ekardnam 4 years ago
10 changed files with 406 additions and 568 deletions
  1. 1 0
  2. 26 0
  3. 197 0
  4. 34 0
  5. 54 0
  6. 0 189
  7. 58 0
  8. 0 376
  9. 16 3
  10. 20 0

+ 1 - 0

@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@

+ 26 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+let oauth = require('./oauth.js')
+let storage = require('./storage.js')
+let bot = require('./bot.js')
+const crypto = require('crypto')
+// main
+let main = () => {
+  storage.init()
+  if (!storage.data.sess_secret) {
+    storage.data.sess_secret = crypto.randomBytes(128).toString('base64')
+    storage.save()
+  }
+  if (storage.data.token && storage.data.token_secret) {
+    console.log("[INFO] Starting bot")
+    bot.start()
+  } else {
+    oauth.start()
+  }

+ 197 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+let Mastodon = require('mastodon')
+let Twit = require('twit')
+// for downloading and saving media
+const https = require('https')
+const fs = require('fs')
+const mime = require('mime-types')
+// load the configuration
+const config = require('./config.js')
+let storage = require('./storage.js')
+const TWITTER_MAX_CHARS = 280
+const TWITTER_IMAGE_MAX_CHARS = 140 //?
+function readBase64(filename) {
+  let buf = fs.readFileSync(filename)
+  let b64 = buf.toString('base64')
+  return b64
+let bot = {
+  lastPostDate: new Date().getTime(),
+  // splits a tweet into pieces that are less than TWITTER_MAX_CHARS long
+  splitTweet: function (post, pieces = []) {
+    if (post.length > TWITTER_MAX_CHARS) {
+      let index = TWITTER_MAX_CHARS - 3 // 3 for appending ...
+      while (post.charAt(index) !== ' ' && index > 0) index--
+      if (index === 0) {
+        /*if a word if longer than TWITTER_MAX_CHARS-3 split the word*/
+        index = TWITTER_MAX_CHARS - 3
+      }
+      return this.splitTweet(post.substring(index+1), pieces.concat([post.substring(0, index) + '...']))
+    }
+    return pieces.concat([post])
+  },
+  splitForImage: function (post) {
+    if (post.length > TWITTER_IMAGE_MAX_CHARS) {
+      let index = TWITTER_IMAGE_MAX_CHARS - 3 // 3 for appending ...
+      while (post.charAt(index) !== ' ' && index > 0) index--
+      if (index === 0) {
+        /*if a word if longer than TWITTER_MAX_CHARS-3 split the word*/
+        index = TWITTER_IMAGE_MAX_CHARS - 3
+      }
+      return [post.substring(0, index) + '...', post.substring(index+1)]
+    }
+    return [post]
+  },
+  // post to twitter with media attachments
+  // Size restrictions for uploading via API
+  //    Image 5MB
+  //    GIF 15MB
+  //    Video 15MB
+  // medias is an array of filenames
+  twitterPostWithMedias: function (post, medias) {
+    let pieces = this.splitForImage(post)
+    let uploads = []
+    for (let media of medias) {
+      let b64content = readBase64(media)
+      uploads.push(
+        new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+          this.twitter.post('media/upload', { media_data: b64content }, (err, data, response) => {
+            if (err) reject(err)
+            else resolve(data)
+          })
+        })
+      )
+    }
+    return Promise.all(uploads).then(datas => {
+      let mediaIds = datas.map(data => data.media_id_string)
+      let altText =  'test'
+      mediaIds.forEach(mediaId => {
+        this.twitter.post('media/metadata/create', { media_id: mediaId, alt_text: { text: altText } }, (err, data, response) => {
+          if (!err) {
+            this.twitter.post('statuses/update', { status: pieces[0], media_ids: mediaIds }, (err, data, response) => {
+              if (!err) {
+                console.log(`[INFO] Tweeted ${post} with ${medias}`)
+                if (pieces.length > 1) this.twitterPost(pieces[1], data.id_str)
+              } else throw err
+            })
+          } else throw err
+        })
+      })
+    })
+  },
+  // post to twitter
+  // if post is longer than TWITTER_MAX_CHARS divides in multiple tweets
+  twitterPost: function (post, reply = null) {
+    let replyTo = reply
+    let success = true
+    this.splitTweet(post).forEach((piece) => {
+      this.twitter.post('statuses/update', { status: piece, in_reply_to_status_id: replyTo }, (err, data, response) => {
+        if (err) {
+          success = false
+          console.error(err)
+        } else {
+          replyTo = data.id_str
+        }
+      })
+    })
+    if (success) console.log(`[INFO] Tweeted ${post}`)
+  },
+  // downloads a file from the given url and saves it to temp dir
+  downloadFile: function(url, name, temp = '/tmp') {
+    return new Promise(resolve => {
+      https.get(url, response => {
+        let ext = mime.extension(response.headers['content-type'])
+        let filename = `${temp}/${name}.${ext}`
+        const file = fs.createWriteStream(filename)
+        const stream = response.pipe(file)
+        stream.on('finish', () => {
+          console.log(`[INFO] Downloaded ${url} to ${filename}`)
+          resolve(filename)
+        })
+      })
+    })
+  },
+  // makes a post formatted for twitter
+  // mastodon returns posts in HTML
+  twitterFormat: function(post) {
+    post = post.replace('<br/>', '\n') // new lines
+    post = post.replace('<p>', '')
+    post = post.replace('</p>', '\n')
+    return post
+  },
+  // poll on mastodon status updates
+  start: function() {
+    this.twitter = new Twit({
+      consumer_key:         config.twitter_consumer_key,
+      consumer_secret:      config.twitter_consumer_secret,
+      access_token:         storage.data.token,
+      access_token_secret:  storage.data.token_secret,
+      timeout_ms:           60*1000,  // optional HTTP request timeout to apply to all requests
+      strictSSL:            true,     // optional - requires SSL certificates to be valid
+    })
+    this.mastodon = new Mastodon({
+      access_token: config.mastodon_token,
+      timeout_ms: 60*1000,  // optional HTTP request timeout to apply to all requests.
+      api_url: `https://${config.instance}/api/v1/`, // optional, defaults to https://mastodon.social/api/v1/
+    })
+    setInterval(() => {
+      this.mastodon.get('timelines/home', {}).then(resp => {
+        let lastPostDateRecord = this.lastPostDate
+        resp.data
+          .filter(it => it.account.username === config.mastodon_user)
+          .filter(it => Date.parse(it.created_at) > this.lastPostDate)
+          .forEach((status) => {
+            let date = Date.parse(status.created_at)
+            if (date > lastPostDateRecord) lastPostDateRecord = date
+            if (status.media_attachments.length > 0) {
+                let downloads = status.media_attachments.map(media =>
+                  this.downloadFile(media.url, media.id)
+                )
+                Promise.all(downloads)
+                .then(files => {
+                  this.twitterPostWithMedias(this.twitterFormat(status.content), files)
+                  .then(() => {
+                    files.forEach(file => {
+                      fs.unlink(file, (err) => {
+                        if (err) throw err
+                        console.log(`[INFO] Deleted ${file}`)
+                      })
+                    })
+                  }).catch(e => { console.error(e) })
+                }).catch(err => { console.error(err) })
+            } else {
+              this.twitterPost(this.twitterFormat(status.content))
+            }
+          })
+          this.lastPostDate = lastPostDateRecord
+        })
+    }, 10000)
+  }
+module.exports = bot

+ 34 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@

+ 54 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@

+ 0 - 189

@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-let Mastodon = require('mastodon')
-let Twit = require('twit')
-// for downloading and saving media
-const https = require('https')
-const fs = require('fs')
-const mime = require('mime-types')
-// load the configuration
-const config = require('./config.js')
-const TWITTER_MAX_CHARS = 280
-const TWITTER_IMAGE_MAX_CHARS = 140 //?
-let twitter = new Twit({
-  consumer_key:         config.twitter_consumer_key,
-  consumer_secret:      config.twitter_consumer_secret,
-  access_token:         config.twitter_access_token,
-  access_token_secret:  config.twitter_access_token_secret,
-  timeout_ms:           60*1000,  // optional HTTP request timeout to apply to all requests
-  strictSSL:            true,     // optional - requires SSL certificates to be valid
-let mastodon = new Mastodon({
-  access_token: config.mastodon_token,
-  timeout_ms: 60*1000,  // optional HTTP request timeout to apply to all requests.
-  api_url: `https://${config.instance}/api/v1/`, // optional, defaults to https://mastodon.social/api/v1/
-let lastPostDate = new Date().getTime()
-// splits a tweet into pieces that are less than TWITTER_MAX_CHARS long
-function splitTweet(post, pieces = []) {
-  if (post.length > TWITTER_MAX_CHARS) {
-    let index = TWITTER_MAX_CHARS - 3 // 3 for appending ...
-    while (post.charAt(index) !== ' ' && index > 0) index--
-    if (index === 0) {
-      /*if a word if longer than TWITTER_MAX_CHARS-3 split the word*/
-      index = TWITTER_MAX_CHARS - 3
-    }
-    return splitTweet(post.substring(index+1), pieces.concat([post.substring(0, index) + '...']))
-  }
-  return pieces.concat([post])
-function splitForImage(post) {
-  if (post.length > TWITTER_IMAGE_MAX_CHARS) {
-    let index = TWITTER_IMAGE_MAX_CHARS - 3 // 3 for appending ...
-    while (post.charAt(index) !== ' ' && index > 0) index--
-    if (index === 0) {
-      /*if a word if longer than TWITTER_MAX_CHARS-3 split the word*/
-      index = TWITTER_IMAGE_MAX_CHARS - 3
-    }
-    return [post.substring(0, index) + '...', post.substring(index+1)]
-  }
-  return [post]
-function readBase64(filename) {
-  let buf = fs.readFileSync(filename)
-  let b64 = buf.toString('base64')
-  return b64
-// post to twitter with media attachments
-// Size restrictions for uploading via API
-//    Image 5MB
-//    GIF 15MB
-//    Video 15MB
-// medias is an array of filenames
-function twitterPostWithMedias(post, medias) {
-  let pieces = splitForImage(twitterFormat(post))
-  let uploads = []
-  for (let media of medias) {
-    let b64content = readBase64(media)
-    uploads.push(
-      new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
-        twitter.post('media/upload', { media_data: b64content }, (err, data, response) => {
-          if (err) reject(err)
-          else resolve(data)
-        })
-      })
-    )
-  }
-  return Promise.all(uploads).then(datas => {
-    let mediaIds = datas.map(data => data.media_id_string)
-    let altText =  'test'
-    mediaIds.forEach(mediaId => {
-      twitter.post('media/metadata/create', { media_id: mediaId, alt_text: { text: altText } }, (err, data, response) => {
-        if (!err) {
-          twitter.post('statuses/update', { status: pieces[0], media_ids: mediaIds }, (err, data, response) => {
-            if (!err) {
-              console.log(`[INFO] Tweeted ${post} with ${medias}`)
-              if (pieces.length > 1) twitterPost(pieces[1], data.id_str)
-            } else throw err
-          })
-        } else throw err
-      })
-    })
-  })
-// post to twitter
-// if post is longer than TWITTER_MAX_CHARS divides in multiple tweets
-function twitterPost(post, reply = null) {
-  let replyTo = reply
-  let success = true
-  splitTweet(post).forEach((piece) => {
-    twitter.post('statuses/update', { status: piece, in_reply_to_status_id: replyTo }, (err, data, response) => {
-      if (err) {
-        success = false
-        console.error(err)
-      } else {
-        replyTo = data.id_str
-      }
-    })
-  })
-  if (success) console.log(`[INFO] Tweeted ${post}`)
-// downloads a file from the given url and saves it to temp dir
-function downloadFile(url, name, temp = '/tmp') {
-  return new Promise(resolve => {
-    https.get(url, response => {
-      let ext = mime.extension(response.headers['content-type'])
-      let filename = `${temp}/${name}.${ext}`
-      const file = fs.createWriteStream(filename)
-      const stream = response.pipe(file)
-      stream.on('finish', () => {
-        console.log(`[INFO] Downloaded ${url} to ${filename}`)
-        resolve(filename)
-      })
-    })
-  })
-// makes a post formatted for twitter
-// mastodon returns posts in HTML
-function twitterFormat(post) {
-  post = post.replace('<br/>', '\n') // new lines
-  post = post.replace('<p>', '')
-  post = post.replace('</p>', '\n')
-  return post
-// poll on mastodon status updates
-setInterval(() => {
-  mastodon.get('timelines/home', {}).then(resp => {
-    let lastPostDateRecord = lastPostDate
-    resp.data
-      .filter(it => it.account.username === config.mastodon_user)
-      .filter(it => Date.parse(it.created_at) > lastPostDate)
-      .forEach((status) => {
-        let date = Date.parse(status.created_at)
-        if (date > lastPostDateRecord) lastPostDateRecord = date
-        if (status.media_attachments.length > 0) {
-            let downloads = status.media_attachments.map(media =>
-              downloadFile(media.url, media.id)
-            )
-            Promise.all(downloads)
-            .then(files => {
-              twitterPostWithMedias(twitterFormat(status.content), files)
-              .then(() => {
-                files.forEach(file => {
-                  fs.unlink(file, (err) => {
-                    if (err) throw err
-                    console.log(`[INFO] Deleted ${file}`)
-                  })
-                })
-              }).catch(e => { console.error(e) })
-            }).catch(err => { console.error(err) })
-        } else {
-          twitterPost(twitterFormat(status.content))
-        }
-      })
-      lastPostDate = lastPostDateRecord
-    })
-}, 10000)

+ 58 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+const express = require('express')
+const fs = require('fs')
+const https = require('https')
+const passport = require('passport')
+const TwitterStrategy = require('passport-twitter').Strategy
+let config = require('./config.js')
+let storage = require('./storage.js')
+let oauth = {
+  start: function() {
+    let app = express()
+    app.use(require('express-session')({
+      secret: storage.data.sess_secret,
+      resave: true,
+      saveUninitialized: true
+    }));
+    app.use(passport.initialize())
+    app.use(passport.session({ secret: storage.data.sess_secret }))
+    passport.use(new TwitterStrategy({
+        consumerKey: config.twitter_consumer_key,
+        consumerSecret: config.twitter_consumer_secret,
+        callbackURL: `${config.callback_url}${config.callback_path}`
+      },
+      (token, tokenSecret, profile, cb) => {
+        storage.data.token = token
+        storage.data.token_secret = tokenSecret
+        storage.save()
+        console.log("[INFO] Got tokens, restart!")
+      }
+    ))
+    console.log('[INFO] Starting HTTPS webserver for OAuth')
+    app.get('/', passport.authenticate('twitter'))
+    app.get(config.callback_path, passport.authenticate('twitter', {  failureRedirect: '/failed' }), (req, res) => {
+      res.redirect("/success")
+    })
+    app.get('/failed', (req, res) => res.send('Authentication failed'))
+    app.get('/success', (req, res) => res.send('Authentication success. Restart XTweet when it stops'))
+    https.createServer({
+      key: fs.readFileSync(config.key),
+      cert: fs.readFileSync(config.cert),
+      passphrase: config.passphrase
+    }, app).listen(config.port, config.bind_ip)
+    console.log(`[INFO] Server listening on ${config.bind_ip}:${config.port}`)
+  }
+module.exports = oauth;

+ 0 - 376

@@ -1,376 +0,0 @@
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-        "json-schema-traverse": "^0.4.1",
-        "uri-js": "^4.2.2"
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+ 16 - 3

@@ -3,14 +3,27 @@
   "version": "1.0.0",
   "description": "Cross tweet from Mastodon",
   "main": "main.js",
-  "scripts": {
-    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
+  "scripts": {},
+  "bin": {
+    "xtweet": "app.js"
-  "author": "",
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "https://git.lattuga.net/ekardnam/XTweet.git"
+  },
+  "bugs": {
+    "email": "ekardnam@autistici.org",
+    "url": "https://git.lattuga.net/ekardnam/XTweet/issues"
+  },
+  "author": "ekardnam <ekardnam@autistici.org>",
   "license": "AGPL-3.0-or-later",
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+ 20 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
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+const STORAGE_FILE = 'storage.json'
+let storage = {
+  init: function() {
+    if (!fs.existsSync(STORAGE_FILE)) {
+      fs.writeFileSync(STORAGE_FILE, '{}')
+    }
+    let raw = fs.readFileSync(STORAGE_FILE)
+    this.data = JSON.parse(raw)
+  },
+  save: function() {
+    fs.writeFileSync(STORAGE_FILE, JSON.stringify(this.data))
+  }
+module.exports = storage;