/** @addtogroup uart_defines * * @brief Access functions for the NRF51 UART * @ingroup NRF51_defines * LGPL License Terms @ref lgpl_license * @author @htmlonly © @endhtmlonly 2016 * Maxim Sloyko * */ /* * This file is part of the unicore-mx project. * * This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this library. If not, see . */ #include #include /** @brief Enable the peripheral * * @param[in] uart uint32_t uart base */ void uart_enable(uint32_t uart) { UART_ENABLE(uart) = UART_ENABLE_ENABLED; } /** @brief Disable the peripheral * * @param[in] uart uint32_t uart base */ void uart_disable(uint32_t uart) { UART_ENABLE(uart) = UART_ENABLE_DISABLED; } /** @brief Configure UART parameters in single call * * @details Any pin number can be set to 0xff (or any number larger than UART_MAX_PIN) * to disconnect that pin. * * @param[in] uart uint32_t uart base * @param[in] tx_pin uint8_t TX pin number * @param[in] rx_pin uint8_t RX pin number * @param[in] rts_pin uint8_t RTS pin number * @param[in] cts_pin uint8_t CTS pin number * @param[in] baud enum uart_baud baud rate * @param[in] enable_parity bool If true, enable parity bit */ void uart_configure(uint32_t uart, uint32_t tx_pin, uint32_t rx_pin, uint32_t rts_pin, uint32_t cts_pin, enum uart_baud br, bool enable_parity) { uart_set_pins(uart, rx_pin, tx_pin, cts_pin, rts_pin); uint32_t reg_config = enable_parity ? UART_CONFIG_PARITY : 0; if (rts_pin <= UART_MAX_PIN || cts_pin <= UART_MAX_PIN) { reg_config |= UART_CONFIG_HWFC; } UART_CONFIG(uart) = reg_config; uart_set_baudrate(uart, br); } void uart_set_pins(uint32_t uart, uint32_t rx, uint32_t tx, uint32_t cts, uint32_t rts) { UART_PSELTXD(uart) = UART_PSEL_VAL(GPIO2PIN(tx)); UART_PSELRXD(uart) = UART_PSEL_VAL(GPIO2PIN(rx)); UART_PSELRTS(uart) = UART_PSEL_VAL(GPIO2PIN(rts)); UART_PSELCTS(uart) = UART_PSEL_VAL(GPIO2PIN(cts)); } void uart_set_baudrate(uint32_t uart, enum uart_baud br) { UART_BAUDRATE(uart) = br; } void uart_set_parity(uint32_t uart, int parity) { UART_CONFIG(uart) |= parity ? UART_CONFIG_PARITY : 0; } void uart_set_flow_control(uint32_t uart, int flow) { UART_CONFIG(uart) |= flow ? UART_CONFIG_HWFC : 0; } void uart_start_tx(uint32_t uart) { periph_trigger_task(UART_TASK_STARTTX((uart))); } void uart_send(uint32_t uart, uint16_t byte) { UART_TXD((uart)) = byte; } void uart_stop_tx(uint32_t uart) { periph_trigger_task(UART_TASK_STOPTX((uart))); } void uart_start_rx(uint32_t uart) { periph_trigger_task(UART_TASK_STARTRX((uart))); } uint16_t uart_recv(uint32_t uart) { return UART_RXD(uart); } void uart_stop_rx(uint32_t uart) { periph_trigger_task(UART_TASK_STOPRX((uart))); }