machine that already has another webserver running. Replace `` with the URI of your mumble server. If `websockify` is running on the same machine as `mumble-server`, use `localhost`. ``` websockify --ssl-target 64737 :64738 ``` Here are two web server configuration files (one for [NGINX](https://www.nginx.com/) and one for [Caddy server](https://caddyserver.com/)) which will serve the mumble-web interface at `https://voice.example.com` and allow the websocket to connect at `wss://voice.example.com/demo` (similar to the demo server). Replace `` with the URI to the machine where `websockify` is running. If `websockify` is running on the same machine as your web server, use `localhost`. * NGINX configuration file ```Nginx server { listen 443 ssl; server_name voice.example.com; ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/voice.example.com/fullchain.pem; ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/voice.example.com/privkey.pem; location / { root /path/to/dist; } location /demo { proxy_pass http://:64737; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade; } } map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade { default upgrade; '' close; } ``` * Caddy configuration file (`Caddyfile`) ``` http://voice.example.com { redir https://voice.example.com } https://voice.example.com { tls "/etc/letsencrypt/live/voice.example.com/fullchain.pem" "/etc/letsencrypt/live/voice.example.com/privkey.pem" root /path/to/dist proxy /demo http://:64737 { websocket } } ``` Make sure that your Mumble server is running. You may now open `https://voice.example.com` in a web browser. You will be prompted for server details: choose either `address: voice.example.com/demo` with `port: 443` or `address: voice.example.com` with `port: 443/demo`. You may prefill these values by appending `?address=voice.example.com/demo&port=443`. Choose a username, and click `Connect`: you should now be able to talk and use the chat. Here is an example of systemd service, put it in `/etc/systemd/system/mumble-web.service` and adapt it to your needs: ``` [Unit] Description=Mumble web interface Documentation=https://github.com/johni0702/mumble-web Requires=network.target mumble-server.service After=network.target mumble-server.service [Service] Type=simple User=www-data ExecStart=/usr/bin/websockify --web=/usr/lib/node_modules/mumble-web/dist --ssl-target localhost:64737 localhost:64738 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target ``` Then ``` systemctl daemon-reload systemctl start mumble-web systemctl enable mumble-web ``` ### Configuration The `app/config.js` file contains default values and descriptions for all configuration options. You can overwrite those by editing the `config.local.js` file within your `dist` folder. Make sure to back up and restore the file whenever you update to a new version. ### Themes The default theme of mumble-web tries to mimic the excellent [MetroMumble]Light theme. mumble-web also includes a dark version, named MetroMumbleDark, which is heavily inspired by [MetroMumble]'s dark version. To select a theme other than the default one, append a `theme=dark` query parameter (where `dark` is the name of the theme) when accessing the mumble-web page. E.g. [this](https://voice.johni0702.de/?address=voice.johni0702.de&port=443/demo&theme=dark)is the live demo linked above but using the dark theme (`dark` is an alias for `MetroMumbleDark`). Custom themes can be created by deriving them from the MetroMumbleLight/Dark themes just like the MetroMumbleDark theme is derived from the MetroMumbleLight theme. ### Matrix Widget mumble-web has specific support for running as a widget in a [Matrix] room. While just using the URL to a mumble-web instance in a Custom Widget should work for most cases, making full use of all supported features will require some additional trickery. Also note that audio may not be functioning properly on newer Chrome versions without these extra steps. This assumes you are using the Riot Web or Desktop client. Other clients will probably require different steps. 1. Type `/devtools` into the message box of the room and press Enter 2. Click on `Send Custom Event` 3. Click on `Event` in the bottom right corner (it should change to `State Event`) 4. Enter `im.vector.modular.widgets` for `Event Type` 5. Enter `mumble` for `State Key` (this value may be arbitrary but must be unique per room) 6. For `Event Content` enter (make sure to replace the example values): ``` { "waitForIframeLoad": true, "name": "Mumble", "creatorUserId": "@your_user_id:your_home_server.example", "url": "https://voice.johni0702.de/?address=voice.johni0702.de&port=443/mumble&matrix=true&username=$matrix_display_name&theme=$theme&avatarurl=$matrix_avatar_url", "data": {}, "type": "jitsi", "id": "mumble" } ``` The `$var` parts of the `url` are intentional and will be replaced by Riot whenever a widget is loaded (i.e. they will be different for every user). The `username` query parameter sets the default username to the user's Matrix display name, the `theme` parameter automatically uses the dark theme if it's used in Riot, and the `avatarurl` will automatically download the user's avatar on Matrix and upload it as the avatar in Mumble. Finally, the `matrix=true` query parameter replaces the whole `Connect to Server` dialog with a single `Join Conference` button, so make sure to remove it if you do not supply default values for all connection parameters as above. The `type` needs to be `jitsi` to allow the widget to use audio and to stay open when switching to a different room (this will hopefully change once Riot is able to ask for permission from the user by itself). The `id` should be the same as the `State Key` from step 5. See [here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uPF7XWY_dXTKVKV7jZQ2KmsI19wn9-kFRgQ1tFQP7wQ/edit) for more information on the values of these fields. 7. Press `Send` ### License ISC [Mumble]: https://wiki.mumble.info/wiki/Main_Page [websockify GitHub page]: https://github.com/novnc/websockify [MetroMumble]: https://github.com/xPoke/MetroMumble [Matrix]: https://matrix.org