package main import ( "bytes" "net/http" "net/http/httptest" "testing" . "" "" ) const Cookie = "Set-Cookie" func client(method, path, cookie string) *httptest.ResponseRecorder { return request(method, path, cookie, "") } func request(method, path, cookie string, body string) *httptest.ResponseRecorder { gin.SetMode("test") app := NewApp() payload := bytes.NewBufferString(body) req, _ := http.NewRequest(method, path, payload) if len(cookie) != 0 { req.Header.Set("Cookie", cookie) } w := httptest.NewRecorder() app.ServeHTTP(w, req) return w } func Test(t *testing.T) { g := Goblin(t) g.Describe("App api", func() { var cookie string g.It("Should return 302 on / to redirect to file name ", func() { w := client("GET", "/", "") g.Assert(w.Code).Equal(302) cookie = w.HeaderMap.Get(Cookie) }) g.It("Should return 200 on / ", func() { w := client("GET", "/", cookie) g.Assert(w.Code).Equal(200) }) g.It("Should return 200 on PUT / ", func() { w := request("PUT", "/", cookie, "whatever") g.Assert(w.Code).Equal(200) }) g.It("Should return list of slides ", func() { w := client("GET", "/stash", cookie) g.Assert(w.Code).Equal(200) }) g.It("Should return specific slide in preview", func() { w := client("GET", "/published/slides/", cookie) g.Assert(w.Code).Equal(200) }) g.It("Should return specific slide in edit mode", func() { w := client("GET", "/stash/edit/", cookie) g.Assert(w.Code).Equal(200) }) g.It("Should return specific slide in preview without session", func() { w := client("GET", "/published/slides/", "") g.Assert(w.Code).Equal(200) }) g.It("Should return specific slide in edit mode without session", func() { w := client("GET", "/stash/edit/", "") g.Assert(w.Code).Equal(200) }) g.It("Should works") }) }