!!omap - SDIO_CTRL: fields: !!omap - CONTROLLER_RESET: access: rw description: Controller reset lsb: 0 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - FIFO_RESET: access: rw description: FIFO reset lsb: 1 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - DMA_RESET: access: rw description: DMA reset lsb: 2 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - INT_ENABLE: access: rw description: Global interrupt enable/disable lsb: 4 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - READ_WAIT: access: rw description: Read/wait send lsb: 6 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - SEND_IRQ_RESPONSE: access: rw description: Send IRQ response lsb: 7 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - ABORT_READ_DATA: access: rw description: Abort read data lsb: 8 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - SEND_CCSD: access: rw description: Send CCSD lsb: 9 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - SEND_AUTO_STOP_CCSD: access: rw description: Send auto stop CCSD lsb: 10 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - CEATA_DEVICE_INTERRUPT_STATUS: access: rw description: CEATA device interrupt status lsb: 11 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - CARD_VOLTAGE_A0: access: rw description: SD_VOLT0 pin control lsb: 16 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - CARD_VOLTAGE_A1: access: rw description: SD_VOLT1 pin control lsb: 17 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - CARD_VOLTAGE_A2: access: rw description: SD_VOLT2 pin control lsb: 18 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - USE_INTERNAL_DMAC: access: rw description: SD/MMC DMA use lsb: 25 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - SDIO_PWREN: fields: !!omap - POWER_ENABLE: access: rw description: Power on/off switch for card lsb: 0 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - SDIO_CLKDIV: fields: !!omap - CLK_DIVIDER0: access: rw description: Clock divider-0 value lsb: 0 reset_value: '0' width: 8 - CLK_DIVIDER1: access: rw description: Clock divider-1 value lsb: 8 reset_value: '0' width: 8 - CLK_DIVIDER2: access: rw description: Clock divider-2 value lsb: 16 reset_value: '0' width: 8 - CLK_DIVIDER3: access: rw description: Clock divider-3 value lsb: 24 reset_value: '0' width: 8 - SDIO_CLKSRC: fields: !!omap - CLK_SOURCE: access: rw description: Clock divider source for SD card lsb: 0 reset_value: '0' width: 2 - SDIO_CLKENA: fields: !!omap - CCLK_ENABLE: access: rw description: Clock-enable control for SD card clock lsb: 0 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - CCLK_LOW_POWER: access: rw description: Low-power control for SD card clock lsb: 16 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - SDIO_TMOUT: fields: !!omap - RESPONSE_TIMEOUT: access: rw description: Response time-out value lsb: 0 reset_value: '0x40' width: 8 - DATA_TIMEOUT: access: rw description: Value for card data read time-out lsb: 8 reset_value: '0xffffff' width: 24 - SDIO_CTYPE: fields: !!omap - CARD_WIDTH0: access: rw description: Indicates if card is 1-bit or 4-bit lsb: 0 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - CARD_WIDTH1: access: rw description: Indicates if card is 8-bit lsb: 16 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - SDIO_BLKSIZ: fields: !!omap - BLOCK_SIZE: access: rw description: Block size lsb: 0 reset_value: '0x200' width: 16 - SDIO_BYTCNT: fields: !!omap - BYTE_COUNT: access: rw description: Number of bytes to be transferred lsb: 0 reset_value: '0x200' width: 32 - SDIO_INTMASK: fields: !!omap - CDET: access: rw description: Card detect lsb: 0 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - RE: access: rw description: Response error lsb: 1 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - CDONE: access: rw description: Command done lsb: 2 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - DTO: access: rw description: Data transfer over lsb: 3 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - TXDR: access: rw description: Transmit FIFO data request lsb: 4 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - RXDR: access: rw description: Receive FIFO data request lsb: 5 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - RCRC: access: rw description: Response CRC error lsb: 6 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - DCRC: access: rw description: Data CRC error lsb: 7 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - RTO: access: rw description: Response time-out lsb: 8 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - DRTO: access: rw description: Data read time-out lsb: 9 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - HTO: access: rw description: Data starvation-by-host time-out/volt_switch_int lsb: 10 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - FRUN: access: rw description: FIFO underrun/overrun error lsb: 11 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - HLE: access: rw description: Hardware locked write error lsb: 12 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - SBE: access: rw description: Start-bit error lsb: 13 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - ACD: access: rw description: Auto command done lsb: 14 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - EBE: access: rw description: End-bit error (read)/Write no CRC lsb: 15 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - SDIO_INT_MASK: access: rw description: Mask SDIO interrupt lsb: 16 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - SDIO_CMDARG: fields: !!omap - CMD_ARG: access: rw description: Value indicates command argument to be passed to card lsb: 0 reset_value: '0' width: 32 - SDIO_CMD: fields: !!omap - CMD_INDEX: access: rw description: Command index lsb: 0 reset_value: '0' width: 6 - RESPONSE_EXPECT: access: rw description: Response expect lsb: 6 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - RESPONSE_LENGTH: access: rw description: Response length lsb: 7 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - CHECK_RESPONSE_CRC: access: rw description: Check response CRC lsb: 8 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - DATA_EXPECTED: access: rw description: Data expected lsb: 9 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - READ_WRITE: access: rw description: Read/write lsb: 10 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - TRANSFER_MODE: access: rw description: Transfer mode lsb: 11 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - SEND_AUTO_STOP: access: rw description: Send auto stop lsb: 12 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - WAIT_PRVDATA_COMPLETE: access: rw description: Wait prvdata complete lsb: 13 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - STOP_ABORT_CMD: access: rw description: Stop abort command lsb: 14 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - SEND_INITIALIZATION: access: rw description: Send initialization lsb: 15 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - UPDATE_CLOCK_REGISTERS_ONLY: access: rw description: Update clock registers only lsb: 21 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - READ_CEATA_DEVICE: access: rw description: Read CEATA device lsb: 22 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - CCS_EXPECTED: access: rw description: CCS expected lsb: 23 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - ENABLE_BOOT: access: rw description: Enable boot lsb: 24 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - EXPECT_BOOT_ACK: access: rw description: Expect boot acknowledge lsb: 25 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - DISABLE_BOOT: access: rw description: Disable boot lsb: 26 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - BOOT_MODE: access: rw description: Boot mode lsb: 27 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - VOLT_SWITCH: access: rw description: Voltage switch bit lsb: 28 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - START_CMD: access: rw description: Start command lsb: 31 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - SDIO_RESP0: fields: !!omap - RESPONSE0: access: rw description: Bit[31:0] of response lsb: 0 reset_value: '0' width: 32 - SDIO_RESP1: fields: !!omap - RESPONSE1: access: rw description: Bit[63:32] of long response lsb: 0 reset_value: '0' width: 32 - SDIO_RESP2: fields: !!omap - RESPONSE2: access: rw description: Bit[95:64] of long response lsb: 0 reset_value: '0' width: 32 - SDIO_RESP3: fields: !!omap - RESPONSE3: access: rw description: Bit[127:96] of long response lsb: 0 reset_value: '0' width: 32 - SDIO_MINTSTS: fields: !!omap - CDET: access: rw description: Card detect lsb: 0 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - RE: access: rw description: Response error lsb: 1 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - CDONE: access: rw description: Command done lsb: 2 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - DTO: access: rw description: Data transfer over lsb: 3 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - TXDR: access: rw description: Transmit FIFO data request lsb: 4 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - RXDR: access: rw description: Receive FIFO data request lsb: 5 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - RCRC: access: rw description: Response CRC error lsb: 6 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - DCRC: access: rw description: Data CRC error lsb: 7 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - RTO: access: rw description: Response time-out lsb: 8 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - DRTO: access: rw description: Data read time-out lsb: 9 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - HTO: access: rw description: Data starvation-by-host time-out lsb: 10 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - FRUN: access: rw description: FIFO underrun/overrun error lsb: 11 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - HLE: access: rw description: Hardware locked write error lsb: 12 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - SBE: access: rw description: Start-bit error lsb: 13 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - ACD: access: rw description: Auto command done lsb: 14 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - EBE: access: rw description: End-bit error (read)/write no CRC lsb: 15 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - SDIO_INTERRUPT: access: rw description: Interrupt from SDIO card lsb: 16 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - SDIO_RINTSTS: fields: !!omap - CDET: access: rw description: Card detect lsb: 0 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - RE: access: rw description: Response error lsb: 1 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - CDONE: access: rw description: Command done lsb: 2 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - DTO: access: rw description: Data transfer over lsb: 3 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - TXDR: access: rw description: Transmit FIFO data request lsb: 4 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - RXDR: access: rw description: Receive FIFO data request lsb: 5 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - RCRC: access: rw description: Response CRC error lsb: 6 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - DCRC: access: rw description: Data CRC error lsb: 7 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - RTO_BAR: access: rw description: Response time-out (RTO)/boot ack received (BAR) lsb: 8 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - DRTO_BDS: access: rw description: Data read time-out (DRTO)/boot data start (BDS) lsb: 9 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - HTO: access: rw description: Data starvation-by-host time-out lsb: 10 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - FRUN: access: rw description: FIFO underrun/overrun error lsb: 11 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - HLE: access: rw description: Hardware locked write error lsb: 12 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - SBE: access: rw description: Start-bit error lsb: 13 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - ACD: access: rw description: Auto command done lsb: 14 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - EBE: access: rw description: End-bit error (read)/write no CRC lsb: 15 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - SDIO_INTERRUPT: access: rw description: Interrupt from SDIO card lsb: 16 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - SDIO_STATUS: fields: !!omap - FIFO_RX_WATERMARK: access: rw description: FIFO reached receive watermark level lsb: 0 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - FIFO_TX_WATERMARK: access: rw description: FIFO reached transmit watermark level lsb: 1 reset_value: '1' width: 1 - FIFO_EMPTY: access: rw description: FIFO is empty lsb: 2 reset_value: '1' width: 1 - FIFO_FULL: access: rw description: FIFO is full lsb: 3 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - CMDFSMSTATES: access: rw description: Command FSM states lsb: 4 reset_value: '0' width: 4 - DATA_3_STATUS: access: rw description: Raw selected card_data[3] lsb: 8 reset_value: '' width: 1 - DATA_BUSY: access: rw description: Inverted version of raw selected card_data[0] lsb: 9 reset_value: '' width: 1 - DATA_STATE_MC_BUSY: access: rw description: Data transmit or receive state-machine is busy lsb: 10 reset_value: '1' width: 1 - RESPONSE_INDEX: access: rw description: Index of previous response lsb: 11 reset_value: '0' width: 6 - FIFO_COUNT: access: rw description: Number of filled locations in FIFO lsb: 17 reset_value: '0' width: 13 - DMA_ACK: access: rw description: DMA acknowledge signal lsb: 30 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - DMA_REQ: access: rw description: DMA request signal lsb: 31 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - SDIO_FIFOTH: fields: !!omap - TX_WMARK: access: rw description: FIFO threshold watermark level when transmitting data to card lsb: 0 reset_value: '0' width: 12 - RX_WMARK: access: rw description: FIFO threshold watermark level when receiving data from card lsb: 16 reset_value: '0x1f' width: 12 - DMA_MTS: access: rw description: Burst size of multiple transaction lsb: 28 reset_value: '0' width: 3 - SDIO_CDETECT: fields: !!omap - CARD_DETECT: access: rw description: Card detect - 0 represents presence of card lsb: 0 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - SDIO_WRTPRT: fields: !!omap - WRITE_PROTECT: access: rw description: Write protect - 1 represents write protection lsb: 0 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - SDIO_TCBCNT: fields: !!omap - TRANS_CARD_BYTE_COUNT: access: rw description: Number of bytes transferred by CIU unit to card lsb: 0 reset_value: '0' width: 32 - SDIO_TBBCNT: fields: !!omap - TRANS_FIFO_BYTE_COUNT: access: rw description: Number of bytes transferred between host/DMA memory and BIU FIFO lsb: 0 reset_value: '0' width: 32 - SDIO_DEBNCE: fields: !!omap - DEBOUNCE_COUNT: access: rw description: Number of host clocks used by debounce filter logic for card detect lsb: 0 reset_value: '0xffffff' width: 24 - SDIO_RST_N: fields: !!omap - CARD_RESET: access: rw description: Hardware reset lsb: 0 reset_value: '1' width: 1 - SDIO_BMOD: fields: !!omap - SWR: access: rw description: Software reset lsb: 0 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - FB: access: rw description: Fixed burst lsb: 1 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - DSL: access: rw description: Descriptor skip length lsb: 2 reset_value: '0' width: 5 - DE: access: rw description: SD/MMC DMA enable lsb: 7 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - PBL: access: rw description: Programmable burst length lsb: 8 reset_value: '0' width: 3 - SDIO_PLDMND: fields: !!omap - PD: access: rw description: Poll demand lsb: 0 reset_value: '' width: 32 - SDIO_DBADDR: fields: !!omap - SDL: access: rw description: Start of descriptor list lsb: 0 reset_value: '0' width: 32 - SDIO_IDSTS: fields: !!omap - TI: access: rw description: Transmit interrupt lsb: 0 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - RI: access: rw description: Receive interrupt lsb: 1 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - FBE: access: rw description: Fatal bus error interrupt lsb: 2 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - DU: access: rw description: Descriptor unavailable interrupt lsb: 4 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - CES: access: rw description: Card error summary lsb: 5 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - NIS: access: rw description: Normal interrupt summary lsb: 8 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - AIS: access: rw description: Abnormal interrupt summary lsb: 9 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - EB: access: rw description: Error bits lsb: 10 reset_value: '0' width: 3 - FSM: access: rw description: DMAC state machine present state lsb: 13 reset_value: '0' width: 4 - SDIO_IDINTEN: fields: !!omap - TI: access: rw description: Transmit interrupt enable lsb: 0 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - RI: access: rw description: Receive interrupt enable lsb: 1 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - FBE: access: rw description: Fatal bus error enable lsb: 2 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - DU: access: rw description: Descriptor unavailable interrupt lsb: 4 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - CES: access: rw description: Card error summary interrupt lsb: 5 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - NIS: access: rw description: Normal interrupt summary enable lsb: 8 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - AIS: access: rw description: Abnormal interrupt summary enable lsb: 9 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - SDIO_DSCADDR: fields: !!omap - HDA: access: rw description: Host descriptor address pointer lsb: 0 reset_value: '0' width: 32 - SDIO_BUFADDR: fields: !!omap - HBA: access: rw description: Host buffer address pointer lsb: 0 reset_value: '0' width: 32