/* * Copyright (C) 2014 Nikolay Merinov * * This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this library. If not, see . */ #include #include void lcd_enable(void) { LCD_CR |= LCD_CR_LCDEN; } void lcd_update(void) { LCD_SR |= LCD_SR_UDR; } void lcd_wait_for_lcd_enabled(void) { while ((LCD_SR & LCD_SR_ENS) == 0); } void lcd_wait_for_step_up_ready(void) { while ((LCD_SR & LCD_SR_RDY) == 0); } void lcd_wait_for_update_ready(void) { while ((LCD_SR & LCD_SR_UDR) != 0); } int lcd_is_enabled(void) { return ((LCD_SR & LCD_SR_ENS) != 0); } int lcd_is_step_up_ready(void) { return ((LCD_SR & LCD_SR_RDY) != 0); } int lcd_is_for_update_ready(void) { return ((LCD_SR & LCD_SR_UDR) == 0); } void lcd_set_contrast(uint8_t contrast) { LCD_FCR &= ~(LCD_FCR_CC_MASK << LCD_FCR_CC_SHIFT); LCD_FCR |= contrast << LCD_FCR_CC_SHIFT; } void lcd_set_bias(uint8_t bias) { LCD_CR &= ~(LCD_CR_BIAS_MASK << LCD_CR_BIAS_SHIFT); LCD_CR |= bias << LCD_CR_BIAS_SHIFT; } void lcd_set_duty(uint8_t duty) { LCD_CR &= ~(LCD_CR_DUTY_MASK << LCD_CR_DUTY_SHIFT); LCD_CR |= duty << LCD_CR_DUTY_SHIFT; } void lcd_set_prescaler(uint8_t ps) { LCD_FCR &= ~(LCD_FCR_PS_MASK << LCD_FCR_PS_SHIFT); LCD_FCR |= ps << LCD_FCR_PS_SHIFT; } void lcd_set_divider(uint8_t div) { LCD_FCR &= ~(LCD_FCR_DIV_MASK << LCD_FCR_DIV_SHIFT); LCD_FCR |= div << LCD_FCR_DIV_SHIFT; } void lcd_enable_segment_multiplexing(void) { LCD_CR |= LCD_CR_MUX_SEG; } void lcd_disable_segment_multiplexing(void) { LCD_CR &= ~LCD_CR_MUX_SEG; } void lcd_set_refresh_frequency(uint32_t frequency) { uint32_t duty, lcd_clock; switch ((LCD_CR >> LCD_CR_DUTY_SHIFT) & LCD_CR_DUTY_MASK) { case LCD_CR_DUTY_STATIC: duty = 1; break; case LCD_CR_DUTY_1_2: duty = 2; break; case LCD_CR_DUTY_1_3: duty = 3; break; case LCD_CR_DUTY_1_4: duty = 4; break; case LCD_CR_DUTY_1_8: duty = 8; break; default: /* Incorrect duty */ return; } switch ((RCC_CSR >> RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_SHIFT) & RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_MASK) { case RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSE: lcd_clock = 32786; break; case RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_LSI: lcd_clock = 37000; break; case RCC_CSR_RTCSEL_HSI: lcd_clock = 16000000; break; default: /* RCC Clock not selected */ return; } /* PS * DIV = lcd_clock/(duty * freq) */ uint32_t ps_mul_div = lcd_clock / (duty * frequency); int div, ps = 0; while (ps_mul_div > 32) { ps_mul_div >>= 1; ps++; } div = ps_mul_div - 16; lcd_set_prescaler(ps); lcd_set_divider(div); }